Saturday, October 14, 2017

Tip for Turkey Bacon for COG Members


Anonymous I served Bob Thiel pork while LCG said...

LOL Turkey bacon is for the COG members who deep down really love bacon and love having one foot in the world and one foot in the church. It is a compromise, like most everything else in the church. Just like turkey ham.

RSK said...

Ill always miss that all-red beef bacon my mother used to do in the oven, heh.
Turkey bacon... we tried it, but weren't impressed.

Unknown said...

Beef Bacon is not bad! Give it a shot!

Vaughn said...

Turkey Bacon: tastes like smoke, and sadness.

Byker Bob said...

I was quite shocked during my first weeks at Ambassador College, to see what looked like crab being served in the dining hall. When I asked, one of the upper classmen pointed out that it was Seventh Day Adventist crab, basically vegetable protein made to resemble crab.

Which caused me to recall a Bible Study during SEP in Big Sandy, during which a local member sent Mr. Swisher and Mr. Prince the following question: "Is it OK to eat all-beef hotdogs when you lust after pork ones?" (Must have been a brand new member. Anyone in the Radio Church of God for more than a few weeks knew about Hebrew National).


RSK said...

Seems to me that my mother tried turkey ham on us at one point. I dont remember it becoming a frequent occurence though, we must not have liked it.

RSK said...

Ive since obtained it, but its never all red. Just streaked. I dont like that nearly as much.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Taste dissimilar to chicken.

Anonymous said...

Anyone seen Bear Gryll eat that large grub that he extracted from a branch. Fresh live grubs, yum yum.

Anonymous said...

Yep my thoughts entirely. Who wants to eat turkey pretending to be ham ? Why stop there and not go the whole ten yards and have turkey dog, Turkey human meat.