Herbert W. Armstrong's Documented
Prophetic Record by Decade
'Church of God' ministers tend to
claim that HWA was not a false prophet - he merely speculated about future
events. Disillusioned church members tend
to claim that HWA actually was a false prophet.
Which conclusion is supported by fact?
What did HWA say about
Plain Truth May 1944 "God has called me to the special mission of
Plain Truth July 1953, p.6 "I do not speak to you by authority of
men, or any politically organized church of men - but in the name, and by the AUTHORITY of JESUS CHRIST, the living
"1975 in Prophecy", 1956, pages 10, 12,
20 "...
At the outset of this article I stated that the KEYS that had kept
prophetic doors locked and closed from human understanding have now been found
-- or, more properly, been given to us
by God ...”
Plain Truth Dec. 1956, p.3 "Is there any way to test if it really
is a prophecy? Is there any way to prove if it really is from
God? Don't take my word for it;
read it for yourself!
is full of warnings about false ministers and false prophets. The world is
filled with such men and organizations... ...God must somewhere have His work
TODAY. How do you recognize it? Here is the test Jeremiah was inspired to give:
'The prophet that prophesieth of peace, when the word of that prophet shall
HIM' (Jer. 28: 9
). That is how you can know who is preaching the truth today -
when what he says comes to pass."

who today understands what the prophets foretold? Why, only the ministers today
whose word comes to pass! - those who are appointed and guided by God to preach
the truth! ... we have been warning you
about is happening! - precisely as we have stated.... This is how you can know
that our work is not of men but of God!"
Letter Nov. 27, 1958 I'm going
to give you the frank and straightforward answer. You have the right to know
all about this great work of God-- and about me. First, let me say - - this may sound
incredible, but it's true - - JESUS CHRIST FORETOLD THIS VERY WORK - - IT IS,
and Mark 13:10

well have HWA's claims held up?
Deuteronomy 18:22
When a prophet speaks in the name of the
Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the
Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt
not be afraid of him.

1. Plain Truth, February 1934, page 3
"We may be
absolutely certain that we are in, and
for about three years have been passing through, this great world-wide
tribulation…. We have seen that the "day of His wrath" is the
"Day of the Lord," which is a day of DESTRUCTION. WHO will be able to
stand it? You can’t escape it. It is
just as CERTAIN as are all these other events which have happened right on
2. Plain
Truth, June/July 1934, page 3 HWA drew a
chronological chart of End-Time events and labeled 1936 as the end of the time
of tribulation and "the End of the Age."
Plain Truth, June/July 1934, page 5 "...the
year 1936 will see the end
of the Times of the Gentiles.... we may expect the present worldwide
depression, time of trouble and fear of war to continue until the year 1936!...
quickly after that time, we may expect to see the heavenly signs of the sun and
moon becoming dark, the stars falling.... which shall be followed by the 'Day
of the Lord."
4. Plain Truth,
1935 "Mussolini will be world
5. Plain Truth,
March 1938, p.8 "Mussolini and the Pope will hatch up an
idea between [them] of setting up a world headquarters at Jerusalem—and so
Mussolini’s armies will enter Palestine (Dan. 11:41
) and eventually will capture just half of the
city of Jerusalem!"

6. Plain Truth,
January 1939 p. 4 "Mussolini will fight Christ!"
7. Plain Truth,
August 1939, p.6 "Once war is resumed, it must continue on
thru the great Tribulation, the heavenly signs, the plagues of the Day of the
Lord, and to the second coming of Christ, at the last battle, at Armageddon!… This war will be ended by Christ’s return! And
war may start within six weeks! We are just that near Christ’s coming!"
8. Plain Truth,
1939 "Hitler will give his power to
Plain Truth, 1939 "Franco will give his power to Mussolini."
10. Plain Truth,
1939 "Ethiopia & Libya will
join USSR in WW2."
11. Plain Truth,
1939-40 "Mussolini will conquer
Egypt & Palestine."
12. Plain Truth, April/May 1940 "...Armageddon, we believe, must be at least three or four years away..."
13. Plain Truth, April/May 1940 "Democracy Doomed!" article, "Today England is a dictatorship as
absolutely as that of Hitler or Mussolini."
14. Plain Truth,
Dec 1940 "Britain will be conquered
by Nazis."
15. Plain Truth,
Dec 1940 "Turkey will turn traitor
to Britain."
16. Plain Truth,
May/June 1941 "Hitler now emerges
as the "BEAST" of Revelation!"
17. Plain Truth,
May/June 1941 "Bible prophecy ...
shows the Roman Axis forces will take Egypt, Suez, Palestine - even
18. Plain Truth,
May/June 1941 Herbert W. Armstrong: "Britain will go down."
19. Plain Truth,
Sept/October 1941 "Plain Truth
readers know world events before they occur."
20. Plain Truth,
Sept/October 1941 "Hitler MUST BE
THE VICTOR in his present Russian invasion!"
21. Plain Truth,
Sept/October 1941 "A settlement
will be reached, giving Hitler the supplies and resources he must have and
undoubtedly part of Western Siberia."
22. Plain Truth,
Sept/October 1941 "The Red Army is
unable to attack him as Hitler turns his wrecking machine to the British Isles,
the United States and Palestine."
23. Plain Truth,
Sept/October 1941 Herbert's repeated
predictions that Hitler and Mussolini would also conquer Syria, Jordan and the
rest of the Middle East during World War II.
24. Plain Truth,
Sept/October 1941 "Hitler will
emerge from this Russian campaign stronger than ever."
25. Plain Truth, September/October 1941 "Our God is now about to punish…
if our stiff-necked and rebellious people go on defying… trusting only in
material and military defense… We shall be invaded, CONQUERED, uprooted from
our homes and transplanted to other lands across the seas—ruled over as
26. Plain Truth,
1942 "Rommel will conquer Jerusalem
& Egypt with help of German army coming through Caucasus and southern
27. Co-worker letter, January 23, 1945 " Where are we, now, in the prophetic
unfolding of God's PLAN? We are already IN the very crisis at the
close of this age, spoken of by Daniel the prophet. We are in that
period portrayed by the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse—of the Book of
Revelation. Jesus explained these in His Olivet prophecy (Mat.
24). The false prophets representing a false, counterfeit Christ,
have appeared. We are now in the midst of the final age-end WORLD-WAR—nation
against nation; kingdom against kingdom! We are in the beginning of
the famine and pestilence to follow in the wake of world-war!"
28. Plain Truth,
July 1945 "Although Germany is
destroyed Japan will develop atomic bomb to destroy America."
29. Coworker Letter, December 1947 "...in
a few years NONE OF US will be living in our present homes—EVERYTHING material
we possess now will be swept away from us...it will strike DURING
cannot now be more than A FEW YEARS..."
30. Coworker Letter, December 1947 "YOU, dear Co-Worker, are
not going to be permitted to enjoy your home, your freedom, your present
privileges and pursuits, many more years. Just a few
more years—perhaps six or seven—perhaps twelve or fifteen—and a re-united
Fascist-Nazi Europe will STRIKE—America's great cities will be blown out of
existence in one night without warning...
Note: By 1947, many of HWA’s major documented
prophecies were already proven wrong. This may explain the move from Oregon to
31. Plain Truth,
March 1950 On the United Europe:
"Definitely Britain will not be in it."
32. Plain Truth, March 1950 "ONE THIRD of our
people will die from starvation, malnutrition, and epidemics of disease in the
greatest national tragedy ever to hit the world up to that time! And this is
not a fanciful fairy story - this is PROPHESIED, and CERTAIN - and in the next
33. Plain Truth,
March 1950, p.5 "It will take a few years for all this to develop to a
point where this Nazi-Fascist rebirth of the ROMAN EMPIRE will be ready to
STRIKE with the most tremendous power ever conceived by man. But it’s already
developing - and FAST! Much more rapidly than people know! Most certainly it is
easily possible the thing will be fully developed and ready to strike in SEVEN
34. Plain Truth,
August 1950 Article entitled "Hitler Did Not Die" "Thus it has been proved conclusively
and beyond doubt that Hitler did not die - his body was not there - HE HAD
35. Plain Truth,
August 1950 "The next Pope will be
a miracle worker, a supposed proof that God is using him to order and pacify
the world!"
36. Plain Truth,
October 1951, p.14 "The fact is that
nearly all the prophecies refer directly to the END-TIME events of this 20th
Century, A.D."
37. Plain Truth,
June 1952, p.5 "For it is those of
this very present generation who shall be worshiping this “Beast” or his
“Image,” or shall have received his “mark,” that will suffer the unspeakable
tortures of the SEVEN LAST PLAGUES!"
38. Plain Truth,
June 1952, p.5 "The time is at
hand! The plagues of God's WRATH will be poured out..."
39. Plain Truth,
June 1952, p.5 "Every sign tells us these things will
happen, plunging the world into the most frantic, frenzied state of anguish
40. Plain Truth,
June 1953, pp.1-2 "But now, once in
the END of this age, just before God takes all power and authority and rule
away from mortal man forever, God’s last and final intervention in the affairs
of THIS WORLD IS occurring before your very eyes!"
41. Plain Truth,
July 1953, p.4 "This same DUAL
PRINCIPLE runs all thru prophecy! First, a former, or preliminary fulfillment
which is merely the type or forerunner of a second, the final climactic
fulfillment occurring, usually, during this CRISIS AT THE CLOSE we already have
42. Plain
Truth, August 1952, p.1 "HITLER Did Not Die. Adolph Hitler's fake suicide in his Berlin
Bunker is exposed as History's greatest Hoax!
Hitler is alive, directing Nazi Underground, today!"
43. Plain
Truth, 1953 "Middle East in Prophecy" article predicts "Russia
and China will never split but will remain united until Christ's coming."
44. Plain Truth,
Nov. 1953, p.13 "’These days are
more terrible than most realize. The time is ominous, storm clouds are brewing
above and below the horizon. Within less than a quarter of a century this world
will be plunging to destruction in order that men might know once and for all
time that the Creator RULES and that His laws alone bring peace and
45. Plain Truth,
Aug.-Sep. 1954, p.1 "CATASTROPHIC
EVENTS soon to bring END OF THE WORLD!
Prophecies of BOOK OF REVELATION at last revealed!"... Here we
begin a startling, eye-opening series of articles explaining the long sealed
prophecies of the BOOKOF REVELEATION...
We are now in the very CRISIS AT THE CLOSE of this present evil and
unhappy world!"
46. Plain Truth,
Aug.-Sep. 1954, p.6 "John was
projected into the period of OUR present, and the immediate future. ... Ezekiel
was not actually taken to Jerusalem, but the SPIRIT lifted him up and carried
him IN VISION to Jerusalem. In like manner, John, IN SPIRIT, was carried to see
IN VISION the events of the DAY OF THE LORD - the events ALREADY, now,
beginning to take place on earth - the events YOU AND I SHALL LIVE TO ACTUALLY
SEE! This vision is VITAL! The theme, or subject, of the prophecy is NOT the
Middle Ages - it is the teeming, chaotic PRESENT - this very time you and I are
just now starting to LIVE THRU! GOD HELP US, then, to UNDERSTAND! And so the
very purpose of this Book is to show US of this generation NOW LIVING, the
coming world-shaking events of the DAY OF THE LORD - the time of GOD’S
JUDGMENTS at this age - END leading up to, and climaxing in, THE SECOND COMING
OF CHRIST, and the happy, peaceful WORLD TOMORROW!"
47. Plain Truth,
Oct. 1954, p.3 "John appears to be
taken up to heaven, to the very throne of God. There, projected some 1900 years
into the future - into our PRESENT LIVING GENERATION - he sees, in VISION, the
events already occurring, and those SOON TO TAKE PLACE, on the earth."
48. Plain Truth, Oct. 1954, p.15 "But in verse 14, Jesus interrupted to
tell them WHEN the end shall come - AFTER THE VERY EVENT NOW TAKING PLACE -
]. ... And THAT’S
YOUR EARS! He that hath an ear to hear, LET HIM HEAR! ... so here we have THREE
successive world-shaking events to come-first, and, now, NEXT to occur in a
very few years, THE GREAT TRIBULATION."

49. Plain Truth,
Nov-Dec. 1954, pp.15-16 "We are now
in the very WORLD-CRISIS at the CLOSE of the allotted duration of man’s rule
over his fellows."
50. Plain Truth,
Nov-Dec. 1954, p.16 "A Prophecy
for Today!" "This last resurrection - the TENTH - has, of
necessity, to be in OUR TIME, and YET IN THE FUTURE ... There you have it! The
TEN Dictatorships forming the UNITED EUROPEAN EMPIRE - a resurrected ROMAN
EMPIRE - which the United States and the British governments are now bending
every effort to bring about! But this United Europe will not cleave together
long - IT COULDN’T! The prophecy reveals its very SHORT duration - 'must
continue a SHORT SPACE,' - 'receive power as kings ONE HOUR with the Beast.'
