August 18, 2016
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ,
Greetings from Charlotte, NC! I just returned from about five days of peace and joy in our Living Youth Camp in Ohio. Present were about 342 campers and staff who were all filled with an exceeding sense of enthusiasm and dedication. It was very inspiring to see this tremendous warmth throughout each day of activities with Bible studies, swimming, water polo, softball, soccer, archery, etc. The unusual feeling of joy and unity among these young people was absolutely remarkable and very encouraging. Thank God for these camps! Thank God for His Holy Spirit and the chance for God’s young people to be together, work together and enjoy the true expression of brotherly love among themselves—with boys and girls taking their proper roles and deeply appreciating the differences of the opposite sex in a proper and Christian way. We had a couple of dances, a talent show and other activities where the young men and women were certainly able to show forth their talents as men and women of Jesus Christ.
Wow! What an incredible experience.
But very soon after my return here to Charlotte I was given a report with current news concerning our own city and some of the latest stirrings of “Satan’s Alternative Universe” as I have described it. It seems to be coming on our society very soon, and I think all of you should pay heed. For this Work of the living Christ is absolutely needed to “tell it like it is” and help people wake up to the reality of what is very quickly developing around them as the very end of this present sick society is coming soon. Here are some comments from an early report on the developments in the Charlotte schools:
“The new transgender-affirming policy allows students to select their own gender and then choose the bathroom (although that part is on hold for now), extracurricular activity, sport, etc., that best fits whatever label they happen to identify with at the moment…
If you’re confused about how this works, the school system has provided a handy ‘gender unicorn’ to explain everything. I wish I could say I made that up, but I did not… [It] comes accompanied by a chart, which illustrates how ‘gender identity,’ ‘gender presentation,’ romantic attraction, and sexual attraction (all different things, evidently) exist on a spectrum that stretches out unending into the infinite universe….
What’s happening to our children in these schools is a violation of their basic human rights. I’m not just talking about the female student whose rights are trampled when the sick perverts who come up with these policies force her to change or use the bathroom in front of a boy. That’s bad enough as it is. But to put these lies in their heads in the first place; to intentionally cause such terrible confusion in their minds and their hearts; to indoctrinate children into the most radical and fantastic and deranged ideas about sex and gender; to deprive them of the opportunity to learn even the very basic truths about life and about themselves—that is a violation of their rights. It is systematic child abuse, and it’s the primary reason why I could not, at this point, send my kids to public school” (, August 12, 2016).
When word of these things reached the public, school officials were quick to explain that some statements in the reports were taken out of context or were inaccurate. For example, high school sports teams will still be based on “biological gender.” But the fundamental facts—that our educators in Charlotte are being actively and specifically trained to begin incorporating this godless confusion in our schools—remain shamefully true!
Brethren, in light of the above report and literally dozens of examples like them, it is absolutely vital that we get God’s Work growing more than ever. For this sick world really desperately needs the warning message of Jesus Christ before the end comes. We are doing our best to grow and ask you all to help us to continue to grow in every way we can.
For example, the last few months have been especially encouraging as far as our Internet efforts go. Although we continue to thank God for the very strong responses we continue to receive on our numerous television stations around the world and we continue to make prayerful and smart decisions about adding or changing television stations as new opportunities arise, it is becoming more and more evident that the Internet “door” is continuing to become a more powerful and effective way to preach the Gospel. For example, we have been very encouraged to see that for many weeks now, the Tomorrow’s World telecast over “Internet TV” such as Roku, Amazon FireTV, Google TV and AppleTV have been producing responses comparable to some of our biggest and best “traditional” television stations. Many of these responses are from people who have either “cut the cord” and who do not watch cable TV or are from people who watch both cable television and also Internet television.
In addition to working to grow our “Internet Television” audience, we also strive to increase the reach of our various other Internet and social media platforms. For example, many of you know that people nowadays—especially younger people—go to “YouTube” to watch videos and go to “Facebook” to talk to their friends and even to find the news. According to a May 26, 2016 Pew Research Center study titled, “News Use Across Social Media Platforms 2016,” an astounding 62 percent of adults “get news on social media.” The same study reports that this is up from 49 percent in 2012. As this report also notes, “Facebook is by far the largest social networking site reaching 67 percent of U.S. adults.” Similarly, many people now watch video every day on YouTube, which has well over one billion users, with a majority of those visitors coming from outside the United States. Because we must reach the whole world with the true Gospel, we continue to work hard to use all of these platforms and technologies. As of this writing, our English-language Facebook page now has more than 217,000 fans, our Spanish Facebook page has more than 46,000 fans and our French Facebook page has over 118,000 fans. And our English-language YouTube channel passed 12,700 subscribers and more than 6,700,000 views. Our Spanish YouTube channel passed 22,000 subscribers and more than 4,700,000 views. And our French YouTube channel has passed more than 2,400 subscribers and more than 540,000 views. Very importantly, through these efforts we are reaching people whom we may not reach otherwise, and many of those people are reading and “sharing” Tomorrow’s World articles, telecasts, webcasts, commentaries and booklets with their online friends. We sincerely thank God for blessing our Internet “reach” in these ways, but we know that we must reach the whole world, and so I do ask you to keep praying that He gives us much greater growth in the months and years to come.
