As a kid, you or at least I was going to be careful what I
asked it because I didn't want the wrong answer. Someone said to ask it if
I would live longer than 16 and no way was I gonna ask that! If I wasn't,
I didn't want to know! You didn't screw around with the Magic 8 Ball! I do
wish I had asked it at 14 if I should pursue The Plain Truth and WCG.
"Focus and Ask Again," I suppose.
As tempting as it might be as a child to take the Magic 8 Ball
seriously, it was a childish thing. In reality, the future is unknowable
though you would not know that listening to all the predictions and
prognostications of the various Apostles and High Priests in the Sliver Churches
of God. Quantum physics and the fact that the actual position of any
electron which makes up our reality is unknowable has a theory that parallel
universes exist. They are unreachable but the theory is that every time
one makes a decision to do or not do, be or not be, turn left, turn right, say
or not say, pursue or not pursue, a parallel universe forms where one did in
that one what was not done in this one. So somewhere Elvis is alive and
working at Walmart. Somewhere I never heard of the WCG and became the
guy on the Discovery Channel who tells us all about Neanderthals in Ice Age
Europe. Somehow it's nice to know there are other me's doing other things
because the possibilities are endless. It's a nice theory. Of course
in one parallel universe, I don't exist or died in the World Trade
Centers. Perhaps in another, I work for Dave Pack.
Can the future be "divined"? I seriously doubt
it. Humans have been predicting and prophesying about what WILL happen or
what we CAN look forward to for as long as they could throw bones in a
bowl. It's what humans do to give current lives meaning and hope. We
are so used to Bible prophets and their prophecies that knowing the future is a
given if you just get the combination of factors right and of course are in
tuned with the appropriate god who knows the end from the beginning.
I'm not sure that's a good thing and if so, why not just let it unfold as locked
in and forget about it all?
Lets be specific with the Bible and the WCG experience which is merely typical of all fundamentalist and literalist views of the future and it's knowability. Nothing I can tell WCG/HWA or whoever ever foretold occurred as predicted. The Apostle Paul was certainly off track in time and space with his soons and shortlys as anyone can see. There was no "we" shall be changed and "we" shall be caught up for him as he thought he foresaw. He was wrong. The Apostle Paul died just like everyone else admitting he did not get to see the promise he thought was promised. I have a suspicion Paul's death was embarrassing to the Church or the how and why would have been in the Bible. It is not. He simply disappears as do all the disciples, traditions notwithstanding. Humans have been wrong about what they see in their futures ever since.
When some can clearly see an Old Testament prophet was
wrong in his views such as an Isaiah saying the Nile would dry up or Egypt would
be desolate, some simply say it hasn't happened "yet." From failed
prophecies spring the term "types" and "duality". It's an apologetic
used instead of having to say one was wrong.
Dave Pack, as we know, is now a current and classic example
predicting future events as if he knew. He is clever, depending on
your definition of clever, but it is no big thing to be the most clever
person in a mental hospital. Ron Weinland was a future knower except he
didn't actually know and probably could not have predicted his current status as
a ward of the state. Prophets can never seem to see their end. Gerald
Waterhouse was a knower but nothing he knew actually happened and what others
told him he might need to consider but rejected did indeed happen. I
seriously doubt GTA would have thought he would die of pneumonia in his 70's or
that Dean Blackwell would be pushed aside , get discouraged and bewildered
mostly likely by it all , get a job at Walmart and die of a broken heart.
I never would have predicted my brother in law, who was an absolute health food
fanatic and should have lived to be 100, would die rather quickly of Hodgkin's
Lymphoma at 64. For him, as a WCG minister, that was retirement. I
recall once kidding Joe Tkach Jr that I suspected his retirement plan for the
ministry was for them, at 65, to drive into a tree. Now at 63 and having
been at least correct on what WCG had no intention of doing and I knew it, I
wish I hadn't said that!
Men like Dr. Robert Thiel who take titles of prophet to themselves can't see anymore into the future than I can by reading the same websites and news blogs he does. In our day and age, anyone who would say "God showed me," or "God told me," would be dismissed as either lying or schizophrenic. We give Old Testament prophets, Major and Minor a pass on their sources of information ONLY because it is written down in a holy book and was said a long time ago, or so it is said. Most Christians would never understand the practice of writing long winded speeches for Bible characters that were never really said but only imagined to be said by others who wrote what they imagine they would have said had they lived to say it. Mary did not really break into the Magnificant and song when she found out she was pregnant with Jesus, the Son of God. The writer imagined she did and copied the song of Hannah in the OT. In the Bible, infertile women give birth to special men. Virgins give birth to gods.
