God's most awesome leader of the most superfantabulous Church of God EVVVVVVVVVER, has produced a set of video sermons lately that claim to tell who he is according to the Bible.
Dave now thinks he is "that prophet" mentioned in Acts 3:22-26

The Bible foretells the arrival of Elijah and That Prophet just before Christ’s Return. Many Christians believe That Prophet is Christ. Jews believe he and Elijah are different men. Are they correct?
22 For Moses truly said to the fathers, 'The Lord your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your brethren. Him you shall hear in all things, whatever He says to you. 23 And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people. 24 Yes, and all the prophets, from Samuel and those who follow, as many as have spoken, have also foretold these days. 25 You are sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, 'And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.' 26 To you first, God, having raised up His Servant Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from your iniquities." (Acts 3:22-26Just how many biblical mantles of leadership can Dave take on? The title of being Elijah and Joshua apparently was not been enough for him. What's left? Being)
Thankfully salvation does not rest in Dave Pack's hands or Gerald Flurry's. It doesn't rest in keeping the sabbath or eating "clean" meats or being part of numerous quibbling groups ending up in Petra for "final training." Salvation does not rest in the hands of "doubly blessed" prophets, Canadian Pharisees, or in the hands of "sinless" COG leaders. Of that we can all be assured of!
Annihilation would be preferable to allying oneself with Davy Pack.
We can agree then.
Gerald Flurry is THAT false prophet.
David Pack is THAT false prophet.
It's the Lake of Fire, then.
Couldn't Mr. Pack, Flurry, Meredith, and Bob Thiel arrange a group meeting to duke it out and see who is the "boss?" Last man standing wins.
“Dave Pack: Rejecting me will lead to your utter destruction!”
Exactly backwards, like usual.
Accepting David Pack the false Apostle, false Joshua the High Priest, false Elijah the Prophet, and false That Prophet will lead to your utter destruction.
Just an observation, when rock stars are performing on stage, they have the aura of a god/gods. You get the same phenomenon when ministers get up on a high podium, with their mikes turned up loud, way too loud. They certainly 'sit as God' in their temples, 'showing themselves as God.'
“Thankfully salvation does not rest in Dave Pack's hands or Gerald Flurry's. It doesn't rest in keeping the sabbath or eating 'clean' meats or being part of numerous quibbling groups ending up in Petra for 'final training.'”
There is no need to reject the biblical Sabbath that Jesus observed just because raging false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack try to twist it into a time for their own lies, thefts, mental torture, and no rest at all for their followers.
on Feb 7 2016
NO2HWA wrote
"Thankfully salvation does not rest in Dave Pack's hands or Gerald Flurry's. It doesn't rest in keeping the sabbath or eating "clean" meats....,"
Pack & Flurry, definitely not! So what, in your opinion, does salvation 'rest in'?
on February 7, 2016 at 3:38 PM
Black Ops Mikey said...
"It's the Lake of Fire, then."
For whom??? LOL
"Just how many biblical mantles of leadership can Dave take on? The title of being Elijah and Joshua apparently was not been enough for him. What's left? Being Jesus Christ on earth?"
What's left... hmmm....
Personally I think Pack could possibly be God the Father in the flesh.
or possibly the Holy Spirit himself/herself.
Or.. maybe... Satan in the flesh? If it can be done with a snake, why not? :-)
Ralph, Is that a trick question? According to Scripture, doesn't salvation rest in Jesus Christ?
I don't know if any of you have watched the new set of videos by Pack but in them he is now saying that Christ comes before the tribulation. I say WHAT??? Another sign that he has gone off the deep end.
Ralph, as Andy Dufresne clearly proved, salvation rests with a rock hammer hidden in the cut out pages of an old prison Bible.
on February 8, 2016 at 3:23 AM
Miller Jones said...
"Ralph, Is that a trick question?"
I didn't pose it as such. I am simply interested in how others, who contribute to this blog, view 'salvation'.
I am fully aware of this scripture: "Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
Incidentally, saved from what? So many 'evangelists', especially on TV, ask "Are you saved" but they don't say saved from what.
