Friday, May 15, 2020

Gerald Weston Once Again Rakes LCG Members Over The Coals. Can They EVER Do ANYTHING Right To Please This Man?

Once more Living Church of God members are getting raked over the coals for their slanderous ways, their questioning of the ministry,

Has it ever been possible for LCG members to do ANYTHING right in the eyes of the leadership?
What comes out of our mouth—not only the words but the intent behind them—cannot completely hide what is in the heart. As the proverb says, “Whoever hides hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool. In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, but he who restrains his lips is wise” (Proverbs 10:18–19).
As usual. LCG members are at fault again. Social media is their downfall.  How dare they criticize the leadership and ministry!  How dare they complain to that damnable Banned blog! Those of you that do that are cowards because you will not say it to our face! You are right that we will disfellowship you immediately, but we expect you to tell us to our face that we are failures and unChristlike.
The fact that Jesus warned the people of His day about their words indicates that there was a problem at that time. But how much more the problem is magnified today! It involves not only what comes out of the mouth, but what is typed into cyberspace. Social media demonstrates the problem all the time. How often individuals vent their thoughts on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and other platforms. People are less inhibited “hiding behind” a keyboard and screen than they are in the presence of flesh and blood. They say things they would never consider saying to someone in person. For whatever reason, the Internet greatly reveals the problem of the heart.

Every person that criticizes the church has a deep problem in their heart?  Seriously?  Perhaps people are sick and tired of being treated like shit by the leadership!

Every Idle Word
Jesus also warned that we will have to answer for every idle word that we speak (Matthew 12:36). We trust that if we repent of our indiscretions, we will be forgiven. Nevertheless, even with forgiveness from our Creator, there are consequences for our words as well as for our actions.
You must repent immediately for daring to criticizes Gerald and his minions! Passover is already over and he is raking members over the coals. 

How dare any of you hold us accountable for anything in our past!  How dare you!
A number of revelations have come out in recent times regarding high-profile political leaders who said or did something regrettable while in high school or university. This is no doubt grossly unfair, mean-spirited, and politically motivated. Should any successful judge, senator, governor, or presidential candidate be held accountable for something he or she did several decades ago? Surely, we are mature enough to forgive the indiscretions of youth! Sadly, that is not the world we live in, and that is why it is important to instruct and warn our teens, young adults, and even ourselves of the importance of guarding our mouths and what we say on social media.
Weston criticizes the world for its profiling of people in all aspects of our lives in this day and age, yet his very own church keeps meticulous files on every member. The spy network in LCG is appalling in its detail of members' lives.
Do we realize, dear brethren, how much is known, stored, and studied about virtually every one of us? Marketers and analysts have data galore on a vast percentage of the population, including the members of God’s Church. You may think that because you aren’t on social media—perhaps because you don’t even own a computer or smartphone—you are safe. Think again. How many pictures of you and your children have others posted? How many times has your name appeared on someone else’s Facebook page? Probably more than you think.
Do LCG members realize that every time any of them make the mistake of publicly complaining on a blog, Facebook page, Twitter, or elsewhere that LCG keeps track of them and what they say?
Do you realize that every time you give a command to Echo or Alexa, it is being stored in a database, and that Amazon and other providers use “artificial intelligence” to analyze every bit of data about you and your habits to see how they can market to you? How many have experienced having a private conversation in their home regarding a purchase they want to make, only to have pop-up ads appear on their computer for that very product or service the next time they logged on?
What about all the technology that watches over your home with cameras, and that allows you to turn appliances on and off and lock doors remotely? Do you realize that information is being stored and analyzed? For the most part, it is simple and (relatively) harmless marketing. If that is all there is to it, it may not be a big deal. But can we understand that these technologies can also be used to control populations? Many observers have noticed that YouTube and other platforms hold a leftist bias against content that does not fit the politically correct agenda.
We are warned in Ecclesiastes 10:20, “Do not curse the king, even in your thought; do not curse the rich, even in your bedroom; for a bird of the air may carry your voice, and a bird in flight may tell the matter.” Has there ever been a time when this warning is more applicable? Have you ever experienced having a conversation with others only to have your smartphone begin talking to you? I have, on more than one occasion. Anyone who has the “Okay Google” app open may trigger a Google response if it thinks you are asking it a question. Now that is a genuine “trigger warning”—but one that few heed.

Serious Business
Oh, noes!  Here comes the persecution routine. that rabbit has been pulled out of the hat so much that there is not much hair left on the poor thing. 