WHEN it, therefore, arises, THE SECOND COMING WORLD will be very NEAR. And
today we SEE this very thing BEING FORMED. It may take a very few more years.
But it is ON ITS WAY - conditions are shaping to this end far more rapidly than
anyone seems to realize - yes, IT’S LATER THAN YOU THINK! These things are
already BEGINNING to come to pass!"
51. Plain Truth,
Jan. 1955, p.1 "Weather Bureau
experts are frankly frightened about America‘s future. They KNOW that within 20
years this nation will be toppled from its dizzy economic heights by the worst
drought in history! Here are the FACTS and what prophecy says WILL
52. Plain Truth,
Jan. 1955, p.1 "Prophecy proves it
[great drought] will happen - before 1975! Here are the FACTS."
53. Plain Truth,
Jan. 1955, p.3 "WE CAN understand
it [prophecy - specifically Revelation], because JESUS CHRIST is the Revelator!
HE is the interpreter! And we have found HIS interpretation, which is TRUE!
Yes, we CAN know where world affairs today are LEADING. We CAN know what’s
GOING to happen during the next 5, 10, and 20 years!"
54. Plain Truth,
Feb.-Mar. 1955, p.1 "WORLD WAR IS
55. Plain Truth,
Sep. 1955, p.1 "Here is an amazing
prophecy, which few understand, yet which explains the real meaning behind
Russia’s struggle for world dominion. It explains what‘s going to happen to our
1975 in Prophecy, 1956, on p. 20,
paragraph 6, HWA writes: "Yes, millions of lukewarm inactive professing
Christians will suffer martyrdom, and that before the anticipated push-button year of 1975 dawns upon us!"
Then on p. 31, paragraph 10, he writes: "your fate, and I say to you on
authority of God Almighty that it is absolutely sure!"
Plain Truth, Feb. 1956 P. 1
"U.S.A. Riding to Total Collapse in 20 Short Years!"
article "You're
going to be shocked to
read what goes on undercover in
the United States. Five major vices threaten the total
collapse of our country inside
of 20 years. The handwriting is on
the wall of America, now!"
Truth, February 1956 Same article "...I've shown you from the very word of
God what is next coming in prophesied events...It's prophesied for 15
to 20 years or less."
59. Plain Truth,
Apr. 1956, p.2 "He has revealed
that there remains only the one more 19-year cycle (of which we are well into
the 4th year already) - after which it will be Too LATE!!! It’s far later than
we think!"
60. Plain Truth,
Apr. 1956, p.22 "What happens by
the middle of the 1960s ... This SEVEN YEARS of national trouble takes us - if
the dates which appear so definitely indicated by these prophecies are correct
- from 1965 to 1972! Many of you will remember that over three years ago we
told you of the strong indication that the last half of this - Gods-work of
spreading the gospel of the Kingdom of God to all the world would probably end
in 1972!"
61. Plain Truth,
Apr. 1956, p.23 "Notice what God
says is going to happen to our people in about ten years from now!" [severe
drought, war, economic collapse, slavery...]
62. Plain Truth,
May 1956, p.1 "WOULD you say that
it is an amazing thing if 2600 years ago there were men who could look down
into the future and foretell what is going to happen to Egypt? - and to all
major nations in the next 15 or 20 years in this last half of the 20th century?
You would say that that is impossible, I suppose. But Is It? Such men did
exist! Such prophecies were made."
63. Plain Truth,
July 1956, pp.3-4 "To understand
the time, the place, and all the facts of the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, we need
to begin at the 1st chapter of Ezekiel’s prophecy and read the book clear
through. ... Ezekiel’s Message is for our day - and it is, therefore, a message
for America and Britain, NOW! ... No such destruction and captivity has ever
yet come to the House of Israel since this was written! Therefore it is still
in the future - IN OUR TIME! It is a warning to Britain and America -
64. Plain Truth,
July 1956, p. 4 "Coming to chapter
6, the local scene of the vision shifts to the mountainous land of Palestine -
but the MESSAGE is for AMERICA AND BRITAIN, today!"
65. Plain Truth,
Sept. 1956, p. 14 "If YOU would
rather hear God’s Truth in place of the soothing cries of 'Peace, Peace' (Jer.
6: 14
), write in immediately for Mr. Armstrong’s AMAZING booklet, '1975 in
Prophecy!' This startling booklet is profusely illustrated with
pictures-actually showing you a step-by-step account of what God says IS GOING
TO HAPPEN within the next 10, 15 to 25 years!"

66. Plain Truth,
Sept. 1956, p. 20 "No matter WHAT
the immediate and temporary outcome of the present Suez Canal crisis, Britain
and America will not have control of it when this amalgamated European power
rises up-and it will occur inside of 15 or 16 more years - perhaps
67. Plain Truth,
Oct. 1956, p. 18 [article title: "The SUEZ Crisis In Prophecy!"]"The
Nazi underground is now plotting a war that shall end AT ARMAGEDDON! It is the
START of the final WORLD WAR! It is NOW being prepared UNDERCOVER! Do you
really REALIZE it? IT IS STARTING NOW! This war now secretly being prepared
will Only END with the SECOND COMING OF CHRIST! Are you ready for that event?
68. Plain Truth,
Nov. 1956, pp.5-6 "The Prophecy for
OUR DAY ... And notice, this coming martyrdom will be like the previous one -
only 1000 times more terrible in intensity. Christians living today are to be
martyred 'as their brethren were' in past ages.... This coining horrifying
tribulation is now being plotted in secret, underground, by a fascist [Hitler
and his Nazis hold up in a secret compound in Antarctica] Babylonish religious
[Roman Catholic] political system ... "
69. Plain Truth,
Feb. 1957, p.14 "For many years,
the Plain Truth magazine has been bringing you the actual prophesied events
scheduled to happen within the next 10, 15 or 25 years."
70. Plain Truth,
Feb. 1957, p.14 "If you haven’t yet
read Mr. Armstrong’s amazing point-by-point summary of prophetic events from
now until 1975 - write in immediately for the booklet '1975 in Prophecy.' We’ll
send it to you by return mail."
71. Plain Truth,
Mar. 1957, p. 3 "In less than 40
years all nations are going to live in a Utopia! They will be forced to learn
the ways of peace. A Utopia of God’s making - not man’s - is fast
72. Plain Truth
Mar. 1957, p. 15 "Notice that this
whole abominable system is to culminate in a great False Prophet who is to be
manifest in OUR TIME - before Christ’s second coming and is to be destroyed by
Christ when He returns. This diabolical individual is living TODAY!"
73. Plain Truth,
Apr. 1957, pp. 7-8 "For You - for
your family and loved ones - the really significant point in this is that these
men and many of their counterparts in Germany and France are NOW beginning to
build the very power which God says will ultimately destroy our people! And
they are basing it on the same principles and describing it in almost the EXACT
way that The PLAIN TRUTH has been warning you to watch for over the past twenty
years! Prophecy is future REALITY! It is NOW taking place before your very
74. Plain Truth,
June 1957, p. 4 "[Speaking of
Ezekiel chapter 5] No such destruction and captivity has ever yet come to the
House of Israel since this was written! Therefore it is still in the future -
IN OUR TIME! It is a warning to Britain and America - NOW! ... Coming to
chapter 6 [of Ezekiel], the local scene of the vision shifts to the mountainous
land of Palestine - but the MESSAGE is for AMERICA AND BRITAIN, today!"
75. Plain Truth,
Aug. 1957, p.3 "WHETHER YOU want to
believe it or not, you are CERTAIN to be affected by the rapid fulfillment of
Bible prophecy!"
76. Plain Truth,
Aug. 1957, p.4 "Here is something
DEFINITE! Here is something you can TEST and PROVE! ... God is going to use
this power to PUNISH us for our sins and our rebellion against His laws! This
is DEFINITE. Most of you will live to SEE it come to pass!"
77. Plain Truth,
Aug. 1957, p.6 "After 1965, we are
destined to run into increasing trouble with the Gentile nations. America and
Britain will begin to suffer from trade embargoes imposed by the brown and
oriental races, and by the coming German-dominated United States of Europe” or
“European Empire” - whatever it will be called. We will begin to experience the
pangs of starvation and of scarcity of goods! ... Finally, when we are weakened
from drought, hunger, disease and riots within our borders - and our economy
crippled by foreign trade embargoes - the revived “beast” power in central
Europe will attack us! Fully one third of our people will perish in the
hydrogen bomb attack."
78. Plain Truth,
Aug. 1957, p.6 "But meantime, these
prophecies are REAL! They are DEFINITE and SPECIFIC. They WILL COME TO PASS!
... You can KNOW! You can be SURE! You are NOW BEING WARNED!"
79. Plain Truth,
Oct. 1957, p.4 "In former articles
in the Plain Truth magazine, we have shown you what the Almighty God says is
SURE to happen to OUR NATION within the next few years. We have made those
articles specific - definite, actually NAMING the nations which will be involved,
and showing from the scriptures what your Creator says will happen. Here is
another specific occurrence that you are going to SEE happen! "[Describes
wars never again being won by military might, rather there will be trade wars.]
80. Plain Truth,
Oct. 1957, p.4 "World War III Is
Already Begun! Believe it or not, the next world war is already being fought -
and America and the British Commonwealth of Nations are rapidly LOSING that
war! ... There is at this moment a tremendous world-wide struggle going on for
domination of WORLD TRADE - and we are LOSING OUT, EVERYWHERE!"
81. Plain Truth,
Oct. 1957, p.5 "Germany, after
becoming REUNITED with Eastern Germany, and finally united with a group of NINE
OTHER NATIONS in Europe, is destined by the sure, un-breakable, unchangeable
Truth, Dec. 1957 "God prophecies
that finally, within the next fifteen years, fully ONE THIRD of our whole population will die of disease and
83. Plain
Truth, Dec. 1957, p.19 "Methods of
warfare have changed. Most people, however, are not really aware of HOW these
changes will affect THEIR LIVES in the next few years. It has suddenly become
possible for madmen in seats of great power to speak the word that might plunge
this fear-filled world into a great, awe-inspiring HYDROGEN BOMB WAR!
Frightened scientists and world leaders WELL KNOW such a war could mean the
84. Plain Truth,
Dec. 1957, p.20 "In what way could
we possibly be besieged? IN A TRADE WAR!"Trade War Here Now !"
The Proof of the
Bible, 1958 "We are just coming now to the grand
smash climax of this whole age when there are far more prophecies--far more
world shaking events--to happen in the next 15 or 20 years than ever happened before in the history of the world!"
86. Plain Truth,
Jan. 1958, p.4 "YOU ARE NOT GOING
For your Bible foretells all about today’s chaotic scientific world bent on the
destruction of WHOLE NATIONS! It tells what is SOON GOING TO HAPPEN! You won’t
have long to wait-then you’ll KNOW - yes, and most of you will come to know too
87. Plain Truth,
June 1958, p.1 "SLAVE LABOR CAMPS
are coming back! America is heedlessly plunging toward the greatest national
humiliation of her history! It’s time you faced the cold FACTS of prophecy -
it’s time you KNEW the truth about YOUR OWN FUTURE!"
88. Plain Truth,
Oct. 1958, p.4 "Now turn to Ezekiel
25. Here is another prophecy for our day. Here is a prophecy revealing what is
going to be the fate of the Allied intervention in Jordan and the Lebanon. This
is a prophecy to be fulfilled in the early 1970’s. This prophecy has never been
fulfilled before! ... My sanctuary, [a temple or sanctuary is yet to be built
by the Jews in Jerusalem!) when it was profaned [which shall happen in less
than 14 years from now]..."
89. Plain Truth,
Nov. 1958, p.4 "Jesus said certain
specific things HAD TO HAPPEN prior to the “end of the age.” Read it! This is a
prophecy for NOW! ... In the pages of The PLAIN TRUTH, and over The World
Tomorrow broadcast, you have been reading and hearing forewarnings of these
very occurrences that are NOW BEGINNING TO MAKE THE NATIONS’ HEADLINES! It’s
time to wake up, and realize WHO is causing it to happen!"
90. Plain Truth,
Jan. 1959, p.3 "Jesus Christ
Himself had foretold this event! [The first broadcast of the World Tomorrow
radio show]... What really occurred that Sunday morning precisely at 10 o’clock
was a momentous event. It was the fulfilling of a definite corner-stone
prophecy of Jesus. More than that, it was the initial, start-off event of the
fulfilling of some 90% of all the prophecies in the Bible! And approximately a
third of the whole Bible is prophecy!"
91. Plain Truth,
Jan. 1959, p.8 "For years, The
World Tomorrow broadcast and The Plain Truth magazine have been shouting this
message - revealing from the prophecies in your Bible the coming UNITED EUROPE
now being formed. But first Germany must PULL OUT of NATO, and she must have an
understanding with Russia!"