I originally asked; "So what, in your opinion, does salvation 'rest in'?" and perhaps I should have emphasized WHAT as I obviously know the answer as to WHO.
Should I rephrase the question and ask: How does our salvation rest in Yeshua? What is involved? As I mentioned, I am interested in the opinions of others. In fact, I am just interested in other people.
Gone off the deep end? Becoming a member of WCG was going off the deep end. This is a new level. Pack (and others) have now gone off the deep end of the deep end!
" The title of being Elijah and Joshua apparently was not been enough for him."
Don't forget 21st Century Apostle! Now are buddy Dave is declaring himself to be 'That Prophet'...
Eat your heart out, Gerald Flurry!!! I guess it's time for another Sabbath pilgrimage to the Wadsworth Giant Eagle in hopes of getting a glimpse of his awesomeness!
Ralph - Salvation rests in Jesus (who) and faith in God's Grace (what): a faith that says I cannot earn my salvation by works, whatever those works may be. Just as all men died because of Adam, so all men are made alive through Jesus. One thing I do like about Armstrong theology is the belief that ultimately 99.99999% of people do "make it." It's unfortunate that those in the COG's seem to focus on on who will be greater in the kingdom, something Jesus explicitly forbade.
I like Mark's response to the salvation question. We can't personally do anything to remove the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ fulfilled the requirements of the Law for us.
11.04 The parable of the sower points away from 99.99999% of people qualifying for the kingdom. Gods policy is one of not allowing another Satan into His kingdom.
Christ did not forbid or condemn people for wanting to be the greatest in the kingdom. Who doesn't? Rather Christ said 'if you want to be the greatest, be the greatest servant,' Meaning, pay the price to be the greatest. Wanting to be the greatest, or better than others, is a natural drive,
from February 8, 2016 at 11:04 AM
Many thanks Mark for your response. It does open an avenue for further discussion but I fear I may be construed as a "cyber preacher", if that has not already happened. I agree 100% that "I cannot earn my salvation by works" but I also believe there is more to it than just that.
You mention "....God's Grace (what):...." What is it that YOU believe to be 'God's Grace"
on February 8, 2016 at 12:14 PM
The soul that sinneth, it shall die." and "Rom 3:23
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law."
Miller Jones said...
"Jesus Christ fulfilled the requirements of the Law for us."
You say "requirements". What is it that you believe those requirements (plural) to be?
"We can't personally do anything to remove the penalty for our sins."
Perhaps that's a moot point. After all, scripture says "Eze 18:20
Eventually we all die, one way or another, thus paying the penalty for our sins. Not forgetting: "1Jn 3:4
Eating and drinking. If you can control a person to meet your standards then you can control their money.
Plain and simple. It really is. A person who is so gullible to allow some guy in a suit and tie dictate to him what he needs to gain salvation is a fool.
Where the fuck is God in all this. Is he in Syria helping the Christians? Is he routing out all his enemies on the earth?
Get real my fellow humans. Christianity (a astrological religion) is like all the other Abrahamic religions. A lie and a fraud.
Salvation is a bullshit story. People who find that they NEED religion are weak-minded fools.
The very idea that God speaks through men and speaks not you, places a man between you and God as your mediator. You are now dependent on that man to lead you towards your perceived salvation. But for the Christian, Christ is your mediator. Not Gerald Flurry, nor Davy Pack.
That is why in my opinion that a man should judge him or her self and never listen to men who build palaces in honor to themselves.
As ugly as the thought is, the parable of the sower implies a 25% success rate rather than a 99.999%. I hope I am wrong.
3.52 salvation means having eternal life. I find it difficult to believe that you think this is bull. Who doesn't want to live forever?
5: 14
I mean all of the dos and don'ts. Doesn't Armstrongism say that ETERNAL death is the penalty for sin? And doesn't transgression of the Law include every jot and tittle? In other words, the concept is inclusive of more than the Ten Commandments and Holy days. If one is relying on observance of the Law, then that invidual needs to do a whole lot more than what most of the ACOG culture is doing.
