Wednesday, May 13, 2020

PCG Continues To Prey Upon COG Members To Join Up With Them Before The Germans Imprison Them All

The Germans are coming! The Germans are coming!

The Philadelphia Church of God has always deemed its sole purpose is to recruit as many COG members as possible to join up with the one true church. Of course, the main goal of this recruitment is the have access to their money way more than they are concerned about anyone's salvation. Gerald Flurry has always assumed that church members would flock to his church because they understood him to be correct. This, however, is not unique to Flurry.  Dave Pack and Bob Theil both imagine COG members will soon be flocking to their little groups in amazement and gratitude for preserving the truth. Thankfully the tens of thousands of members and ex-members know all these men to be the charlatans they are.

Below is PCG's latest recruitment propaganda:

From a PCG source:

"PCG's May 13, 2020 Trumpet Brief that they send out a newsletter is more of the same fear-inducing recruitment addressed to weak-minded former WCG folks, courtesy of course by no less than PCG's SS henchman himself Joel Hilliker."

Like all the false prophets of the Church of God, the PCG cannot let a convenient pandemic go to waste in order to further perverted theological goals. Fear!  It is always about fear.  Scare the deceived members and they will flock to you.

Wake up! The end times are here! Oh, noes!!!!!!

Intense suffering is soon to come and you will be wearing tattered clothing. You will soon be going into captivity by those nasty Germans, or Muslims, or Chinese...depending upon who Flurry has deemed to be the latest enemy.

Next, Lil'Joel gets to the point of his little tirade of fear.  He is out after COG members to heed his call. Tens of thousands of COG members and former members are heeding into terrible times ahead.

Lil'Joel also notes that Stephen Flurry, the apostate son of Gerald Flurry, is furious that COG members believe that church members exist in all the various COG's as the real followers of Christ.

Did you know that Gerald is "locked-in" in prophecy? Just like Bob Theil, Gerald knows all things about prophecy. He has never made a mistake in his life. In fact, he is so precise that he has had to correct some of the prophecies of Herbert Armstrong.

Flurry licks his chops like Rod Meredith did with horrendous impressions of rampaging Germans ready to cast Americans and lapsed Church of God members into concentration camps. The Germans at this moment are polishing those meat hooks and getting their concentration camps built to house everyone in.

This all must frost Bob Theil and Dave Pack's butt's as they and they alone believe they are the true heirs to lead the church into glory.


The Well-Chewed Sheep said...

One of the things that people in the current Laodicea era of the church need to be WARNED about is Satan's false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack. These two false prophets are out to lie, steal, destroy, and kill. Their satanic imposter cults are NOT part of the true Church of God.

Anonymous said...

Chewed sheep

Certainly onto the underbelly of what Flurry and Pack and others are about. To lie, steal, destroy and kill.
At the moment lying and stealing is evident. Destroying and killing comes later.

Byker Bob said...

The issues PCG raises, I'm really not concerned with, and I doubt that most others are. They are just another fringe group, and pretty much out of phase with reality, to say nothing of the mood of the public.

No doubt we are in for more confusing times, and the shape it might ultimately take is unclear at this point, because it changes from day to day. The militias and other thugs are testing the water right now, and will most likely escalate into damage until they are stopped hard. As of now, they are assisting businesses in opening while restrictions are still in place. That's probably going to become a thing, and some have even stated that they are on their way to California, where restrictions have now been extended. California doesn't have a huge sense of humor with regard to citizens marching around with AKs and ARs. But, I expect that we might actually see these people with their assault weapons at the polling places come November in other states.


nck said...

Why does Stephen Flurry believe no christians can existed in other COG's?

This directly contradicts:
a) his reading of revelation about church era's co-exisiting.
"Yet you have a few people IN Sardis who have not soiled their clothes"

b) the teachings of "his supposed mentor hwa" (which is not) who
1) believed there were christians in "sardis"
2) worked with "sardis" ministers at the Feast until at least 1944
3) openly spoke IN PRINT IN MASS PUBLICATION (I believe 1962 PT) that he was not baptized by a COG minister


Anonymous said...