Finally, brethren and co-workers, I have some BIG NEWS! Now that Mr. Gerald Weston has been here at Headquarters serving alongside of us for several weeks, and with my declining health and abilities, I have decided to appoint him to be the next Presiding Evangelist, Chairman of the Board and overall leader of God’s Church if I should die or be physically incapacitated. I have talked with Mr. Ames about this more than once, and Mr. Ames—one of the most dedicated and loyal men I have ever known—agrees with this. Both of us will continue in our present responsibilities as long as we are in health. But, in case of my death or incapacity, Mr. Weston will take over.
So I ask all of you brethren and co-workers to give him every support as you have me. I have known him for 51 years—since he first came to college in the autumn of 1965. He and his dedicated wife have been consistently loyal, doctrinally sound and extremely capable in feeding God’s people and building God’s Work.
I have described them extensively—including his ministerial background and all of his training—in previous member letters. But I would like all of you co-workers as well to realize that this is not an “untested” man. He has been involved in the ministry all over the United States, served as Regional Pastor out of Kansas City for a number of years and for thirteen years ran the largest single Work outside the United States, in Canada. From there he helped launch our operations into China and India and he has a truly “international” outlook. Here at Headquarters, he has fit in very well and in the last several weeks has won the deep respect and admiration of all who have worked with him. I have talked extensively to quite a number of our leaders here and brethren as well. So please give Mr. and Mrs. Weston your total support and know that Christ is the living Head of the Church of God. He has guided and will guide in this appointment. Meanwhile, let us all drive ourselves with the strength that God gives us to help fulfill the outstanding opportunities which we have to prepare for Tomorrow’s World. May God guide and bless each one of you as you go all out to support Christ’s Work and do your part in preparing the way for the coming Government of Christ on this earth.
With Christian love,
Roderick C. Meredith
Roderick C. Meredith
Is Meredith capable of ever writing anything without first talking about sex?? I have never seen a COG minister filled with so much hate against others. What a vile little man.
Now that Mr. Gerald Weston has been here at Headquarters serving alongside of us for several weeks, and with my declining health and abilities, I have decided to appoint him to be the next Presiding Evangelist, Chairman of the Board and overall leader of God’s Church if I should die or be physically incapacitated. I have talked with Mr. Ames about this more than once, and Mr. Ames—one of the most dedicated and loyal men I have ever known—agrees with this. Both of us will continue in our present responsibilities as long as we are in health. But, in case of my death or incapacity, Mr. Weston will take over.
Meredith says he will continue in his present responsibilities as long as he is in health. Yet he also says that "with my declining health" he has changed his successor from Ames to Weston. Notice how one doesn't follow logically from the other. He didn't need to be in ill health to make Ogywn or Ames his successor, and he doesn't need to be in ill health to make Weston his successor. So why does he attribute the change to "my declining health"?
I can't wait, though, to see how the LCG apologists will react. As far back as last year's LCG Winter Weekend, people were saying that Meredith had already decided to make Weston his successor. Yet in this letter, Meredith says plainly that he did not make the decision until after Weston arrived in Charlotte. Were the LCG loyalists lying then, or is Meredith lying now. Which is it?
Back in Jesus' day, does Meredith think there were women's restrooms? Nope. There wasn't even the privacy of individual stalls.
"Only wealthy Romans could afford the luxury of having a private bathroom...[public] bathrooms are open to all genders and all ages, so imagine men, women, and children all standing or sitting, doing their business next to one another in an open space." —Ancient Peoples
And yet not one word about the abomination of gender-neutral Roman public toilets in the bible!
If it was good enough for Jesus and the apostles, why are gender-neutral toilets no longer good enough for christians anymore? Does Meredith think he's better than Jesus?
i notice that in his decision to choose weston he consulted richard ames, yet there was no mention of him consulting The Father, nor fasting and praying on the matter...
Obviously, Rod sees his campers as monolithic. Make that Pollyanna monolithic! His perception is probably based on the goals and tone the ministry has set for the camp, and not upon digging deeper into the individual lives of the campers. Most likely, there are a handful of campers with the same innate confused gender issues that have led to the law changes in North Carolina. Maybe even some gay campers who have all but consummated their orientation. You can almost be guaranteed that there are some rebel types who will seize on any opportunity to further their own agendas. The camp that exists within the camp. Human nature has always included the natural ability or propensity to hide in the open, within the cloak provided by the appointed aura of a group. LCR camp could not possibly be different from or escape from this. None of the Armstrong summer camps ever did. It's basically what your individual experience makes it into, whether you drink the Kool Aid or not.