Gerald and his cronies are about to be persecuted for that they say. As usual, he pussyfoots around with that bold message he claims he and the church preaches.  If he truly believed what he preached he would not be afraid to speak out.  But, notice how he wimps out below by telling members to guard their words so as to not piss off anyone. This is one of the main things Bob Thiel accused LCG of doing and why he had to leave.
We can be certain that persecution is on our horizon as Christians. What we believe on an ever-increasing number of issues is not politically correct, and those taking it upon themselves to decide what is right and wrong are becoming bolder and more militant. Perhaps it is time to be more thoughtful about what we say to others, even in private. It is certainly important to teach our youth to carefully consider their words and their actions—and to understand that lesson ourselves.
Smartphones and social media may appear as innocent toys or tools, but they are serious business and require wisdom. Cyberbullying has caused some to take their own lives. Sexting, where teens invite others to post pictures of themselves in compromising poses, can be dangerous and come back to bite them years later. Making threats or venting quickly online “in the heat of the moment” when upset by something is a foolish practice.
Weston is displeased with the things he sees LCG teens and members post on social media.
It is shocking what people display over social media, and this is even true of some Church members and teens. Many employers will not hire someone until they have checked the applicant’s social media pages. How many people fail to get hired because their social media history is a liability to them, and they never know it? Employers might be a bit more lenient in a high-employment environment, like the one the United States was enjoying, but what happens after COVID-19? Great economies never last forever!
Weston is now concered about the spreading of "fake news" in the church.  Never mind the fact that he, Meredith, and others have a track record spanning 60 some years that are filled with fake news!  Fake prophecies that never happened.  False teachings. And, more.

He is particularly incensed that sem LCG teens tried to start an petition to get HQ to change their minds on something!  How dare they! When God's ministry speaks it is as if God himself said it!  Get that through your heads, you rebellious undisciplined teens! I say BRAVO LCG teens for daring to confront the tired worn out machinery still living in the past!
One of the dangers of the Internet is what has popularly been called “fake news,” and this phenomenon has real relevancy for us. Fake news occurs when someone spreads a false rumor, either knowing it is false or sincerely believing it is true when it is not. I suppose we are all guilty of passing something along in this latter category. This happened awhile back when some young people thought the Charlotte Family Weekend was cancelled and had the idea that a petition should be started to change our minds at Headquarters.
How dares you question us!  How dare you!
There were two problems with this. The first is that this is not the way we make decisions in God’s Church. Sometimes our youth—and our adults as well—do not understand the reasons for things and run with their emotions. The second problem was that those who started this, though no doubt sincere, didn’t know what they were talking about: The venue for the weekend had already been booked a couple of months earlier, long before the petition even showed up. A call or email to our Charlotte office would have cleared the matter up instantly, without spreading worry or concern.
Everything is a "teaching" moment in LCG.  Everything is used against them to constantly tell the members how pathetic they are. Christ's coming is delayed because of these rebellious people!
No long-term harm was caused by the incident, and it was a great “teaching moment” for any who wanted to learn. However, it illustrates how quickly misinformation and emotions can lead to poor choices—with the potential of making matters worse instead of better.
Transforming Our Thoughts
The Feast of Pentecost is coming, and that fact is relevant to this topic. As we noted at the beginning of this article, Jesus explained, “For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). My friend in Ambassador Club could not hide his heart, despite deploying what he thought was a tactful question in hopes of doing so. Who we are and what we think will be laid bare sooner or later by what we say and what we do. It is not enough to choose our words carefully. That is essential, but what is in our heart is even more important.
When has the leadership of the LCG had its hearts transformed? When has grace, mercy, and justice flowed freely from LCG headquarters?  When?
God gives us His Holy Spirit to transform our hearts. “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people” (Hebrews 8:10). That is why His Spirit was poured out upon the fledgling Church on the first Pentecost following Jesus’ resurrection.
Have people ever said or done something that prompts you to condemn them in your heart, only to have the thought enter your mind that you yourself were guilty of something similar? That is likely God’s Spirit working on your heart. It is a gentle reminder of your own need to change—to remove the beam that is in your own eye, and to be compassionate toward others.
Weston then resorts to the worn-out trick of saying everything is wrong today because of Satan. Westons God is impotent over the power that Satan wields. Satan has always been more powerful than the god of Armstrongism.