Some NT books, attributed to the Apostle Paul and others
are not actually written by them. They are written by others in the name
of and the spirit of Paul for effect and authority. They weren't actually
the words of Paul or Peter. It was a writing style. Even in the
Gospels we have conflicting accounts of what Jesus is said to have said by
others. When you think of it, every "thus saith," or "Jesus said," is
merely hearsay. One writer calls it the Sermon on the Mount. One calls it
the Sermon on the Plain. Which was it?
The Apostle Joshua C. Pack is not really getting the future
right nor who he is anymore than Gerald Flurry is "that Prophet" in Malachi or
Ron Weinland and Laura were the Two Witnesses. They live God and Prophecy
haunted lives that lead others down their path and deprive others of going down
their own. Perhaps in a parallel universe these folk never heard of Dave
Pack and never sent anything in, which would be nice.
No one seems to admit much that ALL the New Testament
predictions about how short time was back then for them as spoken by the
Apostles or how far spent was the night and how into the last hour those folk
were was simply wrong. Paul was wrong. John was wrong. Peter was
wrong. Church fathers were wrong. Revelation, a book actually written by Jewish
Christians to encourage those stuck in Jerusalem and showing how the Romans
would be routed in 3.5 years etc, was wrong. is equally wrong to
use Revelation as a prophecy for any other time than that time. I know
that is hard to swallow but what does "to show unto his
servants things which must shortly come to pass," mean to you? If I
had a hundred year old book that had the phrase "this afternoon it is
going to rain," I would not take it as a prediction of the weather where I lived
and when I lived. Why do you?
Now if I want to play the prediction game I can too. Gut feelings, seeing how A can lead to B and the concept of for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction do have meaning in our world. Effects actually do spring from causes.
I could have predicted somewhere, someone was going to fly off
the handle or have their last button pushed and shot up a COG somewhere
sooner or later. I felt it would happen in California but I felt it was
inevitable because you can't hurt some people over and over and not have
someone lose it. I recall being in the car when the news of a shooting in
a church at a Sheraton Hotel, and it was Saturday happened. There was no
name given in the first report but I said, "It happened" to myself in
the car. Next newscast I knew I was right. That's a gut feeling
based on if you do A it leads to B sometimes or Z. Personally I
thought it would happen in Southern California first, but it's hard to get
behind those gated and locked office buildings uninvited.
To myself as a Minster outside the loop of ministers I found
myself in the 70's and 80's "predicting" that if HWA didn't get off his live
until Jesus returns kick and deny his age and humanity, the church was in for a
ride. But that is not prophetic. It is common sense. When I
read my first blog site on the then new Internet, I recall thinking, "this is
going to give all nutcase churches and ministers one hell of an
exposure." Common sense not prophecy.
Claiming to know the future and declaring it is probably one
the more human and organizational forms of insanity that can infest a
planet. It makes lousy citizens out of the believer and raises false hopes
when one needs to make more effort to take care of business. It makes some
lazy and others nuts. It produces both large incomes for the prophets and
enemies galore. It disillusions when that was an avoidable experience and
sets folk up for learning exactly what St. John of the Cross meant by "the dark
night of the soul." If nothing else, belonging to a church that over
practices the non art of prophecy come alive is a formula for one hell of a
mid-life crisis. It can ruin your relationships and leave you in the
dumpster emotionally. Trust issues become a real problem and then more A
leads to more B.
Since the future is unknowable, let me make some predictions
1. In time all will come to see that Apostle Gerald Flurry is neither "That Prophet" nor is Apostle Pack any Joshua the High Priest spoken of in the minor prophet Haggai. We have already seen Herbert Armstrong build anything that lasted and his hand did not actually finish anything unless you reason like Dave Pack.
2. All, not just three of the COG leadership in the splinters and slivers will die sooner or later as will all their followers. I will also die sooner or later.
3. Properties bought and building built will be bought and used by others in time who can use it for their own views of the world or businesses. Houses for God will be foreclosed on. Some may be hauled away to the dump or recycled.
4. There will be lots of last Popes in the future. His name will be John Paul Benedict Francis Peterstein of Bavaria and very pretty.