So far as the Jerry Weston thingie, seems like this is just a reaffirmation of intention. He still hasn't been given the conch. But, you know! Gotta revitalize the organization by bringing in a 70 year old! That's what is going to take things into the next vital level!
So nothing changes until Meredith is incapacitated or dead.
You know, the Armstrongists act as if they are the only ones with a religion, but, in fact, this past year, the Church of God Seventh Day made a transition in leadership, replacing those who had served many decades with those who are younger, but without the drama of Armstrongism. It was done smoothly without any major maladjustment with everything proceeding decently and in order.
Armstrongists don't care because they aren't about to admit that their world is unstable, chaotic and irrational and anyone who compares the way they do things with the way it should be done come to the inevitable conclusion that the Armstrongists are daft kooks.
Humans appear to be incapable of discovering for themselves what is right or wrong. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) does not know what is right or wrong and is creating total confusion. Its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the latest edition is the DSM-5) continues to grow in size and continues to be revised to satisfy special interest groups such as homosexuals and the pharmaceutical industry. Homosexuality was considered to be a mental illness until 1973, but supposedly has now gotten better and is doing just fine with its self-esteem issues and has become quite proud of itself. As the shrinks of the APA make up new problems and mental disorders, the pharmaceutical companies can “treat” them with endless new drugs that always seem to “treat” but never seem to cure. Children are now being subjected to the gender confusion experiments of psychos who do not want them to know whether they are boys or girls. All the really serious mental disorders are becoming so common in society that they are not even considered to be mental disorders any more. Soon, the sick will be considered to be well, and the well will be considered to be sick. It is very interesting that one of the curses for disobedience to God's laws is “confusion of mind” (Deuteronomy 28:28, NIV
The Bible contains some not-so-subtle hints about where modern society's behavior could be leading:
The Bible mentions Reward for Obedience in Leviticus 26:1-13, NIV
The Bible mentions Blessings for Obedience in Deuteronomy 28:1-14, NIV
I agree with everything that he wrote, in fact it is the one letter from him that is encouraging.
From what little I hear, Weston has not really "won the deep respect and admiration of all who have worked with him." What people respect and admire the most is that he is not as obviously egotistical as RCM, and that his memory isn't gone. He can be reasoned with, and will listen to explanations and respond intelligently. People are happy to be working with someone who isn't senile, crippled and nearly blind. However, the same old politicking still goes on. Don't forget that RCM is still the one man in charge. Weston is now his loyal lieutenant, enforcing RCM's dictates. Anyone who now says they are "waiting for LCG to change when RCM dies" is out of luck, as Weston is now fully responsible for his direct support and furthering of RCM's agenda. By the time RCM dies, Weston will have fully made RCM's decisions and methods his own.
Right on Anan 12:17!!!
I would just like for once, just once hear Rod talk about how people are getting screwed around by the 1 % and how sinful that is!!! It seems like sex sins to him are where it's at but the dismantling of the middle class is holy and okay!!!
Some former LCG members have alleged that Dibar Apartian was thinking of leaving LCG in the year or two before his death. Is Ames really happy with what his brother-in-law is doing, or might he make the move to another group even in his old age?
From what I read here is that rcm is still in charge! Weston is to be in charge IF and when Meredith dies or has a stroke.
Nothing here really changes, rod is still the puppet master. Behind it all rod is still pulling the strings.
Soon, the sick will be considered to be well, and the well will be considered to be sick.
The old joke is that the "un-sick" people will be diagnosed as having Disorder Deficit Disorder and will be medicated accordingly.
By the way, I was recently on a state university campus and had an opportunity to use one of the new AGRRs (all gender restroom)
But how is that supposed to work? Guys either leave the seat up, or pee on it (as well as dribbling on the floor!), and either fail to put a new roll of flatus napkins (toilet paper) on, or when they do, don't put it on facing in the proper "hotel" direction. Most guys also don't bother with such amenities as bathroom aerosol sprays, either. I can see this all gender thing as really decreasing the entire quality and pleasure of a lady's bathroom experience. I'm thinking these new laws are not absolute. They will probably be subject to future modification.
ACOG ministers will probably complain about them long after the original concept is gutted or discarded. Remember when they used to say we'd never transition towards a smoke-free society? Boy, public attitudes on that have been nothing short of revolutionary! Smokers have become the new pariah! What ACOG members foresaw their end times paradigms being defied by that societal shift?
Spanky the Single-Portioned Porno-Preaching Presiding Evangelist (for now) wrote:
So please give Mr. and Mrs. Weston your total support and know that Christ is the living Head of the Church of God. He has guided and will guide in this appointment.
