Sunday, January 12, 2025

The Feeling Of Frisson Some Have When Reading This Blog



Byker Bob said...

Thought I had a relatively rich vocabulary, but must admit that "frisson" was a word I needed to look up. Cool, and probably an excellent descriptor to index the brave followers of HWA who come here to learn. (Not!!!) 👻


Feastgoer said...

True, Because you tend to have more news about COGs than any other source - especially since "The Journal" closed.

(Even if it seems like you make some of it up. :-) )

Anonymous said...

We are hooked.....

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know any background about the man (who is he) with his hands in spaghetti and sitting with Armstrong?

Anonymous said...

Aren't we all drawn to gawk at the spectacle of all the wrong people on the Internet? It's what enables us to pray to ourselves, "Lord, thank you that I'm not like other people."

Anonymous said...

Frisson - a sudden, intense feeling of excitement or thrill. Originally French and literally means "to shiver".

I can reassure the false accusers that this is not the case. If you only wanted a select, hand picked, crony audience to view this blog then you should have put a password or invitation only code block on it.

Reminds me of Garner Ted in 95 when his double life was dramatically and embarrassingly exposed. He called a ministers conference and angrily informed them he wasn't resigning, he was not changing and he was in control. He grabbed both sides of the lecture and angrily boomed his opinion out. Many of them silently got up and walked out on him.

It's also ironic that a blog named "Banned by HWA" wants to ban certain readers who've stumbled upon this blog.

Like Garner Ted learned, you can't have it both ways.

Anonymous said...

Eh, who doesn't turn to watch the train wreck?

Anonymous said...

He was going to step aside until Shirley got in his ear.

Byker Bob said...

Who said anything about banning readers? Even uncontrollable disruptive kook-a-boos' posts are let to come through occasionally to let the sane people here know what kind of crap goes through fringies' brains!

Nobody here gets caught on film chasing a masseuse while masturbating at massage parlors, either, so, I don't know what you hope to accomplish by a false comparison to GTA!



Anonymous said...

What always gets me about such photos is that these nicely dressed folks put their trust in HWA, yet he deliberately taught things he knew were wrong. He knew the bible condemned church tyranny, the end is always 3 -5 years away etc. He lied just like any politician.

Anonymous said...

Had similar thoughts looking at the photo. The con man seems to be giving some tour or similar. He lied throughout his career , driven by love of the almighty dollar. I suspect deep down knowing he was a con man he had no love for people, for those in the photo.

Anonymous said...

Had similar thoughts looking at the photo. The con man seems to be giving some tour or similar. He lied throughout his career , driven by love of the almighty dollar. I suspect deep down knowing he was a con man he had no love for people, for those in the photo.