Monday, September 23, 2019

The Bahama's Was Destroyed By A Hurricane Because They Do Not Recognize A COG Prophet

Church of God leaders have a great track record of never letting a disaster go to waste.  No one is better at this than Bwana Bob Thiel.  You remember him, he is that self appointed little upstart that had to start his own personality cult because his spiritual Daddy (Rod Meredith) rebuked him and ignore him.

And just like clock work, our resident wanna-be prophet made another illogical utterance that shows the extreme narcissism that occupies his mind.

In his self-righteous glory, he claims that the Bahama's was destroyed because they do not recognize him as a true prophet of God.

Just over two weeks ago, the Category 5 hurricane Dorian devastated the northern islands of the Bahamas. “Dorian was the most powerful hurricane on record to hit the Bahamas… with wind gusts topping 320 kph (200 mph)” (Deutsche Welle, September 7, 2019). ...  
Storms like Hurricane Dorian should motivate us to think about and pray for those who are suffering. These disasters can also provide us a glimpse into far more widespread devastation that is prophesied to impact the world in the years just before Christ’s second coming—a time when “disaster will come upon disaster” (Ezekiel 7:26).
I reported about Hurricane Dorian last week (see Hurricane Dorian damages and kills in the Bahamas as it heads towards Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina) and have been praying for those in the Bahamas.
As far as Ezekiel 7:26 goes, it will affect many of Christians in the end-times. Here is the entire verse:
26 Disaster will come upon disaster,
And rumor will be upon rumor.
Then they will seek a vision from a prophet; (Ezekiel 7:26)
The people in the Bahamas have had disaster, but have not sought out any true prophet.
Sadly, since Ezekiel 7:26 is directed towards God's people, based on Jesus' word in Revelation 3, most Christians will wait until it is too late to flee from the Great Tribulation (cf. Zephaniah 2:1-3
The people of the Bahama's were NOT punished because they do not listen to liars like Bob Thiel. That is a fact.  Bob Thiel is a snake out to poison and destroy anyone who follows him.


Anonymous said...

No one will prosper by joining Bobs Mickey Mouse church, but I don't recall him using verbal poison in his writings. Or a deliberate attempt to destroy anyone.
Bob Thiel will squander his members time and contribution money, but he ain't no calculating crown stealer.

Byker Bob said...

Apparently, Bob Thiel is amazingly simple-minded.

How did this “prophet thing” work in the Bible? Real easy to understand! The prophet took a message from God to sinners, specifically outlining the sins from which they were to repent, and the punishment which would befall them if they refused to repent. If the sinners failed to recognize that the prophet was from God, failed to heed and repent, then the specific punishment that the prophet had outlined would befall them. It happened over, and over, and over, precisely in that manner.

Did Bob visit the Bahamas this summer, specifically warning them in a substantive and visible manner so that there could be no mistake regarding the message or the messenger? Did he articulate their sins clearly? Did they then reject him and his message?

You know one thing about Bob Thiel is that he just has no control over his mouth when it comes to bragging about the mighty work he is doing. We here on Banned know everything he ever does! Don’t you just know we would have known about it, and would probably have had some blog posts on any such prophecies that he had made about the Bahamas, let’s say long about July or August? Anybody here see them? Read about them on Cogwriter, or see a Bob Thiel video about the Bahamas on Youtube? I didn’t either!

So, what Bummer Bob is doing is not prophecy! It is second-guessing (safely) after the fact, and attempting to co-opt a natural disaster, one that in fact has become more and more regular of an occurrence in that region over the past decade.

I know that Jesus has an awesome sense of humor, and I imagine that He’d be giving Bob the ol’ Raspberry Award for speaking presumptuously right about now! Heck, Jesus would probably even assign him to “Special Ed” class.


TLA said...

Bob is just following his estranged daddy- go to LCG and you can download their free booklet- Who controls the weather.

Anonymous said...

Bitter Bwana Bob really is amazing. That passage from Ezekiel 7 explains that when the people seek a prophet, they will discover that there is no prophet! In that passage, God destroys the people after they try and fail to find a prophet.

Bob has proved that he is a false prophet!

mortisrigori said...

What would have been a really amazing for prophet Bob to do would have been to prophesy a year ago when the Bahamas would have been destroyed by a hurricane. Making claims after the fact is not impressive at all. Anyone can do that.

Tonto said...

I do not believe that Bob is a prophet , or even mentally stable!

My house , county, and region are doing just fine as are all of my neighbors!

Red Man said...

I was surprised that the Bahamas were not destroyed by a Flurry or two. Red Man

Anonymous said...

For anyone to go to a Caribbean island and prophecy that a huge hurricane will come and destroy much of the island is not a big stretch. Let's see, "I predict that there will be a big snowstorm in the N.E. U.S.A. this winter." Now, let's see if this happens. If so, then, I am a prophet.
Another prophecy: "Leaders of the offshoots of the WCG will predict the coming of Jesus within the next five to ten years." I bet I'm right on this one also. WOW! I'm impressed with my gift from God.

Don't psychics do the same thing? They make vague predictions, oftentimes of the most obvious events, then when they happen they claim that they predicted it. But, as always, they seem to ignore the false prophecies and only remember the correct ones. Jean Dixon was guilty of this, as well as Sylvia Browne, a frequent guest on the Larry King Show. Why doesn't Prophet Bob go on the Ellen DeGeneres Show? Wouldn't that be a hoot?