The PCG in their recent article insist that true Christians are NOT scattered among the splinters. They must know that this is a falsehood. Instead of making themselves attractive to potential members, as is the standard practise in a free market, they put their trust in abusive cult ploys.
All the ACOGs are guilty of this, which is why their church fasts accomplish nothing, and God's blessing is absent.

I'm always struck by how one is treated respectfully in a restaurant with their small profit margin, yet treated like garbage in a church that demands 10% of one's income plus offerings.

Anonymous said...

How do I get an issue of the Philadelphia Strumpet? Go get drunk & pass out in a college parking lot? Flurry is a phoney & a jerk. Too bad he has never had to get a real job and earn his living. Then I would like to see that jackass act when he is supposed to pay his 3rd tithe. He quotes Mystery of the Ages as if it is biblical scripture. He is no more a prophet of God than Ozzy Osborne & at least he admits he is on the crazy train.

Anonymous said...

How does PCG's cabal of Headquarters homosexuals justify their perversion in light of everything Gerald Flurry teaches?

Anonymous ` said...

How do you leverage off an adverse national event that does not fit into any prophetic time schedules that HWA, Herman Hoeh or Victor Houteff devised? The solution is that you cast it as an introductory and preliminary event to the Tribulation. That way you can weave the event into a pattern where it does not fit.

Others who are more reasonable might say that the event, since it does not fit anywhere into Millerite eschatology, is just a happening common to this world. But that passes up the wonderful opportunity to do some fund raising based on spinning up fear.

The Covid 19 virus is a national tragedy that will kill a lot of people. But it will not accelerate or validate Armstrongist Millerite "end time events." Rather than packing off to a Place of Safety, the splinters will suffer the consequences of the pandemic just as much as anyone else and go nowhere - this is already the developing story arc. The charade will one day end, the excitement will be forgotten and nobody will have awakened to the dismal and bleak truth.

jim said...

Joel Hilliker sure likes to use "you". What about a little "we" and "us" in such articles? It's apparent he believes he is ready; that he is already humble, already knowledgeable and knows this is the end time. With such special knowledge and readiness it is remarkable he remains so humble, so humble in fact that he is ready and willing to share with others his special knowledge and understanding rather hoarding it for his own gain. Altruism at its finest.

Tonto said...

Since the Flurry bunch has gotten over One Million Dollars from the government, when will they actually be helping and serving their own brethren with a "stimulus check" with their ill gotten windfall?

Now that might be a recruiting headline!

Anonymous said...

I’m pretty impressed with Joel Hilliker’s desk. It lays out some pretty heavy stuff.

But I wonder what this Joel Hilliker, himself, thinks. Next time, let’s not hear it “From the desk of Joel Hilliker.” Let’s hear what the man himself thinks and says.

I don’t much pay attention to the utterances of desks; nor to those allow their desks to use their names.

TLA said...

In the 1800s, were the prophecy buffs forecasting France would rise again?
France dominated Europe for almost 20 years when Napolean was in charge.

It is hard to see how anyone can take Germany seriously as a world ruling power. They were totally crushed in World War II, and have as a nation focused on building a prosperous country and not on rebuilding their military.

Nations military desires rise and fall.

Anonymous said...

After the Coronavirus becomes yesterday's news, and all the 'sure prophecies' of GF have gone the way of HWA's, Joel will rightly say, I know nuh-think!

Anonymous said...

He quotes Mystery of the Ages as if it is biblical scripture.

No, he doesn't. He edits it to say (and not to say) whatever he wants.

Anonymous said...

Despite the humor of his comment, Anon 8:59 AM surely knows that "from the desk of" a bigwig means that the bigwig authorized it, whether or not it is directly the bigwig's work. This PCG column was likely titled that way so that when Joel has one of his catamites do the work it can ethically be attributed to the boss.

Byker Bob said...

So far, these ACOG groups have been part of the small minority of people who are messing things up for the rest of us. Polls consistently indicate that around 80% of the citizens of the US do take the virus seriously, and are willing to put up with the inconveniences necessary to slow it down so that it does not overwhelm the healthcare system. Over the past several days, 61% have polled that the economy is being opened prematurely, and indicated that they plan to continue to avoid restaurants, stores, and events until they once again feel safe.

