Just when you thought the idiocy that comes out of COG leaders' mouths could not get any more vile, along comes the Great Bwana to Africa Bob Mzungu Thiel to erase all doubt. Even Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack fail in comparison to the wicked diarrhea that Bwana Bob lets sprew forth from his lips almost on a daily basis now.
Richard Ames, a long-time Church of God member and ordained as an evangelist has been seriously ill over the last month or so. He is in the intensive care unit at the hospital now and some are suggesting he is getting palliative care. (Note: Richard Ames died July 4th, 2024)
Ames, along with Rod Meredith and other church leaders of the Living Church of God were "warned" by the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu that they were doctrinally wrong on several subjects, particularly when it came to prophecy. According to the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu, he and he alone has the correct interpretation of scripture and prophecy and the Living Church of God was expected to heed his demands. Rod Meredith and others, including Ames, ignored Bwana Bob Mzungu's demands, and that caused him to get his wholistic panties all in a knot, apostatize, and create a new splinter cult.
Ames along with many others counseled Meredith to ignore Bwana Bob's demands and that has left a permanent butthurt on the Great Bwana that he has never recovered from.
Yesterday, the Great Bwana hinted that Richard Ames could be healed and used as a powerful end-time voice IF and only IF he would acknowledge the Great Bwana Bob was right. Healing would be immediate and God's endtime work would go forth in power.
0702/24 a.m. In his latest posted letter, LCG's Gerald Weston reported the following:
I’m sure that Mr. Richard Ames and his wife Kathryn are on the minds of all of you. As of this writing, all I can pass on is that Mr. Ames is in critical condition in an intensive care unit.
Richard Ames and his wife Kathryn remain in my prayers. If Richard Ames will let God use him to reveal various facts he is aware of, I believe God will give him that opportunity soon.
If I were sick and Bob Thiel said he was praying for me I would ask for God's divine protection from those prayers.
How does Bob explain his own developmentally disabled son? Is that son rebelling against the Great Bwana's teachings? Or is God punishing Bob for his disobedience?
Did he have a heart attack? It would be sort of ironic if he did......
Ok then why were 1, 2, three, four, 7, yes 10 or more of Bob's group not healed when the obituaries were publicly posted since 2013 or so?
Is there a double standard for Mr. Ames being maybe healed/maybe not, depending on the man heeding Bob...while a litany of obituary announcements were posted since 2013 for those who were right in Bob's organization and regularly following his sage advice? (they were doing what Bob says Mr. Ames ought to be doing, yet the obituaries were ultimately posted).
It is not funny for a guy like Bob to cite an older Clayton D. Steep article regarding how brethren could be blamed for not "praying & fasting effectively enough", when the healing hoped for in their group does not arrive.
And here we have Mr. Ames being cited for hanging on the cliff of following Bob's bible pattern, dangling on the last string of chance to veer over toward Bob's hierarchical pathway.
A lot of folk passed away while they were following Bob's advice. Is it well mannered to press Mr. Ames into following Bob any deeper than how deeply the ones in Bob's new group who passed away, were ALSO doing?
This is at least the 2nd time Bob has tried to "test out" the insight/powers of a "prophet"...the 1st was when warnings about Mrs. Meredith were issued. Something about a stroke, & the warnings were involving Mr. Meredith's health too. Now this 2nd biggie, a prophetic prophet's "insight" on whether Mr. Ames will/or will not be, healed.
Why do the posted lessons have double standards? Could Bob's down syndrome son be healed with the precepts in the rude, condescending Clayton Steep article, as well as Mr. Ames?
Why does Bob "know" what LCG "needs" even after sliding off from there?
And isn't Mr. Ames "full of years", and living well into old age even now? Why should Bob presume to know how many days Mr. Ames has left? Can he visually count the hairs on the head too?
Wow. Ames looks like Herbie Jr. Amazing!
Richard Ames is very old.
If nothing else gets us first, old age does us in.
This is life.
Bob I challenge you to a truth Test/ you say I'm an accuser of the Brethren-/ you say I bore false witness against Bradox Ouma Ocheing/ you say he didn't run in the election of 2022 as an MCA / you said publicly that you accept the truth that Bradox Ouma Ocheing didn't
run in the 2022 Election - You say that you accept the excuse that some one put his name on the Ballot/ You say that I'm spreading lies. Admit I'm right and Bradox Ouma Ocheing and his Father Big Man Evans lied to you and Fire them or don't say anything at all about this; and people will know who is telling the truth. Let's go to Kenya and go to the Election Board and get this resolved once and for all to know the truth. You up for it Bob!!! Will you except the findings and admit!!!! I don't want to hear any of your Fairy tale excuses, on this or anything else. Do this if you want to Show yourself Right , or simply Shut your Mouth and let the people figure out your silence on the Subject!!! LCG Ministers know you would have destroyed the Church, that's why they finally got tired of your Demands, I mean you can't even discern Fantasy from Reality. Richard Ames has a clear conscious in regards to you, they see what crazy stuff your doing in Africa and now they're glad your gone
...I believe God will give him that opportunity soon.
