Monday, December 12, 2011

COGWA: What's Wrong With the Picture?

Take a look at the following leadership of the Church of God a Worldwide Association.  What's wrong with the picture?

Board of Directors is:   David Baker, Arnold Hampton, Joel Meeker Chairman, Richard Pinelli, Larry Salyer, Richard Thompson and Leon Walker.
A random drawing was held to determine BMOD member lengths of service, the results:  
David Baker – four years.
Arnold Hampton – eight years.
Joel Meeker – four years.
Richard Pinelli – eight years.
Larry Salyer – eight years.
Richard Thompson – eight years.
Leon Walker – four years  

PRESIDENT:  Jim Franks 
Media – Clyde Kilough
One Accord online paper:  Larry Salyer
Ministerial Services – Doug Horchak

Doctrine Committee:   John Foster, Bruce Gore, Don Henson, David Johnson, Ralph Levy
Morals and Ethics Assessment Committee:   Mike Blackwell, Larry Neff, Mike Hanisko
Les McCullough and Paul Suckling.

It's the same old tired men who manipulated, connived and stabbed backs along the way to get where they are today.  No new leadership blood is present.  It is all men who trained under HWA and who plan on following HWA's misguided path.  They are stuck in pre-1986 mode and have no intention of ever moving into the 21st century. 

COGWA also announced that they are moving their corporate HQ to Dallas Texas.  They are going to have to find their own property because UCG has refused to sell the vacant Denton property to any church that splits off from them. COGWA was very interested in the Denton property and out of spite UCG is refusing got sell to them.

Samuel Martin On Paying To Support Church Leaders Preaching and Publishing

Samuel Martin posted a comment on an entry further down in Spare Not The Rod: Beat Them Into Submission?

His blog entry is Should we preach? publish?, or proclaim the Gospel - Yes? No? Maybe?

I like the following quotes from him:

Here is a well intentioned Christian brother living thousands of miles away from the region where the Bible was written, using a 400 year old Bible version attempting to bring information which in some cases is over 3,000 years old into our modern day.


There is of course nothing wrong with preaching, publishing or proclaiming the Gospel. On the contrary. What is wrong, however, is misusing the Holy Scriptures to attempt to prove that a particular Church or religious leader must engage in preaching and publishing and that Church members should pay to see that these things take place. Preaching and publishing ministries are fine and excellent things in and of themselves, but one should not use these passages as justification for demanding that Church members pay the bills for these ministerial elements based upon a wrong understanding of Scripture.

Can you imagine Flurry, Pack, or Meredith all the sudden stop requiring church members to send in money to support their "ministries?"  

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Being A UCG Minister Is Exhausting Work!!!!!!

I had to laugh at the comment in Melvin Rhodes letter to UCG minsters discussing the ministerial conference.

It is such a life draining experience and such hard work that UCG ministers will be exhausted from all that burdensome work.

My question is when have ANY of these men ever actually done a full day of hard labor?  How many have actually worked a full day in their lives?  They usually have everyone around them doing their dirty work, moving them, mowing their lawns, taking care of their houses, etc.

If you have pictures of any of them actually performing real work I would love to post them.

Thursday we met mostly in executive session to approve ordinations and to   approve a new hire for Media and Communications Services.

By Thursday at 3 p.m. we were all exhausted and ready to return home. We   are already looking forward to our next meetings at the end of February, 2012.