Satan is particularly devious and is using computers to destroy the very work of the Living God!  Damn computers!
In this present age, Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). He is a liar (John 8:44). He is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10). He directs the course of this world (Ephesians 2:2). And, he wants to destroy the people of God. Computer technology is a wonderful benefit when used properly. We would have a hard time doing the Work today without so many modern innovations. We use social media to preach the Gospel, and with it we can go into areas of the world we could never reach without it. However, as with everything mankind creates, it can be—and is—used for evil, and there is a malevolent spirit being only too happy to encourage its wrong use.
The heart of that spirit being is bad, indeed.
Sadly, the hearts of many COG leaders today are bad too.
And that is why God is transforming our innermost thoughts to be as His own—so that we, as God’s firstfruits, can replace that being, and reign in this world with hearts fashioned to match our Father’s.
Poor Jesus.  It is never enough to emulate the actions and words of the man. He always gets short shifted to the background.

God's firstfruits are those that have thrown away the shackles of legalistic bondage to unnecessary rules and teachings. Those people are the ones truly free.


Anonymous said...

Communist church? Don't trust anyone.

Anonymous said...

“For whatever reason, the Internet greatly reveals the problem of the heart.”

For whatever reason, the Internet greatly reveals the numerous major problems with the so-called COGs.


Gerald Weston is waging war against society and the society that is before him, his congregants.

In the war of Cov-19 vs society the question has now arisen as to when it will end. Many experts believe it has already ended in what they term a societal ending even with the virus present.

Mr. Weston is truly peeved about the youthful petition. The famous Jim Morrison opened the Soft Parade with a charge of someone putting forth a proposition of petition. He renounced loudly and forcibly that such a petition was not allowed.

Mr. Weston has intruded upon the life blood of society and tries to shut the door upon it. His congregants might opine what Morrison asked in the same song; "can you give me sanctuary, I must find a place to hide - a place for me to hide ... can you find me soft asylum, I can't make it any more - the man is at the door".

Mr. Weston believes he and his men have and continue to grow in knowledge and grace. With this knowledge he wants to derail and confine the work that the average member does via a social medium. I guess diaper changing stays the same in Gerald's eyes.

Mr. Weston had better be careful, the "you can't" diatribe gets old. Some members may also echo Morrisons words: "we need someone or something new - something else to get us through".

Anonymous said...

..yet his very own church keeps meticulous files on every member.

How I suffered under that one in the mother cult. They apparently even accepted, and archived, testimony about me from a sole witness (which is contrary to the Torah that they claim to uniquely uphold!)

Stephen Schley said...

I bet this'll find me trouble :shrug: oh well here goes about how I felt as a child in WCG the root of LCG's teaching's I was told that any wrong thought might and/or would get me taken over by demons and that I would be burned to ash if I ever got mad at my parents.

I thought "" that I wasn't a member of the cult that is Living church of God anymore but low and behold I found out while I was sick from covid-19 (which I know some will say I caught for no longer buying what the cult LCG is selling) Cannot remember why I even checked now...

I tried to escape Jan. of 18 officially but now I know that all I did was remove my name from the mailing list and that even tho only a few keystrokes truely bind me to those brain-washers it still bothers me somehow. Is that stupid or what?

Oh well I'll try & fix that Monday.
(unless this fixes me sooner lol)

Oh the joy's of covid... NOT!!! worst I can remember being sick in my life, 1st time I've ever felt my lung outlined as a line of pain in my life . Oh well anyway I learned that when you send a message to LCG I think it was "general" but not sure since I was sick at the time (btw I do not Know I had covid-19 but I had the symptoms & when I woke up on day 3 of my novel journey I couldn't breathe but I cleared my airway after some coughing & hacking & since Oklahoma only had 300 test that day I didn't bother getting tested besides the best they could do was pump air in & out I said to myself screw that I'm hurting but I'm breathing on my own so :shrug: )) I finally got tested May 4th but by then if I did have covid-19 it didn't show up. Oh well there's always the anti-body Errortest once it's available.

I feel Joy for the unburdening but sad that I put y'all through it.

Let the flaming begin lol:man with white cane:

Anonymous said...

The flu and pneumonia were always among the top 10 killers. Covid is just a bad flu. If you are old be careful. If not, get back to work!

Anonymous said...

If the sole witness against you is a lying minister or a lying deacon (they had both in the pcg) then you are finished. But that's good. Getting out is the best thing ever.

NO2HWA said...

Stephen: How wonderful that you are now free from LCG! YOu will find life is amazing and filled with wonderful people out there that LCG leaders told you were under the bond of satan. LCG is sick to its core. If you want, send me an email to no2hwa @ (no spaces) and I will give you an invite to an exCOG Facebook page filled with close to a thousand ex-members from all the different groups, including LCG. It is a place to tell stories and to laugh at the damnable things of Armstrongism and also shed some tears at how people have been treated.