What does that part of the sentence mean? An "opportunity" to recover? An opportunity to preach the "truth" that Dr. Thiel teaches - in Charlotte or somewhere else?
If "Bob" would just acknowledge his false prophetic nonsense, then perhaps he could be healed from his mental illness!
If Mr. Ames is in critical condition, AND in I.C.U., & as some suggest, as also being in palliative care, then how can the man be conscious enough to : "let God use him to reveal various facts he is aware of"?
Must Mr. Ames issue some kind of public statement while in I.C.U.? Are persons in I.C.U. even aware of much, at all?
Bob always has to make everything about him. Even RCM's thick-headed self could perceive that.
Bob still doesn’t get it. He is a cult of his own personality.
Mr Ames is currently getting palliative care as his organs are shutting down.
Bob Thiel's comment is disgusting and cold-hearted, besides being totally delusional.
Yea that's cold hearted and no compassion by Thiel. That's the kind of stuff that should make people not follow the man.
Bob's LCG son may have been just on the tippy-tip of the edge, right on the brink, of sliding off there to join Pops' new splinter.
But after Pops issues the callous expectation for Mr. Ames to call a mini press conference bedside, at I.C.U., to recant all the pamphlet "errors" regarding 10 currently existing nations over 10 nations/subgroups/kingdoms still on the drawing board overseas not established yet, well then LCG sonny may have just teetered & tottered right back into east coast allegiance over west coast CA style.
How can the hierarchical Overseer oversee the progress & prognosis of a very elderly patient in I.C.U. from so far away, using such a callous, android-like Mr. Data Star Trek mindset?
Does God "really" think like Bob does?
Is Bob basically co-ercing a former friend to utter some kind of death-bed confession that would suddenly spark off bless'd miraculous healing?
Surely a meth addict or tobacco smoker or lost mountain climber finding themself in I.C.U. can be blamed for being in I.C.U. But should Mr. Ames (as the very elderly man that he is), be blamed for being in I.C.U.? Or be blamed for inability to soon secure a hospital discharge?
And be blamed for whether or not he pulls through this one or not?
The steadfast stahlwart pillars with Bob may rub their eyes & shake even their heads on this one.
This is such joke! Bob followed the guy who stiffed the WCG mothership, making them pick up the tab for his stupid libelous comments about Leona McNair, and leaves the day after. But, hey, birds of a feather! So Bob sets up "COGwriter" as a brown nose site supposedly supporting Rod and his LCG. Somewhere along the line Herbie's letter to Rod becomes the toast of the internet, and Bob had to have known that LCG was a fake splinter, but continued brown-nosing right up until he felt like Rod wasn't seeing how totally important Bob was. So Bob leaves, and nobody follows. All those years and nobody was actually "groomed" for Bob by COGwriter. So, then he lays claim to Africans who are forced by their living conditions to patronize anyone who can give them any assistance whatever, and says he's got the fastest growing ACOG.
Gavin Rumney certainly called him on his bullshit, and it didn't faze him. Sasha and Terry both uncovered additional information, and he's still not blinking. What a terrible thing! Dude probably thinks he's Job! This can't end well!
That pic of Ames looks so much like HWA- eerie!!!
The cogwriter newspaper full of expectations for those in hospital to recant & utter bedside confessions, would have been found with others laying in the WW I trenches by Snoopy the ace beagle scout from Peanuts® downed behind enemy lines off his Sopwith Camel.
Snoopy famously sees the "blighters" there (poor unfortunate despised infantry blokes) & almost trips on one in the trenches, he notices the bloke's articles in another newsprint under pen name COG blighter, since Bob hardly notices anyone fact checking or whistleblowing.
Richard Aimes passed away July 4th at 7 PM
Heh, and Bobs already acknowledged his death, except three quarters of the post is actually about Bob as usual.
Dear Ministers,
It is with great sadness that I am sending this email to inform you that Mr. Richard Ames died peacefully this evening, July 4, at 7:23 PM EDT. He was 88 years old, and , accompanied by his wife, Kathryn, the majority of his life was spent serving God and doing the Work of God as a minister of Jesus Christ. He directly touched the lives of many of us ministers and countless Church members around the world. His deeply appreciated experience, wisdom, and contributions to the Work will be greatly missed. His work in this life is complete, and his eternal life will begin when Jesus Christ returns. Please pray for Mrs. Ames’ comfort and for that of his family.
