Thursday, November 15, 2018

In Honor of LCG's New Gospel Outreach: The Cowboy Channel

Ma! Pa! Git Out Here! Them Weston Boys Comin to Git Us!

courtesy of SHT

George Warner Adds Another Chapter To His Fascinating Life

There is more to the story about the UCG member looking for his grandfather, George Warner of Paradise, CA.  See this story:  A desperate search and an impossible Camp Fire escape: One family's fight to reunite

George was a former employee in Pasadena years ago and wrote a book about his life that was published in 2013.  It is a fascinating read on the adventuresome life of George.

He starts off rather quickly in his book describing his days in The Cult: The Worldwide Church of God and Ambassador College.

You can read parts of his story about life in the Worldwide Church of God at this link:

Dear Church members: we realize you may be too stupid to realize this, but...........

submitted by SHT
Worldwide News, 9/1/75

Could the church be more condescending? The church never trusted members to do the right thing and had to spell everything out in articles and booklets. The problem with the above statement is that it was not the members "over doing" things, it was the higher up's, the church elite and their children. excess was never something that crossed the minds of some of these people.