Friday, July 5, 2024

Holier-Than-Thou Crackpot Prophet Proceeds To Smear Richard Ames After His Death


The Holy Trinity had no idea what would happen when they dreamed up Bob Thiel as the foundations of the world were being laid. They knew perilous times were going to raise their ugly head in the mid-21st century and that people would be looking towards men to save them instead of Jesus. The Holy Trinity knew that there would be a slew of crazy men who would self-appoint themselves in the end times, so they made the Great Bwana to be part of their grand scheme of things. No greater man would ever lead the  True Church.

No other human in the history of the church would ever be of the caliber than what the Great Bwana would possess. No human man would ever be as educated, know more about the Catholic church, nor have the greatest understanding of prophecy. Even St John, as he and others were writing the book of Revelation did not fully understand the hidden things like the Great Bwana would.

That amazing insightful knowledge was revealed to us all once again when the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel rose up in the early 2,000's as God's greatest gift to the church since Jesus. Astounding wisdom has rolled off the velvety lips of the Great Bwana as the entire historical line of church prophecy was to be revealed through him.

Sadly, other Church of God leaders balked at this revealed knowledge and let Satan turn them away from the "truths" that the Great Bwana Bob came to deliver. The most egregious sinners in this matter were the men of the Living Church of God who rejected the Great Bwana en-mass. Stung by this rejection the Great Bwana continues to lash out in fits of rage and anger.

Rod Meredith, his spiritual father in the church turned his back on him. Various other evangelists and church leaders in the Living Church of God also turned their backs on him, many times after puffing up his ego as they smiled and told him all kinds of meaningless platitudes in order to keep his tithes coming.

Lately, after learning that Richard Ames was in the hospital and not expected to live, the Great Bwana made sure everyone knew that Ames was in his prayers. His expectation was that if Ames would repent of his rejection of the Great Bwana that God would heal him for some kind of amazing end-time push as the world has never seen.

The Great Bwana never got to see that happen and today had to lash out at Ames and other Living Church of God ministers for their rejection of him.

The Great Bwana Mzungu writes:

His death was not unexpected as Richard Ames has been quite ill for some time. 
His wife Kathryn is in my prayers. My wife Joyce and her, long got along well. 
Anyway, I first met Richard Ames at Ambassador Auditorium in Pasadena, California back in 1980. 
I have mixed feelings about him, which makes writing this difficult.

The Great One continues by trotting out Gaylyn Bonjour:

The late LCG minister Gaylyn Bonjour made the following statement about him:

Richard Ames is loyal to a fault. 
Gaylyn emphasized the last word. Gaylyn also emphasized that Richard Ames had great difficulty admitting mistakes. 
Richard Ames, himself, said he wanted to be remembered as one who, “Turned many to God.” 
Yet, his acts of omission tended to allow many to not be Philadelphian.

Poor Richard Ames, you did not acknowledge the awesomeness of the Great Bwana so you deliberately sent many Church of God members into the tribulation. Shame on you!

Like EVERYTHING the Great Bwana writes, this ends up being a story about HIMSELF and how great he is and how incredibly insightful and knowledgeable he is.

Richard Ames, along with the late Dr. Roderick C. Meredith and Dr. Douglas Winnail, was one who stated that he believed I might be a prophet of God

Given the track record of these men in Pasadena and them saying such blasphemous things is appalling. They watched as hundreds of crackpots came and went in Pasadena claiming to be prophets. The idea of these men publicly telling the Great Bwana this to his face is comical, at best.

Next, we learn that the Great Bwana was having "visions" as early as 2009, which clearly demonstrates that the delusions had started creeping in early on.

Furthermore, in a meeting with the Charlotte evangelists on December 15, 2011, Richard Ames commended me for an article I had posted earlier that morning defending various fasts that LCG had called (LCG Fast Comments and Complaints). We specifically discussed my view that “I personally received certain spiritual insights/gifts as the result of LCG fasts in 2009, 2010, and 2011” related to me and the matter of prophecy, spiritual gifts, and insight into how acquiring certain information on Greco-Roman Catholic prophecy was helpful. 

Next, we get to see just how absurd the mind of the Great Bwana works. After a prayer was said and they all said "Amen" it further sealed in the Great Bwana's mind that he was now special and set apart. Who knew saying the word amen was such a powerful incantation! 

