Monday, March 26, 2018

The Exodus: A Meaningful Story But Let's Not Take It Literally?

“Yet all agree that the Pentateuch is not a single, seamless composition but a patchwork of different sources, each written under different historical circumstances to express different religious or political viewpoints.”
Israel Finkelstein, The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Sacred Texts

“biblical history did not take place in either the particular era or the manner described. Some of the most famous events in the Bible clearly never happened at all.”
Israel Finkelstein, The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Sacred Texts

 –Dr. Steven DiMattei
PhD New Testament studies

"Despite its provocative and even misleading title, “Contradictions in the Bible” is a website devoted to bringing biblical scholarship to the public, what experts in the field now know about the Bible’s various textual traditions, the historical and literary contexts that produced these texts, how they came to be assembled together, and even the competing aims and agendas of their diverse authors. Thus, this website’s primary aim is to reclaim the topic of Bible Contradictions for its proper field of study—biblical scholarship. In other words, biblical scholars have known and written about the Bible’s Contradictions for centuries now—what has traditionally been labeled as source-critical scholarship, that is the study of the Bible’s numerous, and often competing, textual traditions! "

"In its present form, the book of Exodus is a composite of the Yahwist, Elohist, and Priestly sources. These biblical traditions, which record the story of the Israelites’ enslavement in and exodus from Egypt, maintain that the Israelites were oppressed by an unnamed Pharaoh, used as forced laborers in the Pharaoh’s building projects, and were subsequently liberated by Moses, under Yahweh’s guidance, with signs and wonders.
Yet despite these traditions, historical specifics are never described, and neither are there any extent extra-biblical sources nor archaeological data to corroborate these narratives:
No Egyptian records of a large number of, nor any, Israelites in Egypt during the alleged time periods proposed by our biblical sources

No  literary nor archaeological records of a mass flight of 600,000 males (Ex 12:37) accompanied by women, children, servants, and livestock in what would have been a heavily fortified Egyptian presence from Egypt to Canaan
No archeological record of settlements in the Sinai peninsula in and around the time of Rameses II, or the whole New Kingdom period (15th-11th c. BC) for that matter—especially true of Kadesh-barnea where this one million plus troop allegedly encamped for 38 of the 40 years spent in the peninsula!

No trace of Egyptian influence on Hebrew material culture and language as the result of four centuries of direct Egyptian contact."

...At the other end of the spectrum, there is significant archaeological data confirming the re-importance of the city of Rameses as well as the foundation of Pithom (Ex 1:11) in the 7th century BC. In fact, all the major places in the wilderness narratives have settlement layers in the archaeological record for the 7thcentury BC, especially Kadesh-barnea where the Israelites allegedly remained 38 of their 40 years in the peninsula—at least according to one tradition. In other words, the authors who sculpted the Exodus narrative were familiar with the geopolitical world of the Egyptian delta and the Sinai peninsula as it stood in the
7th century BC!"

Additionally, such stories need to be assessed from within their own historical and literary culture, and not from modern reader’s agendas, presuppositions, or whims. For example, the biblical plague narrative itself was influenced by older ancient Near Eastern literary—and not historical—traditions. There are a number of Sumerian tales that narrate how the goddess Inanna brought forth three plagues upon the land, the last of which was turning all the water of the land to blood. Various plagues and skin diseases, such as boils, are prominent curses among numerous different covenantal treaty documents in the literature of the ancient Near East. Hail is visibly one of the plagues sent by Inanna as well, and swarms of plant eating locusts are a popular divine punishment in Assyrian vassal treaties and other texts from Mesopotamia. Moreover, in the ancient Near Eastern world one of the most significant ways a scribe could argue for the supremacy of his national deity over and against another nation’s god was to present his god, in the present case Yahweh, as ultimate sovereign over the forces of fertility, life, and death—and this is exactly what the whole plague narrative accomplishes. These stories must be understand and read as products of their own literary and historical contexts.

Thus, far from being a work of historical fact or the recollection of an historical event, the Exodus traditions were most likely the product of centuries of accumulated and shared cultural memories of past events in the long history between Egypt and the land of Canaan: the expulsion of the Semitic Hyksos; the fact that the Pharaohs of the New Kingdom regularly used Semites in their building projects; and the underlying political reality that the Canaanites did in fact liberate themselves from Egyptian control in the 12th century BC, but it was the Egyptians who were expelled from the land of Canaan, not the Israelites from Egypt! As some scholars have suggested, the shared cultural memory of the liberation of Semites in Egypt might have been a powerful enough narrative to have been the catalyst for creating a shared ethnic identity and past which took the form of the Exodus narrative."
Is the Exodus History?

