Monday, July 18, 2011

Racial Purity, Armstrongism and Haile Selassie

There was a post on Stuff Fundies Like the other day about a letter that was written to Bob Jones University about interracial dating.  The letter refered to the story that Moses married an Ethiopian.  Bob Jones III had the typical things a fundamentalist would say (as do far right Armstrongites.)There are two types of Ethiopians - blacks and whites.  Whites were the good kind and that is what Moses married.

Click to enlarge

What struck me as interesting in the post was the reference to Haile Selassie.  Remember how Herbert Armstrong salivated over this man.  He featured him on the Plan Truth, showered him with Steuben Crystal and made numerous visits with the man. Selassie also bedecked HWA with gifts and medals.

What was HWA's fascination with the man?  Could it be partly in reference to the comments made by Bob Jones?  Jones like HWA was not too keen on close ties with blacks.  Selassie was looked upon as a white Ethiopian and NOT one of the black Ethiopians. Therefore in HWA's British Israel thought process, white was good.  HWA assumed that Selassie was a direct descendant of the Queen of Sheba also an Ethiopian.  Because she was mentioned in the Bible interacting with Solomon, she therefore had to be white, since the Christan church has compared Solomon and Sheba at many times as Solomon being a type of Christ and Sheba being the Church.  Because Christ marries the church, therefore Christ could NOT have married a black woman!


Byker Bob said...

I really received quite an education through my interracial dating experiences, and I would hate to have been falsely deprived of all that. Latin ladies and African American ones are just delightful!

The God of the Old Testament was not a racist! What He found abominable was not skin pigmentation, but false, pagan worship systems that turned His people away from the one and only Creator of the universe. Gentiles who so desired were always able to become educated by the priests, circumcised, and to participate in the covenant worship practices with Yahweh. Today, we'd call this "assimilation". Captives from the various wars were often assimilated into the Mosaic or Israelitish lifestyle.


Michael D. Maynard said...

Haile Selassie is the center of the Rastafarian religious movement. You know, Bob Marley.

The following is from an interesting article on HS and Rastafari at:

"It is based on the writings of Marcus Garvey that inspires the emergence of Rastafari.

In particular the repeated statements by Garvey to “Look to Africa, when a black king shall be crowned, for the day of deliverance is near” were seen as prophetic when Haile Selassie was crowned in 1930.

Haile Selassie’s title was Ras Tafari in addition to Lord of Lords, King of Kings and Conquering Lion of Judah all led to the belief that he was the reincarnation of god."

HWA said he was from the tribe of Judah, maybe he was maneuvering to get close to the descendants of Judah and the throne that Jesus would set upon at his return.

Didn't Gerald Waterhouse teach HWA would live until the return of Messiah. Not bad to have an insider in case Jesus forgot who HWA was:<) Well, no matter now, they both died.