92. Plain Truth,
Jan. 1959, p.8 "YOU LIVE IN THE
PROPHESIED 'TIME OF THE END!' The end of all man’s allotted 6,000 years is at
93. Plain Truth,
Jan. 1959, p.9 "Prophesied for OUR
TIME! ... This [speculation about reunited Germany spearheading a European
'Beast Power'] is conclusive PROOF the prophecy is for OUR TIME - the time just
prior to the return of Jesus Christ. ... Almost unnoticed by the world that
CRISIS IS ALMOST UPON US! ... As already reported in the pages of The Plain Truth,
a vast TRADE WAR is underway."
94. Plain Truth,
Jan. 1959, p.14 .. "Jesus promises protection from the colossus that is
rising to bathe the world in blood. A time of GREAT TRIBULATION is just ahead -
and may well come within 13 years!"
95. Plain Truth,
Apr. 1959, p.5 "Here, Daniel saw
four great BEASTS. And again, nearly all of the commentaries, the Bible
reference books, are agreed on the historical fulfillment of this chapter. But
almost NO-ONE, it seems, understands the PROPHETIC SIGNIFICANCE FOR OUR DAY,
96. Plain Truth,
Apr. 1959, p.17 "The six nation
“Euromart,” or the “common market” now in effect in Europe, already comprises
the bulk of the nations included in the “ten toes” of Daniel 2, and the “ten
horns” of Revelation 17! So far, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands,
Luxembourg and Italy have bound themselves together into a single unit for
economic cooperation. FOUR MORE ARE TO FOLLOW!"
97. Co-Worker letter, August 13, 1959
"I say to YOU, now, that your money—your home—every material thing
you have—will be taken from you SOON—probably in 12 to 13 years, certainly in 15 or less!"
98. Plain Truth, Aug. 1959, p.3
"Mr. Armstrong reports from Germany the world‘s greatest miracle of
our time. It was prophesied. It spells DOOM for U.S.A. in ten to fifteen years
- unless we HEED!"
99. Plain Truth,
Aug. 1959, p.3 "And yet, about 90%
of all of the prophecies in the Bible pertain to events that are yet to happen
in the next 10 to 20 years from now, believe it or not!"
100. "Middle
East in Prophecy" 1950s article and reprint by HWA, “China will NOT be a
major independent world power, but will always follow Russia's lead."
101. Radio and
sermons, 1956 onward after Suez (on radio and in sermons): "Britain will
never win another war." "...Britain
will never regain sea gates she lost."
102. Plain
Truth, 1956 "Britain will collapse into famine & anarchy within 3-5
103. Plain
Truth, Radio, Sermons, from the 1950s HWA prophesied that Germany would become
the dominant military power and the one major nuclear power of Western Europe.
104. Coworker Letter, 2/13/59 "Today
we are in the SEVENTH YEAR of our SECOND 19-year TIME-CYCLE which God has
allotted for this MASS-PROCLAIMING of THIS MESSAGE FROM GOD! If God does not
cut the time short, we may have another 12 years to complete this GREAT
105. Sermons from
1950s onward, HWA stated that "King Hussein of Jordan would grant the WWCG
a tribulation-time "place of safety" at Petra."
106. Co-Workers letter, December 1960 "In 12
years or less the U.S.A. will suffer the worst depression ever suffered by
any nation."
Truth,1961 HWA prophesied that the Berlin crisis would lead to the collapse of
America and the rise of a united Nazi Germany.
Truth, July 1962 "Do these heads of state know that a whole third of the
Bible is prophecy - and that about 90 percent of that lies bare in advance
world events that will occur within the next ten to fifteen years from
Truth, January 1963 "Possibly not
more than seven years from now - America suddenly will wake up to the gigantic
THREAT that shall be rising, or even then have arisen, in Europe. ...."
Truth, Jan., 1963, page 21, "Somewhere along about seven to ten years from
now the REVOLUTION IN THE WEATHER will become a national and international
calamity. Drought, epidemics of disease, will reap a mounting harvest of death
across North America -- and in Britain. Economic depression will strike ... And
the time will be right for the new United Europe to strike!"
Truth, March 1963 " ... the present
movement of events, together with the prophecies, strongly indicate that the
BIG CRISIS - the threatened invasion - will not come about until 1972 . De
Gaulle will be too old by that time. THAT IS ONE REASON HE IS HURRYING" to
unite Europe and keep Britain out.
112. Co-Worker
Letter, July 31, 1963 “Time is running out on us.
Only a few more years remain to finish God's Work! …But the Work is, as of this moment, still, RIGHT ON SCHEDULE! …There is time to finish
Truth, October 1963 "ALL HUMAN LIFE will be blasted out of existence by
nuclear warfare and other means of mass destruction - perhaps not more than
twelve or fifteen years from now!"
114.Co-Worker letter, October 27, 1963 "We may now have only
eight or nine more years to FINISH His Work!"
letter, Nov 22, 1963, "in eight
years all of our ministers will be silenced."
November 23, 1963 "In eight
years all of our ministers will be silenced!"
letter, Nov 30, 1963 "We have only
eight years to finish the Work."
118.The Plain Truth, January 1964, "We may have an occasional good year
in the weather, but the trend in general will continue until--probably by 1971-1972--it
will become an acute disaster, especially to the United States, Canada, Britain
and Australia."
Truth, Dec. 1963 "The Bible does not specifically say whether God will man
will actually allow man to succeed in his mad race to the moon. But it does foretell that men will die in the attempt!
Your Bible prophecies that human bodies will be scattered to the
uttermost parts of the heavens. Read it
in Deut. 30:4
. Man does not have the
knowledge to cope with the many hazards - known and unknown - which confront
travelers in space."

Truth, January 1964 HWA prophesied very explicitly that the coming year
"shall increase drought and upheavals in the WEATHER pattern...the trend
in general will continue until - probably by 1971 or 1972 - it will become an
acute disaster, especially to the United States, Canada, Britain and
Truth, May 1965 "Hitler will be falsely resurrected by the Pope."
letter, Dec 13,1965, "We are in the grand smash climax - only 6 years
letter, Dec. 1965 " Everywhere on
earth events are HURLING this world toward the prophesied grand-smash Climax.
We may have barely six more short years to finish this great Work the living
CHRIST is doing through YOU and me! I say MAY--I am not setting
dates, yet biblical prophecies indicate
the strong possibility that time remaining
for us is indeed JUST THAT SHORT!"
124.Co-worker Letter, June 27, 1966, WE MAY HAVE ONLY ONE OR
HIS CHURCH! Time is running out on us! It is now FAR later than you think!
Co-Worker Letter, April 17, 1967 "God says He will do nothing without
first WARNING the people (Amos 3:7).
Very soon, now, God is going to INTERVENE in WORLD AFFAIRS, just prior to Christ's
Coming... Through this rapidly growing
"...And now, HERE IS THE STUPENDOUS ANNOUNCEMENT! ...Right now, just prior by probably not more than five to seven years, to the coming terrible
"...After TURNING HIS BACK on Jerusalem ever since 69 A. D. after
turning Jerusalem over to be "trodden down of the Gentiles," since 69 A.D., ALMIGHTY GOD HAS OPENED TO THE WORLD TOMORROW,
"...THIS VERY THING NOW OPENED TO US IS FORETOLD IN PROPHECY! Thousands of years ago, the Almighty GOD said He would open this very DOOR! Yes, this event is written
IN YOUR BIBLE! That, alone, makes it an event of INCREDIBLE MAGNITUDE!
"...I want you to notice the thrilling PROPHECY:
It's in the remarkable 40th chapter of Isaiah. It refers to THIS VERY WORK --to THIS VERY BROADCAST GOING FROM JERUSALEM!
Notice, the first two verses speak of the very beginning of the Millennium,
just a VERY few years ahead of us, now:
It means that Christ's COMING
is now very near! This is undoubtedly the most significant event in the history of this Work!
Co-Workers, I have to tell you, this powerful station
IN JERUSALEM is costing a great deal of money!"
126.The Plain Truth, Feb. 1967, p. 47, "The God who is REAL says of OUR PEOPLES:
'Prophecy against the prophets of Israel . . . O Israel, thy prophets are like
the foxes of the deserts. Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up a
hedge for the House of Israel TO STAND in the BATTLE IN THE DAY OF THE ETERNAL
(Ezek. 13:1-5
).' That is NOT a message to ancient Israel—but to OUR NATIONS
TODAY. The 'DAY OF THE ETERNAL'—a time foretold in more than thirty
prophecies—is going to strike between 5 and 10 years from now! You will know, then, how REAL it is. You will wish, then, you had
heeded. I am not writing foolishly, but very soberly, ON AUTHORITY of the
living CHRIST!"

United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy, Introduction, 1967,
"A STAGGERING TURN in world events is due to erupt in the next four to
seven years. It will involve violently the United States, Britain, Western
Europe, the Middle East."
U.S. and the British Commonwealth in Prophecy, 1967, pages 11-12, "The
events prophesied to strike the American and British peoples in the next four
to seven years are SURE! That is why the events of the next four to seven years
may prove this to be the most significant book of this century. These colossal
world events, shrinking the first two world wars into insignificance, WILL
COME, on schedule."
The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy, page 184 "Now, other prophecies reveal, we are
to have soon (probably in about four years) such drought, and famine,
that disease epidemics will follow taking millions of lives ... Well, we have
been getting foretastes of that! That condition is coming! And I do not mean in
400 years—nor in 40 years—but in the very next FOUR or FIVE!"
The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy, page 185 "You need to look at the prophecies
of Jesus of Jeremiah, of Isaiah, and others, describing how much more
INTENSE is to be the punishment God is going to lay on the British and American
people in five to seven more years!"
131. "The
United States and the British Commonwealth in Prophecy”, 1967 Edition, "The
events prophesied to strike the British and American peoples in the next four
to seven years are SURE! ... These colossal world events, shrinking the first
two world wars into insignificance, WILL COME, on schedule."
States and Britain in Prophecy,
1967, on p. 212, paragraph 3 he states: "By God's direction and authority,
I have laid the truth before you!" referring
to the impending doom.
133. Co-Worker
letter, July 5, 1967 "the Jews will
demolish the Dome on the Rock."
Truth, throughout the 1950s and 1960s, "Former German Defense Minister
Franz Josef Strauss will unite Germany and make it the leader of the European Union."
"When Germany becomes united, it will immediately turn on America, arm to
the teeth with nuclear weapons, and make the whole world tremble."
135. Plain
Truth 1967, "The Israelis will make a deal with the Vatican
to build a Third Temple by 1972."
136. Plain
Truth, January 1969 "I know whereof I speak, for no organization on earth
has a more knowledgeable grasp and understanding of world conditions, trends,
and causes, than ours."
137. Ambassador College Correspondence Course, Lesson 5, 1969, p. 15 "I
know whereof I speak, for
no organization on earth has a more knowledgeable grasp and understanding of
world conditions, trends, and causes, than ours. ..."
138. Ambassador College Correspondence Course, Lesson 44, 1969, p. 16 "There
is very little time remaining. You now know only a minority of humanity will
remain alive just a few years from now."
139. Plain
Truth, 1974 "US will prove unwilling & unable to go to war to protect
world oil supplies from Persian Gulf"
140. Plain
Truth, 1974 After Nixon's resignation, "the United States will never again
lead the world or be effective in war."
Co-worker letter, January 20, 1977
"During this generation--within 60 to 90 years or less-from
1927--Christ will come again..."
co-worker letter. HWA predicted that the next pope (who turned out to be John
Paul II) would very rapidly united Europe.
News, April/May 1978, HWA teaches "you can only come to Christ through him
through the church government structure" and that you cut yourself off
from Christ if you disobey HWA.
"The Proof of the Bible" "The
once great city of Sidon in southern Lebanon will remain a miserable little
village, again in " In fact, while
not a major metropolis, it is an extremely large town and regional center.
Proof of the Bible." "When
Europe finally unites, it will either be fascist, or become so virtually
"Worldwide News, 1994 "Ministers who rebel against me and leave this
organization are reduced to working with their hands."
Co-Workers Letter, January 3, 1980 "The actual movement of world events as
prophesied WARNS US that all this MAY now occur in the decade we entered day
before yesterday--and, if delayed past 1990, most certainly during the
decade of the 90s."
148. Co-Workers
letter, 1982 "I hope to arrange for the use of Petra as a possible refuge
or place of safety during the Great Tribulation when I see King Hussein. Pray
for this please."
149.Plain Truth, September 1984, Personal from Herbert W. Armstrong
"The Plain Truth brings you UNDERSTANDING of the very Word of God, the
SOURCE of TRUTH--and of the PROPHECIES of events soon to occur, in the next
two, five or 10 years!"
of the Ages, p. 298 "And, secondly, to reveal—preserved in writing for
us TODAY—what is to happen "in the latter days"—actually within
Armstrong projected a great amount of confidence. As a result, he convinced many to follow him. He often made extremely bold claims ("I
do not speak to you by authority of men, or any politically organized church of
men - but in the name, and by the
AUTHORITY of JESUS CHRIST, the living HEAD of the TRUE CHURCH OF GOD!"). However, the vast majority of his
prophecies/predictions failed the test of time.
