Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Wedding Of The Century! King Gerald Flurry Is Getting Married!


King Gerald Flurry is getting married! Woo hoo! 

Will Lil'Stevie marry daddy The King like GTA married Herbert? Will we then see a divorce 2 years later and a huge lawsuit in the works? After all, King Gerald has to imitate HWA as much as possible.

With the announcement soon to be given to fleeing to Petra, it is amazing to see King Gerald occupied with such worldly things!

Just imagine how much fun their honeymoon will be as they hop on King Gerald's private jet and fly to their honeymoon destination where the teachings of Herbert Armstrong's seminal work, The Missing Dimension in Sex will be put to such joyous use!

Exit and Support Network has this up:

TH E  F R I D A Y  P H I L A D E L P H I A N


October 30, 2020

The pastor general

On Wednesday, Pastor General Gerald Flurry recorded a new Key of David program titled “China’s Biggest Scandal Against the U.S” offering Russia and China in ProphecyHe Was Right and “The Rise and Fall of a Superpower.” At the end of Sabbath services last week, Evangelist Wayne Turgeon made a special announcement on Mr. Flurry’s behalf (see below). After services Mr. Flurry hosted a celebratory reception for the congregation in the balcony of Armstrong Auditorium. Today, Mr. Flurry approved the announcing of several ministerial relocations: Mr. and Mrs. Brian Davis will move from headquarters to the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, a more central location for serving as Northeast regional director. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vejil will move from Ohio to northern New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Nice will move from New Jersey to the Phoenix, Arizona, area. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brandon have moved from Phoenix back to headquarters to assist Western Regional Director Cal Culpepper with Oklahoma congregations outside of headquarters and to manage the food services department. Mr. and Mrs. John Krueger will switch from Food Services to assisting headquarters Pastor Fred Dattolo with the large headquarters congregation. Mr. Flurry hopes these moves will be made before or just after the ministerial conference at the end of December. Chief operations officer Andrew Locher said, “Your prayers for their smooth transition are not only appreciated, but quite necessary. This is a difficult time of year to move, and with COVID complications in the industry, they have a tough fight ahead of them.”

Special announcement

Dear brethren: I have been meeting with Vicki Barreiro for one year. It all started with ministerial counseling. We both developed feelings for each other in that process. We have been dating exclusively for the last four months. We plan to marry in a private wedding with only our immediate families on November 16.

Pastor General Gerald Flurry

CGI Is Competing With Pack, Flurry & Theil For Most Crazy!


The obsession of two of the leading pastors of the Church of God International with right-wing politics and conspiracy theories is clearly pushing that group into the “Bat Shit Crazy” category (Gary may soon be forced to add them to his poll). Recent sermons by Adrian Davis and Bill Watson have been literally chocked-full of warnings about folks on the left as socialists, communists, globalists, homosexuals, Jewish elites, Black Lives Matter supporters and pedophiles. In fact, listening to some of their most recent sermons one might conclude that the fall of the United States is imminent if Joe Biden and the Democrats are swept into power in the rapidly approaching U.S. election!

In his most recent sermon, Pastor Davis declared that no matter who wins the election “America is gone…It’s just a matter of time – It’s just how quickly America will collapse.” He went on to say that America is already gone as an idea, and that the communist takeover is almost complete! He goes on to suggest that anyone who supports those wicked globalists and communists is in reality worshipping Satan! Pastor Davis proceeds to decry the “beautiful rhetoric” of the Left about coming together to solve problems and helping the disadvantaged. He then goes on to attack those who have advocated for a more serious and sober approach to handling the Covid19 pandemic. Pastor Davis believes that those who are advocating for global cooperation in instituting scientific health measures to protect folks are pushing fear. He says the coronavirus is contagious, but not very lethal. He points to Donald Trump’s quick recovery from the virus as proof of his point. Davis then proceeds to denigrate anyone who would deign to find fault with what happened to George Floyd. After that rant, the good pastor returns to his attack on those nasty advocates of social distancing and mask wearing – even injecting a right-wing video to buttress his attack! And, if you think I’m making up stuff about poor Pastor Davis, then just listen to the sermon for yourself (if you have the stomach)...Mask and You Shall Receive