Did you know that the Great Bwana's writings were to become an "additional witness" much like Joseph Smith's Book of Mormon was claimed to be.

At another meeting with the then LCG evangelists in Charlotte (North Carolina) on December 16, 2011, Richard Ames prayed, with “Amen” concurrence from Dr. Meredith and Dr. D. Winnail, that “Dr. Thiel” would continue to do the work that God has had given me to do, etc. He also specifically called my writings/work “an additional witness.” Hence, there was a concurrence with the evangelical and prophetic fruits of that work I was doing. This, also in my view, was unintended confirmation from all the Charlotte-based evangelists of LCG that I was authorized to speak out in an evangelical and prophetic role; like a “prophetic evangelist” or “evangelistic prophet.” 

The Great Bwana will latch on to anything that he thinks promotes himself and lift him up into his adulterous position.  

But I do not believe Richard Ames shared that type of information in proper detail with people like LCG’s current presiding evangelist Gerald Weston.

Bad meanie, Ames refused to share much of the information that the Great Bwana supposedly revealed to him. This was the beginning of Ames's death sentence.

The Great Bwana then goes on to list several things Ames was guilty of:

Richard Ames also agreed in meetings over the years that LCG taught the wrong prophetic sequence regarding the 11th chapter of the Book of Daniel as well as the start of the Great Tribulation and that LCG should adopt what I proposed on that. But that was never corrected by him nor LCG.

Because they refused to heed his demands, the Great Bwana lays out this overused warning:

Unless that changes, LCG will NOT know when the Great Tribulation will begin until it is basically too late.

The Great Bwana continues:

Richard Ames also concurred that various statements in LCG’s Official Statement of Fundamental Beliefs needed to be corrected. And even though he and the then presiding evangelist of LCG said they would fully correct it by the and of January 2012, that never happened.

Finally wise men were waking up to the lies that the Great Bwana was trying to blackmail them with.

On October 8, 2012, Richard Ames told me he was still willing to see why LCG’s then new (officially taught in 2012) falling away doctrine was wrong–but although he never corrected it

Note that in 2012, the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu apostatized from the Living Church of God in a fit of rebellion to start his own church. The butthurt from constantly being rejected stung too much (and still does as he never stops talking about it). 

Also on October 8, 2012, Richard Ames again agreed to consider fixing various errors that LCG taught related to church history (which he originally did in 2008 or 2009), but he never actually did

Being the narcissist he is, he ends by quoting Aaron Dean who comments that with the death of Ames, there are not many left of the "old guard".

That said, last week Aaron Dean, currently in the United Church of God, sent me the following: 
Dear Bob,
Thanks for the letter and the links in it. Glad you finally got a French hymnal for your people.
I heard Richard Ames is in palliative care with his organs shutting down. Seems the old guard is leaving fairly quickly. A few of us will be the ‘old guard’ pretty soon.
All the Best,
Yes, there are less and less of us who were once part of the old Worldwide Church of God who are still around.

The idea that the Great Bwana Bob believes he is one of the few "old guard" left is comical and absurd. Herbert Armstrong would have smacked his icky narcissistic ass to the curb so fast his head would still be spinning. The great Bwana Bob Mzungu is no more the old guard than he is a true Church of God leader. 



Anonymous said...

Dr. Meredith and Dr. D. Winnail, that “Dr. Thiel

Lots of Drs here who are liking to flaunt such 'qualification' but which are non meaningful , adding zero to the words and sentences they gush or once gushed forth from them .

Anonymous said...

Richard Ames also agreed in meetings over the years that LCG taught the wrong prophetic sequence regarding the 11th chapter of the Book of Daniel

If Mzungo considers he understand the 11 th chapter of the Book Of Daniel he is saying in fact that all has been revealed to him, as we also read nearby in the next chapter: ''.. Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end'. This is outright gobbledygook, and everyone but the dedicated and deceived follower, would know this to be so.

Surfista Giuseppi said...

What does it mean when men who left the church to start their own splinter say that someone "might" be a prophet, and then nothing of any significance happens with that "prophet"? It just doesn't go anywhere, has no impact? What could that possibly even mean? Especially when the splinter was already dying on the vine?

Where in scripture is there an example of someone who "might" be a prophet, yet doesn't do a mighty work?

