Sunday, October 8, 2017

The True Church


Lisa w said...

I hope that's not their true!

Anonymous said...

This is so true of every COG out there. Everyone is always a fake christian or a so-called christian. Every time they say this they bear false witness to the power of God being able to work in people’s lives.

Anonymous said...

This is Bob Thiel's lie he likes to spread.

Anonymous said...

It's also true of many non COG's such as the Jehovah's Witness's and the Mormons. They all tell the same self serving lie. They tell the accompanying lie that if one stops attending their church services, one qualifies for eternal death. Disfellowshiped people committing suicide who have believed this lie, is not uncommon.

Byker Bob said...

The reason why Herbert W. Armstrong taught that there should be one true church was that he could not accept the innate uniqueness of each individual in terms of thought and mode of expression. What was his version of the eternal reward? Humanity would finally be monolithic in the Kingdom. Worship would no longer have spontanaity, or be a form of free expression. It would be on command, and expressed robotically according to a single model. That model would be based on HWA's anthropomorphism.

As Tom Petty might have said, "Take back Herbert Armstrong! Take back Teddy, too! You're jammin' me!"


Anonymous said...

In all fairness, the Catholic church has always taught that they were the one true church.

Anonymous said...

This blog is not about the Catholic Church, it is about the teachings and aberrant doctrines of the Church of God and the crazy people it has produced. Just because the Catholic church believes it is the true church does not invalidate the perverse teaching of the COG as it smears other Christians.

Gordon Feil said...

A lot of Anonymous comments on here have value, but I find myself discounting them BECAUSE they are anonymous, even as I discount other anonymous Internet content.

Anonymous said...

I know quite a few LCG members and this is exactly what they state. They appear to be puffed up with self-righteousness. "We are the elite". "All other so-called Christians will go into the lake of fire". "We keep the Law". I know most of them have never even read the Law. In fact, they break most of the laws of the Old Covenant. "We keep the Sabbath". Well the Law says to rest on the Sabbath so why have you broken the law by not only going out but also driving 50 miles to get to Services. Appeals to read the Book of Galatians always fall on deaf ears! If they want to be judged by the Law they surely must stand in jeopardy - condemned for breaking that very Law.

Anonymous said...

11.02 PM
The various Christian denominations steal their aberrant doctrines and deceitful ploys from each another. Herb stole from the Jehovahs Witness's for example. So I don't believe that other churches are irrelevant.

Anonymous said...


The Catholic Church teaches that Christians who are not in communion with Rome are disadvantaged (I won't take the time to look up their technical term) but it doesn't deny that they are Christians. If you have been baptized in a church that is Methodist, Baptist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian or most other denominations, the Catholic Church will not require that you be re-baptized.

It is the COGs that claim to be the "one true church". 6:57 puts it well. Not all but many of their members are puffed up thinking that only their small group is saved.

Anonymous said...

Gordon Fell wrote:

A lot of Anonymous comments on here have value, but I find myself discounting them BECAUSE they are anonymous

Keep in mind that when current ACOG members speak the truth on this forum, and put their name on it, they will likely be punished with loss of job (if they work for the cult), or loss of family. The consequences of openness are huge, and in many cases the discontented ACOG member has not yet figured out how to live without the support of family or cult. So, yes, take the anonymous comments with reasonable skepticism, but please realize that anonymity is necessary for some.

Anonymous said...

Does the "true" church exist? NO! It died with the apostles! There has been no real christians in 2,000 years!

Anonymous said...

Gordon Fell
People using their real names can be life threatening to some. After all, there is a 'culture war' out there. I believe that some of the complainers of anonymity are aware of this. Their hope to use this to gag opposing viewpoints.

RSK said...

This again? Look, if you want to protect your identity, there's nothing wrong with that. Just select the "Name/URL" option and pick yourself a handle - if you cant think of one, pick something randomly nearby at the moment, like "Photo" or "Wrench" or "Annoying Crumbsnatcher" or whatever. It takes little effort.

RSK said...

Besides, if Gary wanted to "gag opposing viewpoints", he'd be allowing a lot less commentary to end up on the thread.

Gordon Feil said...

It would even help if they chose a fake name and used the same name on each post so that over time we could get an idea from where they were coming.

Byker Bob said...

I have no problem with anonymity, since my own screen name keeps me anonymous except to the 5-10 people around here who knew me personally back in the day.

Being a fairly literary person, I can generally track an anonymous poster through a thread based on style, and word patterns. And, the most blatant and distinctive ones from thread to thread, based on repetitive themes and content in their posts. However, not everyone can do that. This is where screen names come in. There are some people who can't track, and have no idea who they are responding to. For them, it becomes very confusing. That's why I like screen names for the most part.

We've also got to realize that there are some really repressive and punitive ACOGs out there whose leaders hate our inalienable right to free speech. I know of some disfellowshipments that have resulted from this even when people have posted as anonymous. Tyrants have an uncanny way of figuring these things out. Good, you say? Well, I might tend to agree if the disfellowshipped ones left Armstrongism, but they often just go to another splinter, so nothing has been accomplished. So, I say let them stay anonymous, and perhaps come to some inevitable conclusions on their own, and leave by their own choice. It tends to stick when that happens.