Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Why Isn't God A Better Judge Of Feast Site Locations?


Living Church of God just released this statement about their Palmetto, Florida Feast site. God had originally placed His name specifically upon this spot for their faithful to experience a foretaste of the Kingdom of God. Apparently, God was not aware that there were two hurricanes bearing down on Florida.

As hurricane Milton approached and the situation developed, it became clear that God decided to move the Feast site from Palmetto to beautiful Fernandina Beach, FL. Services will be held in a modern hotel, within the beautiful setting of Amelia Island. There are a number of items still developing with the site, so check back here and look out for more emails regarding activities. Also, we posted two links showcasing some of the millennial-esque qualities of the surrounding area.

As a reminder, while we are so thank ful He has guided us to this new location, we ask that you continue to pray for those still in the path of the storm. 
For more information about this Festival site, please contact the Festival Coordinator, Mr. Ryan Dawson.

Festival Coordinator

Gerald Flurry To Personally Deliver The Final Message To Christ When He Returns


There are two absolutely batshit crazy elements in the following letter from the Exit and Support Network site.

First off is this:

Gerald Flurry has declared it a SIN to not refer to their mini-me auditorium as God's House:

October 6, 2024 
I am writing about two very concerning things that have recently come from Gerald Flurry. 
The first being from the latest Royal Vision magazine. September/October 2024 in an article titled “Two Psalms That Make You Stop and Think” by Gerald Flurry. 
On page 6 he says: 
“That house [speaking about their Armstrong Auditorium] is called by God’s name! What kind of a sin it is to call it a different name, or not call it God’s house! What a terrible attitude that shows. This is God’s house!” 
So now that GF has declared it a sin not to call their silly little auditorium “God’s house” we shall all be waiting for them to publicly make this change–hopefully starting with their web page, X account, Facebook, Instagram account and even their Pinterest page! Let’s see if GF can put his money where his mouth is……. Or would that public proclamation interfere with the image they are trying to cultivate in the community? “We aren’t a cult!”

You can guarantee that there is no way the Philadelphia Church of God will start announcing concerts performing in "God's House" instead of the Amstrong Auditorium. This is all meant for his dumb sheeple to keep them under control. Flurry uses this phrase because Herbert did the same thing with his Ambassador Auditorium. No one called it God's House back then other than in a few limited articles and appeal letters. 

That building was soon a den of iniquity where alcohol and drugs flowed freely and where molestations, sexual assaults, thefts, and enough gay and straight sex that it would have taken weeks to sanitize it. Demons were reported to be active in it. Yet, it was God's House, at least Armstrongism's version where we pollute anything we came into contact with.

Next, we move on to the blasphemous King Gerald Flurry and this utter balderdash about where he will deliver spoken words in a final message to Jesus Christ when he returns.

Second, in a recent Key of David program, titled “Who is that Prophet? (2024)” the narcissistic, megalomaniac Gerald Flurry, made one of his craziest declarations thus far! At approximately 50 seconds into the program, he stated, 
“this man, who is ‘that Prophet’ is going to deliver the final message to Jesus Christ when he returns.” 
This blasphemous statement was also printed along the bottom of the screen, no mistake was made. And for those who may be new to learning about the PCG, Gerald Flurry claims he is “That Prophet,” among other tiles such as Apostle, King, etc. (Read: Biblical Titles Gerald Flurry Has Appropriated for Himself
So to clarify, GF has claimed that he receives revelation from Christ both through scriptures and hearing voices. This then begs the question, if GF has to give this message to Christ, who then who is actually “revealing“ these messages to GF? He actually believes he is so special that God will use him to deliver a message to His son Jesus Christ. Absolute insanity! He is essentially placing himself in a position above Jesus Christ! 
Those familiar with the workings of a cult and cult leaders will already know that things like this often happen with leaders. 
If this won’t raise a few eyebrows of the mind-controlled members, then at the very least hopefully it prevents new people from joining this religious cult, as their leader continues to escalate. –Z. A. Exit and Support Network

In spite of all this craziness, Armstrongism in its various imaginations claims they are God breathed into existence. God supposedly speaks directly to various leaders telling them all kinds of super fantastical tales and they then feel the need to report it to their dwindling flocks. There is no message that so many of these crazy loons proclaim that has worth for humanity. Jesus is never the center of attention of these groups.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Turned over to Satan: Dis-Membered From Which and What?



Falling away was always a scary topic in WCG. Getting "turned over to Satan" was no small problem for the unbelieving, rebellious towards Church everything, tired of all the scandal, stuck with an authoritarian and incapable of love and mercy type Pastor, unable or unwilling to give til it hurt, and it did or any number of other issues that could play hard on the mind of the member or the minister. 

One got "marked" and dis-membered real quick and often publically back in the day. Later, when it was more a flood of fallers away, not so much.

At any rate, the church "wished them no ill, but that they would repent". However, some scriptures indicated that it was too late to repent while others would extend an olive branch of kindness. Most who fell never wanted to return anyway. 

I spoke with a former AC student who was accused by the Administration of "being gay."  He wasn't but that was that for him. He left when he declared "I am not gay," and the pastor simply told asked him "Do you believe we are God's chosen ministry?"  In other words, "if we think you are gay and we discern that you are gay, we are not wrong."  So he "fell away". 

The scriptures on the topic are pretty tough on the one who questions, get's tired or simply can't take this or that any longer. 

They range from "once and done" to "aw, come on back and all is forgiven." Most opt for the second as losing members these days is a problem, and Churches have to keep the numbers up. 

Even in the First Century, one had the option of falling away from either the Jewish Christian version of the truth or the Pauline Genitle version. And early in the game, the NT is filled with the charges and countercharges each had for the other illustrating this early problem. Falling away so early in the history of the NT church was pretty common. They came, they saw, the left either following others such as Apollo or Paul or in the case of WCG, Larry, Moe or Curly. 

The Author of Hebrews says: Hebrews 6:4-6 


For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt.

However, James says: James 5:19-20 


My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.

And Even Paul Says: 1 Corinthians 10:13 

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.


But then the author of "Peter" says: 2 Peter 2:20-22 


For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire.”


But then Paul Says: Romans 11:19-22 


Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God's kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off.


(Note: "kindness" but also "severity" makes no sense to me personally. It's the "Compulsory fear and Compulsory love" problem. You know, as the sign on the Interstate said, "Love Jesus or burn forever in Hell". )


So aside from the concept of "you have had it" to "no, you can be salvaged, the question in our day and age becomes "Fall away from who or what?" 


Currently there are over 45,000 differing Christian denominations with all having various twists and turns of belief than the others. All believe they are "the faith once delivered" and NO ONE believes they belong to" the false church" or that their faith is misplaced or their beliefs mistaken. 


Many of these differences are not minor. Some are tolerant of others and let them "also be true Christians" but many insist on being "the true Church" and you are not. 


So if you fall away from a True Church, big trouble Biblically. If you fall away from "Christianity falsely so called" or "Churchianity" as WCG often portrayed everyone else, no biggy, as long as you come "into the truth" of the WCG. Many others churches feel this way about themselves as well. 


How often I heard as a pastor during the crazy times, "I have not fallen away from the Church! The Church has fallen away from me!".  How little did those people realize just how much further the Church they knew and originally was drawn to would fall away from everyone.  


Huge topic and in the mix of us that read and contribute to Bannedhwa, having shared our common first love of our youth, we now find every combination of human religious affiliation or not common to man, here on Bannedhwa as well. 


What say you about all this?