In the past 12 years, the CCOG went from 5 congregants to over 9,000.
This has already been proven wrong by people in Africa for years now.
He continues on claiming he is a continuation of the Philadelphia Era malarkey that Herbert taught:
Notice an important criteria that Jesus set:
16 You will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:16).
And what are the fruits?
Essentially, doing what Jesus taught–as well as working on gospel proclamation (Matthew 24:14) and preparation of the short work (Romans 9:28) with growth which helps fulfill Matthew 28:19-20 and Romans 11:25.
Consider that restoration of truth was a reason that the old WCG taught that Philadelphia was raised up to do:
This Philadelphia era has been raised up to do the work of Elijah in preparation of “restoring all things” (Matt. 17:11). (Waterhouse G. Enlist in the Army of God. Good News, June-July 1979)
Using Gerald Waterhouse as a truthful reference is pretty desperate, considering how much that man lied over the decades.
Sadly, even Herbert and Waterhouse did not know the full completion yet to come. The Great Bwana Bob has restored three things that Herbert was too ignorant to teach. Only God's highly favored leader, brought into being before the foundations of the world began, was able to do this!
In addition to matters on church history and prophecy, speaking of restoration, many other things have been restored since Herbert Armstrong’s death.
Let’s look at three.
First of all, why did God create anything? In the Continuing Church of God we teach:
God created what He did so eternity would be better. (cf. Hebrews 6:9, 11:16; Philippians 1:23)
Do you agree with that?
Secondly, why did God make you? In the Continuing Church of God we teach:
Your purpose in this life is to build character so you can maximize your potential and increase how much better you can improve eternity. God made YOU so that you will be able to use your unique talents (Matthew 25:14-23; Luke 19:11-19) to give love in order to make eternity better!
Do you agree with that?
Thirdly, why did God make others? In the Continuing Church of God we teach:
God’s plan for all who will respond to Him is to be able to give love in a unique way to make eternity better for them personally and everyone else
Do you agree with that?
Those are three BASIC TRUTHS which were not fully restored by Herbert W. Armstrong nor the other COGs, but were restored via the Continuing Church of God.
The Apostle Paul wrote:
14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, (2 Timothy 3:14)
Those truths were first taught in this century by the CCOG, which is where others also learned them.
If you agree with them, that should help you recognize that the Continuing Church of God does best represent the Philadelphian remnant of the Church of God during this time of Laodicean church dominance.
Jesus himself warned future generations that they would rebel against the improperly named "conning" Church of God!
As Jesus said to the Philadelphians, “Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown.”
Brethren, do not reject the truths restored by and to the Philadelphians because of critics and those who think their pet doctrine or assessment of how a church should be run affect you. NO OTHER GROUP HAS RESTORED THE TRUTHS THAT THE CCOG HAS–AND PROPHETICALLY THAT IS WHAT IS NECESSARY FOR THE PHILADELPHIAN REMNANT TO DO.
We in the Continuing Church of God have been restoring all things–at least 17, while keeping/holding fast to the original 18 that Herbert W. Armstrong said God had him restore. No other groups has restored so much in the 21st century. The CCOG possesses the Philadelphian mantle.
Um, no, it doesn't! Why does Bob lie so much?
The Great Bwana then goes on to make these ridiculous claims:
Radio/Worldwide and Continuing Church of God Similarities:
Radio/Worldwide Church of God
Continuing Church of God
Formation preceded by a dream given by God to a woman (Loma Armstrong).
Formation preceded by a dream given by God to a woman (Fesilafai Fiso Leaana).
Took time to accept if the dream came from God.
Took time to accept if certain dreams came from God.
Taught that at least two eras of the true Church could exist at the same time.
Taught that at least two eras of the true Church could exist at the same time.
Was led by one man at a time, who was considered to have the top ecclesiastical position, not a committee. It practiced hierarchical church governance.
Is led by one man at a time, who is considered to have the top ecclesiastical position, not a committee. It practices hierarchical church governance.
Top leader (Herbert W. Armstrong) had a special calling through a dream.
Top leader (Bob Thiel) had a special calling through a dream.
Held the Philadelphian mantle.