5. The general surviving members of the various splits of WCG are too tired and suspicious of abusive title takers to move and reunite , yet again, and get the Apostle Joshua C Packs vision of himself and prophecy still coming alive on the road or back on track. This will cause paying the bills issues as it already has for the Apostle Flurry. This will not trouble the Apostle Joshua because it has never been about the numbers or the money.
6. The Restored Church of God's Feast of Tabernacles this year will be a bit bigger but after calculations done in private by the Apostle Joshua, it will be evident there are curious attenders who are not so willing to give up their monies in offerings. The numbers simply will not match up with what the money should be. Eventually they will be termed the Lurker Church of God and cast out.
7. The Restored Church of God's Feast of Tabernacles this year will be a bit smaller because everyone is getting ready to get their kids back to school August 30th 2013 and using second tithe for school clothes and tires for the car or even groceries and rent.
8. Dr. Bob Thiel will get a booster seat for his you tube ministry, stop waving his arms around when he talks like the kid on Problem Child making fun of Gilbert Godfrey and stop saying "Greeting friends around the world" as if he has to get that said and done so he can wave his Bible in the air.
9. I predict you thought I was going to have 7 points which is why I had 9
It seems that once the Apostle Paul got real and realized all
his bluster was just that, he mellowed a bit. If he wrote I Corinthians
13, which does not sound like the ranting pompous Paul of his other books, he
had changed a bit as time went on. He concluded that even if he had the
language of men and angels or the gift of prophecy, which he actually didn't ,
but had no love in him , it was all a wash. It was of no
value. He was nothing and had lived for nothing real. He concluded
that Faith, or believing the unbelievable, Hope, which was what prophecy was all
about and meant to encourage, and love were three basic values or ways of
thinking. He concluded love to be the most important.
At the end of his disappointingly non fulfilled prophetic
life, Paul defined what he finally understood was more important that claiming
to know the unknowable.
"4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
Believing one knows or even can know the future is childish. The Flurry's, Weinlands and Packs of the Wildworld Church of God are behaving as children in these "heavy" matters of who is who and who is not, who gets to be in charge and who dies. I predict that these men and those equally given to the foolishness of speculation, wishful thinking and fake insights and motivational ploys will also have to learn this lesson about the perils of prophecy and what really matters. I also predict they, as HWA, Gerald Waterhouse and others so inclined in the past, will not learn it in time.
contact Dennis at
There is probability and statistical analysis, but when it comes,right down to it, in order to be able to bring a prophecy to pass, you'd have to be God just to be able to eliminate the variables.
Hypothetically, you would need to be God in order to know who your human mouthpiece is. That's the crux of the problem. Too many posers, and/or delusional ones, some of whom as we know can be very convincing. In such an environment, the only intelligent response is to reject them all. No danger in that because God knocks again, and again. Also, Jesus never responded to anything as if it were an emergency. Human pastors are surely capable of engineering them, though.
There is probability and statistical analysis, but when it comes,right down to it, in order to be able to bring a prophecy to pass, you'd have to be God just to be able to eliminate the variables.
Hypothetically, you would need to be God in order to know who your human mouthpiece is. That's the crux of the problem. Too many posers, and/or delusional ones, some of whom as we know can be very convincing. In such an environment, the only intelligent response is to reject them all. No danger in that because God knocks again, and again. Also, Jesus never responded to anything as if it were an emergency. Human pastors are surely capable of engineering them, though.
I love the title "the Lurker Church of God", maybe synonymous with the Laodicians or the Lurcher COG...... I kind of like the idea of being a lurker. My travel itinery is very vacant these days, nothing like FOTs to give one a reason to travel. Is it possible someone here might print a list of all the FOT's being held this year, and location and whether one has to be approved to attend. You never know if impressed some of us might actually join in, in spirit if not in pocket.
