Thursday, April 26, 2018

Biannual Reminder for Restored Church of God Members

Just prior to starting his Restored Church of God David C Pack reassured  the brethren...

 Recorded on December 12, 1998 at the onset of the Global/Living
Split, a full year and approximately five months before the Restored Church of God. The
sermon was titled: "10 Points for the Crisis". There were hundreds of copies of this tape 

"I want to make a statement, if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now...I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, *(Badly failed  exegesis?  Flawed Christology?  Jesus visit to Wadsworth? All things common?) don't follow me. I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that I'm gonna try to get you to follow me! I'm gonna come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and Z. Do you understand what I'm saying? Listen to me now, when I tell you don't follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are total absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do I'm gonna paint it with a different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what I'm saying brethren? Please remember that, because I promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget it...And I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me... *(Will do) But I'll tell you what, I'm not going anywhere."

*(But you did)


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Just What Kind of Man Would Minister for Dave Pack and His Restored Church of God?

While I can't name one man who is a minister in the Restored Church of God, I do wonder what kind of man they must be to have given in to Dave Pack's Boot Camp for In-Coming Pastors.  Sincere I suspect. Of sound judgement and common sense?  I doubt it.  Biblically literate and scientifically savy?  Not a chance.  

Willing to humiliate themselves for Dave and position in RCG?

July 2013   Dave Pack hunts for a compliant Restored Church of God Ministry to serve him.

"Instead, while this announcement will correct you, it will also inspire and surprise you. It includes a series of questions to consider in advance of the Haggai prophecy fulfillment. The goal is to lift you with hope for the future. Another purpose of these announcements has been to awaken in ministers a remembrance of the government of God at work in His Church. If you are reading with an open mind you will understand that what is written is, in part, an appeal designed to get your attention and return you to your true role and calling. You once firmly believed that Jesus Christ had installed you into the office you held within His unified Body. (Yet hundreds of you went on to reduce your God-ordained office to mere “elder.”)   Hopefully many of you still believe as you once did."

"Tragically, some will make the wrong decision and lose eternal life. Consider carefully your actions. Your record is being written. Judgment is now on the house of God (I Pet. 4:17). You know human beings. You know they will broadcast what happened in your pastorate. (Future announcements will explain EXACTLY what God says will happen to everyone who does not come—one of three things, none good.)

1. Gyrated in your seat to death 
2. Made to listen to reruns of "Why Unification Now?"  (2013)
3. Work for Mr. Pack at HQ

(Just speculation on my part. One benefit of NOT coming would be in the saving of 10,20 and up to 30% and not having to share all things common, all good!)

Here's a few points from his litmus test for RCG ministry Zombies to be that are particularly offensive and telling

(3) Established Doctrine and Tradition
  • In what doctrines or traditions do you believe Mr. Armstrong “got it wrong”? (Include all areas—be specific    

(4) Did you actively resist false doctrine in your ministry?—or give safe sermons where you disagreed? (Be specific.)

6) Why should you still be considered for the ministry in God’s Church?

  • Why should God’s flock ever again be entrusted to your care?.
  • Are you prepared to re-win brethren’s trust, including brethren now here whom you will likely also pastor? What about re-winning the trust of Headquarters? 

(9) Do you now believe again that Christ works solely through one unified organization

Not really.  I don't even see that as being the case in the New Testament with all the fuss between Peter, James and John vs Paul and John vs Peter

(10) In light of government(s) you followed, how do you see God’s government today?


(15) Are you willing to temporarily or permanently become an associate pastor?

Well, you weren't real good at this yourself Dave, back in the day in NYC.

(16) Are you willing to be excluded from the ministry until you requalify?

You weren't

(18) If your ordination(s) is(are) invalid, are you interested in being re-trained for Christ’s true ministry?

Do you have something in Paleontology, Cosmology or Geology?

(19) Do you believe ministers should be able to voice opinions to others about:

  • Where Headquarters is “wrong”?
  • What Mr. Armstrong taught/said/did “wrong”?
  • What Mr. Pack teaches/says/does “wrong”?
  • Where your boss is “wrong” or harsh, etc.?
  • Where you disagree doctrinally?
Of course, especially that "what Mr. Pack teaches/says/does "wrong" thing!

(20) Do you consider yourself as having been (rate yourself from 5 being best to 0 being worst):

  • Weak                  
  • Cowardly
  • Slothful
  • Covetous
  • Confused
  • Compromising
  • Foolish
  • Political (And did you ever “run for office” in a splinter?)
  • Heretical
  • Deceitful
  • Easily deceived
  • Betrayed your calling
Yes and No

(21) Why did you lose the ability to “discern good from evil” (Heb. 5:13-14)?—and for so long?

I didn't get to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil so how could I know?

(22) What do you consider to be your ministerial rank?


(23) Are you prepared to dedicate the rest of your life to serving God’s flock and fixing completely the horrific mess you helped cause in so many lives?

You're projecting....Are you Dave?

(24) In light of how you once saw Mr. Armstrong, do you still recognize the fruits of a true apostle when you see one?

Would you be mad if I never quite saw Mr. Armstrong as acting like whatever a true Apostle is?

(25) Describe your spiritual condition today. (Also, rate your temperature from 0-10, with 10 the highest.)


(26) What 5 biggest lessons did you learn from and since the apostasy? (In order of importance.)

(Clowns rise to the top X 5)

(29) Having now long abandoned many doctrines you said you would never leave, how would you convince Headquarters that this time you “mean it” if you intend to now “hold fast” (Rev. 3:11)?

Give you all my money and work for free?

(31) Are you prepared to spend a full year (or more) catching up with all you must unlearn, relearn, and learn new?

No. You?

(33) How would you prove that you are still Spirit-led?—or were ever Spirit-led?

Raise the dead?  Obey your every word and believe every tale you weave?

(35) What did you do after reading the article “God’s People Back Together—SOON!”?

Laughed and thought to myself where does he get this stuff?  What did you do Dave after writing it and God's people didn't show up?  

Billions Will Be Killed At The End Of The Millennium

The Church of God has always pictured the millennium as a time of peace and prosperity as people live in true harmony with God and Jesus walking among them.

Leave it to a Pharisaical COG turd to claim that the billions of people who will live this harmony while being ruled over by COG members, will all end up being killed AFTER the millennium. All that will be left will be the highly selected law keepers and zealots.  If that is all true, then why even try?  That is what happens when people start listening to the zealous liars and despots that run the various COG ministries out there today.

When Satan is released after the end of the millennium – AFTER the millennium ends; to complete the remaining months of his six thousand years of dominating mankind, he will deceive – probably many billions of people – nearly everyone on the planet except Israel [God will allow this to teach one final lesson to a mankind who after a thousand years of peace will have become complacent, lukewarm and lacking in zeal just like we have become today]. 
It is those vast numbers who are killed AFTER the millennium, but BEFORE the main harvest; who will be resurrected during the seventh and last; one thousand years of Tabernacles. James Malm