Friday, October 19, 2018

Ron Weinland says to continue to save second tithe even though Jesus returns Pentecost 2019

Last year Ronnie Weinland, so far the only convicted Church of God felon, made the proclamation that  his creature "jesus" was returning on Pentecost 2019.  After the feast, felon Ronnie must have realized what a false prophet he is and is now telling his dwindling flock that they must save second tithe to prepare for the Feast next year.
“You’ve got to plan ahead in your life. Not like some did for 2012 where people were ready to quit jobs and everything else. Well, we learned a lesson from that. If there are some reasons, whatever they might be, and we don’t know what they are, and something can go beyond that, so be it. God knows what He’s doing and He’ll let us know at some point what we need to see.
So, anyway, you keep doing it. Some questions have come up, can it be used for different things like coming into Phoenix or to Cincinnati. No, it’s not a holy day. Now, there has been a time, one time in the past where some were being allowed to do that because of the focus we had, because of what was believed as strongly as it was at that point. But not now. You keep it for the holy days, holy days only.
“Some have asked about excess they’ve had after the Feast. You can save it for the next year. If you know you’re going to do something different, maybe go somewhere else if we go on, and you want to go to another place that’s going to take more money or maybe your finances have been cut back for whatever reason and you’re on the edge as it was for going to the Feast this past year, and yet you still had a little bit left, you can save that aside for next year. Now, if you’re doing exceedingly well and you know you have far more than what you need then yes, sometimes, you know, a person turns that in, excess second tithe, which is used in the following year, can be used to help others attend a Feast or for whatever purpose deemed necessary by God’s Church.
Ronnie also laid down a new law to the gathered faithful.  They were to no longer treat the Feast as a time for giving lots of presents.  The Feast has been a regular Christmas giving season.
“I do want to make a comment that it’s not a time of passing gifts around, of thinking you’ve got to give gifts to different ones or everybody in an area. This isn’t Christmas. People shouldn’t feel obligated to have to give a gift to one another. You know, if you want to give a gift to some, to a few or whatever, that’s fine, you know, something that is special that you know would help them or be encouraging to them, that’s fine. But sometimes we get in certain places, certain areas where people have this feeling that they’ve got to do it year after year. No, you don’t. Again, it’s not making up for Christmas. It’s not feeling like you’ve got to pass out gifts to everybody, or whatever, or people get expecting of gifts or whatever. So please don’t do that.
You are allowed to buy a few prices of clothing though to upgrade your current rags, but not a new wardrobe like Ronnie and Laura do.
Some have asked about clothing. Can you use second tithe for clothing? Well, it’s fine to, if you want to upgrade something, like for the Feast of Tabernacles, but not your whole wardrobe, not for something for the entire year, you know. Buying this or that, a pair of shoes, whatever, in the past I’d have said a suit, but I’m not worried about that any more, a special tie... well, we’re not doing that necessarily. If you want to upgrade something, fine, if you have ability to do that. But again, you don’t go on a great big shopping spree just because it’s that time of year and it’s not even going to hardly be used at the Feast. It’s about the Feast of Tabernacles. So that’s what you’ve got to keep in mind.
Church of God-Preparing for the Kingdom of God members need to stop saving that money for some dumb Feast with Ronnie and Laura and use that money for themselves.  Take a vacation, buy new clothes, pay off some credit cards, and enjoy life as it was meant to be. Stop supporting the certified liar Ronnie and his sick family. These two are no more the two witnesses than Bob Thiel is a minister of God. Peoples lives are too important to God than to be subject to all of these bottom feeders of Armstrongism.

Ron Weinland Loses More Members

Ever since Ron Weinland went off for a prophetic honeymoon of 3 1/2 years with Big Bubba as his cellmate, the Church of God Preaching the Kingdom has been losing members.  Then when his loony wife Laura and money laundering Audra were elevated to preaching positions, even more members left.  We all know how painful it must be to sit and listen to Ronnie pontificate for 2 hours in his basement on some balmy Saturday afternoon, but imagine 2 hours of loony Laura and Audra! The licking flames of the lake of fire would be comforting to see at this point!

Even after felon Ronnie got out of his half-way house, he has been struggling to keep his dwindling flock in check.  More and more people leave each week, taking their money thus forcing Laura to stop buying lingerie in Las Vegas.