Armstrongism once showed great potential. Decay is the only thing that has happened to all of the various splintered components. Oh, yeah, people made the news. Post-changes, the mother ship became a much balley-hooed "miracle" to Evangelicals, but then quietly went into contraction. Ron Weinland went to jail. UCG splintered multiple times. Global disintegrated, LCG and RCG emerged from the ashes, and immediately began their own slow, downward slide. Gerald Flurry is currently making the news with Irish Dancing, a fad which passed on the international scene twenty years ago!

It must be very unnerving to wannabe prophets and apostles of the Armstrong persuasion that we can have such a viral phenomenon as the "Hawk Tuah" girl, yet the Armstrong end times message goes absolutely nowhere! Who knew that people would hold expectoration in higher regard than British Israelism!

Anonymous said...

Bob is mentioned in the book of Jeremiah:
Jeremiah 23:16 "This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Do not listen to what
the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD."

Anonymous said...

I have lost even more respect for Dr. T. He is turning the death of Mr. Ames into something about himself and the his CCG. This really shows what an egomaniac he is!

Anonymous said...

I see a pattern. Rod Meredith wanted to keep Bob's tithes and offerings coming in, so he flattered Bob, and Bob was too much of a narcissist and egotist to realize that he was being manipulated by the insincere flattery.

Now, African witch doctors and political candidates are flattering Bob to ensure that Bob's financial support keeps coming in, yet Bob is still too much of a narcissist and egotist to realize that he is being manipulated by the insincere flattery.

What kind of upbringing must Bob have had that left him so desperate to be liked and to be thought of as special? He is so obviously a sad and broken man, susceptible to flattery. If instead of sending money to Rod Meredith and to Africa, and paying for machine translations of a book that hardly anyone will ever read, Bob had spent that money on care for his developmentally disabled son, imagine how much happier the Thiel family's life could have been.

Anonymous said...

Is there any record in the bible of anyone, anywhere, going around saying "listen to me I'm a prophet"?

And why does Bob have to make everything about him? The more he pushes this prophet nonsense the less I pay attention to him. I feel badly for him.

Anonymous said...

Notice how Bob becomes more bold in putting words in dead people's mouths the longer they've been dead.

We saw this in how Bob brought out Dibar Apartian as a supporter of his cause.

We have seen this in Bob's claims about Rod Meredith secretly agreeing with him.

We are starting to see Bob put more words in Gaylyn Bonjour's mouth, though Bonjour died less than six months ago.

Ames has been dead for barely a week, and already Bob is saying that Ames agreed with Bob but for some reason chose to hide that agreement and that truth from Gerald Weston. By this time next year, we'll be hearing that Ames was a secret Bobist who was too fearful to share his Bobism with Meredith and Weston.

Listening to Bob, you would think that his strongest supporters are dead people who can't speak for themselves.

RSK said...

Unfortunately for the "Great Bwana", as you call him, his blatantly-obvious lack of control over his own vanity makes a lot of his claims about these men and what they supposedly said at one point or another highly suspect.

Bob could have simply reviewed Ames' lengthy service to WCG and LCG, thrown in a couple of personal anecdotes and been just fine...but instead he had to author a piece about himself.

John said...

Bob Thiel, seemingly with a head so huge, it appears that he would have a tough time walking through any door, wrote:

"...Richard Ames, along with the late Dr. Roderick C. Meredith and Dr. Douglas Winnail, was one who stated that he believed I might be a prophet of God...

...Furthermore, in a meeting with the Charlotte evangelists on December 15, 2011, Richard Ames commended me for an article I had posted earlier that morning defending various fasts that LCG had called (LCG Fast Comments and Complaints). We specifically discussed my view that “I personally received certain spiritual insights/gifts as the result of LCG fasts in 2009, 2010, and 2011” related to me and the matter of prophecy, spiritual gifts, and insight into how acquiring certain information on Greco-Roman Catholic prophecy was helpful...
...That said, last week Aaron Dean, currently in the United Church of God, sent me the following:

Dear Bob,
Thanks for the letter and the links in it. Glad you finally got a French hymnal for your people.
I heard Richard Ames is in palliative care with his organs shutting down. Seems the old guard is leaving fairly quickly. A few of us will be the ‘old guard’ pretty soon.
All the Best,
Aaron ..."
There are a lot of doctors around Bob, but was Ames a doctor, too? Aaron Dean, also?

