Friday, October 26, 2018

This is what we paid for: The Herbert Armstrong Accomplishment Traveling Autobiography Lecture

PGR - Nov 20, 1974

Quotes from an HWA Head of State Meeting in a Cairo Testimonial Dinner 

Times Jesus Christ mentioned? 


Times the Gospel of Jesus Christ mentioned? 


Times the Accomplishments of HWA mentioned? 


"Quite often I cross paths with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, but he works in an official capacity. I work in an unofficial capacity." 
"I'm glad you're going to get to see a little something of Prince Mikasaa. He's a very close friend of mine." 
"When King Leopold was visiting me in my home in Pasadena - and we were having quite a group in my home for dinner one evening" 
"He said he wanted to award that fourth watch to me"  
"Back in 1914, I pioneered in making a survey of business and social conditions in a little town of Kentucky in the United States.It was published in a national magazine." 
"In my early business life, I was thrown constantly in contact with successful men. I mean presidents and board chairman of our largest industrial corporations in the United States and the largest banks in New York and Chicago." 
"Well, I have solved a lot of these things" 
"I have solved the missing dimension" 
"Someday all of humanity is going to wake up to it." 
"I found the answer to many of them" 
"Get and give" 
"I've attended many businessman conventions" 
"I've found that two banks will look at each other with jealous eyes" 
"There was a great teacher who said it's more blessed to give than to receive."  
"I began to put that principle into practice 40 years ago. I've been giving ever since. I've been on the giving side and not the getting side. I have built three colleges and they're based on that principle, and we try to base all life on that principle."  
"Just recently Ambassador College won an award for the most beautiful, best landscaped, and best maintained campus of any college or university of the United States. And I think you'll pardon me if I'm just a little bit proud of that." 
"We have no friction between students and faculty or faculty and administration - nothing but cooperation." 
"There was one very wise man who wrote that everything is vanity anyway."
"Give or get." 
"But for 40 years now, I have been sharing the things that I have discovered and that I know... knowledge that religion has never given us... it's outside the scope of religion." 
"I've discussed these conditions with heads of state all over the world and I get quite a bit of input from them to add to this knowledge. It's cumulative."

This was no "Gospel of the Kingdom of God." This was the Herbert Armstrong Accomplishment Traveling Autobiography Lecture - on Giving, Getting, and The Missing Dimension in Education. He gave God NO Credit in his lectures for anything he learned at all. It was all Herbert. All the time. The Apostle Paul preached Christ and Him Crucified. Herbert Armstrong lectured heads of state on his accomplishments and what he learned - without substance, with much pride and boasting.

This is what we paid for.

submitted by...SHT


Anonymous said...

So, he's been on the giving side, not on the getting side. You could have fooled me considering his mansion, silver and gold dinner ware, company jets, and all the while being treated like a God in his personnel church. Great example of giving.
Again, he expects his members to look away from reality and blindly believe his words.

SHT said...

You know how he and Secretary of State Kissinger crossed paths?

They were in the air. At the same time. In different planes.

But landing at the same airport.

Herbert talked about this in a co-worker letter, where he was boasting that the only two planes on that particular flight path were the Presidential plane, with Ford and Kissinger, and Armstrong's little private jet.

There was absolutely no other reason to bring this up then to boost up his vanity and pride.

I guess that those people who drive half an hour after a VIP motorcade on the same road can boast the same thing! They "Crossed paths" too. Maybe that person should mention that on a FB post or on twitter.

Unknown said...

Since there was a "Pastor General", where were the "Pastor Lieutenants" or "Pastor Chief Petty Officers" or "Pastor Privates" ??

On second thought, cancel that question, I really don't want to know or imagine where the "Pastor's Privates" were!

Anonymous said...

If I recall, some of the leaders of the WCG (Meredith, Armstrong, etc) would mention that they had worked very hard and sacrificed "in the early days". But, it seems, once they paid their dues, they no longer thought of themselves as servants, willing to sacrifice for service to other. It is probably not much different from other churches, once you make rank, then come the privileges. After all, you've earned them.

James said...

And there are those like the Kitchen clan that do not see the greed and vanity of HWA. They see a idol, a golden calf to worship.

Anonymous said...

Connie, you make a common mistake with your question. It's not Pastor General as opposed to Pastor Lieutenant. It's Pastor General as opposed to Pastor Specific. A bunch of Radio Church of God Pastors had their specific pastorates; HWA had no individual pastorate, so he was the pastor "General."

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Of course, it would change who we are, today, David. That's why so many of us would like to change our past. We believe we could have risen to higher heights had it not been for Armstrongism.

DennisCDiehl said...

Neither HWA nor the self absorbed and appointed clones seem to have a grasp of HWA's narcissism nor their own. Personality disorders and the understanding of how they tend to rise to the top, in their minds, were never understood nor considered in anyone's behaviors.

How many times I sat through HWA's accounts of his trips or comments in his never ending "There were two trees.." dirges thinking "that isn't right", or whenever he said something about "God's way is the way of giiiiiive….", even as a student and recall thinking, "Yeah, we give and you get."

Advice: Listen to that little voice in your head sooner!

Anonymous said...

Your right, my problem is my little voice was too quiet for too long. And I too got so tired of hearing about those two trees. Once I woke up, I realized it was always about him and his power trip. I think RCM caught the disease, and then it was RCM being number three in charge, once GTA was gone, the he was #2. Hmmmm maybe he was #2

Anonymous said...

Regarding the "two trees": At first, I thought that HWA graced us with this repeat because he felt that it was so terribly important. During the '50s though '70s, an HWA sermon was supposed to be the highlight, or keynote address for whatever Feast, or other event which we were attending. The problem is, the repeats never stopped, so many of us began to read things like laziness or senility into the picture. I personally began to dread his appearances, to become bored and to fidget. It was especially ironic when one of the songleaders picked "I Love to Tell the Story" as the hymn between sermonette and sermon. Why did we have to hear endless sermons about the two treeses instead of about Jesus and his love?