In his most recent sermon, Pastor Watson calls out those “self-proclaimed” socialist Democrats: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Like his preferred president (Trump), the fact that none of these individuals is the current standard bearer of the Democratic Party makes no difference to him! He proceeds to decry just how much America has changed in his lifetime – things like two homosexuals being able to marry each other! Pastor Watson also spends a great deal of time defending his obsession with politics - often pointing to the moral implications of issues like abortion and transgender rights. He says that folks on the left want to replace the U.S. Constitution with a socialist platform. Watson proceeds to decry professional athletes taking a knee during the playing of the national anthem at sporting events. And, if that isn’t bad enough, Mr. Watson is outraged by the fact that Ohio has recently instituted a mask wearing mandate because of Covid19. The gall of these folks to interfere with his rights! For Pastor Watson, masks don’t make sense, and he glories in the fact that the mandate exempts him as a pastor. “America!” he declares, “Freedom to travel…freedom to breathe fresh air!” Mr. Watson is paranoid about the collection of data. He sees dark conspiracies at work everywhere. He decries the fact that we are “quarantining the healthy.” Watson says he has no problem with folks wearing masks, just don’t force him to wear one! Later, he launches into a diatribe about a socialist platform and suggests that these folks are coming for your guns and are going to take away your right to vote. Once again, you don’t have to take my word for it – If you can stomach the message, you can view it in its entirety here:  The Black Robe Regiment

Now, while I’m confident that these rants will appeal to a great many of the supporters of Donald Trump, I do not think that they have much to with proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, if one is truly trying to reach the broadest possible audience with that message, how do you think an extremely partisan message will accomplish that? I have no idea how much of the leadership and membership of the Church of God International actually subscribes to these extreme views – hopefully not many of them. However, by providing a platform for these views, we are forced to conclude that that organization has clearly gone off the rails!

Miller Jones / Lonnie Hendrix

Friday, October 30, 2020

Dave Pack: What is he hiding from the world?


From a reader:

A special thanks to the courageous ones who have been providing this information. Standing up to the Wadsworth bully has provided enough information these last few years to severely weaken Mr. Pack's grandiose ambitions for years in the future.

One of the most asked questions from the early concerned membership sent to headquarters addressing Mr. Pack's departure from Herbert Armstrong's teachings and the great additions to Herbert Armstrong's teachings was: "if this is all all true, how come HWA didn't see it or understand it"?


So what is Mr. Pack hiding from the world? If his truth and understanding is so special that Herbert Armstrong would have thundered it to the whole world had he known it, what is holding him back from doing the same?

We just heard in one of the released sermons where Mr. Pack said his church is doing very well financially and is in very good shape and poised to do a great work. So presumably money is not an issue.

Now we have the RCG chasing ghosts real and imagined who my be pirating out of Wadsworth the supposed thunderous truth that the whole world needs to hear. 

That's alright Dave, keep your special message locked in a vault and plaster it into the walls of headquarters. For there is Dee Bunker, Ex RCG, NO2HWA, your son-in-law, Jeff, the three evil shepherds (sorry Kaidanneks), strong women and men whose marriages you have tried to destroy, many anonymouses, people that care and many others who have in their possession or in their minds the complete truth about you and all of them are glad to freely share it.

Restored Church of God: Lil'Dave's Dirty Tricks He Will Use To Catch His Moles


From a reader:

For anyone in RCG who leak materials out, understand that the leadership will lay traps to catch you. They will determine a short list of people who they determine are the most likely candidates who are leaking materials, then they will send you copies of messages that are slightly different from the rest of the membership. This will look something like a couple of added words in a member letter or perhaps a few additional seconds at the end of a sermon. When the material is leaked online, then they will know if it is from the larger membership, or in the smaller group they distributed the different copies to. I would recommend avoiding posting materials in their entirety. Instead excerpt segments of the full message to be posted. It is harder to compare if its the copy or the "approved" version. Another idea is to use a cell phone to make a recording of the video or audio file if you can no longer download them. I am sure there are other tricks they may try, so just be smart about it!