E.W. King is all giddy tonight over a miraculous event that happened in his little personality cult. While he was holding a Bible Study in a small cabin in the mountains, 100 miles away one of his church elders had the same vision! Woo, spooky!
Of course, King now runs the worlds best COG ever to exist. Even Dave Pack is in impotent little pussy man compared to E. W. King and his mighty message!!!!!
This telepathic message from his god proves to King that his work is the only true work following his god. Not Jesus mind you, but some god that likes the law.
It is absolutely AMAZING how in these Latter-days God is again filling His church with spiritual food! God is allowing New Revelations to come through the “open door” [Revelation 3:8; Isaiah 45:1]. Just to give you an example: This week some COGSR members met with me [Mr.E.W.King] and we conducted Bible studies in an upstairs room in a home located in the mountains. One day after, (after the remnant that I was visiting with went back out into this fallen world to live and proclaim the message) I called Elder Paul, who lives far away in another state. He began to inform me that he received a special revelation while in personal study and he wanted to read what he received.
As he read I was in complete shock! The Scriptures that God showed him and how he was seeing the bigger picture, and “rightly dividing the truth”, completely agreed with the COGSR group that I myself was studying with the night before. Elder Paul received the same message we had and he is over 1000 miles away from us!
We, the final Remnant of God, are experiencing one miracle after another! We have read in the Scriptures a passage from the prophet Joel which explains that God would feed His chosen people again with spiritual food. While other groups are experiencing a spiritual famine and drought, the true Worldwide Church of God is currently experiencing a DOWN POUR! The Latter-day Watchmen are bringing forth fruit in great abundance and are sharing [proclaiming] it with others. We are and have been inviting all who study with us to share what God is showing them. We are eager to post the revelations on this church site!
Our salvation depends on doing what we know. We are commanded to learn and grow in grace [repentance] and knowledge. If we reject growth in understanding and knowledge, if we refuse to do what God reveals to us; then we stop growing and because we reject knowledge from God he will reject us, Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee”, .
Knowledge of the calendar is not a salvational issue if we do not know about it; but once we do know we no longer have the excuse of ignorance for not keeping it, and refusing to keep the new moons and High Days becomes a willful sin and most definitely becomes a salvational issue of rebellion against what we know is of God and his word. James