We at the Continuing Church of God offer a  rebuttal


Sunday, March 25, 2018

New Church of God Media Ministry Starts Off With Fornicating Pick Up Artists

For decades the various Churches of God have sought ways to reach new converts.  Some things they have come up with have been rather good, and others things that should have been relegated to the trash bin of history.

This brings us to today, and oh what a stinker we have to see!  Our very own Almost-arrested but not-arrested, Almost-ordained, but not-ordained, Elijah Amos, Joshua, Zechariah, End-time Witness, prophet, apostle, future martyr, Mayan authority, Catholicism authority, end time prophecy authority, Doubly-blessed but not blessed to start a church, Bwana Dr. Robert Thiel has started his new Animation Channel in order to convert the minds of young people into the "truth once given."

Like any good Church of God leader, Bwana Bob starts his very first animation with the Church of God's favorite topic, prophecy and the end times, sex!

Should a first date be between two experienced pickup artists interested in fornication? Or should it be between a man and a woman who would like to actually know each other better? Does the Bible give any guidelines that Christians who date should pay attention to? If so, what are some? This brief animation shows a worldly pickup date at a bar, and an inelegant, but appropriate request for a date in a more open environment. Dating should be fun and involve communication, and not regrets. So, check out our animation on worldly vs. Christian dating.

What makes this video doubly worse is that the Doubly-blessed Thiel is the voice of the animation!  Imagine being a youth and having to listen to this shit!  Oy!

Doesn't that make you want to immediately sign up for Bob's cult!   It is no wonder the Churches of God are dying when this kind of crap is being used as a "witnessing" tool.

Bwana Bob's goal is to reach the unconverted youth of the world with this.  By roping them in with this, they will then spend endless hours memorizing the law.  After all, the law is more important than Jesus.

As usual, there has never been a COG in human history who has EVER thought of doing such a thing.  It is unique to Bwana Bob, exclusively!  Eat your heart out Dave Pack!

In order to help get information out to a wider audience, we in the Continuing Church of God have decided to produce some short animations that we plan to initially put up on YouTube. 
This may be somewhat unique to us as I personally have never been part of a church that used a lot of animations (I only remember a two-minute animation in the 1970s used once as part of a World Tomorrow telecast related to Gehenna fire). The first CCOG animation is related to dating and our forthcoming booklet on the subject.
To try to reach all, we must also consider their demographics. Younger people are looking for more short bursts of information, and people are more used to being entertained in modern times.
Bwana Bob considers this to be "starter food" or in other words, baby pablum. 

So, while we will continue to have sermons, long articles, etc. (stronger meat), we are looking to provide some basic information (milk, starter food) in forms that more would be comfortable to start with. Plus, everyone who has been around for a long times does not always need strong meat. God made a variety of physical foods, and in CCOG we are trying to provide a variety of spiritual foods (magazines, websites, sermonette videos, sermon videos, personal contacts, visits around the world, baptizing trips, youth camps, church and holy day services, radio appearances, and now also videos). Radio appearances, of which I have done over 100 since CCOG formed, should be considered mainly along the “milk of the word” line. 
And what is the lofty end goal of attracting these youth to the improperly named "continuing" Church of God?

Consistent with biblical admonitions, we need to “Memorize his laws and tell them to your children over and over again” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7, CEV) as well as “turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6). 

Since very young children tend to have their hearts turned towards their parents and vice versa, I have long believed we need to, in addition to teaching parents (which is something we have always striven to do), better reach young people in their teens and above. Animations look to be one way to do that (and yes, church youth camps, which we have each year are also another specific step we have taken). 
But let it be understood that while the use of animations is mainly focused on people from age 13 to 30, animations should also be effective for people of almost all ages.
Forget about teaching the youth about Jesus, memorizing the law and talking about fornication and sex is more important!