If the new cases and daily death counts now accelerate, some of the problematic minority may be convinced to modify their opinion and behavior, however it is very doubtful that the ACOGs, or Liberty University, or other fundamentalist groups will be amongst those with a change of heart. Even the fake newsers will change their opinions once loved ones in their immediate families begin to die, but Armstrongites live for the death and destruction of the tribulation, and will continue to allow their opinions and attitudes to be warped by their life-long conditioning.

Regardless of spin, eventually the truth predominates, and people act accordingly. That is why we nearly always speak of the past in retrospect as having been simpler, naive, and innocent. Even the majority of the flat-earthers had to eventually accept as fact that our planet is in fact a globe. In the history of mankind, the leading cause of premature death has always been ignorance. Death is an integral part of the trial and error process which guides us, and always has been from the very beginning.


Anonymous said...

A lot more than COG groups recognize things need to start opening up. Though I hate to be limped with the COGs I recognize that we must. The isolation was to prevent hospitals being overrun. Well, most hospitals didn't come close and where I live there are less hospitalizations.
You can think covid is serious while at the same time opening up with wisdom. I for one would rather be exposed to covid in the summer when vit. D levels are up and the air is more humid.

By extending this you will have more deaths. It seems obvious to me that if those that are more vulnerable hang back for a month or two and the less vulnerable (the large majority) are exposed and it cycles through it will create a herd immunity that I do not believe will occur with isolation and trickling covid exposure.

Anonymous said...

Joel Hilliker has never had a real job. Neither has Stephen Flurry. All they can do is shoot their mouths off. And when their inspired BS does not work out, it's always God cursing you because you must have some terrible secret sin (like a bad attitude).

Anonymous said...

never send a boy like joel to do a man's job

Anonymous said...

There is nothing in the bible that say "Philadelphians" cannot fellowship with "Laodiceans". It just the false religion of flurry.

Anonymous said...

Comment was made saying: "...Like all the false prophets of the Church of God, the PCG cannot let a convenient pandemic go to waste in order to further perverted theological goals. Fear! It is always about fear..."

Yes, it is about fear, but why? Is there an author of fear and associated bondage? Here’s a hint:

Hebrews 2:14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
:15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

Perhaps, believe it or not?

And repentance? Joel tells us: "...God is mercifully trying to encourage us to repent now, before the suffering gets indescribably worse..."

Well, what are people going to repent of?

Well, if God is mercifully trying, then that God, the pcg god is a wimp, b/c the Bible explains that God grants/gives one repentance, and if that God doesn't grant/give thatpentance, then it won't happen (witness the goings on of ancient physical Israel).

Fortunately, a plan is in place to eventually grant/give that repentance. And when the majority of that repentance occurs, especially in the Eighth Day (Great Last Day) beyond a 1,000 years (hence, not for today), then the following will have been accomplished:

2 Cor 5:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. [{committed … : Gr. put in us }

Psalm 22:26 The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live for ever.
:27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.
:28 For the kingdom is the LORD’S: and he is the governor among the nations.

Joel is into Fear Religion and God isn’t “trying” to encourage us. God already knows (Acts 15:18; Heb 4:3) that there will be suffering with the 7 Trumps. God is aware of the 7 Vials to occur after that 1,000 year period: more suffering, but it’s not forever!

Notice that verse 27 above says that all the ends of the world shall..turn unto the LORD.” If that doesn’t happen, then that LORD is a liar. I prefer to think He knows what’s ahead and would rather listen to Him than to listen to Joel’s understanding of prophcy with messed up timing, but…

Time will tell…


Anonymous said...

Sure, point point to dubious polls and the commie MSM narrative. Forget about reality and what's wrong. Forget that the lockdown is a type of living death, the dependency on government handouts, and the rise of domestic violence, despair etc.
Try going solo rather than being a willing MSM parrot.

Byker Bob said...