You may read over it at first, but Meredith's statement is nothing but arrogant. Why does RCM insist that God has guided the appointment of Weston? Does he mean that God guides some of RCM's decisions, but not others? If so, will RCM tell us which of his decisions aren't guided by God? Or, is RCM using God as a weapon with which to beat his enemies into submission, as if he's saying "God really made this appointment, so if you think it might have been a mistake you are of Satan, because God doesn't let me make any mistakes"?
It's a cult.
For those who believe Meredith was telling the truth in his letter where he says his decision was made several weeks after Weston moved to Charlotte, please re-read these articles posted in December 2015:
From December 12, 2015
From December 13, 2015
For a reminder of Weston's heavy-handed approach, re-read this item:
From January 14,2014
Bullies and liars, the lot of them.
Many people dislike Roderick Meredith for his faults, which are very real and not imagined.
However, some people hate Roderick Meredith due to their own faults, which also are very real and not imagined. The fornicators, adulterers, transvestites, homosexuals, and pedophiles really hate him with a particularly satanic hatred for speaking out against their sins. If they railed directly against God for making those laws, it would be more obvious what is going on.
The Armstrongites are in a different world then those on the outside looking in. What they see is a church directed by God. What we on the outside see is just another religious movement started and directed by men. It is as simple as that.
I don't really think that it matters very much who leads these Armstrongite churches. They are in decline and will continue to decline. This isn't only true of Armstrongism. In general, with some exceptions, mainstream churches are also in decline.
The fornicators, adulterers, transvestites, homosexuals, and pedophiles really hate him with a particularly satanic hatred for speaking out against their sins.
I don't know of any transvestites in LCG. I do know, however, of a fornicator and an adulterer in RCM's own family, and they don't hate RCM. Rather, they love RCM for the gentle treatment they have received. I know of homosexuals and pedophiles (well, at least one homosexual and one pedophile) on the HQ payroll, and they don't hate RCM. Rather, they support him wholeheartedly for giving them cover and comfort despite their sins. RCM even compromises on something as simple as voting. He preaches aggressively against it, but when his own son and his own college president vote, he looks the other way.
If RCM really hated voting, homosexuality, pedophilia, adultery and fornication, he wouldn't selectively shelter and defense some who practice those sins. Put bluntly, his love of the world is greater than his hatred of the sins.
know that Christ is the living Head of the Church of God. He has guided and will guide in this appointment.
Did God guide this appointment of Gerald Weston the way he guided Rod to appoint John Ogwyn? Either Rod disobeyed God by appointing John Ogwyn, or God changed His mind and let John Ogwyn die instead of receiving the job.
Did God guide the appointment of Gerald Weston the way he guided Rod to appoint Richard Ames? Either Rod disobeyed God by appointing Richard Ames, or the unchanging God changed His mind and decided that the job that once should have gone to Ames should now go to Weston.
When Ron Weinland or David Pack "curse" an ACOG leader to die, God seems to go to great lengths to protect him. When Rod Meredith selects a successor, God seems to go to great lengths to say, "No, Rod!" Maybe NCIS Jimmy still has a chance to take the title!
I'd much rather see Abie and Duckie take over!!!
Did you guys notice, the Living Church of God is nowhere mentioned in Meredith's letter? I suspect it is because Meredith sees the Church of God and the Living Church of God as one and the same. In other words, LCG is the only one. Even to the point of Weston being the next "overall leader of God's church".
"Thank God for His Holy Spirit and the chance for God’s young people to be together, work together and enjoy the true expression of brotherly love among themselves"
"this Work of the living Christ is absolutely needed to “tell it like it is” and help people wake up"
"it is absolutely vital that we get God’s Work growing more than ever"
"I have decided to appoint him to be the next Presiding Evangelist, Chairman of the Board and overall leader of God’s Church"
"extremely capable in feeding God’s people and building God’s Work"
LCG Expositor
5.51 I disagree with your conclusion. If Rod was to put out of the church those that sin, there would be no church. His supposed 'sheltering' is a concession to practicality, and playing favourites. I don't believe God guides these corporate churches. He lets them makes their own choices. Otherwise how can one explain all the splintering. What God does guide is individual Christians, which the slivers either deny or begrudgingly acknowledge. I recall articles saying that Gods leads members, but only through church leaders or ministerial advice. Yeah sure.
Since Rod says that he would not send his children to these gender bending schools, by the same line of reasoning, people shouldn't attend these mind twisting, rights denying sliver churches.
If Christ is the living head of Rods church, why isn't Rod and his ministers teaching trade. It is there in the parable of the talents. Please explain Rod?
I'II answer for Rod, since he obviously won't.
Rod to church members: "yes, Gods way is trade, but that is not the tradition in this church. We put what Herbie taught before the bible. Besides, you unwashed masses want something for nothing, so we give you this with the 'give way.' you love me and the church for this, cause everyone loves freebies. I'd put TradingGuy out of the church if he was a member. Pray for my health and the work. Bye now"
Cheers TradingGuy
The number of boners needed to complete the lengthy Biblical genealogies clearly indicated that the gospel of boners is superior to the gospel of trade.
