The fantasy world that the Great Bwama Bob Mzungu Thiel lives in knows no boundaries in absurdities. These are the nutty things he believes he is doing:
There is a remnant of the Philadelphian church left now because:
- The short-work of Romans 9:28
needs to be done.
- Matthew 24:14
still needs to be fulfilled.
- God promised to pour out His Spirit and give dreams and prophecies in the end before Jesus returned (cf. Acts 2:17-18
- An end time Zerubbabel would be part of the Philadelphia remnant to rebuild the second spiritual temple–which would NOT look anywhere near as impressive as the previous temple physically (Haggai 2:3-4
- All things needed to be restored (Matthew 17:11
), and the mantle held. And important truths, such as why God created anything and why He made humans have been restored in the 21st century.
- The full number of Gentiles must come in (Romans 11:25
- The end time Ezekiel watchman warning must go out (cf. Ezekiel chapters 3, 5, and 6)–and no group has ever done more than what has happened in the CCOG.
- The Philadelphian remnant is targeted by the Beast power before (Daniel 7:25a
, 11:29-35
; Revelation 12:13-16
) before he goes to persecute the rest of the Christians (Revelation 12:17
, 13:5-10
, 14:12-13
- Philadelphians are the only one that Jesus promises protection from the coming hour of trial (Revelation 3:10
) and that has not happened yet.
Nope. Watch this to hear the madness that is Gerald Flurry
Well, Marty McFly followed Doc Brown. But alas, Doc Brown was a crackpot scientist, not a crackpot prophecy nut. It's doubtful that he'd hold any appeal for COGlodytes, cause he didn't quote scriptures, and didn't even keep the sabbath. Oh and uh, Doc Brown's stuff actually worked! COGlodytes only follow people whose stuff doesn't work.
If I was harvesting in an orchard I would follow him, because he's the best cherry picker I've ever seen!
These splinters are in a mental straight jacket. They never venture outside their narrow bounds. These many excellent books and internet sites that magnify God's way, but most members don't even know that they exist. Their leaders deliberately feed them spiritual milk rather than meat in order to make them easier to control. Like the depicted king in your introduction.
Even if everything listed in the article is true, it puts the total emphasis
on what WE DO and excludes God from the equation. I think He has it all planned out!
And as far as I know, for what it is worth, not a peep from anybody in the cog movement about what is unfolding in the Middle East with respect to Israel. Assad gone and Syria in ruins, Russia on the verge of leaving its air bases and naval bases, Hezbollah severely damaged, Yemen hit hard as was Iran. Most likely blindsided again by events, that did not fit the prescribed rhetoric. They can react but not predict. But keep the tithes rolling in and all is well.
Well, hell, let's hurry "profitcy" along by hiring someone to cast an animal in the forge to look like a heifer and paint it red, assemble a manufactured building looking like a temple, put the heifer in the structure, light a fire to burn the bldg down, and call it the aBOBmination of desolation, then start counting 3.5 years. (Or is it 7 years?)
Bob just quotes scripture.
The players you mentioned will simply recoup and regroup, and come storming back, rhinocerous style. Yeah, the inCOGnoscenti missed it, but the enemies of Israel will never fully go away.
Herbert Armstrong claimed he fulfilled Matthew 24:14
. Is little Bobby Thiel calling Mr. Armstrong a liar.? Richard
Cue Bob Dylan's "Desolation Row", a song with many interpretations. I always thought the verse about Casanova being punished was a direct reference to GTA.
Oh man! Just whipped up a bunch of Carrol Shelby's chili for the Xmas week!
What a gas!
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