Holds the Philadelphian remnant mantle
Leader (Herbert W. Armstrong) left prior COG organization because the top leadership said he was right on doctrinal and prophetic matters, but that group (CG7) would not teach them.
Leader (Bob Thiel) left prior COG organization because the top leadership said he was right on doctrinal and prophetic matters, but that group (LCG), after promising to do so, decided it would not teach them.
Taught that God would use dreams and fulfill Acts 2:17-18 in the end.
Taught that God would use dreams and fulfill Acts 2:17-18 in the end—and that this has happened to the CCOG more than any other group in the 21st century.
Started mass public proclamation as a radio guest.
Started mass public proclamation on the internet and as a radio guest.
Focused on reaching the entire world with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in multiple languages.
Focused on reaching the entire world with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God in more languages than had ever been done in the history of the Church of God.
Continued with mass media including radio.
Continued with mass media including radio.
Did not have much money in its early years.
Did not have much money in its early years.
For years, had scattered members in North America with few congregations.
For years, has had scattered members in North America with few congregations.
Went through ‘new doors’ like television.
Went through ‘new doors’ like Internet television.
Taught work would be revived.
Teaches it revived the Philadelphia work.
Taught Philadelphia work would endure to the end.
Teaches that Philadelphia work is continuing to the end and that is consistent with Hebrews 13:1, literal translation.
Taught that the full number of Gentiles would come in.
Teaches that the full number of Gentiles must come in—and has been successfully reaching them. Note: That was not clearly taught in any of the COGs once I was in, until after CCOG formed.
Fulfilled first portion of Loma Armstrong’s dream.
Working towards fulfilling the second portion of Loma Armstrong’s dream.
For many years, averaged 30% growth per year.
For many years, averaged over 30% growth per year.
Was willing to change positions prior group held when the Bible supported the change.
Was willing to change positions prior group held when the Bible supported the change.
Had prophetic understanding others lacked.
Has prophetic understanding others lack.
Proclaimed the Ezekiel watchman warning.
Functions as a watchman proclaiming the Ezekiel watchman warning.
Restored at least 18 truths lost by the end of the Sardis era.
Officially teaches those 18 restored truths, plus others related to prophecy, doctrine, and church history.
To minimize government interference, eventually formed as a ‘corporation sole.’
To minimize government interference, initially formed as a ‘corporation sole.’
The fastest growing COG in the mid 20th century.
The fastest growing COG in the 21st century.
There are many parallels. For those with eyes to see, CCOG is the clear Philadelphian leading successor.
No other COG has the entire list, nor even most of it, except the CCOG. Do not deceive yourself that all COGs are about the same.
You must get on your knees repent from your unbelief, and follow the Great Bwana blindly as he leads you to perdition.
Accept the biblical criteria, which were also the old WCG criteria, for the Philadelphian remnant.
And truly, Philadelphians need to keep preaching to the world until the end comes, since they will be around until the end comes. Thus, Herbert W. Armstrong knew that the work of Matthew 24:14 was not finished. It is the highly dedicated in the real Church of God that will finish the final phase of the work before (Matthew 24:14; see also the video Implications of Matthew 24:14) and during (Revelation 11:3-14) the Great Tribulation and Day of the Lord–and the final phase will also involve dealing with the ecumenical religion that will rise up (cf. Revelation 13:4,8; 14:9-13)–and this is what the Continuing Church of God is doing.
Contrary to those who interpret Herbert W. Armstrong otherwise, the first half of Matthew 24:14 has not been completely fulfilled. It was only to the Philadelphians, the ones that are specifically promised protection, who were given the open door to proclaim the gospel. Since it is also only the Philadelphians that are promised to be protected from the tribulation, they must still exist at the time of the end. The world still does not really know of the Church of God, but this will change as the result of the work of the Philadelphians. Because the Laodicean work is not acceptable to Jesus, it makes no sense that the Laodiceans will be the ones who complete the work of proclaiming the gospel. Remember, the Laodiceans are condemned for having a work that is different than that of the Philadelphians.
If you do not heed the words of the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu, then your life is endangered, and you will not be allowed into Petra.