In his own words:
Weston rails on about tattoo's yet does nothing about the abusive ministers and HQ employees that treat people like dirt. Or, what about enforcing the law while rejecting grace? Which one really repulses God more?Look around you. My wife and I like to watch people in airports. Are you as amazed as we are about how many people sport tattoos today? How far we have degenerated in twenty years! “Body art” or “ink” as they like to call it, was mostly the domain of sailors who had a bit too much to drink while in port, and you would almost never see a woman with a tattoo in our Western world. No longer! Why? Humans have a “sheep” instinct, and not everything about sheep is positive. If someone else does it, so must we. Even among some of God’s people, tattooing, unusual body piercing, and faddish clothing sometimes appears.Getting a tattoo is not the worst sin one can commit, even though God clearly tells us in His word not to do it (Leviticus 19:28). Few people are aware of this verse. The question is whether those of us who know better will follow the world, or whether we will obey God. However, we see more and more disfigurement of the human body among those more recently called into the Church, and a deeply converted person will not judge or condemn someone for past mistakes for which an individual has repented. Frankly, there are far worse sins than this one that is often committed in ignorance, and some sins are easier to hide than others.
Sure, he teaches against tattoos because it is easier than preaching on the fruit of the Spirit, such as gentleness, kindness, patience, self-control, etc. and James 1:27
true religion is taking care of those in need and keeping ourselves from the corruption of the world. I wonder if some of these people that he saw who had tattoos at the airport were going off to do good deeds for others in some remote place in the world. Perhaps they were Peace Corps volunteers. But, as long as things look good on the outside, that is what is more important. Ambassador College was a beautiful campus that made up for the fact that it was little more than an indoctrination center. Weston is not the only leader who does this. Most churches focus their attention on liturgy, rituals, ceremonies, etc. in part, because it is easier than focusing on doing something good for others.
Apparently, Mr. Weston isn't the only ACOG leader interested in tattoos and the like:
I think we all know by now that Ambassador Collge was a cesspool of sexual impropriety by the administration, yet LCG looks fondly back on those days. Several in LCG's ministry were guilty parties to that.
I'll say it again: anyone that makes such heavy accusations anonymously and without presenting verifiable proof has less than zero credibility in my opinion.
Know what tattoo would really piss off ACOG ministers? A skull with snakes crawling in and out of the eye sockets? A lady's legs? A scorpion on the neck? Aannnnt! Wrong answers, kiddie kiddies!
A tattoo that would righteously piss off an ACOG minister would be a tattoo of Jesus Christ!
I think tattoos are gross but not sin. It's GOG-odd that Weston would call attention to that verse in Leviticus 19. The next verse condemns cutting the edges of your beard - which is something Weston does every day.
Weston's hypocrisy is glaring to those outsided who know the Bible but, the people of the LCG are blind to it.
COGs are too uneducated to understand that they accept parts of the Old Covenant, while rejecting the iconvenient parts, and entirely reject the New Covenant.
Weston's wanton shaving sin, as plain as the smooth skin on is face,is a bigger, more frequent, sicker sin than any tatt I've ever seen.
I was stunned to see a tat on Joseph Tkach Sr.'s arm at the Feast in 1986.
Obviously it was from his pre-conversion World War II service - but he became Pastor General, anyway! A telling sign, eh? :-O
tattoo ink finds its way into the internal organs...
"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12
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