Friday, July 5, 2013

Balaam's Ass Davey Pack Says God Has Already Disfellowshipped You

If you are a Christian and have any inkling about New Covenant theology you would know that people have not been "disfellowshipped" from God.  Instead it is a story of reconciliation, mercy and grace.  Apostate pasturds like Pack, Flurry and Armstrong deny that understanding and focus instead on an angry vengeful god who is really, really pissed.  Balaam Davey invalidates the reason for the resurrection when he teaches this crap.

A final point before looking at reasons the prophecy is “on” for August 2013. As was mentioned in last Friday’s announcement, God has actually disfellowshipped His people—putting them out of the Church—“delivering them unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that their spirit might be saved” at Christ’s Return (I Cor. 5:5). Also read I Timothy 1:20. That God disfellowships people, usually through His ministers, should surprise no converted person.

God knew that the apostasy would spawn many thousands of people who would leave His destroyed corporate Church and enter multiple competing splinter groups. Since the falling away, these thousands have simply not been ready to return to His Church. This is because of their conduct. God has not been pleased with them—their doctrines, traditions, standards and behavior.


Head Usher said...

"God has actually disfellowshipped His people—putting them out of the Church—'delivering them unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh that their spirit might be saved' at Christ’s Return..."

Bullshit. And why not just say excommunicated? It means the same thing.
His...corporate church? Gimme a break!
"God has not been pleased with them?" How the fuck would you know, Dave?

Anonymous said...

Joshua C Pack says:

"God knew that the apostasy would spawn many thousands of people who would leave His destroyed corporate Church and enter multiple competing splinter groups.

Then Weenie God "knew' huh? What a trickster too small to keep it on track god is. I guess Weenie god forgot to say, "I will tear down my church and the gates of hell will prevail against it."


Anonymous said...

Shun Davie Pack, then, 'cause he's beyond redemption, having committed a whole collection of unpardonable sins....

Anonymous said...

I should remind everyone that excessive mental noise defines insanity.

Anonymous said...

One of my weaknesses is that I can't stop laughing at train wrecks in progress. Davey Joshua is a train wreck in progress.

Byker Bob said...

The guy's a dick. Nobody. There are some really good reasons why he has not been able to gain any traction in the world of the ACOGs, and those reasons are going to persist.

He should watch "Dirty Harry" from which he would learn that "A good man always knows his limitations".