It is good that God reminds us pay attention to our doubts
about presumptuous preachers, and to avoid living in fear of them (or because
of them).
Deuteronomy 18:22
When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord,
if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord
hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not
be afraid of him.

Many individuals deserve credit for this list. It contains much of the material from "Herbert
W. Armstrong's 209 False Prophecies" (prepared by "The Watcher")
but not those entries that did not contain specific references, not the quotes
attributed to Hoeh, Meredith and Dorothy.
It also includes material from the "Field Guide to the Wild World
of Religion" (Pam Dewey); "HWA Failed Prophecies" ("As
Berean's Did" website); "Armstrongism, Religion or Rip-off"
(Mariom McNair), and other quotes from
various Plain Truth's and Co-workers letters downloaded from the "HWA
Searchable Library".
Compiled by a reader of BANNED. Also shared with Pam Dewey.
Christ's Instructions, first and foremost to the head of the Church: feed my Lambs...
today the cog is obsessed with prophecy and lording over the flock, which is why the growth of "the work" is stunted and ineffectual...
James the Editor at The Painful Truth assembled the chronological record.
The Prophetic Record may be seen in flip book format at the Ambassador.Report website.
We might look at that list and wonder how anyone could have affiliated with the Worldwide Church of God. In my own case, such a list was not available online when I decided to become a member of WCG, because there was no internet. In researching WCG, I depended on various books which were critical of the church, such as Kingdom of the Cults. Most of those books concentrated on doctrinal issues, and since I felt that HWA was right on a number of doctrinal points I decided to become a member. My thought was that since the doctrinal positions regarding the Sabbath, the Holy Days, being literally born again, rejection of the trinity, etc., were correct (in my view) then the prophecies must have been correct too. I knew vaguely that some of the prophecies had been incorrect (actually the vast majority were incorrect, but, again, that information was not so readily available in the early 1980's) but my feeling was that no one is perfect, not even someone such as Armstrong who pretty much claimed to be perfect or very close to it. So I gave him a pass on some error regarding the prophetic time frame and accepted the doctrine/prophecies as a package deal. When it comes to prophecy, I am reminded of the donkey with a carrot tied to its head so that it is always dangling in front of the animal. It always looks like things could come together prophetically as foretold by HWA, but it never seems to happen. I imagine it must have been the same way when he was making all those early predictions during the Great Depression and World War II. Today, we look at the prospect of Britain leaving the EU. If she does, does that mean HWA was right and that British-Israelism is true (I realize BI has been debunked by genetic science)? Perhaps a united Europe will indeed morph into something more radical because of the immigration crisis. Does that mean that HWA, Pack, Flurry, & Co. are prophetically correct? Or are we just witnessing the normal flow of history? At a personal level, you might get skin cancer because of that funny-looking mole on your arm. Then again, you might not. But a slick salesman might get you scared enough to buy some expensive topical ointment to put on that mole to keep it from becoming cancerous. If HWA was anything, he was a slick salesman, but salesmen often traffic in fear. History may turn out somewhat as Armstrong predicted, but I will believe it when I see it. By then, according to the prophetic fear salesmen, it will be too late. The jaws of the Tribulation will slam shut and I'm done for. But I'm not living for that sort of fear any more. The only fear we should have is a healthy fear of God.
Folks may also want to see the colorized 1975 in Prophecy replete with creepy music at the Ambassador.Report website.
This encyclopedic compendium of the failed prophecies of Herbert W Armstrong, coupled with the strong Biblical injunction against those who promulgate false prophecies portraying them to be of divine origin (Deuteronomy 18:22
), simply drowns any other doctrinal pronouncements of any of the remnant Churches of Armstrong (none ever were Churches of God).
The applicable scripture instructs that “...thou shalt not be afraid of him.” For all of us who were once fearfully mired in the original or any of the Armstrong remnant false churches, the basic at-the-heart fear of eventual damnation for insufficient attainment of righteousness by works was the prime, core reason we stayed as members and paid our many tithes and offerings. Fear was the core tenant holding us in — not hopefulness, joy, or reverence. There were thin veils of those, of course, but the core, motivating belief was that if one ever failed in law-keeping and tithing, only the Great Tribulation (at the start) and the Lake of Fire (in the end) would be our inescapable fate.
Those diminishing few who still hold to the doctrines of Armstrongism continue to live with the fears of law-keeping insufficiency. Simply, they do not follow what Armstrong, himself, so frequently preached: “Don’t believe me. Believe your Bible!” — which so powerfully states, “When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.”
Aside from Armstrong’s lengthy incest against his daughter, his contrived receipt and misuse of a “third tithe” (amongst any number of other profoundly unscriptural behaviors and doctrines — all of which disqualify the man from his self-pronounced contemporary voice of God), his perpetually failed prophetic utterances, alone, betray the man as a scriptural and ministerial fraud.
In the last century, Armstrong (and his son, Garner Ted) were able to erect gleaming facades of scriptural and prophetic authenticity. Both spoke “with authority,” amazing and motivating so many (to their ultimate detriment).
But, today, dirt beneath the white-washed facades of the Churches of Armstrong is revealed, as with this compendium of prophetic failures.
Just how anyone can continue to follow Armstrongism, to continue to stagger in the muddy and failed footsteps of the ministers of the Churches of Armstrong, is unfathomable. The Armstrongs were ecclesiastic frauds, through and through, by every Biblical definition of such. I fear that the Judgement Seat before Christ will be just as harsh for them as for the Scribes and Pharisees. Their fruits and sins are utterly equivalent.
You should post this several times a year. It's a good reminder as well as documented history.
Same for HWA's Mini-Me's like Rod Meredith.
I was in Global from 1995 through 1998, and my notes are filled with Meredith's assurance that the Tribulation would begin in "5 to 15" years. As of 2013, that makes Meredith a false prophet.
I certainly hope that current ACOG members who believe that Armstrongism had the gift of end times prophecy will read this and take heed. An awfully lot of tithes and generous offerings have been extorted based on these prophecies, and people have been made to believe that HWA and his lackeys are the gatekeepers not only to the "place of safety" but also the Kingdom.
Did anyone notice any particular anger or vitriol about the way in which the post was expressed? The reason I ask, is that I feel it would constitute a very excellent ad for "The Journal".
Kids in school even got in trouble over this stuff! Imagine stating in class that you had proof that Hitler was still alive, and then having your parents refuse to let you take the Plain Truth to school to verify your position!
My hope is that the people who need to, will read and study this. It is a lot to digest, but the lies (labelled as lies based on the criteria that HWA set up himself) were always the very core of Armstrongism, it's supposed "raison d'etre".
146. "Worldwide News, 1994 "Ministers who rebel against me and leave this organization are reduced to working with their hands." -
That tells you what HWA really thought of the average church membership. You pond scum work with your hands.
Well... if Deuteronomy 18 and Revelation have any truth to them, then the false prophets of Armstrongism, including Herbert Armstrong himself, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire and be dead forever. Then we will have peace.
Of course, it's a huge assumption that Revelation really has any truth to it, but just think, either the books of the Bible are true and Roderick Meredith, David Pack, Gerald Flurry and especially Ronald Weinland have the death penalty pronounced against them, or... there is absolutely NOTHING to what any of them say.
Either way, they lose.
Armstrongism is a cult; Ambassador College was the Princeton Experiment and we should have some suspicion that that misfit outcast boy in The Wave grew up and became someone important, trying to keep the social groups of Armstrong together.
Herbert Armstrong promoted lies to an unprecedented extent and Armstrongism is based on a foundation of lies.
You can advertise that anywhere you want to... as if we should care about anyone of any influence within Armstrongism -- founded by a kook and kept going by charlatans -- charlatans who feel perfectly comfortable with ignoring the Scriptures against them and the penalties they face at judgment.
What do you suppose their defense could be, seeing as if -- well, it isn't exactly because they weren't told.
Now extend that list BACK the entire 2000 years of the Church and the millions of predictions by thousands who just knew the Bible was talking to them and the times they lived in. The truth of the matter is that soon meant soon and shortly meant shortly to those who first wrote of it in the Bible and they too were terribly wrong and badly mistaken. It was all downhill from there with using already failed times and "prophecy" to create two thousand more years of it and probably , for many yet unborn, many disappointing years into the future to come.
Some speculate theologically and historically that the reason there will be no Second Coming is that the First one is suspect to begin with for many reasonable reasons and observations. Time will tell I suppose but it tends to run out for those that are just sure that prophecy is really really coming alive for them at this time.
Good list but, I'm sure there are more stupid lies HWA spoke or wrote to add to the list.
Some of the references include the exact issue and page number of an HWA falsehood - others merely mention general dates and lack page numbers. A well-researched list will have exact page numbers for the skeptic to go to, otherwise the reference can be dismissed as not provable.
The citation of a 1994 quote attributed to HWA should be corrected.
However, thanks for the public service of exposing this false prophet.
Number 121 - " Hitler will be falsely resurrected by the Pope" (May 1965) was actually written by Rod Meredith. He believed Hitler escaped during WWII. ( many nazi ss did ) His main evidence being that the Russians, who occupied Berlin before American forces stated "we have found no corpse that could be Hitlers." ( And we know we have always had an open and honest relationship with the Russians ) And now with the help of the Vatican, going to be involved in a fake resurrection by the Pope. Hitler would then lead the final revival of the Holy Roman Empire that would destroy the United States and usher in the great tribulation. That prophecy is almost as good as three guys dying by Dave Pack. This wouldn't be funny except Rod ask the question, " what does this have to do with me- with my life?" He points to prophecy and documented evidence which he of course understands. That really didn't work out to well did it Rod. I wonder if anyone has reminded Rod of that lately? Maybe he could seek a merger with Dave. He's really doing some big fantabulous stuff up in Wadsworth.
The citation of a 1994 by Herbert Armstrong was corrected in the Ambassador.Report version.
You are correct that because some of the quotes had non-specific sources, the Armstrongists will point to it and say that the record is fabricated. At this point, it's difficult to go back to source absolutely every reference. However, the little charade to divert attention from the sources that are specific and verified are plentiful enough to countermand any specious apologetics. The references are provable, it's just that we're not going to bother to do it, because the job is already done and the Armstrongists lose.
And if I'm not mistaken, not a single prophecy Herbert Armstrong made of any consequence was fulfilled. The challenge to the Armstrongists is -- show us fulfilled prophecies. Be specific. Show us. How about 1975 in prophecy? Should that give anyone any confidence that Herbert Armstrong was anything but a crazy kook?
And since we've debunked British Israelism, exposed the prophecies as lies, just what purpose do you suppose The Journal has?
Why is no one criticizing Armstrongs incessant commie-brainwashing, altruistic 'give way.' This is slavery to the losers. It drenched church literature. How many people were robbed blind because of this lie? Armstrong did in fact know that Gods way is trade, not 'give.'
What is missing in all these complaints is God. A Christian is one who follows Christ, not some man. Armstrong did not write the horror prophesies in the bible. God does answers prays. People here might do well to ask God if these prophesies are true.
Cheers TradingGuy
"The only fear we should have is a healthy fear of God."
You go ahead and do that if you insist on keeping on fearing a ridiculous construct of ignorant bronze age goat herders and nomads, blended with Babylonian mythology and later the rantings of a Paul who dreamed up a cosmic Jesus and a whole plethora of Roman and mystical myth makers who amalgamated together a plethora of ancient saviors into one mythological hodge podge we call Jesus Christ. I gave that whole pipe dream up a long time ago and advise you to do the same. Life gets a whole lot more sane and the motivating fears disappear. There is no god to stand in fear of. Never was. Never will be. Get free of the con game and literally look up and see the real creation that no god had anything to do with.
"The only fear we should have is a healthy fear of God."
You go right ahead and do that if you insist. I gave it up a long time ago when I realized that the "god" I was fearing was a mythological construct dreamed up by bronaze age Middle Eastern goat herders and blended with Babylonian mysthologies. Then, Paul came along with his cosmic Jesus that was further developed by Roman and mystical myth makers into the hodge podge of conflicting and contradictory new testament nonsense about a fictional Jesus constructed out of a plethora of pre-existing savior gods. I stand in fear of no gods because none exist. You'll find life a lot easier to face if you do the same.
Wow, what a very well-documented list!
It boggles the mind how anyone would have joined or stayed with HWA's fledgling flock even after the 1930s when he got everything precisely wrong. Not just sort of wrong, absolutely dead wrong.