The funeral service is yet to be arranged; we will inform you when it is finalized.
It will be okay for you to share this with your congregations.
Your brother in Christ,
Gerald Weston
It's interesting how Weston wrote to LCG ministers, but Weston's information reached Bwana Bob before it reached LCG members.
What was Ames' salary? I'm guessing well into the six-digits.
Remember when we used to be corrected by the ministers and their lackeys for using phrases like "passed away", or "passed on"? Those phrases were not used in the old WCG because they perpetuated mainstream teachings that when an individual died, they passed on to the next stage, reward or punishment. "Soul sleep" was taught as the truth, although there are conflicting scriptures on what happens at death.
We "knew" or were the arbiters of "the truth" so walked around with our corncobs deeply inserted and noses in the air, elitists who took every opportunity to correct others, even those who wished us good luck, admonished us to "take it easy", or said "God bless you" when we sneezed.
Hope they don't just transfer his former salary onto another stuffed shirt bellowing out thinly veiled & masked politico/religiousity wind.
They could redistribute a slight deductible back to the flock for their own possible future I.C.U. needs, if any such need should arise onto the greater-size super fellas at the podiums. It could also go toward a mini insurance for water ski event tragedies & the like, or for metal detectors that Ratzmann would have set off the alarms on.
But a gloating, bloating salary raked off tithes doesn't prove to be entirely helpful, does it.
And even if Bob takes no salary himself over at his group, he surely passes out a generous one to Evans, Radson, & those chaps, eh?
Well, 9:52, wouldn't it be naive of us to believe that LCG's attitude towards Bob Thiel was 100%? According to the laws of probability, he's got to have at least one "mole" in the org. Back in the '70s when you had deacons in undercover vans taking pictures of WCG members coming out of Dr. Martin's Bible Studies, loyalty oaths being required of WCG members, and the AC dorms being "bugged" by security, everyone still knew everything about everybody, and nearly instantly. John Trechak had numerous sources for Ambassador Reports, and like most professional journalists, he required two or three independent sources for every piece of information he reported.
Dennis announced Ames's passing here, so obviously he's still got resources and connections.
Oh, I just can't help myself with this next comment! If Dave Pack had been our source for this news, he would have announced it prematurely about a dozen times, been corrected and back pedaled each time, only to announce it again. So, when it actually happened, nobody would believe him!
My impression is that in the old days (WCG) people were told not to seek medical treatment (unless you were an indispensable leader with a detached retina). We would have been surprised to see an evangelist in the ICU of a hospital. Was RCM's first wife in a hospital when she died? Did she receive analgesics to relieve her pain when needed? What is the current teaching of the LCG on doctors, vaccinations, medicines, etc.?
I doubt most of us will reach 88 years. And he escaped the tribulation. Lucky him.
I imagine the 1st wife stayed home Amish style, under the care of 17th century technology approved of by RCM & crew.
OH, but hold on, forsooth...whenst Rod hisself needs retinal re-attachment, yay, thy new future medical practice is hence taken for high-position members.
1st wife likely was given 1600s hospice & palliative care found in Gallileo's day.
Didn't Ames' wife outlive him? As callous as we've now seen the Great Bwana Mzunga to be, maybe he can start pressuring her to spill the goods on her husband and to join CCOG.
If we are to use Bob Thiel's perverted diabolic logic, the death of Richard Ames meant that he refused to acknowledge Bob Thiel's prophecies and teachings. Therefore, God removed his protection from him and let him die. If Ames had only repented and recanted and said that Bob was right, he would still be alive and the work would begin to do mighty things.
Bob should STFU when people die. Surely he must realize that if an asshole criticizes a dead person who was better than himself, it just makes that asshole look more like an asshole. As in an asshole caught in excretum flagrante, Bob gets the shits every time someone who deliberately failed to acknowledge him dies!
Was Japan in the 1970s too far away for those A.C. intelligence vans to prove what chess champ Bobby Fischer leaked out to Ambassador Watch interviewers? Bobby said that HWA's Japan/Asia gospel-spreading liaison, Mr. Osamu Gotoh, presented Bobby with naughty opportunities to cavort with Mr. Gotoh's geisha girl escorts, despite Bobby saying he declined the offer.
: Finding Bobby Fischer: Lost Interviews with the World Chess Champion (Worldwide: The Unchosen Church) on Worldwide with @TuneIn. #NowPlaying http://tun.in/tnAeP0
Shouldn't the undercover Watergate-style intel from A.C. have properly informed HWA about what his buddy Gotoh was up to when entertaining the Pasadena chess celebrity at the time?
Ep 1.7
Should we have sent out tykes to Imperial Schools if HWA had such a wise-guy pally as Osamu Gotoh?
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