Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Gerald Weston Likes Watching Degenerate Sinners With Tattoo's In Airports

In his own words:

Look around you. My wife and I like to watch people in airports. Are you as amazed as we are about how many people sport tattoos today? How far we have degenerated in twenty years! “Body art” or “ink” as they like to call it, was mostly the domain of sailors who had a bit too much to drink while in port, and you would almost never see a woman with a tattoo in our Western world. No longer! Why? Humans have a “sheep” instinct, and not everything about sheep is positive. If someone else does it, so must we. Even among some of God’s people, tattooing, unusual body piercing, and faddish clothing sometimes appears.
Getting a tattoo is not the worst sin one can commit, even though God clearly tells us in His word not to do it (Leviticus 19:28). Few people are aware of this verse. The question is whether those of us who know better will follow the world, or whether we will obey God. However, we see more and more disfigurement of the human body among those more recently called into the Church, and a deeply converted person will not judge or condemn someone for past mistakes for which an individual has repented. Frankly, there are far worse sins than this one that is often committed in ignorance, and some sins are easier to hide than others.
Weston rails on about tattoo's yet does nothing about the abusive ministers and HQ employees that treat people like dirt.  Or, what about enforcing the law while rejecting grace? Which one really repulses God more?

Monday, October 9, 2017

Feast of Tabernacles 2017 Sermons..."Don't these people's brains rot after listening to the very same thing for decades?"

Several people on XCG Facebook pages are telling stories of how they have attended Feast sites this year just to make parents and family members happy, or to meet up with friends for a day of fun after services.  Every single one of them has been saying the same thing.  Their comments also illustrate just how provincial the Church of God still is in 2017.

Everyone is stating that they heard the exact same sermons using the same scriptures that they had heard every single year during their time in the church.  Not one of these speakers had an original theme to their sermons.  It is the exact same thing published over and over in every COG magazine and article.  The ministers preached the same canned sermon that they heard from Herbert Armstrong.

It is the same old mantra, "We are being trained to be kings and priests." "We will head to the place of final training as the chosen of God, highly from the entire population of the world."  "The church will soon face persecution for our beliefs...will you be held worthy of God's protection."

One person mentioned how downtrodden the women at the Feast they visited looked.  None of the sermons were geared towards women, other than being "helpmeet's" for their husbands and that they be submissive, quiet in church and good stewards of their households."

One person had this to say:
"Don't these people's brains rot after listening to the very same thing for decades?"
For centuries Christians have lived their faith in ways that make it relevant to the time they live in.  While they look forward to a kingdom to come, they work to make that kingdom present in the lives of those they touch around them.  What better way to witness to those around you, instead of parked for four hours in some dank hotel ballroom listening to yet another incredibly boring sermon.  The things that Jesus taught and said can never be said to be boring.  Can you say that about the typical COG minister today?