A testament to how short people's memories are, a fact that HWA took full advantage of. All you had to do in the 1940s, 50s, 60s etc. was pull out an old pre-WWII PT tract and show what a buffoon this guy was. Speaking on the authority of Jesus Christ!! ooooh.
Also, Dennis mentioned: "The truth of the matter is that soon meant soon and shortly meant shortly to those who first wrote of it in the Bible"
Indeed, to think that people penning words down about calamities that were to happen some 2000 yrs later is just ludicrous. Would anyone alive do that today? I'm writing this prophecy for people who will be living in the year 4016. Using terminology describing conditions in my own time, by the way :-)
Throughout Xian history, biblical "prophecies" have always seemed to astoundingly refer specifically and exactly to whatever time the people who are reading it live in...
I saw him working "undercover" and disguise at a Shake Shack in Boston Mass. just last week!
People who joined the scam in the 1950s and onward had no clue that HWA had already bombed at prophecy in the '30s and early '40s. It wasn't until 1975 became long overdue that some of the early original written materials even surfaced. Some of it surfaced in the Ambassador Reports, but it wasn't until the advent of the internet that most of this stuff became readily available. Armstrongites have been pretty much without excuse for continuing to believe HWA was an apostle or the end time Elijah for the past 15-20 years. That was when they began to seriously need their blinders. To this day, many won't even look at or examine the materials. It has become a cult of willful ignorance.
I did not read the complete list yet.
According to Hegelian thought, taught in ALL Universities a synthesis needs a thesis and an antithesis.
If it is true that 100% of hwa's predictions failed. Then to me this signalls HWA is the perfect anti-thesis.
Now to explain this in words the ordinary reader here can understand.
If the American democracy is not ready to engage the German Desert Corps marching on the Middle East. Because the average Joe has no concept of Grand design or does not feel compelled to engage in what is essentially a "european" war.
It comes in very handy for the government if someone on the American airwaves is talking about the grave danger of Erwin Rommel (knight commander) to have ever accomplished his mission.
Another example. In a world where lefties dismiss even the possibility of the allied USA to ever unleash the deadliest weapon ever again. It comes in very handy in a time of "deterrence" if someone reinforces that "deterrence" to the elites of nearly 160 allied nations during the cold war.
Now this has been my central thesis here on this blog.
Everyone is focussing on the forrest of "mistakes" hwa allegedly made.
I am in the business of examining every separate tree.
Edward Bernays and other Freudian psychologists were actually commissoned by the US government, that was posed with the grave difficulty of steering a democracy. How do you get the uneducated masses to behave as a society of even behave contrary their own perceived interests. (Like engaging in a war against the empire of Japan, or having sons killed in the theatre of war in Algeria.)
For sure ONLY if a christian nations fears that Rommel would take Jerusalem.
I could probably interpret 100% of HWA's so called "failed prophechies" or his work altogether as being in the interest and being in sync with official policy of the US state department and being the perfect anti-thesis as being taught in Yale.
142. 1978 co-worker letter. HWA predicted that the next pope (who turned out to be John Paul II) would very rapidly united Europe.
Just one more example because I love this so much.
It is well documented that Reagan's CIA was in constant contact with the Vatican.
In the early eighties there was a grave danger that the Pope would speak out against new American missiles on European soil.
Millions were marching the streets of Europe. The CIA shared information with John Paul and he did not speak out against the weapons. Which was a major victory in the final push to bring the Soviet Union down.
Second it is well documented that through the Vatican bank and other channels Solidarnosz in Gdanks was funded by the CIA.
Some ten years later the Soviet Union collapsed, eventually bringing Eastern Europe within the European Union fold.
This is no conspiracy at all. It is simple history now.
I love this. The one feeding hwa was SOOOOOOOO right.
Please remove this entire list. Because the more I read the more I see how right HWA was.
22. Plain Truth, Sept/October 1941 "The Red Army is unable to attack him as Hitler turns his wrecking machine to the British Isles, the United States and Palestine." - See more at: http://armstrongismlibrary.blogspot.nl/#sthash.ZuiAUPM3.dpuf
At the time this was written, most of the population was in disgust of the Communist Soviet Union, considering them enemies and not inclined to assist Soviets in any way.
At that time the Soviet armies were at the brink of collapse against the German forces. It is only through the brave supply lines through the Northern seas supplying the Soviets that this front did not cease to exist. This would surely have brought the British Empire down and eventually the United States if Hitler had succeeded earlier in inventing rockets and atomic boms.
So again a grave warning or antithesis to support the Soviets against the wishes of the american people/democracy in general at that crucial moment in history.
-About the status of Jerusalem and Mussolini.
Jerusalem by UN charter is labeled an International City. Jerusalem is the official headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and for those not in the know. Jerusalem was also the official headquarters of wcg and the cog movement in general. Despite the American legal entities we are most familiar with.
In the interest of an accurate historical record, space saved and time left to do other things....
The Definitive Fundamentalist and Church of God Documented Prophetic Record Which Clearly,Shortly and Soon Came to Pass in 3-5, 10-15 at the most, 20 years tops, For Sure in Our Lifetime Over the Last 2020 Years as men, not God Counts Time....
1. Um....... Hmmmmm........ Well I told you it would save time reading... Never mind....
11.44 PM. The Soviets were winning the 1980s 'peace offensive' in the west, to prevent the American missiles on European soil. But what happened was that the Soviets accidentally shot down a commercial Korean airliner. The public outrage enabled the missiles to be installed, neutralising the three to one Soviet superiority in military manpower and hardware. This is another example of God intervening to protect His master plan. The vitriolic atheists here can weep and gnash their teeth.
120.Plain Truth, January 1964 HWA prophesied very explicitly that the coming year "shall increase drought and upheavals in the WEATHER pattern
Couldn't find it by quickreading the issue, might be there though.
By quickscanning the issue I deciphered that hwa went at length denying any conspiracy was involved in the kennedy assasination. Exonerating the government. In the same issue all regional reporters or regional directors send in their reports from oversees in which all express concern for the international conspiracy involved. In the issue is a brief listing of all cia topplings of midamerican regimes.
But the most important revelation to me personally is the account how hwa and his wife are trying to order a coca cola in luxemburg while dick is pulling a prank on the proprietor. This to me is surely a sign of hwa's profilaration of american values and commerce in shielded territories. hwa drank coca cola .... not pepsi.
The other revelation I find interesting in that issue is that he continues his sex class (the only class he is still personally teaching at that moment) after he got the telephone call that kennedy was shot. This to me is akin to GWBush continuing his reading to the toddlers after he got the message that the twin towers were hit.
The alarmist prophecies of the 50's and 60's fit the mood of the country. We were all afraid of being attacked by the Soviet Union. We had fallout shelters in cities, bomb shelters in our homes, "duck and cover" drills in our schools. What surprises me is how reckless HWA was in not giving himself an "out" in these predictions. At times he is dogmatic "We are now" or "we will see the end" "We are now in the very WORLD-CRISIS at the CLOSE of the allotted duration of man’s rule over his fellows." "Prophecy proves it [great drought] will happen - before 1975! Here are the FACTS.""WORLD WAR IS HERE - NOW! We CAN know what’s GOING to happen during the next 5, 10, and 20 years!"
Other times he is more cautious: "Gods-work of spreading the gospel of the Kingdom of God to all the world WOULD PROBABLY end in 1972!"
"Notice what God says is going to happen to our people ION ABOUT ten years from now!" [severe drought, war, economic collapse, slavery...]
We are told not to add to or take away from the Word of God. Yet he does this all the time. The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth, then preachers try to say when and how He did it. HWA does the same thing, adding his understanding and speculations and saying that "The Bible says."
He then goes on to say that Jesus is the Revelator and He is the interpreter. I thought the Book of Revelation was the Revelation of Jesus Christ and here we find HWA interpreting it (incorrectly, of course).
You would think that after a decade of dogmatic predictions that didn't come true he would changed his tome. This was very reckless of him. If her has used the words perhaps, maybe, could be, etc. he wouldn't have boxed himself into a corner. Might someone had suggested this to him at the time? Sure, but would he have listened to any reasonable suggestions? Of course not.
How would the churches of God respond to us if we sent them a few choice false prophecies? They might say, "HWA never called himself a prophet, so these predictions were just his speculations, they were not prophecies." I particularly liked this one, Plain Truth, Feb. 1957, p.14 "For many years, the Plain Truth magazine has been bringing you the actual prophesied events scheduled to happen within the next 10, 15 or 25 years." How could he keep a straight face writing this line? I can think of only one other con man who would find it even more difficult to keep a straight face in the midst of his scam, his name is Braco. If you watch BRACO IN AMERICA on YOUTUBE you will see someone with an even better scam than HWA. Braco is a young man who simply stands on stage and gazes at people and they believe he can heal them. What a great job. He didn't even have to preach a sermon or write articles.
HWA: 1956: "God must somewhere have His work TODAY. How do you recognize it?"
(there may be no God and/or he may not be doing anything at this time)
Only the first one is/was correct.
) And the LORD said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd.
) For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear their claws in pieces.
) Woe to the idol shepherd that leaveth the flock! the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dried up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.
(Zec 11:15
(Zec 11:16
(Zec 11:17
If one cannot see HWA in these verses then they must be just as blind as he was in his right eye. Yahweh raised up HWA to accomplish one task and that was to preach the gospel to the entire world. Yahweh needed a man that was driven by ambition and a teaching skill that would convince people to pick up that ancient book and truly study it. He also chose HWA to teach the brethren the most important lesson of their lives, and that is that they should only look towards Him and not any man. Most of the brethren failed this lesson. They should have seen/discerned what this man truly was. What is ironic is that even HWA warned over and over, do not trust in men, do not take his word, but open your own bible and believe it. Most didn't follow this advice, instead they made a man into an idol, just as Yahweh said they would.
To you church people who are reading this, it is time to stop depending on organizations and put your complete trust in the Most High. Stop committing idolatry. The organization is NOT the church. The people are. Pick up your ass and chose life. Get off of the fence. Do not like Satan's angels that would not make a choice between Yahweh and Satan. What happened to the organization was intended to happen. It was allowed to happen in order to test you. Thus far, most of you are failing that test. If you don't act soon, what good are you for the Kingdom of Yahweh? You will become almost worthless if you just sit there and do nothing. Lead by leaving. Remember that you are not leaving Yahweh, just the corrupt organizations built by men for their own personal gain. Stop being tithe slaves. You will earn more respect from heaven if you gave your money to the poor. There are so many homeless people in the U.S. surely you can help some of them. Yahweh the Most High is watching you. What are you going to do?
Shirley, you can't be serious. Of course you are and don't call me shirley.
That downing of the Korean airplane had no impact on the millions of lefties on the streets of Europe trying to prevent the stationing of US missiles. The popes voice would have been a gamechanger and would for sure have toppled the Italian government and then others. The pope's silence (because of intelligence sharing (go see the Ronald Reagan library) was a major victory for American intelligence.
Moreover what toppled the Soviet Union was not the balancing of firepower but the sudden increase in defence expenditure they were forced to meet the Nato Hawks.
"The Soviets were winning the 1980s 'peace offensive' in the west, to prevent the American missiles on European soil. But what happened was that the Soviets accidentally shot down a commercial Korean airliner. The public outrage enabled the missiles to be installed, neutralising the three to one Soviet superiority in military manpower and hardware. This is another example of God intervening to protect His master plan. The vitriolic atheists here can weep and gnash their teeth."
The Americans were winning the 1950's battle to know what military resources the other had with the highly classified U2 reconnaissance aircraft that flew above the range of Soviet air defense capabilities. But what happened was, in 1960 a new type of S2A missle shot down a U2. Moreover, Francis Gary Powers failed in his primary duties to activate the self-destruct charge to destroy the sensitive parts of the aircraft and taking his CIA-issued suicide pill, to prevent capture. Those feeble Americans lied, saying it was a weather plane that strayed off course, but they did not know the plane was preserved almost intact, and that the pilot survived, all to be gleefully paraded before the international press! This is another example of the Soviet God of the proletariat intervening to protect His master plan. The vitriolic worshippers of the false American capitalist bourgeois god can here weep and gnash their teeth.
“97. Co-Worker letter, August 13, 1959 'I say to YOU, now, that your money—your home—every material thing you have—will be taken from you SOON—probably in 12 to 13 years, certainly in 15 or less!'”
Wow! Somebody sure felt confident in his ability to financially drain his followers in a relatively short time span.
Or, maybe this prediction was just a little bit ahead of its time, and was intended to start later. Yes, this could be prophecy for today! All the tithes (including misappropriated third tithe), offerings, building fund donations, and fund-raising (now required forever of everyone in the RCG), were not enough, and within 15 years of founding the Restored Cash Grab (RCG) David Pack had gone on to “restore” what he called the “common” doctrine that everyone had to hand over to him everything they had--“or no salvation if you don't.”
