Have you ever noticed that when it comes to the Philadelphia Church of God that it has never done anything original? There is nothing unique about the PCG, except for the fact it's leader was arrested for public drunkenness.
It was formed by a used and rejected minister of the Worldwide Church of God.
It has reused corporate and print names unique to Armstrongism. It could not come up with something original or one-of-a-kind as its corporate identity.
Even Flurry's Malachi's Message, that he claims he wrote, was plagiarized from a Jules Dervaes writing. Malachi's Message
It's compound in Edmond is a mini-me campus trying to replicate the Pasadena campus.
It's mini-me auditorium has the same colors that HWA used.
The auditorium has used candelabras that HWA picked out.
The auditorium has used gold letters scraped from the onyx wall in Pasadena.
It has WCG's old used, worn out, poorly research and theological inaccurate booklets and books of which PCG has edited to fit Six Pack's mentality while claiming they are HWA's exact words.
The auditorium has a used Steinway piano that HWA picked out.
The Edmond compound has a dirty, moss covered rock that HWA supposedly used (which he did not) but Flurry likes to lie that he did.
Even it's fountain in front of his auditorium is used. They had to cart if from Big Sandy to Edmond.
Even when HWA had it installed on the Big Sandy Ambassador campus it was not one of a kind. There is one in England that was in existence before Herb had his copy made.
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