Thursday, September 15, 2011

Big Sandy Campus Featured In Primetime Nightline Story

I while back I had an entry on The Alert Academy who bought the Big Sandy campus.  It is run by a fundamentalist Baptist oriented sect that encourages large families. Check out the Bates family with 18 kids and counting.  They are featured on the Big Sandy Campus in this Primetime Nightline story.

If video does not work then check the show on Hulu: My Extra (Ordinary) Family Bates' 18 Kids

Patriarchal Idiots Leading The Church

Comments from a Facebook COG Survivors page:

I went to WCG from my earliest memories til I quit when I was in 12th grade. I can't even begin to tell you how much time I have spent in therapy just to figure out and prove to myself that "I'm not and never was such a bad person"-the way I was made to feel by every person in that church. 
 From the lead ministers down to all of the deacons-they were all about making you feel miserable and crappy all of the time. This group is supposed to be for survivors but most of what I have read seems to be people still trying to prove some kind of point regarding what we should really believe and follow so let me throw my 10 cents in...the God I follow is supposed to be a loving and forgiving God-not one that makes you feel guilty and miserable because you watched tv after sundown on Friday night. 
Every rule we tried to keep are man made rules and guidelines from interpretations made by men who removed parts of the bible along the way if they wanted to have more fun in life. Religion sure can be a powerful brainwashing weapon to young people, or older people, who are impressionable. It's wrong to take advantage of an impressionable mind. 
God wants us to be thinkers, not sheep who follow any speaker who seems to know what he's talking about. My dad cheated on my mom the entire time I went to this church. Our deacons and pastors advice? She should make sure she is fulfilling her duties as a wife and maybe that would keep him at home. Excellent leadership from a load of patriarchal idiots claiming to lead in God's direction.

Restaurants Are Hotbeds of Satanic Activity

Someone left the door open at the funny farm and the inmates are loose!
Restaurants Are Hotbeds of Satanic Activity
Dennis Fischer rails against restaurants as dens of satanic activity.  He says:

Satan desperately wants restaurant personnel to reject God's Sabbath, and he desperately wants God’s people to purchase the fruit of this sin. So far, he seems to be having his way with both.


This restaurant rejects God’s law and profanes His Sabbath. 
We serve another god. He is our master. 
So come on in and enjoy the best
food and service in town.
    Imagine that you and some friends decide to go to your favorite restaurant after Sabbath services and enjoy a delicious meal and some wonderful Christian fellowship. This has been a long standing tradition of yours and you never once questioned it. As you pull into the parking lot you immediately notice something different. The name of the restaurant has changed. You then proceed toward the entrance and see a small announcement board with a notice that informs all customers that this is a God rejecting, Satan worshiping restaurant. Aside from that nothing has changed. The personnel are all the same and the menu is identical to the one that was there before. Now here is our question:

Would you feel as comfortable eating there
as you did prior to this "renovation"?

     If your answer is "no" then you are simply the victim of good advertising. You may never find this sign or the accompanying announcement, but every Sabbath you will find the restaurant they describe. It is the one many of God's people visit every week.

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is
Transformed into an angel of light."
What is the Point?

     The point in presenting this "hypothetical" is to illustrate that what takes place in a restaurant on God's Sabbath goes entirely against His great moral law. On that day, restaurant personnel serve the god of this world, and do his bidding, whether they are aware of it or not. In a very real sense, restaurants that profane God's Sabbath are, for that day, "The Devil's Diner." Simply because they don't post this fact on a sign may provide consolation for advocates of Sabbath dining, but such an omission carries no weight with the Almighty. Both Israel and Judah went into captivity because they forgot about His Sabbath. Is it possible that the same fate awaits His people today, if they continue to engage in this sin? Certainly that was what Nehemiah suggested (Neh. 13:17-18).
     What all too many in God’s Church fail to grasp is that a real God-rejecting devil has blinded the minds of those who profane the Sabbath by laboring in restaurants on this day (2Cor. 4:4). Furthermore, that devil has also blinded the minds of those in God's Church who see nothing wrong with seeking out these unbelievers and paying them for their services.
    The bottom line is this: Satan desperately wants restaurant personnel to reject God's Sabbath, and he desperately wants God’s people to purchase the fruit of this sin. So far, he seems to be having his way with both.