If you think that HWA's prophetic guesses were somewhat off and delayed a little bit, just wait till you see the prophetic stuff that David Pack is coming up with lately!
6:22 AM Are you trying to be funny? You said:
"..HWA to teach the brethren the most important lesson of their lives, and that is that they should only look towards Him and not any man."
I read church literature for decades and heard many sermons, yet I never once read an article or heard a sermon on God directly leading church members. No, not once. Not one sermon on our responsibility to follow Gods lead or how to recognize Gods lead in our lives. Armstrong and his gangster ministers, just like Satan, craved Gods power and authority, and pushed God to one side. Just like Moses. The truth is the opposite of what you claim.
Your other assertion is equally untrue:
"HWA warned over and over, do not trust in men, do not take his word, but open your own bible and believe it."
Organizations have an outer and a inner face. Armstrong repeatedly made your claim to outsiders only. Once inside the church, members were expected to blindly believe the gangster ministers. I call them gangsters ministers because they stole the talents that Christ gave to every church member in the parable of the talents. These talents are life itself. They are gangsters and murderers.
Our former website published a similar report of the complete failure of HWA to ever make one correct prediction in 60 years!
I'm proud to say that our former fellowship of late consisted completely of former UCG members and their families totalling 18 people. A UCG deacon (now deceased) and myself a former Wesleyan pastor/COG deacon led four families out after exposing the absurdity of their doctrine during the Jim Franks educational videos which were sent out locally to endoctrinate the sheeple.
Our questions and reasoned answers so convinced the other brethren and confused the witless elder and other deacon there that the inexperienced non-elder sent to moderate the sessions had to fly back home and get further instructions. By the time he returned, we were holding our own fellowship in the same building at the same time with about the same attendance.
Over time through much study, we were able to come out fully from the falsehood of not just COG, but ALL world religion. What remained was rightness/respect, lovingkindness, and thankfulness.
Our families were much changed for the better over a few years together and have now gone our separate ways as our families and lives have taken us in various directions - but those of us who are still living will always share the genuine bond of fond memories and affection because together we came out of falsehood and found a lot of truth as a consequence.
Influence is an intangible, ethereal quantity. Unless an individual who has been influenced acknowledges his influences, we are left to theorize, or speculate as to whether there actually was influence. False prophecy, on the other hand, is made by an individual under his own name (and in HWA's case, falsely in the name of Jesus Christ). All of this speculation as to HWA's political influence on world leaders and international geopolitics is exactly that: speculation. This line of thinking is of the same family as the key conspiracy theories which HWA utilized to explain key aspects of the belief system which he taught. If one attempts to base "truth" upon speculation, inevitably the final product becomes bastardized.
We need to acknowledge and remember that HWA's dire forecasts were given the same treatment as "Police Gazette" or the "National Enquirer" by the vast majority of people who heard the World Tomorrow program on the radio. Even if my time machine dream had come true, and I had actually been able to travel back and to provide HWA's daddy with condoms on the night of his conception, there were plenty of other influences signaling the fact that the USA needed to bolster itself in order to maintain its status vis a vis the rest of the world. Back in the '70s, we used to note the fact that a significant number of the unstable tin horn dictators and world "leaders" that HWA visited soon fell into problems or were deposed following the visits. Sonny Barger of the Hells Angels is better known, more certifiably influential, and more widely respected throughout the world than HWA ever was.
Zechariah 13
In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.
And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they shall no more be remembered: and also I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land. 3And it shall come to pass, that when any shall yet prophesy, then his father and his mother that begat him shall say unto him, Thou shalt not live; for thou speakest lies in the name of the LORD: and his father and his mother that begat him shall thrust him through when he prophesieth. 4And it shall come to pass in that day, that the prophets shall be ashamed every one of his vision, when he hath prophesied; neither shall they wear a rough garment to deceive: 5But he shall say, I am no prophet, I am an husbandman; for man taught me to keep cattle from my youth. 6And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.
Mr. Pack, Thiel, Meredith, Weinland, etc should all either commit hari kari or assume room temperature. They are FRAUDS!!! Their prophecy success rate is 0%. A broken clock is right twice a day. So we will give them two chances.
Anonymous February 13, 2016 at 1:45 PM said, "I was in Global from 1995 through 1998, and my notes are filled with Meredith's assurance that the Tribulation would begin in "5 to 15" years. As of 2013, that makes Meredith a false prophet".
MY COMMENT - I grew up in the Radio/Worldwide Church of God attending from 1968 to 1976. I still have my notes from each and every Sabbath Service/Holy Days/Bible Studies attended during that period. My notes contain a 1969 assurance from the idiot Rod Meredith that the Great Tribulation and the return of Christ would be in 3 to 5 years consistent with the Church's teachings from the pulpit during that time (although later denied by the Church when the date came and passed). We later learned from Mr. Herbert Armstrong directly that the true significance of the second 19 year time cycle was advertising in Reader's Digest.
With all due respect to Anonymous 1:45 PM, as of 1975, that makes the idiot Meredith a false profit (oops, I mean prophet).
Lake of Fire Church of God
It took me 45 years as a church member to come to the freeing knowledge that HWA was a con man who used religion to build himself a fortune and an empire. He was a control freak who bred other control freaks by establishing a cult based on the beliefs of others who came before him. It was a piecemeal belief system he borrowed from others. Of course being an ego driven man he took credit for it all even saying he and his son were number 3 and 4 under God and Jesus Christ.
I was taken for a fool for 45 years, never questioning the blatant abuse I saw, some of the doctrines that did not match up to what the bible plainly said, etc.
There was just so much wrong that we swallowed because we were dull of thinking. We checked our brains and free will at the door.
Imagine people asking ministry for permission to move, take a job, marry or divorce!
Insane lack of personal responsibility, yet there it is.
We gave him excuses for being wrong. Over and over again.
The spin off cults are simply panicing now because their gravy train rides are slowing coming to a halt. So they ramp up the nutty prophecy and goofy preaching in order to make a splash.
Of course Jesus Christ is never ever preached.
So sad.
Why does every single conversation have to be hijacked by NCK with asinine conspiracy theories? The CIA never worked with HWA any more than he was a true prophet. Sadly the church has been filled with these kind of people through the decades.
Any Armstrongist should be able to look at the record of Harold Camping and conclude that he is a false prophet and never follow him.
And yet, the Armstrongists make excuses, you know, like Richard Rittenbaugh. Note that he wrote:
The following questions, then, must all be answered before we judge a person as a true or false prophet:
1. Does he claim to prophesy in God's name or in a false god's name?
2. Do his prophecies come to pass?
3. Does he do signs and wonders?
4. Does he teach the truth based on God's Word?
In Herbert Armstrong's case, we can answer affirmatively only to number 4!
This is a bit problematic. "2. Do his prophecies come to pass?" and then "In Herbert Armstrong's case, we can answer affirmatively only to number 4!".
Now how does this work. Herbert Armstrong's prophecies don't come to pass -- so he's NOT a false prophet?
Where's the logic in that? It makes absolutely NO SENSE AT ALL!
See the problem?
And by the way, note that he SAYS, "1. Does he claim to prophesy in God's name or in a false god's name?". As has been pointed out already here, he prophesied 'in Jesus' Name'. We'll leave it to you to discern whether that's God's name or a false god's name.
We have to come to terms to the fact that I never claimed HWA as a person had any influence or clout. What I do maintain however is that for instance when one would watch the video where HWA is speaking to the Greek elites of Athens, even Art Gilmore is scripted in saying that those elites would think HWA is something like a madman and that it even shows on their faces. My point in all this is that with all mad assertions about church unity etc HWA is still adressing pressing and urgent problems to these people like the joining of the EC or the very real possibility that the USA would use an atomic bomb on the battlefield of Europe.
The fear and uncertainty that I know those elites had at that time at the brink of major decisions involving the future of their nations is one of those intangible things book historians will have a hard time to relive.
The coordination of world affairs was not as sophisticated as it is now in the present "world tomorrow" with sophisticated coordination mechanisms like Jackson Hole and Davos in place."
I'n not talking conspiracy. I'm talking co ordination. And the hundreds of sponsored dinners of aicf played a small part in this effort ushering in the current "world tomorrow" (of coordinated policies) in a world of relative peace and prosperity as compared to the horrible seventies and sixties.
k-baradanikto at 12:06 PM said...
“In researching WCG, I depended on various books which were critical of the church, such as Kingdom of the Cults. Most of those books concentrated on doctrinal issues, and since I felt that HWA was right on a number of doctrinal points I decided to become a member. My thought was that since the doctrinal positions regarding the Sabbath, the Holy Days, being literally born again, rejection of the trinity, etc., were correct (in my view) then the prophecies must have been correct too.”
That was my experience too whenever I checked out the books at a religious book store. All the cult book writers ever did was whine that the WCG people wanted to observe the biblical, seventh-day Sabbath that was made by God (see Genesis 2:1-3
It was the same with everything. The cult book writers would whine that the WCG people wanted to obey God's laws about clean and unclean animals in Leviticus 11:1-47
Would you prefer to remember and observe God's own festivals that are actually listed in the Bible (see Leviticus 23:1-44
Interestingly, the ham-eating Sunday-keepers also have PLENTY OF BOOKS about PROPHECY!!! HWA had taught that the USA and Britain have been greatly blessed by God but are now in danger of losing these blessings and being punished severely for their sins if they do not repent. If you don't like that theory, go check out all the endless prophetic nonsense that the ham-eating, Sunday-keeping cult members read and waste their time on.
P.S. In case you have not been paying attention, Gerald Flurry and David Pack just used HWA's name to attract former WCG members, but have now both rejected the teachings of HWA and gone on to make up all sorts of prophetic nonsense of their own.
HWA never claimed to be a prophet. But, whatever title he gave himself, he did prophecy, hence, he was doing the work of a prophet. So, he was a false prophet. Thank you for publishing these false prophecies. I've seen them before and I have a long history of studying HWA and other cults. I attended AC back in the early 70's, left the WCG after only four years. Many who come to this website may not have the historical perspective that those of us who are in our 60's have. I also remember people at AC asking, "Would God mislead his apostle in any major area?" I remember when the church opened up a commissary for church members to purchase food at low prices. Was Al Carrozo in charge of that? I don't recall. But it was shut down and HWA tried to explain the error of his decision. So, HWA spoke with great authority as hit end time Apostle. The church can't have it both ways. They can't claim that he was the end time apostle to whom God revealed so many lost truths and at the same time not take responsibility for his false prophecies.
nck, nothing happens in a vacuum. Generally, if someone is known to have worked behind the scenes in a profound way, as a sort of an unsung hero, famous people in their memoirs, years after the fact, will attempt to retroactively reward that person by making prominent mention of his or her accomplishments. As an example, I can visit a number of nostalgia drag racing sites, and find that some of the top racers from the 1960s and '70s occasionally mention a friend of mine, a machinist whose work was very instrumental in extracting outrageous horsepower from engines, and improving the safety of the cars as well. Or, you can read some interviews with Country icon Merle Haggard, whom all my Southern Rock heroes considered to be an influence, and Merle states that he misses his spiritual guide, GTA. Occasionally, you can even find that someone you would neve had expected had marched or walked with Dr. Martin Luther King.
Where are there similar goodies on HWA??? Any quotes from King Leopold, or King Hussein indicating a lasting influence? How about one from Strauss? Also, don't you think that if there were the type of influence you suggest, Gerald Flurry, David Pack, and Rod Meredith would be all over it? Little Stephen's book would be literally littered with such quotations! The prices of HWA memorabilia would be going through the roof! No. The things which you are bringing to our attention are seemingly unknowable to the masses, somehow masked by secret conspiracy. Who among us would be willing to anchor our lives around that? Even if HWA did the things you seem to feel that he did, it would be akin to Hitler petting his dog or hugging children.
In the end, you have to ask yourself, "What would Dorothy think?" What would the people who lost relatives to easily curable diseases think? Or, the people who lost their family farms? All the kids who were abused and made pariahs amongst their peers? Somehow, you just can't clean all of that up by pretending that HWA was of international geopolitical importance. Even if that were true, it does not redeem the incredible evil which he unashamedly brought into his own followers' lives. What I am trying to say to you is that even if what you say could possibly be true, we don't care!
Nck above mentioned Edward Bernay ('the father of public relations') who's uncle was Sigmund Freud. The video below is a lesson for those who wonder how HWA pulled off the con.
I often post videos dealing with this very subject. Once you understand the concept it becomes a game changer. You begin to understand. You are aware.
At least Gerald Flurry has learned something from HWA. And that is, he has a closed door policy and all of his sermon CDs are to be destroyed immediately after they're played at services! Even the members can't prove what GRF said in a sermon because the PCG doesn't allow members to discuss what they hear at HQs to other congregations.
Wow, 1:13, a little defensive, aren't we?
