Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ron Weinland: Declares Fast To Appease His Vomiting God

Ron Weinland, setting the example for the rest of the COG leaders, has written another missive from the Birmingham jail.  Sorry, the Terre Haute Prison.  The prison guards that have to OK his letters to his membership must be laughing their heads off at the sheer stupidity that comes from Weinerdude. 

Did you know that the Churches of God have been facing horrific war since 1994?  The battlefields are strewn with the bodies of murdered COG members.  At least they are in the warped brain of Weinerdude.  COG members have never suffered persecution in this country, and especially Weinerdude's little cult.  The only persecution that Weinerdude's cult has faced is that Laura and Audra can't go to Vegas on shopping sprees anymore.

According to Weinerdude,  his god was soooooooooooo pissed at the COG that he went back to heaven and vomited the church out.  Weinerdude's god then turned the COG over to Satan and his flying demons where they have had a field day ever since.

We live in a precarious time, when at any moment, the first nuclear device will explode and lead to many more. Though the world is about to plunge into WW III, the Church has been experiencing world war for some time now. At the time of the apostasy, the First Seal of Revelation was unsealed and then a great spiritual war engulfed God’s Church on a worldwide scale. As I mentioned at the beginning about my time in the Church and the ministry and of witnessing great spiritual battles, what God’s Church is experiencing now is by far the most powerful and continuing attack I’ve ever seen throughout all my time in God’s Church.

Some may wonder how, in this present time, there could be the greatest spiritual attacks, when in 1994 there were over 60,000 casualties that quickly resulted from the apostasy, and there were over 30,000 who were scattered as they struggled to remain alive. During that time, there was great spiritual power, signs, and lying wonders that worked to devastate God’s Church. But the reality was that the entire Church was so spiritually weak, lukewarm, and filled with pride that God would not accept her any longer in such a condition, so at the opening of the First Seal, He removed Himself from the Church vomited it out.

When separated from God, with Him and His Son no longer “dwelling in” the church, it was prime picking for Satan and the demonic world, and so this separation was followed immediately by power (demonic spiritual power), signs, and lying wonders within the organization of the Worldwide Church of God.

According to Weinerdude, his god is now  happy with the COG and has cleaned up all the vomit.  Weinerdude says the church is now stronger and more unified than it ever has been since 1969.  If you do not believe him you are spiritually weak.

So how is this time we are in now, a time of greater spiritual warfare and attack from that demonic world upon God’s Church? During the apostasy, the body of the Church was removed from God dwelling in it. The Church was without God’s spiritual strength, power, and protection in it. However, the Church today is not weak! Since 1969, I have never witnessed the Church being nearly as spiritually strong and unified as I now see it. Some few may feel otherwise, but that could only be the result of their short-time experience and/or spiritual weakness at this time. I know what I have witnessed, and that witness is from God, and it is true.

Even though the church is spiritually strong, Satan is on a rampage against it and is making it weak.  Weinerdude's members are falling by the wayside.  This includes some of his minsters.  Weinerdude is particularly incensed at his ministers that have failed to come and visit him in prison.

Over the past few months, in personal experience and upon hearing from so many brethren about their own experiences, there has not been a time in all my time in God’s Church when Satan and the demon’s attacks upon God’s Church have been so furious. This is simply a testimony to the time we are in and the reality that they know their time is nearly over.

Though these attacks are making many much stronger on one hand, they are never the less very wearisome and spiritually draining, which is dangerous. If the Church were not as strong as it is, it would have been devoured long before this, but God’s people are being resolute, persevering, and continuing at the battle that is before them, and not giving up. This is a battle to the completion, when God sends His Son in His Kingdom. There have been very few casualties, but there are still a few more who are weakened and will not survive if they do not turn things around in their spiritual lives and take heed and practice what has been written in recent posts and in letters to the ministry, for this includes a few in the ministry as well.

Because of those weak  impotent ministers and the numerous members leaving his church, Weinerdude has called a church wide fast. (Except for Laura and Audra, they will be dining on caviar and toast.  The Second Witness has to keep her strength up.)  I have to laugh that every time the shit hits the fan in the COG a fast has to be declared.  It's the dumb members fault and they have to fast for forgiveness and strength.  They have sinned grievously, so much so that Weinderdude went to prison.  Its the members fault instead of he, Audra and Laura's embezzling of money for their own use.  The members are sinful deviates that have let Satan take over them so much so that they are blinded to their sin.  Dumb members!  You should know better!