Ronnie mentioned in his sermon this past Saturn's Day the following:
“So the question, again, was asked: “So is anyone being sloppy, negligent in how they follow or choose to believe the instruction, the guidance, and direction God is giving now and that He has given to us in the past?” Because as it was brought out in several sermons, this is happening way, way, way too much. Two more people in this past week now being suspended and one disfellowshipped, and there are more to come. For those who don’t respond, to those who don’t listen to God, those who aren’t making change in their life, this is it.
As I mentioned during the Feast, this is it, and God is bringing these things to the surface and they’re being dealt with. Either we’re really in the Body and we’re functioning within the Body as we should be or we’re not, and if we’re not there is no sense in playing games anymore. There is no sense in wandering around blind out in the courtyard, and maybe farther away than that. So we’re following through and doing what needs to be done to cleanse God’s Church.”
He then goes on to call his followers that question his revelations, fools and stupid.
“How long will scorners take pleasure in scorning, and fools, again, as I mentioned in that particular sermon, basically just a word that means to be stupid. Because we’re really stupid if we neglect what God has placed before us, if we don’t fight this fight after being ever how long you’ve been called and a part of God’s Church and at a time of all time in all human history to not use what we’ve been given, to take it seriously. We would be most stupid to neglect what God has given to us. Yet there are people out there being, candidly, stupid. I mean, there really is no other word for it, just stupid, not very bright. I have a hard time understanding that and yet I don’t.
...and fools/the stupid hate knowledge. Because there is knowledge that God gives to us that we’re to apply to self. There is a sound that has been going out so powerfully before the Feast, a sound that God has been giving during the Feast, and it’s up to us to hear it and to receive it.”
Ronnie is particularly pissed that some of his flock would rather stay home and watch TV on Saturn's Day than to assemble with other members and listen to him preach.
“There are too many people neglecting fellowship with God’s people when they could be having fellowship with God’s people; too many people doing that in the Church. Okay? It’s easier to stay at home and watch it or whatever on TV or listen to it. Now, if you’re not able to that’s one thing, but if you have the ability to, shame on you. Because this is where, here and other areas where people are today, wherever your congregation or group of people is that meet together, there is a fellowship there, as was mentioned during the Feast, that you’re able to have with God, because these are God’s people and God’s spirit is in them and we’re lifted up by that and we’re strengthened by that. We’re not strengthened by that by being on our own unless you can’t help it.”
Excerpted From: Ronald Weinland. “God's Mercy.” Apple Books.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Most Important Book To Gerald Flurry After MOA and Malachi's Message

Gerald Flurry has claimed his Malichai's Message and Herbert's, Mystery of the Ages are on the same level of importance as the Bible.  They are so important that they will eventually be made into scripture.  These books should be in every one's library.

Now it seems Flurry has been influenced by another book.  A book so significant that it has influenced the editorial department of the Philadelphia Church of God.
Let me give you an example. One time, when the Key of David tv crew was waiting in Heathrow Airport for our return flight to the States, we decided to shop. My dad, as he typically does, made a beeline for the bookstore. He left the store with a new volume tucked under his arm: Full Disclosureby Andrew Neil. It was several weeks later when I realized the importance of that book, as my dad quoted large portions of it at an Editorial meeting.
The impact of that one book has been significant. In the editorial department alone, it has helped to better organize our publications and improve our writing. My dad later told me, “It’s as if that book was written for this Work.”
Keep a watchful eye on what the Church quotes or often refers to. If it is good enough to be quoted extensively in the Trumpet, it may be worth adding to your library. Be observant, seek the advice of those knowledgeable in certain fields, and you will have no problem finding plenty of good books. Your problem will then be trying to narrow your selections down.

Andrew Neil's autobiography. As Managing Editor of Britain's Sunday Times he was the most powerful and innovatiev editor in Britain's Fleet Street. He fought with The Royal Family, endlessly with Margaret Thatcher and eventually with the paper's new owner Rupert Murdoch. Fascinating and required read for anyone interested in journalism
All of this comes from the latest article by Lil'Steveie Flurry telling PCG members to build home libraries.  Forget the fact they will be fleeing in a couple of years, it is important to build worthy libraries.  Your Personal Library: Build a book collection like Churchill.

This desire to have a library like Winston Churchill comes about after Gerald Flurry was filled with lust in his heart after viewing Churchill's library.
“Wouldn’t you like to get your hands on that?” my dad remarked as he gazed at Winston Churchill’s private library. We were in Chartwell, England, at Churchill’s home. Churchill was a great man, and the books on those shelves—still preserved just as Churchill had left them—helped to shape his mind. That’s why my dad wanted them.
I am surprised at Flurry's great desire to have a huge library, considering his idol, Herbert Armstrong did not have a huge collection of books in his home.  His library was rather small but was decorated with expensive gold and silver statues, some rare books that he never opened other than the day he bought them at Harrod's and a few personal books, like Message to Garcia, which he kept on his desktop.
Once your small, personal library is in place, don’t just give each book a cursory read. Study those booksRead to learn. And every so often, re-read. This seems obvious for books like Malachi’s Message and Mystery of the Ages, but we rarely apply this principle to secular reading. Why not? We’re better off mastering 20 or 30 excellent volumes than quickly browsing 100. 
Mr. Armstrong often said that the Bible does not contain all knowledge; it is merely the foundationof all knowledge. God expects us to build upon that foundation. He admonishes us to prove allthings—to keep growing. There is always room for improvement. Education never stops.
God has given each of us a responsibility to develop character as we support this Work. Studying history and the lives of great men and women, keeping up with current events, and reading all of the Church-produced material makes us more responsible in our role.
Develop your own 20- or 30-volume set, and then let those books shape and mold your thinking the way Churchill’s library did his.