Nice try, but cult books didn't whine, and certainly not that WCG members "wanted" to observe anything. They addressed the specific teachings of Herbert Armstrong that they believed were in error. In so doing, they pointed out that, contrary to HWA's errant declarations, people were not required to do the things he said they were required to do. That's not whining, which is ironically characteristic of your post, but rather is scholarship based on years of study.
Pork, no pork, even Paul dealt with that one, much to your apparent chagrin.
What this particular article on Banned deals with is Herbert Armstrong's undeniable record of error when it comes to prophetic proclamations. Try to keep your eye on the ball.
Byker Bob said, "People who joined the scam in the 1950s and onward had no clue that HWA had already bombed at prophecy in the '30s and early '40s. It wasn't until 1975 became long overdue that some of the early original written materials even surfaced. Some of it surfaced in the Ambassador Reports, but it wasn't until the advent of the internet that most of this stuff became readily available.
MY COMMENT - Just to elaborate on Byker Bob's comment, by the late 1960s the WCG had experienced so much growth in membership that the original members who remained alive from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s were by far dwarfed by the newer members. I am reminded that Mr. Armstrong use to tell the history of the Philadelphia Era (i.e R/WCG) each year at the Feast and that would include him citing Feast attendance going back to Belknap Springs. The growth in the Church was huge in the 1960s.
Also, as Byker points out, there was no internet which also means there was no e-mail communications between members including the small number of old timers from the pre-1960s years.
To have a copy of a 1950s Plain Truth Magazine was also a rarity. Like the membership, the circulation and number of copies produced of The Plain Truth did not grow exponentially until the 1960s as well. So circulating copies of old Plain Truths from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s was no easy task. I remember showing a church member in the late 1960s a 1952 Plain Truth Magazine that I received from my grandfather. The Church member was in awe that I had in my possession this sacred old magazine produced only 16 -17 years earlier when the R/WCG was a very small thing.
Lake of Fire Church of God
Joyce Meyer and Copeland ministers keep teaching on TV that God directly (no middlemen) leads church members. But no such teachings from Armstrong and his splinters. Why is that? Power lust on the part of the ministers? I would love to hear from Herbie apologists on this one. After all, a Christian is one who follows Christ. How about you 6.22 AM?
Thank you so much for posting this. Just had the same old conversation with my father about HWA who forecasted race riots, national decay and the reunification of Germany way before anyone else. Blah, blah, blah. The way my Dad repeats all of this is like a tape recorder goes off in his head. It is so pre-programmed, it makes me really think this was all brainwashing. I am going to print out all of these false prophecies and give my dad a few hours worth of reading material and research. There is more evidence for Big Foot and Ancient Aliens. I'm so tired of the deification of this false prophet.
Church of God people often quote Herbert W Armstrong saying "don't believe me, believe your Bible" while forgetting the context that he said that statement. They seem to ignore the fact that Herbert W Armstrong would often lay down the law in spite of what the Bible said. 8:51
Anonymous was completely accurate about the church having an inner and outer face. Here is the proof from HWA himself…
Primacy of Peter. Herbert W Armstrong actually taught that once someone became a member of "God's one and only true Church," that member must accept "church authority" in all matters, even if a member believed from personal Bible study that the church was in error. In the article "Should We Listen to Others?" (Good News magazine, May, 1960) Armstrong makes this clear.
"But some will say, "But didn't you say, over the air, for us to LISTEN to you, and also LISTEN to all others, but not to believe you, and not to believe the others, but believe what we see in the Bible"
BRETHREN! When I speak on the air I am speaking to the outside WORLD-- to the unconverted. I am not speaking just to those who should already KNOW the truth.
These people all around the world, who listen to me on the radio, do not know if I am a false prophet, a minister of God, or WHAT. To them, YES, I say, DO NOT BELIEVE MEN-- BELIEVE YOUR OWN BIBLE! That is what you should have done-- before you knew the TRUTH. Probably it was because you did do that, that you saw TRUTH with your own eyes in your Bible. Perhaps that is what brought you into the truth, and led you to God's one and only true Church!
To the people who do not KNOW that this is the ONLY true Church of God, I do say those very things.
But to you who have PROVED this is GOD'S CHURCH, it is different."
In effect, "don't believe me, believe your Bible" was a sales pitch to the outside world and did not apply to church members. It was effective, because people still quote it 50 years later.
In the November 20, 1978 Good News Magazine Herbert W Armstrong outright claimed the "primacy of Peter" for himself.
"Now notice how JESUS gave Peter primacy over the apostles.
And I say also unto thee [UNTO PETER] That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell [the grave] shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto THEE [PETER not the Church] the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou [PETER] shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Matthew 16:16-19
There has been much discussion at Pasadena between certain ministers of lower than apostle rank, as to the CHURCH binding and loosing.
So now let it be MADE OFFICIAL — by Christ's present day apostle — that this binding and loosing PLAINLY, CLEARLY was given to Christ's chief APOSTLE — not to lower rank ministers ordained by his authority — not by the CHURCH as a body — but by the APOSTLE!
Christ, still rules SUPREME in the one and only area on earth where the GOVERNMENT OF GOD is being administered today!"
Well, I have some empathy for your last paragraph.
I wouldn't have thought up the first paragraph. That your southern rock buddies found something in (probably this one) lyric that Merle would admit, he composed after listening to a late night GTA broadcast. There you go BB. Well done.
And I'm not even looking for such endorsement, like James's 2:30.
I'm contemplating sending you a few goodies via one of the monitors. I would never publish such stuff in public. As you say that would be abused.
Now on a serious note.
Would you please read and re-read contributer Mish Mash posting 6:10.
I offer you 2 scenario's.
Scenario A)
Hey dad. Hey Son. Thanks for calling son. Yeah dad, hey listen. I found out about this awesome website of cog dissenters. They have great stuff there dad. About hwa having relations with dorothy. But that's not what I wanted to talk about dad. I just sent you a list these dudes compiled. It's hours worth of reading and contains 150 proofs hwa was a cook and you have been duped all your life. As a matter of fact I printed it and sent it right away so you will be healed. You'll like that dad. Well son I think you better not call anymore. Bye son. Love you. Yeah dead you're kidding right. No son I mean it we better part now. Love you.
Scenario B)
Hey dad. Hey son. Hey dad on the internet I came across this weird dude nck. He awakened a desire to learn more on our Nations Foreign policy. A nation I'm proud you defended dad. Yeah son. What did you learn son? Well I just had a call with the dean of Georgetown University, Yale, Harvard and Penn State and they all confirmed to me that the Unification of Europe has been official US Foreign policy since 1944. Winston Churchill spoke about it in Congress dad. Now I finally understand why Obama just the other night was warning for a Brexit on Bloomberg News. Well no son. The Unification of Europe is a Nazi plot who have been hiding undergrounds in Argentina until now and now they are uniting this beast power and Obama is the son of perdition son. Well dad actually, next month I will be attending a forum at Georgetown University Washington on this topic. Would you care joining me. I don't know son. We are simple folk. Do you need to wear a tie? No dad these people are teachers and students. Not the diplomats hwa met with. They'll be speaking on Foreign relations and there will be snacks.
Come on dad it will be fun going to Washington together after mums passing and we'll be visiting the Smithsonian too. Wow son I always wanted to see the lunar lander. Yeah dad. Did you know hwa said man would not get a man on the moon. Yeah son, I remember a lot of people at the time felt it was a waste of money and a folly. We were young and foolish son. I remember in 1951 your mom made a cake on my birthday. She was 19 and I shouted at her and derided her since we were not supposed to celebrate birthdays. I regret that now son. I loved your mom son. I know dad. Come let's go to Washington see the museum do some interesting stuff.
BTW I found your particular off shoot has a congregation there too.
I can't go there son. We can only go to our local congregations. Oh come on dad, it's mr D. You seen him every feast since your church is so small. Yeah he is very kind, I'll call him I'll be attending there next week. He's like a son to me after you......well............ after you left.
I know dad but I'm your son and we are going to do some interesting stuff.
Yeah. I'll go. As a matter of fact son. After we return can you stay one more day and take me to the notary. Yeah dad. Why dad. Well I've been thinking lately. I would like to give you and Diana both 10% of my estate. Just five years ago I changed my will to leaving 100% to .......Dave/UCG/PCG..... But I've been thinking, mom would have liked you and Diana to have part of it too. So I'd like to change my will next week. Oh dad, that's not necessary. Your and moms care made me the succes I am today. Thanks son. I insist you stay one more day.
4.43 PM 'Undeniable record of error'? Saying for 50 years that 'on the authority of God, there are only a few short years left,' is not error. Rather it is called lying through your teeth. By keeping church members intimidated with the threat of the tribulation, the ministers got away with robbing the church members of all their God given rights and adulthood. There are endless complaints by members, of being dominated and turned into a Borg. 'Undeniable record of error,' ha, ha, ha ha. Satan also has a 'undeniable record of error' as well. Ha, ha. Ha. We have another funny man here.
No one knows the future. Make good decisions and enjoy life. Don't sit and wait for the second coming of Jesus or the rapture. It aint going to happen. There are so many people who waste their lives in a state of negativity hoping for the horrible great tribulation to happen so that Jesus will return or rapture them. This just isn't an Armstrongism thing there are many mainstream Christians who waste their lives on this nonsense. Get a life and enjoy it!!!
I also thank you so much for posting this!
This is GREAT to counteract the lying and/or deluded opinions of people who claim over and over again that HWA never claimed all the stupid shit which he clearly DID claim!
Good job!
The truth is out there! (And that truth is devastating for those who still look upon Herbie fondly.)
Ed at 3:47 AM said...
“No one knows the future. Make good decisions and enjoy life. Don't sit and wait for the second coming of Jesus or the rapture. It aint going to happen. There are so many people who waste their lives in a state of negativity hoping for the horrible great tribulation to happen so that Jesus will return or rapture them. This just isn't an Armstrongism thing there are many mainstream Christians who waste their lives on this nonsense. Get a life and enjoy it!!!”
If you believe in God, Herbert W. Armstrong's basic teaching--that the USA and Britain have been greatly blessed by God but are now in danger of losing these blessings and being punished severely for their sins if they do not repent--still makes sense, in spite of the fact that HWA's entire 52-year religious career was marred by wrong prophetic date guessing.
Nobody, but nobody, has ever guessed correctly yet in the past 2,000 years.
The Sunday-keepers who basically reject everything that the Bible teaches and make up their own nonsense are not about to get anything right. Even HWA who supposedly had a “good understanding” for keeping God's law's did not fare any better with his own prophetic date guesses. Maybe it is necessary and important to go even further in obeying God's laws by NOT going around proclaiming date guesses in God's name that God has not told one to proclaim.
I've never told anyone my private estimate of the second coming year, and I do have one. If I tell people it will be one or 30 years or anywhere in between, my educated guess will help some, but discourage others. This is not Gods way. God tells us that His laws are perfect, meaning everyone wins and there are no losers. We should simply have a healthy respect for prophecy, plus realise that we might die tomorrow in a accident. If that happens, for us, Christ has returned.
ALLEN C DEXTER....Nice little anti God rant as usual but you aren't convincing anyone. That's what you believe and that's fine but why waste your time trying to push it on to others. Why are you so upset that others do believe in God and the bible and not what you try to preach. If others are convinced and happy believing in God and the bible who are you to tell them they are wrong and would find life a lot easier to face if they believed what you do. I am quite happy believing in God and the bible and am 100% convinced it's all real, and I certainly wouldn't find life a lot easier to face if I didn't believe it.
HWA was a high school drop out with no training in how to properly interpret Scripture. He was not well read. If you went to a doctor and he didn't know how to interpret your blood test results, you would be in trouble. Even if your doctor had great confidence in himself and had a wonderful bedside manner, he would still be in error if he didn't follow the basic rules of interpretation. So, the writer who said, "The Sunday-keepers who basically reject everything that the Bible teaches" doesn't understand the basics of hermeneutics any better than HWA did. HWA allowed his confirmation bias to get in the way of the truth; did not read passages in context, and was basically a poor scholar. I wonder what his grades were in school before he dropped out? Perhaps he was also intellectually lazy. He didn't want to do the hard work that it takes to become proficient as a student/scholar. I think he took shortcuts. He didn't want a real college, as long as it looked good on the outside. He claimed that accreditation would mean the government would impose on AC worldly values. Yet the Mormon Church has accredited colleges, as do other religious institutions. To invest in a real library didn't appeal to him. AC looked great, superficially. His publications looked great, superficially. A few months of reading in a local library was all the effort that he wanted to make to come up with some of his theories. Read someone else's books, plagiarize what he wanted and publish it as his own. He took shortcuts.
In reading over the PT June/July 1934, you missed the editorial on page 10. I think that HWA was showing what he was in this editorial, deceiving the unsuspecting. Please post that if you would after reading the editorial about the person who comes along and makes a bet that the word transpire means to sweat and another fellow comes along as part of the scheme and take the unsuspecting for a lot of money. This is him, what he did, please post an article about that editorial, thanks.