Good write up. I have been reflecting a these last few years as to why I didn't leave the PCG sooner. There were so many red flags along the way: The last hour, last half hour, point of no return, seven years warning the Laodiceans, and uh, seven years warning the world, and uh, seven years... etc., etc. All these 'markers' were chosen on some random event in the world - none of it was 'revealed' to him by God in any way. These false prophets just pick and choose the events that best suit their purpose/agenda (usually they pick the events that get the most media coverage- and we all know how good CNN is at covering the important events). I mean honestly, what criteria do these so called prophets use in determining which hurricane, or which terrorist act, or which bill being passed in the courts marks a 'prophetic hour' or 'minute'? Mr. Flurry is backing himself into a corner more and more as time goes on with his uninspired declarations. We were strung along the entire time with co-worker letters urging members to send in their tithes because time is short- the House for God needs to be built, Iran is making the bomb, etc., etc. But you know what? Were still here. It was all fear peddling and intellectual incest. And now were being told by Mr. Flurry to expect more projects on the horizon- BIGGER AND BETTER projects. I've finally accepted the fact that Mr. Flurry is a false prophet and I need not be afraid of him (Deut 18:22). Thanks again for your blog- it has been truly enlightening.
My sister had a game from way back in the 60s, which was pretty popular with girls. It was called...
Perhaps this game along with the Magic 8 Ball can be used by Pack to be a little bit more accurate.
Joe Moeller
Cody, WY
What the behavior of these leaders of the Cult of Herbert Armstrong has done is to make the whole venue a laughingstock.
They may be deluded that they are bringing a warning to the world; it's a warning all right: Avoid the narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths and nut jobs.
Turn on your radar.
From such turn away.
So, Dennis you have mentioned you knew Pack personally - what do you think about his recent prophesying - is the face-value interpretation correct (i.e. Dave is hopelessly deluded, reads ancient texts and projects them onto whatever goals he has), or is the cynical view more likely (i.e. this is all calculated strategizing by him using a wild technique aimed at garnering even a few hundred tithe-paying new members this fall)?
It's a tough call to guess whether these prophecy sellers actually believe it themselves or not.
But, it's nice to know that prophecy is bullshit, and that educated guesses about the future are a far more sane endeavor.
(Not that educated guesses aren't pawned off as "prophecy" by sleazy religious salesmen, lol!)
Michael said...
So, Dennis you have mentioned you knew Pack personally - what do you think about his recent prophesying - is the face-value interpretation correct
My sense is that Dave believes his own press and views of the Bible. I don't feel he is insincere or in it for the money. It is not that simple. His personality, like HWA and others drives him this way. I think the prophet types of the OT were sincere as well but they were also the quirky, unbalanced and in some cases mentally ill of their day and that all seemed like some kind of authority and obedience to the voices in their heads.
Dave is a highly competetive and domineering personality. He has to win and he has to be in charge and paid attention to is my experience. Numbers, all kidding aside, are what it is all about. If the numbers are up, so is the money which is a secondary benefit and a given.
As long as these types of people are buffered from accountability and the intelligent views of others, they thrive and appear to insiders, more leaderlike than they do to those on the outside.
The Flurrys, Packs and Weinland types in the COGs would never hold up under questioning by educated theologians and biblical scholars who have gone way beyond mere Bible reading with personal interpretations. In my opinion...
Michael said...
So, Dennis you have mentioned you knew Pack personally - what do you think about his recent prophesying - is the face-value interpretation correct
My sense is that Dave believes his own press and views of the Bible. I don't feel he is insincere or in it for the money. It is not that simple. His personality, like HWA and others drives him this way. I think the prophet types of the OT were sincere as well but they were also the quirky, unbalanced and in some cases mentally ill of their day and that all seemed like some kind of authority and obedience to the voices in their heads.
Dave is a highly competetive and domineering personality. He has to win and he has to be in charge and paid attention to is my experience. Numbers, all kidding aside, are what it is all about. If the numbers are up, so is the money which is a secondary benefit and a given.
As long as these types of people are buffered from accountability and the intelligent views of others, they thrive and appear to insiders, more leaderlike than they do to those on the outside.
The Flurrys, Packs and Weinland types in the COGs would never hold up under questioning by educated theologians and biblical scholars who have gone way beyond mere Bible reading with personal interpretations. In my opinion...
Dennis wrote:
"My sense is that Dave believes his own press and views of the Bible. I don't feel he is insincere or in it for the money. It is not that simple. His personality, like HWA and others drives him this way."
So if true, Dave himself is going to be in for a big shock when he finds he has no clothes methinks. But do you think HWA wasn't knowingly being a huckster? I don't have any strong opinion either way, but I do remember the Ambassador Report writing about HWA's dubious sincerity. Quotes along the lines of "I've done quite well, haven't I?" Of course, that's hearsay as well, but still I suspect he dined with golden forks because he liked to and felt he deserved it, not because he believed his own crap lines about living a quality life to glorify God :-)
A parallel universe for every decision each one of us makes -- in fact for all possibilities?