"If Christ is the living head of Rods church, why isn't Rod and his ministers teaching trade."
Three reasons.
1) Rod Meredith is the (soon-not-to-be) living head of Rod's church, not Christ.
2) Christ isn't TradingGuy, and TradingGuy isn't Christ, although, the implication of the above quote is that TradingGuy is Christ, or else believes himself to have been sent by Christ, just like HWA, Meredith, Flurry Weinland, Pack, Dankenbring, Malm...
3) The gospel of trade is TradingGuy's pet doctrine. In fact, it's the only doctrine TradingGuy teaches. SacredNamesGuy could say to TradingGuy, "Why aren't you teaching the correct name and pronunciation of Y----h?" 6th-of-Sivan-PentecostGuy could say to TradingGuy, "Why aren't you teaching people to observe Pentecost on the right day?" Because those are other people's pet doctrines, so of course TradingGuy doesn't teach those pet doctrines. The gospel of trade isn't Meredith's pet doctrine. Meredith's pet doctrine is "God hates teh gayz!" So of course Meredith is never going to teach TradingGuy's pet doctrine.
Question: When are you going to start your own little ACOG cultlet, TradingGuy?
It rather reminds me of that old joke about Jerry Falwell's baby-killing fixation:
MCDONALDS CASHIER: Would you like fries with that?
FALWELL: How can I want fries when we are KILLING OUR BABIES?!?!?
MCDONALDS CASHIER: Would you like fries with that?
TRADINGGUY: The inclusion of fries raises the total price by $1.09. Is that GOD'S WAY OF TRADE WHICH IS FOUND IN THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS???
" When are you going to start your own little ACOG cultlet"?
Why pick on me? You have Dennis with his 'the bible and God is a myth' doctrine, and BB with his doctrine of anti Armstrongism. I believe myself sent by Christ?? Obviously you reject trade and are a 'chicken thief'. Unlike myself, PentecostGuy, SacredNamesGuy and similar, are Pharisees. By contrast, reject trade and no eternal life. Thieves do not enter the kingdom, remember??
Cheers TradingGuy
RSK, God has chosen slavery in the near future for many nations, because of the rejection of trade and embracing the only alternative of slavery. Shame on Rod and similar for failing to protect his flock from this coming slavery by hiding trade. Joking about something so serious??
Cheers TradingGuy
Relax, RSK. He's just pushing buttons, probably in an attempt to satirize or mock Ralph and John. Everyone who was born and raised in the free world is familiar with trade. At least he's not jacking himself off by denying the holocaust, or praising Hitler, as some double digit IQers have attempted in the past. So far as our mosquitos here go, he's probably not even carrying the Zika virus.
And most of us realize that trade and philanthropy are two complimentary processes, each benefitting society in its own unique ways. They are not even the mutual exclusives that his thought processes seem to make them. There are examples of both in the Bible, and other ancient literature.
Hmm, given Rods longtime obsession with masturbation and gay men, perhaps he will accept the gospel of boners before he shuffles off this mortal coil.
If he is bothered by the Gender Unicorn, surely this image will blow Meredith's mind...
Nebuchadnezzar's Gender Image
So is Jerry Weston now 3rd in all the universe?
Or is it still Spanky?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I'm sure a lot of LCG members aren't happy with this appointment. Mr. Weston has a rough reputation as being harsh, judgmental, authoritarian, unforgiving, and cold-hearted. If you cross him, he will be crushed like a bug.
Of course, some in LCG will like him because he is extremely conservative and LCG is far more full of legalists than other COGs. He's got lots of made-up rules about dating, dancing, music, clothes, etc.
Even though a fair number of LCGers won't be happy when Weston takes over, they will just shut up and take it because that's what they've been trained to do. Never question. Never make a stand for anything. To question Meredith (and now Weston) is akin to questioning our Lord Jesus Christ in LCG land.
some in LCG will like him because he is extremely conservative
Not at all. In Charlotte, there is already murmuring because Weston has given sermons in which he made it clear that going to doctors (especially for children) is mandatory to prevent the church from getting into trouble. If you go back and look at the comments he made after Mrs. Meredith's death (see Anonymous 8/20 5:06), you will see that Weston has long had a bad reputation among those who are hard-core about divine healing.
You see, Weston isn't a "conservative" as much as he is an "organization man."
If I were any more relaxed at the moment, BB, I'd be asleep. I'm just very amused with this trade fixation. He clearly fears the clarity and power of the message of boners. :)
Now he knows intimately what TradeGod has chosen. This is getting more amusing all the time. Wonder if the federal Treasury has a circular file dedicated to mailers on the gospel of trade, or if he only sends them via email to various cult leaders.