Actually, I know partly where 1:13 is coming from, hyperbolic and overemoting as his/her post is. The books referred to are typically written as reference guides to church officials and those interested in being involved with countercult ministries - while they can be informative, they are lacking to the current cult member who is looking for potential disproof of their group's claims. The books' authors are writing to an audience that already knows the historic events and precedent behind the practices of mainstream Christianity, not the reader who is already in one of these groups and is unaware of or possesses a distorted understanding of the subject.
Isn't that the key point, Chuckles? Are you "convinced" because you don't know what to do with life if you suddenly weren't? Because if that's your true reason, then god and the bible might as well be a ham sandwich and a readers digest - talismans or totems, not an ommipotent deity and his written instruction.
Oh, that was you twerking at the Shake Shack!
There are authentic atheists here, and 'fake' atheists as well. The fakes desire temporary comfort from the dread of the lake of fire, by dragging others down with them. Or, as the bible expresses it, 'let no man (or woman) take your crown.' The voice of experience tells me to look long and hard, in order to see through their sheeps clothing. But the evidence is always there.
Chuckles. It's your choice to remain dumb and ignorant. I freely admit what an idiot I was for falling for the god garbage. The point is that I wised up and saw the universe and human origin and history for what it really is. The Bible is a crock. Always has been a crock. Christianity is a stupid made up hodge podge of nonsense beginning with the stupidity of a human sacrifice to supposedly wash away sins with human blood (and we condemn the Aztecs). Just doing my part to cut through all that crap in whatever way I can. I do it every day on Facebook.
11.09 AM, your opinion "AC looked great, superficially" makes sense. I've never heard of anyone failing AC due to poor grades. I've heard speeches by AC graduates and the intellectual content was typically poor to mediocre. They claimed to teach people "how to live," but how can this be if they rejected trade. After all, trade is the cornerstone of how we relate to others. I've come to the conclusion that this famous 'we teach people how to live' is a slogan to paper over the truth, Meaning, believe the nice words rather than the reality. I wouldn't mind a comment from AC graduates about the academic standard of AC.
Cheers TradingGuy
Aint it interesting that Christians here have to hide their true identity out of fear for their safety. By contrast, atheist ALLEN C DEXTER can come here, use his real name, post his address here as well if he so desires, and even have a huge flashing 'atheist' neon sign outside his house, and still be very safe. My, how the world loves its own.
Anonymous at 11:09 AM said...
“So, the writer who said, 'The Sunday-keepers who basically reject everything that the Bible teaches' doesn't understand the basics of hermeneutics any better than HWA did. HWA allowed his confirmation bias to get in the way of the truth; did not read passages in context, and was basically a poor scholar. I wonder what his grades were in school before he dropped out? Perhaps he was also intellectually lazy. He didn't want to do the hard work that it takes to become proficient as a student/scholar. I think he took shortcuts.”
In actual practice, hermeneutics is often just a sneaky and tricky way to try to justify and explain why professing Christians are typically ham-eating Sunday-keepers rather than clean-eating Sabbath-keepers like God said in the Bible to be. Hermeneutics is a way to explain why nothing that God said in the Bible to do ever needs to be done, and why everything that God said in the Bible not to do can always be done. If you want to reject and disobey God while professing to be a Christian who loves Jesus, hermeneutics can help you. Hermeneutics is the intellectually dishonest and lazy way to go, which is why it is so popular.
It is fascinating to observe just how “scholarly” many so-called “scholars” actually are and how they are influenced by confirmation bias. Catholic scholars must come to Catholic conclusions, or else get into trouble. Protestant “scholars” must come to Protestant conclusions, or else get into trouble. Seventh-Day Adventist “scholars” must come to SDA conclusions, or else get into trouble. Immoral atheists of the Evilutionary religion must come to evilutionary conclusions, or else get into trouble. All the world's so-called “scholars” are so busy coming to the various different and contradictory conclusions that they were taught to come to, and are expected to come to in order to collect their paychecks and avoid getting into trouble, that they are not about to arrive at the truth and save the world anytime soon. However, confirmation bias will save their paychecks every time.
If you are wondering how to get around the things that God is quoted in the Bible as actually saying, you have a number of options. Here are a few of them. You can:
1. Phone a friend.
2. Use hermeneutics.
3. Buy a “scholar.”
No, 4:08, its not interesting at all. There are posters here of the theistic persuasion who use full names as well. Sorry to derail your conspiracy theory.
Annonymous at 4:08 wrote:
..atheist ALLEN C DEXTER can come here, use his real name, post his address here as well if he so desires, and even have a huge flashing 'atheist' neon sign outside his house,...
Thanks for letting me know this! The flashing neon sign is against the Homeowners Association Rules and I will be filing a proper complaint to the Association in the morning!
To anon at 4:08 PM,
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?
It appears that you cling to a distorted and paranoid mindset.
Are you the person who said his life has been threatened- and even been attacked- countless times, because of his beliefs?
I'd financially contribute to your getting some professional psychiatric help, and I'm sure others would, too.
Please let us know if you'd be willing to accept such help.
Ugh, 6:11, so much hyperbole. Is the nomenclature they use just that frightening to you, or is the only way you know of to disagree with something to make a caricatured, unrealistic straw man and happily Quixote it for your audience of yourself?
Indubitably, Connie!
That 'ole carpet cleaner may even want to know if your carpet matches the drapes.
Not that there's anything wrong with asking, since that's the #1 question on Christian Mingle.
8.47 PM Are you the person who repeatedly accuses people of needing 'professional psychiatric help' for not agreeing with you? Are you 10 or 11 years old?
To Anon @ 10:04 PM,
I'll do my best to answer your angry questions.
#1 question Are you the person who repeatedly accuses people of needing 'professional psychiatric help' for not agreeing with you?
Answer: No. I have never before accused anyone of needing "professional psychiatric help" on this blog.
In fact, although I read here fairly regularly, I have never before suggested that anyone needs such help.
You say that there's someone here "who repeatedly accuses people of needing 'professional psychiatric help"
I may have missed that, if it's true. Would you mind showing that what you assert is actually true? Links would help, and thanks in advance.
#2 question Are you 10 or 11 years old?
Answer: No, I am an adult.
Please forgive me if I'm wrong in this one and only instance when commenting here, that the content and level of someone's writing seemed to call for professional psychiatric help.
Anonymous at 8:56 PM said...
“Ugh, 6:11, so much hyperbole. Is the nomenclature they use just that frightening to you, or is the only way you know of to disagree with something to make a caricatured, unrealistic straw man and happily Quixote it for your audience of yourself?”
What hyperbole? It was just the Plain Truth.
Are the things that the Bible actually quotes God as saying just that frightening to you, or is the only way you know of to disagree with something to make a caricatured, unrealistic straw man, and happily Quixote it for your own audience? (Hope I got that right, as I am not really into all that “caricatured,” “straw man” and “Quixote” talk, but I just thought I'd toss it back at you. By the way, what is with all that “caricatured,” “straw man” and “Quixote” BAFFLEGAB anyway? Can't you ever give a straight, sensible, honest answer to anything? Why do you always have to try to confuse people with a flood of big nonsense words while never actually proving anything?)
As for 6:11, remember that it is not just an audience of himself. You like to read his writings too! So there! Nah nah nah nah boo boo!
If you have anything worthwhile to say, people might be interested in hearing it. But don't just try to bluff them all the time with old nonsense claims that the infamous Hermenheretic and Quixote (whoever, or whatever, that was) and anonymous Straw Men have supposedly proved something. That is really grasping at straws! Try to actually explain something for once!!! See if you can do that.
7.09AM. Since you claim I am paranoid etc, why not practise what you preach by stating your full name and address on this site? I notice some people here (assuming it's not the same person) are trying very hard to invalidate the existence of the Cain Vs Abel reaction. Golly, I wonder why?
If the "big words" frighten you so badly, and you don't actually know what they're trying to say to you, why don't you look them up instead of filling your diaper in public?
Anonymous at 11:24 AM said...
“If the 'big words' frighten you so badly, and you don't actually know what they're trying to say to you, why don't you look them up instead of filling your diaper in public?”
Is this your sad way of saying that you do not really know what any of those big fancy words mean either, that you cannot actually explain anything, and that you were just hoping to intimidate people by throwing them around? You have let down all the other phonies and impostors who come here. You have failed them miserably. Each one of them will have hoped that someone else knew what all those big fancy words meant and how they could be used to turn around everything that God ever said in the Bible to make him say the opposite of what he actually said.
Meanwhile, the long list of HWA's failed prophecies as provided in the article stands unassailed.
Nope, it means the responsibility for either examining or remaining willfully ignorant is solely yours, no matter how loud a noise you make and how many exaggerations you make up to defend your own cretinous insecurity. Oh, sorry. Too many big words?
Anonymous at 4:48 PM said...
“Nope, it means the responsibility for either examining or remaining willfully ignorant is solely yours, no matter how loud a noise you make and how many exaggerations you make up to defend your own cretinous insecurity. Oh, sorry. Too many big words?”
Your frantic desperation to avoid answering the questions that you obviously cannot answer is showing clearly through the ridiculous words that you use. You are a textbook case for the shrinks.
Is this your sad way of saying that you have remained wilfully ignorant and just make a lot of noise to try to hide it? Every raging hick uses low-class buzzwords like “cretinous” these days to try to hide their ignorance and insecurity. Classier swindlers would at least use all the usual classier buzzwords.
Surprise me. Tell me something that I do not already know.
Yes, 4:46! Here is the problem. Statement #1: "I look to people who know and teach the sabbath, the holy days, tithing, and clean meats, the people who understand that we are modern day Israel, as "Mr." Armstrong taught. They are the only people God would look to to be His messengers of the truth."
Statement #2: All of those peoples' prophecies have failed, and continue to fail, and their church has splintered.
That paradox puts members into a constant state of denial and excuse-making. It musn't be a very pleasant or honest way to conduct one's life.
nck wrote 'And I'm not even looking for such endorsement, like James's 2:30.'
What narcissism to think I would endorse you and your views. My thoughts on Edward Bernay are in line with yours. So what? I agree with what you wrote as to Bernay, but calling it an endorsement is a fucked up stretch of your imagination.
By the way, you write like a so called 'Danny' did some years ago here and on other blogs. Very antagonistic towards others.
Yes, James, I noticed the same similarity right off the bat. Danny, aka Gideon, also messed with the blog masters' heads with constant accusations, protests, and demands. He came back numerous times under different names. You could always tell it was him by the crappy spelling, bad grammar, and tinfoil ideas.
I apologize for being over enthusiastic when I saw someone recognizing higher education. After all the WCG was the largest media buyer in the world in its time. Why not assess it on that level? Of course the word endorsement, if even appropriate is limited to the Bernays statement. Sorry for even implying this.
You single me out as antagonistic on a blog where 80% of the comments could stand in court as slanderous and libelous. Therefore I will take your comment at heart. If you have one particular posting in mind, tell me and I will apologize to that person specifically.
By the first two paragraphs I must have proven that I am not a certain Danny or Gideon. By your description, I gather, they would not be able to apologize sincerely.
I have made no accusations, protest or demands.
As a matter of fact.
My postings on "the invisible hand", were a clear explanation of what Adam Smith meant and how an educated audience would receive it. They served as a test to this specific audience.
Since these postings are removed this blog failed the test so to speak. I will spare all of you the direct evidence on the entanglement with wcg and covert operations in the Philippines.
So as you would say. Good riddens.
Sincere apology once again to all that may have been offended.
Here's another one:
Late sixties radio broadcast:
"Britain will not join the Common Market!"
A few years later Britain joins the Common Market!
HWA/GTA swings and misses!
When you swing the bat with everything you've got,
careful you don't STRIKE OUT
Many have failed to see that Mr Armstrong's prophecies that were revealed to him, are slowly coming to fruition. For eg that Britain would not be in the final resurrection of the Beast power. I have heard many ministers in LCG including Meredith himself saying that Britain would remain in the common market and therefore be aligned with the Beast. They were shocked when Britain against popular thinking voted to get out from rhe German led common market/ coming Beast power. It would pay to read Mr Armstrongs articles in full properly, as he was guided what was written in the Bible. As time grew on we understood where we stood in Biblical prophetic events, not necessarily in the time frame we had hoped. Mr Armstrong said he had made mistakes, but they seem to be rectified as he went along. TAKE HEED MY FRIENDS THETRIBULATION WILL COME as prophecised in the Bible. DONT listen to false ministers who say otherwise,
In 2022 everything is coming to pass!
LMAO!!!!!! Not a single thing Herbie ever said has come true. Not a single thing any of the other COG false prophets are currently saying has come true.
These COGs love a man that that loved to be wrong. I guess HWA should have read the booklet called "The Plain Truth about Prophecy"
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