Old Guard? God's Church isn't built on the "old guard" that Aaron Dean/Bob Thiel have in their minds/spirits, but on the following:

Ephesians 13:19 "Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God;
:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner [stone];"

For example, let's choose Ezekiel, a real prophet of God, and part of that "old guard" and see what Ezekiel might say about the likes of prophet-so-called (solely by himSELF) Bob Thiel:

Ezekiel 13:2 "Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the LORD;"

Bob Thiel writes out of his own heart, and probably still thinks Israel has something to do with USA and Britain, but Israel is Israel, created by miracle from God through Abraham and Sarah.

Well, what does Ezekiel have to say to Bob? We must use some context, something that it seems Bob Thiel rarely uses:

"Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!" Ezekiel 13::3

Following their own spirit (James 4:5; 2 Cor 11:4; 2 Tim 2:26)? Seen nothing? Amen! That's enough for me, but...

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Once WCG splintered into all those groups.... it was downhill from there, and notice they weren't splintered by a Roman system, they were shattered and scattered due to themselves. Because they believe they are higher than anyone else. Individuals like Bob have that pride, and it's just rampant.

I ran into a minister in one of these cog groups that was trying to correct me because I didn't address him as Dr. instead I used Mr. in an email. I didn't even know he was a Dr. in something. Talk about conceited.

But to the scribes and pharisees, weren't Christ and the apostles considered unlearned and untaught. See

Tonto said...

Thiel trying to suck off the death of James, for his own self justification, is almost as bad as HWA who used the illness of his wife and her subsequent death, as a massive "guilt trip" and fund raiser. All these bad things happened to her because "the church was not with the program" etc.

Job's 4 friends, Bob, & Richard Ames said...

Did Bob blame Mr. Ames a little bit like the way Job's friends blamed Job?

We know the story of Job suffering, & then the 4 friends : Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, Zophar the Naamathite, & Elihu the Buzite came to offer "counsel" to poor Job. The friends basically put 2 and 2 together (Job's suffering, & God as boss over suffering), & they humanly concluded that Job "must have done something wrong"  to result in the travail & plight & health ailments Job found himself in.

Oftentimes the friends tried to coerce Job into uttering a "confession" of some wrongdoing, which they hinted would then likely ease God into relenting putting Job through this trial any longer.

AND NOW WE have Bob "counselling" Mr. Ames a few days ago before Mr. Ames just died in I.C.U.

Bob also coerced Mr. Ames to recant past LCG pamphlet "errors", & utter a "deathbed confession", & like Job's friends hinted, the confession would likely ease God into relenting Mr. Ames' stay at I.C.U. & spark off a recovery/healing.

It's up to you, Job, whether God "quits" punishing you! 

It's up to you, Richard Ames, whether God "quits" having you languish on deathbed in I.C.U.! 

Would a "prophet" need to operate like Job's "friends"? 

(how could Mr. Ames even have mustered the alertness & physical stamina in critical condition at I.C.U. & then in palliative care, to call a mini news conference bedside, to recant & utter the confession Bob said would spark off a miraculous recovery?)

should-I-stay-or-should-I-go-now... said...

One of the few "mighty things" Bob found is what type of dress the 3 Portuguese kids at Fatima tried to explain they actually saw worn in a fantastic vision. They tried to admit they saw a shorter skirt worn than what was commonly worn back in that day of conservative dress in 1917. Their witness account was suppressed for years till our day.

But when some findings are discovered & published, it can sometimes puff the ego of the publisher. He ends up to presume "knowing" what a man suffering on a modern deathbed "needs to do" in order for miraculous healing.

Why be rude to a man when he was in palliative care? Why kick a man when he's already down?

COG blighter said...

That one Tonto, does hurt quite badly, to see a guy like HWA playing a donation-can-on-the-counter collection for another Job style blame game & guilt trip.

Anonymous said...

Bob ought to reflect on Matthew 7:2. He is setting himself up for a catastrophic judgment whenever God holds him to account for his monstrous treatment of others.

Anonymous said...

I can't see how this splinter can survive muck longer without more wealthy Caucasians

The Crackpot needs to hit the Jackpot


Anonymous said...

9:51 said: "I can't see how this splinter can survive muck longer without more wealthy Caucasians"

Yes, he certainly needs more wealthy Caucasians to join him, but they are not. Given the rampant corruption in his African churches and their continual milking of the purse of the CCG, it will not take long till he is bankrupt or joins up with another group that has more money.