"3.52 salvation means having eternal life. I find it difficult to believe that you think this is bull. Who doesn't want to live forever?"
I'm not 3.52, but I too think promises of eternal life are bull. What's so hard to accept about someone thinking that outlandish claims made upon a dubious basis are probably not true?
I guess living forever might be okay, under the right circumstances. I don't happen to think that Judaism or Christianity offer particularly desirable circumstances however. Notably, I don't think it's gods, Yahweh, El, and Jesus are particularly desirable gods to have to live with. If you were to read the bible, except without all those editorializing references telling you how good these gods were supposed to be, and how bad Satan is supposed to be, I'm not sure you would draw the same conclusions as you do with all those editorializing references.
Finally, just because you want to have something, why do you think that means you're necessarily going to get it? Thinking something is true, or wanting something to be true bears no relationship to its truth value.
8:29 PM, thank you for responding to my post. I have stated many times that I disagree with "those editorializing references." I have read the bible over and over, and have hence read the parable of the talents. This parable tells me that Gods way is the way of trade, with government depicted with a nobleman going to a far country. This means separation of economics and state. This capitalism is also called laissez-faire, French for 'hands off.' This means no pest ministers following members like dogs, micro managing others lives. This behavior is robbing people of their God given talents, and lives. This is the 'editorializing references' I assume you are referring to. This is communism with biblical window dressing. In Gods millennium, there will be no little Stalin-ministry teaching the commie "give way" but rather capitalism. Capitalism means pursuing your own hopes and dreams and interests ('ask, seek knock'). Did I mention that Gods system is that of separation of religion and state. No manipulation, bullying, blackmail, torture, or coercion. Have you noticed how God addressed Jonah? Like Christ, He used persuasion:
" And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?'
Jonah 4:11
In the millennium the social system will be trade (a social system system that respects human right)with people motivated by profit and self interest. The neo commies will weep and gnash their teeth. That is a future society I want to be part of.
Your "Finally, just because you want to have something, why do you think that means you're necessarily going to get it?" is a description of the criminal mindset of ownership by desire. Implying that Christians are criminally minded is err, cheap. Trade means honoring reality. It means ownership is determined by production, not desire. it means mutual consent for mutual benefit. There are no freebies. Talking of reality, it's because I do my best to honor reality, that God answers my prayers, confirming His existence and the existence of eternal life.
Cheers TheTradingGuy
Trading Guy,
Some thoughts:http://godcannotbecontained.blogspot.com/2014/02/does-god-favor-capitalism-over-socialism.html?m=1
"Eat your heart out, Gerald Flurry!!! I guess it's time for another Sabbath pilgrimage to the Wadsworth GIANT EAGLE in hopes of getting a glimpse of his awesomeness!"
Yes, you have been called to SEE. And you are very much welcomed! What the rest of humanity doesn't know yet is that eagles are angels.
sincerely with the Majesty of God,
Dave Joshua Jesus
PS: 2 more to go!
Miller Jones. God is a hard core capitalist. For instance, 'a workman is worthy of his wages,' meaning ownership by production, 'a man reaps what he sows.' which alone knocks socialism on the head. The command 'don't steal' demolishes socialism. God hates theft means He hates, hates, hates socialism. Every law of physics and chemistry has a equal sign, meaning trade, trade, trade. All these closet commie Christians here make sniping attacks on me, but never intellectually challenge what I say. They all hide under their mothers bed. They probably secretly worship Obama and Bernie Sanders, hoping to get more free stuff. Paid for by others of course.
To "trading-guy" anon @ Feb 10 at 3:03 PM,
Thank you for pointing out that Jesus was a commie because He said, "Go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven."
Thank you for sharing your knowledge that Jesus's pop YHVH is a "hard core capitalist" - No doubt, this is an example of Holy Spirit inspired 'word of knowledge' imparted to you.
Hopefully, Pappa God is eternally spanking Sonny God in that great Heavenly Spankatorium in the sky for being too much like the anti-american Muslim manchurian candidate, foreign, unpatriotic terrorist sympathizer.... Obama!
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