BB everyone is familiar with trade, but they have a Mickey Mouse, compartmentalised understanding of it. Having been a member for 8 years, I know that what dominates in the churches is the entitlement mentality. People throw a few crumbs your way, and expect everything in return. Just like Cains poor sacrifice to God. One church tradesman told me that he refuses to do jobs for members, since they expect free extra work. I've experienced the same many times. I have given lifts to members in my car, who refuse to even talk to me. That's plain robbery. I'm not their private slave.
Of course trade and philanthropy are complementary. "It's more blessed to give than to receive," means that when it comes to genuine charity, one makes a overall profit. There are no exceptions to trade in the universe. If there was ever going to be a 'justified' exception, it would have been Christ's death. But alas no. Christ's death slammed shut for all eternity the possibility of any exception to trade.
Cheers TradingGuy
Weston might be pro doctor but spaghetti straps (or God forbid - strapless) evening gowns really upset him. He also forbids "free-style" dancing. All dancing must be partner dancing with a traditional dance hold and no less than 12 inches between bodies. Free-style dancing is WAY to much hip movement and induces lust after all. And bare shoulders are far to tantalizing.
He might be pro-doctor for some weird legal reason but his personal beliefs tow the ACOG line of no vaccinations and the use of homeopaths instead of MDs.
He also firmly believes that LCG is the ONLY COG. Not the "spear head" or any of that other crap. If you aren't in LCG, you aren't a first-fruit according to Weston. I'm sure he will suck it up and appear to be a diplomat to UCG and COGWA, but in reality, he doesn't even consider them to be COGs.
Politics and games. That's all LCG is. They aren't doing a powerful work. They are practicing what they preach. And they most certainly aren't demonstrating the love of Christ and the Fruits of the Spirit.
Even if RCM gives Weston the power, I'm sure RCM is keeping the keys to the treasury. He owns LCG lock, stock and barrel. He pays himself and his son Jim yearly salaries that are in the stratosphere. LCG members would die if they only knew! RCM takes tithe money and has Jerry Ruddlesden (who sucks with money) invest in the stock market. Do you think RCM puts the proceeds back into LCG? Or do you think he keeps the gravy? He is a lying, crooked little man who has spent decades taking the widows mite and robbing ignorant tithe sheep. I'm sure his reward will be great but not in the way he thinks.
4.49AM The official line is that only their sliver members are the first fruits, but they privately know better. They are not complete idiots. That they openly lie through their teeth on this point is what surprises me. Have they no fear of God?
Dear Mr. RCM,
But what if Mr. Weston gets a spider bite and dies?
My Spidey sense is tingling.
Since there's a TradingGuy kerfuffle here, I'll post a response which I almost posted in one of the earlier TradingGuy kerfuffles-
TradingGuy said, "It's the ministers[sic] wet dream to able to say come judgment day "but Lord, the reason I ignored trade is because Herbie and his publications made no mention of it. If I had known trade, l would have applied, and taught it, honest."
TradingGuy, do you REALLY believe that's the ministers' "wet dream"?
TradingGuy said, "I am trying to deny these lying ministers this excuse, yet you critics[sic] me, not them."
TradingGuy, don't be so paranoid. Calm down. Don't worry- I do also criticize the ministers! It's not all about you and your beliefs and issues, TradingGuy. Just because you get criticized by people, doesn't mean the ministers aren't getting their fair share of criticism. A reason that people criticize you is that you come across as a myopic one-trick pony.
TradingGuy said, "Whose side are you on, the ministers or their victims.
Are you a minister or a son of a minister?"
My father is not a minister, and I only make random comments online like this one, TradingGuy. Zero score for you on that guess, TradingGuy!
That reminds me of Grace Communion International's self-serving and myopic accusation that those who now criticize them are bitter because they no longer follow what HWA taught.
TradingGuy, are you aware that many former Armstrongites are still caught up in many wacko beliefs, and those beliefs are majorly worthy of criticism?
Are you aware that in order to 'protect' themselves psychologically- that many people who were once in the WCG now relentlessly preach their new pet "Truths" to others?
It's common to see people thinking they have a more complete understanding now - rejecting some of what Herbie taught, and adding their new stuff, and now preach a new 'improved' version of 'The Truth'. They see it as a reflection of their close relationship with God, and of the Godly discernment and wisdom He's bestowed upon them!
Has it occurred to you that you may be one of those people? (It's a logically predictable category and subset of those who were once WCG members.)
The stuff that you write pretty much screams that's the case with you, TradingGuy.