The shut down, 11:56 was actually multi-purpose. For certain it was to assist in providing the healthcare industry with a more manageable situation. But it was also to limit the spread of the virus and the many potential deaths as better treatment options are being developed, and hopefully a vaccine. It is an artificial construct to get the timeline in sync with the research and work scientists are doing. Remember, the "big one", the existential threat that actually gets us and puts humankind back into the stone age is the one that happens so quickly and explosively that it does not allow scientists to react, analyze, and develop a response which will avert total catastrophe. A huge meteor hitting Earth could do that in one fell swoop. A pathogen that acts instantly like Raid or Round Up, only on humans, could also do that.

Right now, as businesses begin to reopen, the hot topic on talk radio is what restaurant owners are facing as they adjust to the new realities. Most of the people who come into the restaurant are very conscientious about social distancing. However, remember, there are still people out there who believe corona virus is a hoax, they believe the conscientious social distancers have been artificially scared by the media, and they are deliberately moving furniture around in defiance of the regulations under which the restaurants have even been permitted to reopen. Remember, this is an industry which has always fallen under the jurisdiction of the health department! If roaches are found during an inspection, or rodent feces detected, or even if certain foods and materials have been stored together, the health department has always been able to shut them down as a public health menace! As of Monday in most states, the restauranteur is now faced either with being a mediator between these two types of customers, hiring bouncers, and or having videos recorded from either side, and published on You Tube!

I gladly filled out an extensive questionnaire today before I was able to enter a work area, to work on equipment for a company in the real estate industry. They saw me come in with my mask, my hand cleaner, and my Lysol, but needed to ascertain that I had not travelled abroad recently, had not cared for anyone with Covid 19 in the last 14 days, and had not had a cold, allergies, or fever within the last 14 days. It was NOT a restriction of my rights, it was common frappin' sense! Obviously, I had my hair plastered down, and by the time I finished the repairs, I looked like Jerry Lee Lewis after he had played "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin On" on the Steve Allen Show!

As I said on another thread, there are people hell bent for leather on messing it up for the rest of us because they have mistaken a health issue for a political one. Wear a mask, practice social distancing as the best medical experts recommend, and to some people, you just must be a liberal! So, yeah, I understand your reservations about being lumped in! I used to vote Republican before they changed Republican! I apologize to you personally, because not all of you are the same, just as not all of us are the same.


Rick said...

Anon May 14, 2020 at 11:56 AM

Someone with common sense for once.

Byker Bob said...

We don't even know if there is herd immunity to this virus yet. There are more than a few reports of people contracting it, it goes away, and then comes back 30-50 days later worse and stronger.

The main problem in combatting the virus right now is that there is no unity in approach. The hoaxers and activists (and the president!) are thwarting the efforts of the scientists and medical profession. Ever heard of a "clean room"? Well, our national approach has been like a clean room in which some rebel outlaw workers deliberately break all of the rules, and thwart the entire purpose of the clean room. In fact worse! One or two workers bring their guns and demand their Constitutional rights to contaminate. And the supervisor rejects clean room science, and many of the rules of the clean room so it can be more profitable.


nck said...

I am specifically curious as to why the returned 5 sailors on the USS Theodore Roosevelt tested positive again. It is my understanding that the Navy went beyond standard procedure and recommendated quarantine time to ensure they would be better on return.

This is like the world's state troopers being car sick. And teenagers in daddy's car knowing about it.


Byker Bob said...

I wasn't aware of the sailors from the Teddy Roosevelt retesting positive, nck. There were a number of such incidents reported in China, and in South Korea. It was not known at the time of the report whether the patients had been reinfected, or whether the virus had been dormant to the point of not being detectable for 30-50 days, and then resurged. There are a variety of tests for the virus and for the antibodies, so that if the doctors believe one test is inaccurate, they generally countertest with another brand of test as a safeguard.

I read this morning that a company in Sacramento had isolated the antibodies, and made them into a formula which is injectable. Preliminary tests indicate that this can be used to completely flush the virus from a patient's system within four days. The one challenge at this point is a shortage of antibodies. Sounded like a really positive development even if it is not a preventative vaccine. It is a step in controlling the pandemic, but of course is a treatment used after a patient becomes ill. People will continue to become infected until there is a vaccine, and even after a vaccine is developed, it may not work on 100% of the people.


nck said...


It depends who or what you would consider "the Germans" to be.

The Founding Fathers took Germany or rather the SAXONS as they perceived them as their example for greatness and freedom.
