Friday, February 10, 2012

COGWA Rakes in the Dollars

Its been a "good" year for the Church of God a Worldwide Association.  In little over a year they have $1.3 million dollars in reserves now.  Of course this is burning a hole in their pockets so that are getting an official office space at "The Office Campus at Allen."  I am sure this is a great dig at UCG when so many predicted the COGWA splinter would fail quickly.

I am happy to announce the location of our new headquarters office in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. We will be leasing an office suite consisting of 5,590 square feet of space on the first floor of the building located at 1301 Central Expressway South, Allen, Texas. Allen is a suburb of Dallas and is located just a few miles north of the city along the Central Expressway (also U.S. Highway 75). The name of the building complex is “The Office Campus at Allen,” and it is in a beautiful setting with easy access to the freeway…

While the location decision was left to the administration, I wanted to make sure everyone agreed with the final selection. Joel Meeker, Leon Walker, Larry Salyer, David Baker, Fort Worth pastor Britton Taylor and I were involved in this review. Jason Lovelady and Clyde Kilough were not present for this final review, but both had seen the properties on a previous trip. Dallas pastor Doug Horchak was out of the country but had also seen the properties at an earlier time. At the end of the day, all present agreed that the Allen property was superior to the others and offered everything we desired at an affordable price (below our budget)…

I have heard that Lil'Joel is quite excited about having some new space:


Anonymous said...

We assume that it is within convenient driving distance of a toxic Superfund site.

Anonymous said...

There's always a need to spend other people's money...within the budget of course. I wonder how much is being spent outside of it.

Anonymous said...

Lil'Joel...ha ha I love it. He is such a conniving little pipsqueak. Everything I have seen in him is still that arrogant Ambassador attitude tells him that he is better than the rest of us. I too wait for his next temper tantrum. He is just cocky enough he would try and start his own church.

kenlock said...

Hi, I am new here, but I am a cast-off "baaaahd little sheeeperson"... of the cogia in Michigan, because I wouldn't cow cow to "authority". (the real reason is I am a bit outspoken, and my wife and I only have a small government pension from which to "tithe" (yeah, right... the tithe goes to the OT Levites, not to the W.T. (weird testament) armstrongites of the 21st century. My question is this: Who the heck is "Lil Joe"? Is it "Joel", one of the guys that helped Pick out the property? Oh, and anybody got any information on Britton Taylor? Just curious what kind of a guy he is. I've been dealing with a situation with my daughter in the F.W. congregation, and he hasn't lifted a finger towards reconciliation that I can see. I think he likes it that way. You think?