9.33AM So according to you, trade is "new stuff" and a "new improved version of the truth." Do you ever look around you to discern how the world works, or practise introspection to discern how the mind works. Do you practise the scientific method of 'you shall know them by their fruits?' God created a firm reality which is discernible using the five senses and reason. The conclusion? Trade is the greatest principle of the universe, more commonly expressed as 'there ain't no free lunch.' Did you study science in high school? Ever notice that every mathematical equation has a equal sign? Yet you ignore all this by accusing me of "protect(ing) themselves(myself) psychologically." Perhaps you are the one that needs to visit a shrink. Say to the shrink: 'Doc, I don't believe in reality. Someone called TradingGuy keeps pointing out trade, but I refuse to accept it. Probably cause I love free stuff. Help me Doc.' The Doc will point out that you have a bad case of denial, that can be treated with psychotherapy. I hope you get well soon.
Cheers TradingGuy
TG: "If Christ is the living head of Rods church, why isn't Rod and his ministers teaching trade."
me: "Christ isn't TradingGuy, and TradingGuy isn't Christ, although, the implication of the above quote is that TradingGuy is Christ, or else believes himself to have been sent by Christ, just like HWA, Meredith, Flurry Weinland, Pack, Dankenbring, Malm...When are you going to start your own little ACOG cultlet?"
TG: "Why pick on me? You have Dennis with his 'the bible and God is a myth' doctrine, and BB with his doctrine of anti Armstrongism. I believe myself sent by Christ??"
Yes, because if you didn't believe you were either Christ or else a bonafide prophet sent by Christ, how on earth would you know what Christ or the real living head of Christ's church would be teaching? You wouldn't.
Anti-Armstrongism isn't a doctrine, it's just unbelief.
The bible and it's god are myth. That's not a doctrine, it's just an even wider unbelief.
I don't know why I pick on you. Because you make it so easy by saying silly things?
TG: "Obviously you reject trade and are a 'chicken thief'...Thieves do not enter the kingdom, remember??'"
I reject trade? I'm a "chicken thief"? What are these things even supposed to mean? Are you calling me a communist? A slaveholder? A literal fowl burgler? More silly things.
No, TG, I just think it's silly when people latch onto a single pet doctrine and preach them like they're a panacea for everything that ever ailed mankind.
Oh, and you can't frighten me with that ancient carrot & stick routine. I knew I wasn't a christian anymore when I realized that upon scrutiny, not only was this "kingdom of god" thing a completely irrational idea without any possibility of a realistic referent, but that even if it were real, upon that same scrutiny, it sounds more like George Orwell's 1984 than the utopia shallow christians assume it must be based upon nothing more than blind acceptance of biblical propaganda.
TG: "Unlike myself, PentecostGuy, SacredNamesGuy and similar, are Pharisees. By contrast, reject trade and no eternal life."
Oh. You're not a pharisee? Huh. Who knew? Well. That's certainly a relief, because for a second there, it really sounded like you were. But if you say you're not, then...hmm...well, whatever you say.
So, in The Gospel According to TradingGuy, the acquisition of "eternal life" is based solely upon whether or not you "accept trade" (whatever that means)? And Christ told you this himself, right? Have fun with that "eternal life" in the "kingdom of god" thing. Sounds more like hell than heaven to me, even if it did exist, which is so unlikely as to be negligible. But hey, the simple of act of thinking something is really true makes it really true for them, right? Just like muslim suicide bombers will really get 72 virgins in their muslim heaven too, just because they believe it, right? Hmm.
TRADINGGUY: Doc, I don't believe in reality. Multiple commenters on some random blog I read keep making fun of me for bringing up trade.
DOCTOR: You do talk about that a lot. Perhaps you're more repetitive than you realize?
DOCTOR: Obsession coupled with paranoia, interesting. How's your sex life?
"There are no exceptions to trade in the universe."
" and philanthropy are complementary."
Whether it is trade or philanthropy, it depends on how one[anyone] chooses to measure or define it as such. If I freely "give way" or "give away" half my paycheck to someone in need and without my expecting any return, you would probably label that as "give away" or the "GET" way for those that recieve it. Yet, I would label it as philanthropy or "paying it forward". But according to you, you would likely claim that I made no profit and possibly enaBLED a bum. Does that remind you of Christ's sacrifice. Who earns the overall profit?
You tend to make the mistake of overstepping your boundary by telling me what my action meant but only according to your own point-of-view. I try to correct you by telling you again what my intentions were. You won't listen to me because you probably view my response as someone who is challenging you're being in the right. That's not very complementary, now is it?
2.21PM A+ for your satire.
2.25PM very good as well.
Unbelief is not a doctrine? Hmm. Their 'unbelief' seems to have the traits of a doctrine, if not a religious spirit.
Cheers TradingGuy
So according to you, trade is "new stuff" and a "new improved version of the truth." Do you ever look around you to discern how the world works, or practise[sic] introspection to discern how the mind works.
Do you practise[sic] the scientific method of 'you shall know them by their fruits?' God created a firm reality which is discernible using the five senses and reason. The conclusion? Trade is the greatest principle of the universe, more commonly expressed as 'there ain't no free lunch.'
