Herbert W. Armstrong calls David C. Pack and Gerald Flurry false prophets!
This letter was written by HWA when the COG's other epic failure happened. It is a dance by HWA around the fact that the Church of God, through Meredith and others claimed that the world was ending in 1972 and 1975.
Since all the various personality splinter cult leaders screech about how IMPORTANT government is in the church, Flurry and Pack refuse to follow the authority of Herbert Armstrong over them and their false ministries.
The words that Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry conveniently IGNORE:
Herbert W. Armstrong PersonalTomorrow's World, June 1972"Emphatically I am NOT a prophet in the sense of one to whom God speaks specially and directly, revealing personally a future event to happen or new truth, or new and special instruction direct from God - separate from, and apart from what is contrained in the Bible. And I never have claimed to be, "There is no such human prophet living today!
The Bible is the written Word of God - and, for our time it is COMPLETE! Never have I believed or claimed that God reveals to me new truths not contained in the Bible - in addition to, or apart from the Bible...
Let's take a look at the Church of God of the first century, as we find it revealed in the Book of Acts, beginning from the day of Pentecost, 31 A.D. God then was still communicating new truth, instructions and knowledge directly and personally to prophets. As the Church progressed, it was the function of a prophet to communicate TO THE APOSTLES special messages which God had personally revealed to them.
Others were inspired in the writing of the books of the New Testament.
So we read, in Acts 11:28and 21:10-11
, of the prophet Agabus. But today we have the COMPLETE Word of God, for our time, in the Bible.
There are no such prophets - EXCEPT FALSE ONES.
June, 1972
If we have the complete Word of God in the Bible, then we have no need for Herbert Armstrong or the rest of his Mafia, do we?
If what we have is the complete word of any God we're getting shortchanged
OK, so that squares with what we would expect a rational pastor to say. If you can take it at face value. The problem becomes that HWA did introduce many extrabiblical precepts and theories wherever he felt that scripture left an even partially open door.
Revelation does not say that the seven churches are seven church eras. There is way too scant information in the Bible on Simon Magus to extrapolate that he had started the Catholic Church. The is very little information on Nimrod, and no mention of Semiramis. There are actually passages in the Bible that make British Israelism extremely unlikely, if not totally impossible. Nowhere does the Bible specifically state that God has a 7,000 year plan in which mankind gets 6,000 years, and God gets 1,000. Read Hillel II to learn when creation occurred and then do the math to figure year 6,000. 1975 was way off base no matter how you look at it. So is and was "10-15 years."
From the standpoint of appearing to have integrity, HWA's remarks following 1975 were right in there. The problem is, they were not the truth. The image he projected was an illusion. Axl Rose actually has more integrity.
Ol' Herb was a liar. When it suited him, he said that god didn't talk to him directly, such as in 1972. When it didn't, he claimed the opposite, such as how Jesus Christ was the one who banished Rod Meredith to Hawaii in 1980, instead of Ol' Herb.
I expect no more than lies from Davey and all the rest of Herb's copycats.
Flurry and Pack add and take away from The Bible just like The Scriptures tell us not to do. They are false prophets and the foolish follow them.
You forgot to take the 'r' out of contained. ;)
I no longer have any need for the so-called word of god. I know it's a hodge podge of bronze and early iron age nonsense, so I just don't bother with it. It sits on a shelf and never moves for months. Got rid of a lot of angst in my life.
That applies to Bob Thiel as well.
Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing
Let the whole world know that today
Is a day of reckoning.
Let the weak be strong,let the right be wrong
Roll the stone away, let the guilty pay
It's Independence Day...lalalala! I just love this song...hehehe
We pretty much have Dave in a bind.
; Eph. 2:20
). The Bible warns that “no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation” (II Pet. 1:20
). But God does work through His chosen servants. In fact, He never reveals His Plan through anyone else. The many sermons I have given, including much of what you have read and will read, bring GOD’S interpretation of phrases, symbols and terms that He uses, not my private opinions. The reader will find that a crucial part of Zechariah holds powerful keys, but was written in code. But nothing within it is complicated. Each verse has a clear explanation if we just allow the Bible—meaning GOD!—to interpret the meaning through other scriptures. The “code” it is written in becomes easily unlocked."
Dave noted:
"God Reveals Secrets
Before continuing we must also grasp something repeated from before. I am neither a prophet nor have I any self-prescribed authority to bring any prophecies. What will be shown is entirely GOD’S prophecy—from HIS WORD—explained and conveyed through the only office He ever uses to bring biblical truth to His Church (Acts 2:42
While claiming not to be a prophet, he does claim to unlock the "code" The time worn idea of simply defining what God means is his ploy and wiggle room. He also says it is not complicated but, of course, in his post August 31 comments he notes...