Congrats on recovering from the virus! To new and better things and FREEDOM!


Anonymous said...

Where I live people are sick because the hospitals are empty (waiting for the covid patients that are not coming in) and regularly scheduled operations have been postponed for months while are resources are diverted to the covid patients that are not coming because the whole thing was blown out of proportion.

And people are afraid to go to a hospital or doctor's office because they think everyone there will have covid and they don't want to get covid. So sick people are staying home.

Stephen, how old are you? (approx.)

Anonymous said...

According to this, the German press is controlled by the CIA. If so, Germany is a vassal state of the USA (or the US deep state?). It is hardly the great underground world power the COGs think it is.

Don't fear ministers who don't have a clue.

Anonymous said...

Should any successful judge, senator, governor, or presidential candidate be held accountable for something he or she did several decades ago? Surely, we are mature enough to forgive the indiscretions of youth!

Weston has some indiscretions of youth that he hopes we don't discover? Remember, Weston is a man who didn't hesitate to gossip about the "indiscretions of youth" of Joe Tkach Sr. and Jr. when it served his interest to do so.

Tonto said...

Weston is "raking people over the coals"??

When is he going to join the 21st Century and start raking people over the SOLAR PANELS?

Coal is so obsolete and old school !

Anonymous said...

eh, never questioning ministers is idolatry pure and simple...

there are many that simply "do what the minister says", thinking they will be fine in the end.

what if the minister is mistaken? we do have a bible, don't we? why don't we follow its instructions? if the minister says something contrary to the scriptures, just ignore him.....we will be judges by our actions, not by what the minister said.

oh yeah, and since I read that 17ry old Greta Thunberg has been included in a CNN panel of experts on Covid19 I'm now thinking the whole thing has been a scam...

Anonymous said...

If Weston had his way we would still be living in the 1960's era of the church he remembers so fondly.



It is said apostasy begins with intellectual doubts and ends in physical destruction.

Being baptized into the LCG body may be life changing in a way. Being baptized with Cov 19 comes with uncertainties. What version have you become one with is uncertain. It is disconcerting knowing that a virus can overtake and use your DNA to replicate itself. It can be even more disconcerting thinking that the bodily intercourse that has taken place involved a bat or a created petri dish of man's intentions.

About 15 years ago I acquired a zoonotic viral infection. After three years of non stop symptoms I hired a doctor. He played around with me with no success before having me ingest the "bomb" as he termed it. He couldn't believe it didn't work. A local expert and a very expensive national doctor failed as well, proclaiming that we can't do anything for you.

Hopefully and finally you have extracted yourself from the immersion into the entity doing business as a church. And hopefully you can steer clear of the other immersion that Jude was adamant in warning about.

As for the Covid baptism you might want to think about how you can extract yourself completely from that. I stumbled upon a company in its infancy who had come up with an anti viral herbal product that their studies had shown great results. A call to the founder by me and the conversation led to me trying the product.

The product cleared the symptoms of the zoonotic infection and has kept me virus free of any kind since its use.

Hopefully your walk forward is with the intellectual understanding of the God kind and your end is with spiritual obtaining.

Anonymous said...

" ..for something he or she did several decades ago."

It depends on the deed. If that something is a crime against another, with resulting lifelong consequences, the person is still fully accountable. Old age is not some automatic get out of jail free card.
Personally, I found it offensive that the ending of the 2019 movie The Irishman, depicted the mobster treated respectfully by the reporters, exclusively on the basis of his advanced age. No matter all the people that he murdered.

Byker Bob said...

Get to know the politics of everyone with whom you come into close contact. Avoid at all cost the people who believe that Covid 19 is a hoax, and those who refuse to take precautions because they believe reactions are overblown. Those are the people who will ultimately mess things up for the rest of us. The life you save may be your own!


Anonymous said...

The worst thing about your WCG/LCG/PCG...Member-FILE is the embarrassment: As the brownshirt ministurds can't really do anything about it, other than give you dirty looks. Anyway, it quickly becomes public-knowledge thanks to their wives' access, followed by gossip to her friends!

Anonymous said...

"God's firstfruits are those that have thrown away the shackles of legalistic bondage to unnecessary rules and teachings."

Before the legalistic lock-down took all that away.

Anonymous said...

"Should any successful judge, senator, governor, or presidential candidate be held accountable for something he or she did several decades ago? Surely, we are mature enough to forgive the indiscretions of youth!" (says Weston?)

