Poor Bob. There is no other person on this planet that understands God as he does. Bob knows his god's mind and knows that his god would be sorely offended at a movie poster, so much so that he had to edit it so that his followers would likewise not be offended. As we all know COG people get offended at EVERYTHING!
Prophet Thiel writes:
The above movie is to be released 2/28/2014 in the USA. From what I have seen related to its promotion, I do not believe this film truly portrays Jesus and His ministry. Yes, it may give some quotes and portray some events correctly, but it does not portray Him correctly (He did not look like how the actor portrays Him, which is why I cut that part of the promotional poster out), and I doubt it will properly portray His message.
This is how he edited the poster:
Bobs list above proves to everyone that he does not know the man himself!But I do not believe it will properly answer questions such as:
Who was Jesus? Why did He come to earth? What message did He bring? Did Jesus teach and keep the Ten Commandments? Why is the kingdom of God mystery? Why did Jesus speak in parables? Is there evidence outside the Bible that He existed? What did Josephus, Tactitus, and Suetonius write? How will Jesus return? Could the Beast be a ‘false christ’?