An interesting idea, but...
One wonders if this is as dead ended as table top fusion with water.
If this were really true, then there would have to be a Jesus Christ in every last one of the universes. Which one is the real Jesus? Did he decided just to go on working as a carpenter in several trillion of these alternative realities? Did he reach old age without becoming a martyr? If there are so many of them, who would be the one true Divine Jesus? All of them?
Gives new meaning to "died once for all".
Not that I believe in this particular scenario at all (just as I don't believe in string theory because there are better explanations and there is no need for such a thing), but it does have its problems.
Especially if you are an Armstrongist.
I really can't speak to the sincerity of anyone I don't know well. HWA , to me, was probably sincere but got used to the perks and ideas of others that fueled his own. I think he simply lost touch with reality which is common when one finds success in the praise of others. One could say they have done well and still be sincere about what they have done I suppose.
I find myself a bit on the depressed side of the ledger at the moment . Perhaps writing too much about DCP and such fuels my own sense of failure in many things. I don't know what to think or do much anymore it seems. I need to break from this perhaps but it tends to be where my friends and those that half understand me reside.
I guess a few genuine friends would go a long way but they aren't there at this point. Regrets suck.
oh well...
If this were really true, then there would have to be a Jesus Christ in every last one of the universes. Which one is the real Jesus?
Which one is the real god?
All have adherents that will witness to divine protection, miracles and blessings. Even the Raelians.
Which one is the real god?
This is a question asked in one of Todd Rundgren's songs I heard recently.
"I'm on my knees...One question please...Will the real god please stand up?"
Click here to hear Eastern Intrigue.
Dennis, there are so many ways of examining personalities and judging success. The only thing that becomes real is the way certain personalities affect each of us as individuals. That effect often varies from person to person, too. We each know whether we would be being sincere or pure if we acted in certain ways, and if the answer is no, then most of us would assume that the answer is no for someone else who acts that way. If I, as an example, were to act like Dave Pack, or HWA, (I'm sure they would call it "following their example"), I would feel like a complete scam artist. Not true to being who I was created to be.
As I was kicking back one night during the weekend, I realized that on one level, repugnant as this may seem, you almost have to admire someone who has accomplished something that we have not. As hard as I might try, I could not raise the funds to design and build a complex of buildings or campus. I'm not motivated in that direction, because I don't see the usefulness in it. It's challenging enough for me to build a successful equipment dealership, hopefully being able to rent part of an industrial building and hire a receptionist, and support staff sometime in the future. So, I guess that's one for Dave and Gerry. They're on their trip, and we're on ours. Personally, I feel cleaner earning my living in the way that I do, but, they have what they have, for now.
Different things appeal to different people, and contrary to what we were taught, one size doesn't fit all. HWA loved his fine suits, classical music, Dom Perignon, world travel, and many other things which, unless I'm being pretentious, I freely admit would be totally wasted on me. I like rock n roll, country music, and the blues, all of which HWA condemned. Budweiser, White Zinfandel wine, Jose Cuervo Especial, and E & J VSOP are fine with me. While I dress nicely for work, I also enjoy dressing to make people shit in their pants during my leisure hours. It's part of the fun of life.
Desderata. Good supplemental reading, no matter ones beliefs. Predators, intimidators, don't get to call the shots. We do, by being the unique people that God made us to be. Uniqueness, and simply having a voice pisses these "collector" types off, and is revenge enough (albeit passive) because it makes them realize that they simply aren't good enough to be able to control the mangy, scrappy tomcats.
My 2 cents
somebody posted in an earlier post about Pack calling liars liars and then being one himself. He is a revolving door, so one has to wonder if he intentionally sets about to destroy peoples faith or not. He is really rather bizarre.
BB I agree totally. I am not a salesman by a long shot. I see a guy like Pack building and doing and it is impressive in a sense. On the other hand I have to ask how does he get the support and money to do it. That is wrong and not a man doing something that is successful in the common sense of making a profit with a product or service. No one yells at you and commands upon the authority of a book or God to send in retirements and sell homes to fund them. That is evil and fake business if ever there is one. Dave has the Bible to bang people with for money he does not actually earn or deserve for services rendered. That Elijah Cup fiasco is obscene to me at 25,000. He would not buy that out of his own inflated salary.
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