Urgent Fast:
Since the spiritual battle has been going on for such a long duration of time and has been working to make people weary in battle, it is time to fight ever harder and press forward spiritually more than ever before. It is time for a church-wide fast in order for us to be strengthened with greater power from on high power that Satan cannot battle. Satan and his demons can fight against the angelic realm and they can attack God’s people, but they cannot attack God and the power of His spirit in our life. That power God’s spirit in us is our power and might by which we are made strong against attacks and are able to move forward against that evil spirit realm unto the day that realm itself is placed into captivity.

We are following the outline of Isaiah 58 in which we are to first cry out to God for forgiveness of our own personal sins and also ask for help to see sin in ourselves of which we are blind. Then when God helps us to see that which only He and His Son can see, we repent. Next, we are to follow this by praying (using this same outline) for God’s strength and power to fill us more fully in order to accomplish the spirit of battle of Isaiah 58 in diminishing the power of Satan (power to bind, deceive, and hold captive because of human sin).

Gratitude: The Girl and the Old Man

James Malm Establishes Feast Site and Immediately Says Who Will NOT Be Attending

James Malm, the Chief Pharisee of Armstrongism, has finally established his first Feast site. In typical COG fashion he has to imitate Herbert Armstrong and starts his first Feast in Oregon.

FEAST OF TABERNACLES: TheShiningLight is sponsoring a Feast of Tabernacles site in the beautiful Rogue River region near Medford Oregon.

This year the Feast of Tabernacles begins on Sunday 22 September and the Eighth Day is on Sunday 29 Sept.  Because the Feast begins on a Sunday, we will be set up on Friday evening 20 Sept, for the Sabbath.
In order to attend his new cult Feast site you must prove yourself worthy to stand in his presence.  Only the best law keepers will be allowed.  All of you pagan, heretical, apostates that are into 
Sacred Names are PROHIBITED from attending.  

This site is reserved for those who have proved the doctrine at this site to their personal satisfaction and are solidly on board.  Sacred Names people and others who want to attend only to push heresies will NOT BE TOLERATED.
There will be no guest speakers at this Feast site.  Only God's most important madman since Dave Pack will be speaking.  You can expect one sermon after another on the law.  It will be "law" 24/8.  There will be no wimpy shallow sermons about "love" or Jesus Christ.  This is a law keepers site, so be forewarned!

I will be present personally at this site regardless of whether there are ten or a thousand persons coming.  At this time the site is at the beginning stage; but is open to expansion.  This site is expected to be a smaller large extended family reunion size site; but may be expanded.  Anyone who expects a large mass of people, shallow sermons and plenty of outside activities will be disappointed. 
You will be subjected from early morning to late afternoon or evening to sermons about the law.  There will be a few occasion where you will be allowed  to sleep and to meet your like minded believers. You will be told what to do, what to believe, how to believe it,  and more importantly what you CANNOT do!  All of you COG revelers looking for a boozy Feast site had better look elsewhere. 

The site will feature very strong meat of doctrine, and an occasion for extensive fellowshipping between solidly committed like minded believers.  This will not be a tourist holiday or a feast of booze; it will be a Feast at  the table of the Lord.
The apostate apostle is only interested in like minded law keepers in his presence.  If you intend to eat at a restaurant on a high day or sabbath be prepared to be immediately rebuked and banished.

We are not interested in numbers;  we ARE interested in spiritually minded people.

There will be extensive scriptural studies, Q&As and fellowship, based on sharing the scriptures, discussing the studies and sharing personal experiences and wisdom.  

This Feast of Tabernacles site is now Official.

Persons interested in attending should email me at jddm3@hotmail.com and I will put them on a Feast Newsletter list which will be sent out as information becomes  available

Doesn't this sound like the most incredibly exciting Feast site you have ever heard of!  It makes me want to start packing my car for the trip up there!  Maybe I will go and give a first hand report on how perfect everyone is.