I've never known the scientific method to be expressed as, "you shall know them by their fruits", or even your conclusion that, "Trade is the greatest principle of the universe"
Did you study science in high school?
Yes, and well beyond high school, too.
Ever notice that every mathematical equation has a equal sign?
Yes, I know that equations have an equal sign. Mathematics has always been my favorite subject.
Yet you ignore all this by accusing me of "protect(ing) themselves(myself) psychologically." Perhaps you are the one that needs to visit a shrink. Say to the shrink: 'Doc, I don't believe in reality. Someone called TradingGuy keeps pointing out trade, but I refuse to accept it. Probably cause I love free stuff. Help me Doc.' The Doc will point out that you have a bad case of denial, that can be treated with psychotherapy. I hope you get well soon.
So If I go to a doctor and say why you suggest I see him or her, do you really think he/her would have an "ah-ha!" moment and see a lack of trading comprehension as my problem, and then focus on that in an effort to help me see things as you do?
Are there really psychiatrists who specialize in trade issues?
Are you still angry that the incandescent light bulb was invented?
You're being kind of kooky by relentlessly sticking with that trade spiel of yours.
Last I heard, because of trade, Jelly could wind up with-
* Miss Piggy's snout (at the end of Gonzo's nose)
* Beaker's mouth
* Wearing Dr. Bunsen Honeydew's eyeglasses
* Rizzo The Rat's ears
* Sam The Eagle's feathers
* Pepe The King Prawn's four arms
* Camilla The Chicken's wattle
* And two Prayer Rocks for ass-cheeks to give him a giant Kardashian ass
August 23, 2016 at 12:31 AM
This shipt made it through the trade embargo but ended up at the wrong port!
11.49 PM yes, the scientific method is most certainly expressed as 'you shall know them by their fruits.' It's all there, perception by the five senses, the law of identity, the law of characteristics, the law of causation, and reason. The claim that Galileo is the father of the scientific method is laughable.
Psychiatrists that specialise in trade. Perhaps. Psychologist Michael J Hurd more or less pushes this point in his daily blog 'Daily dose of reason.' Have a look.
The light bulb thingy is a straw man argument. I have never mentioned this.
I'm kooky for sticking with the trade spiel? The rejection of trade is about to crash the world economy with very unpleasant consequences. The purpose of human relationships is trade, so I do not believe you are casual about choosing your friends or being defrauded by others. You are just as 'kooky' as myself on this issue, the only difference is that I am open about it.
Cheers TradingGuy
The Rod of God has spoken. Nice to see some people that actually get along: Rod, and Ames and Gerald.
That post is baloney and pathetic. Those kinds of shenanigans would never survive a financial audit. Get real.
Well, it has been a while since I posted but since I was in the Lifeless Church of God for 8 years and was mostly in the Mississauga, Ontario congregation that he mainly pastored, I guess I felt the need to post something even if I am late.
Gerald was always a micro manager (small stuff to big stuff). Everything from men having the proper form of hairline to proper dancing to women being too revealing with their dresses.
However, it was the way that he and Winston Grosse managed how brethren should behave that really got me annoyed. People with different skin colour are not allow to date or marry. People who wanted to get together for bible study needs a minister there or needs their approval prior. Brethren who shared literature from others COG groups were indulging in spiritual porn (Rod King also made this suggestion in one of his sermons).
Those who sucked up to him were always believed when they presented accusation of various brethren over trumped up or ridiculous charges such as three brethren getting together were trying to start up their own "Church." Guilty until proven innocent or guilty by association or guilty if you were not part of the ruling elite.
Brethren who stood up to him or who were suspected of sharing "spiritual porn" with one another were often attacked by him from the pulpit. He never named them of course but he has done this many times. Sometime, he would go to a congregation where that brethren was not there before doing the attacking instead of confronting those people in person.
I don't know. Maybe the Church is just a microcosm of a bigger problem in society and in our world nowadays but it is disgusting that a "man" like this guy could ever get to a high position in any organization. However, I guess as long as you suck up to the right person or toe the organization's line no matter what, its all good.
Even going by his own standard, he and other ministers seems to play favourite depending on who is involved. Two brethren committed fornication from his point of view (based on what they claim they believed from the bible) and that of Winston Goose, I mean Gosse and the guy gets put out while the women is innocent even though it had to be consensual. If not, the women was raped but that was clearly not very likely to be the case.
The hypocrisy and self-righteousness of this snake is unbelievable to say the least.
Anyway, I suppose it is just a waste of time to post this as nothing will change. However, I felt the desire to do so with this particular individual.
The last time I posted something, someone from LCG actually defended this guy but honestly, I doubt he ever interacted with Gerald Weston if he could defend an individual like him. He is like the cold vacuum of space. The only thing I ever see him get passionate about in his sermons are money and sexuality (mainly in regards to the youth of the Church).
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