(NOTE: I was asked by an LCG member to bump this back up.)
Due to the rapidly declining health of Rod Meredith and the poor health of Rod King, the Living Church of God has added two new presenters to the line up for their World Tomorrow program.
LCG announced:
Dr. Meredith has announced that there will be two new presenters for the Tomorrow’s World telecast. The first new presenter will be Mr. Gerald Weston, who will be the third main presenter for the program, along with Mr. Ames and Mr. Smith. The second new presenter will be Mr. Rod McNair, who will function as a guest presenter. Dr. Meredith asks that we please pray for both of these men, that God will continue to guide them and use them.
Meredith has been well known for his practice of nepotism in the LCG HQ hierarchy. In spite of wise counsel from many, Meredith has appointed Jim Meredith, Rod McNair and others to positions none seem qualified for.The addition of these new presenters was prompted by the ill health of Mr. Rod King and the challenges that Dr. Meredith faces as he ages.
Rod McNair apparently lives in the dark ages where everything that happened in life was attributed to Satan or demons. McNair recently claimed that demons inhabit the bodies of the elderly in nursing homes and demanded than an LCG member quit his job working in a nursing home.
Rod McNair recently ordered one of his members to quit their job at a nursing home where they worked helping sickly senior citizens. His reason? Demons. It is his belief that demons often inhabit the elderly. LCG recommends that its members stay away from people with mental illness and now they have added to that, the elderly. Ironic since the average age of an LCG member is about 75 and its leader, Rod Meredith, is 85. According to sources, this member obediently quit their job immediately after being told to. Most professionals understand the importance of giving a notice of resignation out of respect for the employer and to maintain ones reputation in the industry. But not McNair. This member was subsequently accused of being disobedient to God's ministry by not quitting quickly enough once McNair learned that the member worked a two week notice to wrap up their obligations to the company. The member has now been disfellowshipped.
See that story here: Rod McNair Says Elderly Possessed By Demons
Related Rod McNair items of interest:
Why Does Rod Meredith, Rod McNair and Bob League Treat LCG Members With Such Disdain?
How Many Lies Can Rod McNair Speak In 15 Minutes?
Bob League and Rod McNair's Love Letter To Wayward LCG Members
Rod McNair Attempts To Quell Dissension By Tell LCG Members The Rules of Engagement For Disfellowshipment
Why Do So Many LCG Members Cover Up The Spiritual Abuse That LCG Commits Daily?
Rod McNair Dares To Preach About Family Communication While Destroying Families