Also, like any good Armstrongite, Bwana Bob trots out Herbert Armstrong to justify his new animation ministry:

Notice something that the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong, had in the last letter sent out before his death: 
It may be that the Work that God has given me to do is complete, but not the Work of God’s Church, which will be faithfully doing God’s Work till Christ, the True Head of this Church, returns … Remember brethren, this is not the work of Herbert W. Armstrong … The greatest work lies ahead … Never before in the history of the Church has it been possible to reap so great a harvest. It has only been made possible through modern technology, beginning with the printing press, radio, television ... Each of you must commit yourself to support God’s Work … God’s work must push ahead as never before. God is opening up new doors in television(Letter, 1/10/86). 
The use of animations looks to be a door that we can use to reach others that we may not otherwise reach as well as those not as likely to want to read long articles and/or to watch long sermons. Hopefully, after watching animations, many will want to learn more.
The use of online television services like YouTube, and modern computer software to make animations, is a NEW DOOR IN TELEVISION. 
My hope and prayer is that the short animations, combined with relevant free book offers, will help others develop more interest in true Christianity. This is another way to get the witness out to the world.
How in the world is this kind of legalistic crap going to point anyone towards "true" Christianity?  It certainly cannot be found in the improperly named "continuing" Church of God!

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Narcissistic COG Leader Claims He Is Elohim, Lectures Wikipedia and Australian Military Minister On How Things Should Be

Imagine the arrogance and narcissism that drives a Church of God leader, who claims he is Elohim, to lash out at the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Australia over how he perceives history should be written.

Wade Cox says, "I am not prepared to stand idly by."  

It's always fun to see old Wade pitch one of his fits and lecture the world on how things WILL be.  It is even greater to see the world ignore him as Wikipedia and Michale McCormack have.  

This is especially delicious in seeing Cox lecture the Honorable Michael McCormack, given the track record that exists on the Internet about Wade Cox's distingusied military service.  

Then to add more fuel to the fire, Elohim Cox, as an Oracle of God, has to throw in two of his loony and loosely based "biblical" lectures in order to educate McCormack on how things should be. As if McCormack and Wikipedia would EVER read the steaming piles of crap that Cox publishes.

Wade Cox shared a link to the group: Calendar of God.
This was a recent letter to the Minister of Veterans Affairs etc. over the deliberate misrepresentation of the Battle of Jerusalem by unscrupulous religious identities.
The Hon. Michael McCormack MP
Minister for Veterans Affairs and Minister assisting the PM for the Centenary of Anzac.
Dear Minister,
It came to my attention that Wikipedia was deliberately misrepresenting the Battle of Jerusalem and attributing the Battle to the British on 9 December and totally misrepresenting the official History of the Fall of Jerusalem to the Australians on 7 December as detailed in the Official History by H. S. Gullett. From their entirely false portrayal the Australians taking of Jerusalem on 7 December is completely ignored and the history falsified.
I wrote on this some twenty years ago identifying a religious motive for the portrayal and published on it. It is being used to establish a false dating in the US and UK.
The purpose is to justify the modern Jewish Calendar which runs one or two or more days later than the Ancient Temple Calendar. The unscrupulous sources have obviously got into Wikipedia and written a false account and written out the true account of the ALH taking of Jerusalem on the 7 December 1917 and applying it to 9 December 1917.
The purpose is to make the prophecy of Haggai regarding the date of the retaking of Jerusalem under Bible Prophecy appear later in accord with Hillel. Haggai says it was to be retaken on the 24 of Chislev which in the ancient Temple Calendar would have been 7 December when it was taken. In the modern Hillel Calendar with the Jewish postponements it was on 9 December and so they had to rewrite the official history and take the remarkable achievements of the Australians and their role in prophecy out of the picture completely.
I have written on the matter and as an ex Army Major RA Inf and TPI Pensioner I am not prepared to stand idly by. However, It needs to be corrected officially and publicly by the Australian Warm Memorial Officers and our legacy preserved.
Furthermore, we need a Memorial officer with authority to monitor the War Record as misused by Wikipedia and some of their less than honest contributors so that our history is not lost or misrepresented. The Australian taking of both the Well of the Oath at Beersheba and the capture of Jerusalem are two of our great achievements of all time in their historical significance and were prophesied also in Habakkuk.
See Commentary on Habakkuk (No. 021H) at 
Commentary on Haggai (No. 021J) at 
And Oracles of God (No. 184) at
Thanking you in anticipation. I have cced this to my local member who also has a military background.
Wade Cox
Wade Cox
Coordinator General
Christian Churches of God
As Elohim, Cox believes his back reading of world events into stories out of the Bible, is the ONLY truth that will lead the unwashed masses to salvation.

He claims that he, as the Coordinator-General, is an Oracle of God and therefore we should listen to everything he says as if it was the God-inspired truth.

He says:
God chose to speak to humanity through His servants. The established chain of revelation went from Adam through the patriarchs to Noah and then to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God chose to establish a people through which He would enshrine His laws and through which His plan of Salvation would be revealed.

Does truth even exist in the COG any more?