"Mr. Armstrong puzzled and puzzled and puzzled over certain much less complicated prophecies. He often said that things he learned came over time—not all right away, or even close in some cases. There are points we learned “late” in what is an enormously complex prophecy. We knew from early on in our pursuit of the truth that this prophecy did not carry with it the kind of time that Mr. Armstrong always had to properly sort through prophecies—ones that, however great in magnitude as we know some are, were simpler to understand."
So Dave runs by the seat of his pants and depends on which way the wind is blowing on any particular day.
So...nothing in the prophecy, to Dave, is complex but in the aftergoof it becomes a uncomplicated extremely complex prophecy, but stay tuned, he's got the answer.
Nome sayin'?
I believe that Pack thinks he is destined to be a "greater" leader than HWA was. Therefore, his prophesies are accurate. What Pack say's supersedes HWA!
After all Pack is either training one of the two witnesses/or is one of them.
I believe that Pack thinks he is destined to be a "greater" leader than HWA was. Therefore, his prophesies are accurate. What Pack say's supersedes HWA!
After all Pack is either training one of the two witnesses/or is one of them.
HWA tried to hedge his bets by saying that God didn't speak to him directly, but he claimed that God revealed truth to him (and not other) through the Bible. So like the prophets he laid claim to exclusive authority. Additionally, he like to say that God was speaking to the members through him. Basically saying he wasn't a prophet while acting in the role of one was just so many weasel words.
The bottom line is that you really can't rely on them, or on what they say. You certainly would not want to base your life on their prophecies, although it is clear that that is what they expect. In the inimitable words of Donovan, "First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is."
If accurate "interpretation" of prophecy were the primary indicator of the presence of the Spirit of God, these guys flunk. Miserably. I suppose a monkey at a typewriter could also eventually get it right, but ACOG ministers bear more likeness to him than they do to Elijah. You might say they are "fert-Elijah" because they always come up with such crap!
Timothy Kitchen Jr (Facebook Page)
September 1.
Yes, Mr. Armstrong was a TRUE minister. He didn't say the desired result and say it has to get to that, because it has to. He showed HOW it will go about. Unlike some, who say that some event will happen, or there has to be someone who has the Authority of an Apostle. It doesn't matter about the Fruits, nor how some event will come about. God's ministers show God's WAY to the desired result. And God doesn't contradict. God is the Same today, yesterday and forever. God doesn't send His Chosen Apostle to speak a message, and then send "another" one to undo, and contradict. Nor does he send a False Apostle. The following is Correct. Mr. Armstrong never set dates. God's ministers won't. Yet there are some who will.
I say, no! God above does not contradict, but you do and so did HA. This is a family who had no contact with HA, yet they worship him and disregard his blatant lies.
In the same post he added this:
The Plain Truth Personal from the Editor May, 1966
Actually, it probably is not very important to YOU to know whether my persecutors are right or wrong, when they call me dirty names, hurl epithets, resort to innuendo, impute sinister motives, strive to discredit, attempt character assassination. What is important to YOU is whether what you read in The PLAIN TRUTH really IS the truth — whether what you hear over The WORLD TOMORROW broadcast is true — not whether I, as an individual, am true or false.
So, he is talking like Pack, don't look at me, look at the grand work. What hypocrisy! The same mind control as Packism. Very sick to me!
As I recall, HWA was claiming to be the "Elijah" to come,...

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD Malachi 4:5
And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No. John 1:21
These verses are the basis of HWA and Gerald Flurry's claims (HWA- Elijah), GF-(that prophet)
The way I see it now, concerning the verse,...(Art thou Elias? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet?), is that the scribes were just reiterating the first question by substituting "that prophet", because of the scripture...Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD Malachi 4:5
So they were actually asking ..."Are you Elijah,(that prophet?)
Why hasn't Gerald Flurry thought of this one??
Still the guestion is..."Who is the Elijah to come?" I use to think it was HWA. But he was a pervert, come to find out. Anyone have any answers to the Elijah question?
So HWA calls David C. Pack a false prophet! Very good. So joins HWA as the False Apostle. You have the False Witness, the False Pharisee, and not to forget the False HWA. I am thinking of what to call Meredith. Sooner or later, there will be twelve of them, thirteen including HWA to parallel Christ and the 12 apostles. The gimmickry, the cheap imitation . . . all in the name of religion to enrich themselves and live a comfortable and luxurious life while their members work hard to sustain their lifestyles.
HWA says...The Bible is the written Word of God - and, for our time it is COMPLETE! Never have I believed or claimed that God reveals to me new truths not contained in the Bible - in addition to, or apart from the Bible...
What?? So if God didn't inspire the writing of "Mystery of the Ages", "The Incredible Human Potential", and many many other HWA books and booklets, as HWA led everyone to believe...these just came out of the mind of HWA??
HWA always claimd these were new revelations/understandings inspired by God...
But he said...The Bible is the written Word of God - and, for our time it is COMPLETE! Never have I believed or claimed that God reveals to me new truths not contained in the Bible - in addition to, or apart from the Bible...
See when you LIE, you can't remember the LIE...HA!
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