Anonymous said...

Well, after that guilt trip he thundered forth onto his belov'd flock regarding Loma passing away natually in old age, about a decade later he socked-it-to-em good by whacking them over the head smartly with the vibrant, vivacious 2nd marriage he had with young chicky-poo Ramona.

Wham, bam...& thank you, man.

Anonymous said...

His upbringing occurred 21 miles from downtown Hell, MI

South Lyon, Michigan 48178 to Hell, Michigan 48169 via 9 Mile Rd and M-36 W/E Michigan 36.

32 min (21 mi)
For the best route in current traffic visit

both near Ann Arbor, where decent libraries and fine shopping was available during the hip, with-it 1960s

Now, they'll go vote √ said...

Those handful of wealthy caucasians are going to be so taken aback by Bob's hounding of Ames the way Job's friends did, that they will now be aching to break directive against voting for P.O.T.U.S. this fall.

Some of his caucasians will be/or probably have been already, secretly voting. And after seeing how roughly a man in palliative care was treated in church, then how can voting be much worse? (besides, that guy Bradox was on the ballot √ seeking votes too...right-in-the-"proper"-hierarchical-governance-grand-theatre of it all)

They're going to shake their head & deduce, "well, since our Overseer is turning out to be insensitive enough so as to verbally kick a man when he is down (in I.C.U./palliative care), then who's to say it's wrong after all to secretly go vote for (either) Trump (or Biden).

but we KNOW they will play the secret trump card 🃏

RSK said...

"However, Bob, your own remarkable vanity and “dreams of greatness” have greatly affected your ability to think clearly many times. Over the last few years, many of us have noted that you have begun to think of yourself in terms that are not realistic. Also, to abet your desires to be a “great one” in the Work, you have carefully and cleverly twisted and enlarged upon many things people have mentioned to you."

RSK said...

"Recently, I had a meeting with Messrs. Ames, Winnail, Wakefield and my son, Jim, to discuss this paper you sent to Mr. Wakefield (and now I see you have also sent it to Messrs. Tyler and Weston). All of us in the meeting except Mr. Wakefield have gotten to know you somewhat and have heard many others express concern about your egotistical ideas that you believe you are a prophet or one of the two witnesses. I will not take the time to argue about every single point you bring up in your paper; that is not the important matter. I will just say that over and over you subtly twist, enlarge upon or exaggerate many of the things you think you heard—some of which you may have “partially heard” but enlarged upon in your own mind and received in a way that was not intended by the one doing the speaking." - also RCM

RSK said...

Now, I suspect this refrain of ego, vanity, manipulation and lust is probably something Bob's heard a thousand times throughout his life.

You would think at his age he might consider that there's something to it.

The W.A. said...

Richard Ames had great difficulty admitting mistakes.

It appears to me that he's not the only one. Take Bob Thiel. Or even this blog.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how, according to Bob, these various people agreed with Bob privately when there were no witnesses, but disagreed him in groups where there were other witnesses? A reasonable person could conclude that Bob was either deluded or outright lying.

RSK said...

Look, in an attempt to assume good faith for a moment, it may be possible that a number of those LCG suits and mucketymucks flattered Bob for a time for their own reasons. I wont speculate as to why but several possibilities seem obvious.

Unfortunately, the overly self-serving and hyperegotistical nature of his post-LCG writings lends far too much credit to RCMs scolding in general.

Anonymous said...

I get really embarrassed for Bob every time he opens his mouth to speak. His attempts to describe or defend the office or position which he feels God has given him are particularly embarrassing.

The essence of it all seems to be "Here I've been given this awesome position, and nobody believes or respects me!"

You'd think he would have recognized that he needs to go back and learn how to relate to people both one on one, and in a group setting, and THEN learn to carry himself in a managerial capacity.

Bob, you are in a position where your raise will become effective the minute you are!

The W.A. said...

Clyde Kilough of COGWA revealed on In Accord that the memorial service for Richard Ames is Sunday, July 14.

Several COGWA leaders plan to attend, he indicated. He did NOT say where the service would be or if it would be livestreamed anywhere.

Curious that LCG is keeping so quiet about this - not even mentioning Mr. Ames's death publicly, to my knowledge.