Showing posts with label Lil'Davey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lil'Davey. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2020

Restored Church of God: Lil'Dave's Dirty Tricks He Will Use To Catch His Moles


From a reader:

For anyone in RCG who leak materials out, understand that the leadership will lay traps to catch you. They will determine a short list of people who they determine are the most likely candidates who are leaking materials, then they will send you copies of messages that are slightly different from the rest of the membership. This will look something like a couple of added words in a member letter or perhaps a few additional seconds at the end of a sermon. When the material is leaked online, then they will know if it is from the larger membership, or in the smaller group they distributed the different copies to. I would recommend avoiding posting materials in their entirety. Instead excerpt segments of the full message to be posted. It is harder to compare if its the copy or the "approved" version. Another idea is to use a cell phone to make a recording of the video or audio file if you can no longer download them. I am sure there are other tricks they may try, so just be smart about it!