He might have been referring to the Kavanaugh case of 2018. How dare the woman accuser speak up about his sin of 30 years ago! So SUCCESSFUL judges, senators, governors and presidential candidates shouldn't be judged for their deeds but it's OK to disfellowship a member by e-mail on one witness without explaining why? (in my personal case) So we should be mature enough to forgive the "indiscretions of youth" but not forgive a fellow Christian for bigger sins? No wonder Weston is getting a taste of his own medicine. "I will judge you according to YOUR OWN WORKS".

BTW, is Weston using the right measure when he calls judges, senators, governors and presidential candidates SUCCESSFUL? Doesn't he know what the SUCCESSFUL people of Roman governors, Jewish priests and scribes did to Jesus? That which is esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God. (Luke 16:15)

Anonymous said...

"Jesus also warned that we will have to answer for every idle word that we speak."

If you take Jesus seriously you will become a neurotic. That why some damaged liars on here are so liberal. They are in an irrational state of rebellion and have gone to the other extreme.

Anonymous said...

New area Ministurds can't actually hit you with any mud from your FILE -- that would be 'showing his hand'!
Yeah, best leave this to the experts: Gossips - their wives/women - to wreak all the havoc.

Anonymous said...

Weston can’t help himself. It’s always his political war against “leftists”. He will ignore the morality of his own favorite political team, but always has something to say about the other side. This is common in politics. If a church does this however, how can they try and claim the moral high ground? I do wonder what Gerald’s favorite political opinion hosts would have to say about that Jew 2000 years ago passing out all the free loaves and fish?

Stephen Schley said...

Thanks Y'all, There was a whole bunch of other slag I'm having to unlearn but sadly like most Second Generation Adults (SGA's) my biggist problems learning what I don't know i.e. emotions, feelings, critical thinking and a bunch of other life skills & to top it all off I made the mistake 20 years ago (feb, march & aprilof 2000 of going to the eye doctors. On the plus side I found out I have Retinitis Pigmentosa which the docs did a LOT of damage to my retinaseeing why I could see so good at 22 (in those 3 months I went from 20-40 in feb to 20/100 with eye muscle damage & a blind spot in both eyesso long story short I'm visually impaired in oklahoma where if u don't or can't pay taxes u can't get any help from the state other than 2 free canes (over 15 years ago they might not even do that for free now shrug) ) but hey at least I can see a little still no pictures so descriptions or alt text r welcome. And yes I know I use a wierd mix of 1 letter words (texting) & not using contractions that use " thats cuz my screen reader can't read the t or s's that great so since I remembered from being a kid you Never if u can help it u do not use can't, don't, you need to cuz kids seldum hear that t & a childs logic is: Yes I know I need to do whatever but the adult did not say do right now so I'll do it later lol

Anonymous said...

Should any successful judge, senator, governor, or presidential candidate be held accountable for something he or she did several decades ago?

How revealing! Weston has a different standard he applies to the successful than he applies to the average and the failed. In this, he is just like Rod Meredith.

Apparently, though, he doesn't read his own LCG publications. They tell us that successful people live God's way, which includes being clothed with humility. A humble Christian isn't trying to exalt himself, and won't care if you point out the stupid stuff he did several decades ago, because doesn't feel "entitled" to any special treatment and he knows that what matters is that God has forgiven him.

Anonymous said...

Best post ever !!!!

Meticulous member files ..phooeey! Half the time they don't even know what members do for a living.

Anonymous said...

Stephen Schley reads like a troll to me. TMI overload.

Anonymous said...

Great post by Banned. There is a lot to digest in the first paragraph of the article In Living church news that did not make it in this posting. Wowzer what insight into ambassador.

Stephen Schley said...

Since I dox'd myself oh brave Anon 633 & u have hidden behind an anon I'll let others braver than I decide on my trolldom.
As for oversharing if I did it comes from 35+ years of being able to understand fear (I was 6 when I heard the story of Stephen & know I would not supposed to tell that I was scared) btw if anyone looks on FB could u plz tell me if I need to use my flash? Thanks

Min Min Lights said...

From King Saul of The Titanic Church Of God: I toot my trumpet to Tonto for that well-received joke regarding solar panels. Yes, solar panels are heating up the vats of oil here in Petra. What for? To boil members alive of course. Flaming human torches for my glory. For those of you who still wish to escape, you should recall that old hit song: 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover.

Just hop on the bus Gus
Don't need to discuss much
No need to be coy Roy, just set yourself free.