Friday, August 19, 2022

Satan Kept Over 3.7 Million People From Attending LCG Presentations Last Week!

LCG has supposedly been sending out their most dynamic men to do presentations pontificating on the dire situation the United States and other Israelitish nations are in. Satan is pissed and ready to wreak havoc on the world through the Catholic Church, the Beast, and Germany. Evil Germans are ready to take citizens captive or fry them in ovens in soon-to-be concentration camps scattered around the country. 

Sadly, or maybe, fortunately, that message is falling on deaf ears as Satan works his magic and keeps millions from attending LCG's presentations.

Last week, we held six Tomorrow’s World Presentations—three initial presentations, in Trois- Rivières, Quebec, Canada; Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia; and Columbus, Ohio; and three follow-ups, in Little Rock, Arkansas; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Peoria, Illinois. These presentations had a combined total of 106 guests. This week we have five presentations: four initial presentations in St. Louis, Missouri; Cookeville, Tennessee; Blue Ridge, Georgia; and Springfield, Illinois; and one follow-up in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. Thank you all for your continued prayers for these presentations.

Here are the latest population stats for these cities dating from 2017 - 2021. 

Trois- Rivières, Quebec. 137,188 
Newcastle, New South Wales 322,278

Columbus Ohio metro 2,138,926

Little Rock, Arkansas; 202,591

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 592,649

Peoria, Illinois. 402,391

The total potential audience that LCG had the potential to impact was over 3,796,023 soulsand yet they could only get 106 guests COMBINED to attend these lectures, of which probably 1/2 - 3/4 were LCG members padding the audiences.

A reader and former LCG member recently said this about the presentations:

Back when I was there, it was almost all LCG members.
Doubt if it is any different today. 
The work of God goes forth in the most powerful manner than ever before! 

LCG Friday Night Smackdown: LCG members need to strive to stop being instruments of Satan

First, we had Gerald Weston talking about how powerful his adversary is and now we have Doug Winnail doing his Friday Night Smackdown of LCG members and this same adversary. Apparently, LCG members are letting rumors, lies, false doctrines, and divisive ideas lead them straight into Satan's clutches. Their reprobate minds then lead them to thwart the plan of God so that his kingdom can't come when he had originally planned it.  Pretty heavy burdens to place upon LCG members' shoulders!

As usual, it is all LCG members' fault because they are so inept in stopping the crafty wiles of Satan from influencing them. Jesus might be able to help them if they only knew about him. Plus, their inability to resist Satan's influence has thwarted the Kingdom of God from happening sooner than needed and has delayed the return of Christ, again.

Satan’s Devices: God raised up His Church to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God (Mark 16:15), to warn the world of a coming judgment (Matthew 24), and to prepare a people to reign with Jesus Christ (Luke 1:17). Satan has tried to thwart this mission down through history. He inspired misguided individuals to physically attack and murder Jesus, go after His disciples, and cause division and spread vicious rumors and false doctrines to disrupt the Work of the early Church (1 Corinthians 1:10–13; 2 Corinthians 11:26; Galatians 1:6–9; 2 Timothy 4:14). Satan’s goal has not changed. The Bible reveals that we are in a spiritual war with a cunning adversary (Ephesians 6:10–20), who is still using the same devices today (2 Corinthians 2:11)—physical attacks, rumors, lies, false doctrines, divisive ideas, and doing whatever seems right in one’s own eyes (Judges 21:25). All this leads to confusion that distracts us from our mission and disrupts the Work of God. This is why the Apostle Paul urged the early Church to be of “the same mind and... the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10) and to “hold the traditions which you were taught” (2 Thessalonians 2:15). Peter also warned that we must be able to recognize and resist the efforts of Satan to thwart the plan of God with his divisive schemes (1 Peter 5:8–9). We must all strive to avoid being instruments in Satan’s hands if we want to be in the coming Kingdom of God.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Satan is running rampant in the LCG just like he is in the world


Gerald Weston writes about the most powerful god of the Church of God movement, so powerful that faith in Christ cannot even stem his adversarial actions. He uses bitterness to infect church members' minds so that they no longer care about LCG's "truth". Once LCG members reject LCG teachings they are immediately consumed by hatred! Who knew? That pesky adversary uses rumors about LCG corruption to destroy the minds of members.

That creature is so powerful that he has complete reign to work anywhere he likes in the Church of God. Jesus is apparently powerless in his presence. Forget about the Holy Spirit at work in Christians, since he doesn't exist, Satan can have a field day doing whatever he can to lead LCG members out of the fold!

Greetings from Charlotte, 
In these opening comments I want to highlight a fact that even some in the world are coming to recognize.There is an evil spirit at work today dividing people: politically, ethnically, culturally, racially, religiously, and in every other way possible. One part of what has been called “The Lord’s prayer” is “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:13). How often do we pray this? Satan is a far greater adversary than some realize, and he will use any issue he can to divide us, if we allow him to do so. But as Jesus implies in the sample prayer, this is not a fight we can win on our own strength. We need God’s Spirit working in us. Note also that Jesus, on the night in which He was betrayed, instructed His disciples, including Peter, to “Pray that you may not enter into temptation” (Luke 22:40, 46). We know how that turned out, as Peter’s emotions—in this case, fear— got the best of him. As humans, we too often allow our emotions to rule us and lead us to do things that we should not. Scripture warns us not to allow bitterness to take root in us (Hebrews 12:15). Once that happens, a person no longer cares about truth, only hatred and his or her perceived grievance. We know that we ought not act on rumors, but how often do we get caught up in believing things we want to hear but that may be totally untrue, or slightly altered or twisted to present a false reality? Satan is working in this world to destroy mankind, and he is working anywhere in the Church that he can to divide and destroy us. Let us remember to plead with God daily to “deliver us from the evil one,” and let us do our part by humbly drawing close to God so that the devil will flee from us (James 4:1–7).—Gerald Weston