Anonymous said...

,I know that Jesus has an awesome sense of humor, and I imagine that He’d be giving Bob the ol’ Raspberry Award for speaking presumptuously right about now! Heck, Jesus would probably even assign him to “Special Ed” class.

Byker, there's just one problem with this scenario. What makes you think that Bob has even met Jesus?

Anonymous said...

What an amateur. I'm going to one-up Bob Thiel here and prophesy that there will be *multiple* hurricanes next year in the Caribbean area, mostly occurring from June to November. For those of you who still doubt, I also prophesy numerous TORNADOES in the central United States, SPECIFICALLY in the late spring and summer. Also, standard wars, rumors of wars and yada yada prophecies still apply as they have for all of recorded human history, and remember anyone who scoffs at this post counts as a prophecy fulfilled. Whew! This was a freebie folks, I'm not even gonna ask for a donation to my private jet fund.. this time.

Hoss said...

BB, Wonderful. Couldn't have said it better myself, as Lex Luthor said to Superman...

Bob Thiel expecting someone in such a situation to seek his help seems ludicrous. What could he do? [Warning to BT, the following is satire] I can imagine someone in the Bahamas, waist deep in water, with the last few minutes of battery on his satellite phone texting Bob Thiel as a last resort - Why didn't you warn us BEFORE the hurricane? As the phone battery dies, a text comes back - "I said weather problems would increase! You should have heeded my warning!".

...they will seek a vision from a prophet - yes, contact Bob, he'll tell you about his dream.

Byker Bob said...

Does Bob Thiel have anything to prophesy about impeachment?

Anything about Greta Thunberg?

T-shirt sales related to either?


Anonymous said...

500 Scientists say there is no climate emergency!

Wonder why the mainstream media isn't reporting this?

Finally scientists are speaking up. Undoubtedly because they know we're about to enter a grand solar minimum and they don't want to look like the fools that politicians and the media have turned out to be.

Byker Bob said...

The fossil fuel industry has only bought 500 scientists to geberate their fake news? Got it. That’s why it is the improbably exact number 500.

You know, it really doesn’t matter. It’s out of the hands of the politicians, although they’ll get their short-lived talking points for a while longer. All the tri-lateral and Bilderberg-owned major corporations have already gone green, and are assisting companies in the third world to do so as well. Thank God for the NWO! Of course it’s too late for those who live in the Florida Keys, but maybe just in time to slow the melt acceleration of the Himalayan glaciers which feed ten major rivers supporting millions of people along their paths.

Gotta get me a Greta T-shirt! Thank God for youth who don’t accept the politicization of ecology. They’re God’s good little stewards of planet Earth!


Retired Prof said...

Sep. 24, 5:57 PM, did you actually watch the video you posted? Solar maximums and minimums, which recur in a cycle about eleven years long, do not affect atmospheric weather much at all. Instead they govern changes in what is called "space weather": the intensity of auroras and of other electromagnetic effects that may disrupt communications or the operation of satellites. Yet your intro implies the coming solar minimum will introduce a cooling period that will make scientists predicting rising global temperatures look foolish.

I have lived through seven of these cycles. Not a one of the solar minimums has inaugurated a prolonged period of cooling. I have seen more auroras during the maximums, but that's about the extent of the effects noticeable through ordinary observation.

And by the way, no doubt the mainstream media is not reporting on the Clintel press release or whatever it is because they have figured out that Guus Berkhut is no climate scientist but a gas and petroleum engineer and professional climate change denialist. He has organized others (Actually 500? Who knows?) to lobby all over the world against efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Anonymous said...

September 24, 2019 at 5:57 PM

You are correct but you might 'offend' Miller Jones by saying so.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Hoss said...

Does Bob Thiel have anything to prophesy about...

A genuine question, not satire or sarcasm: Has anyone benefited by any of Bob Thiel's predictions or re-dictions?

Personally, I think I've benefited more from researching things he's spoken against, such as Aramaic scriptures, crowdsourcing, e-currencies, etc, and mistakes he's made in scriptural explanations, such as famine of the word, "here a little, there a little", ...

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous 9/24 @ 5:57 PM,
The overwhelming consensus among scientists is that we are experiencing global warming caused and/or exacerbated by humankind. Your first link is to a statement by a small group of outliers who are trying to influence governments against implementing policies that would curtail human activities related to the phenomenon. It should be pointed out that the lead scientist in this regard, Guus Berkhout, is a former oil and gas industry engineer (not a meteorologist or climatologist). The mainstream media is generally not in the business of reporting the opinions and theories of folks on the fringes that lack credibility with a majority of those who are considered experts in the field.
Likewise, your second link about the potential impact of a prolonged solar minimum is a highly speculative blog post. As most of us know, these variations in the intensity/frequency of sunspots occur in eleven year cycles. And, while it is not disputed that these cycles impact earth's weather, it remains to be seen whether or not the current lull in sunspots will inaugurate a mini ice age! My guess - probably not.
As these weather related disasters become more catastrophic and frequent, it is discouraging to see them blamed on God, sunspots, abortion and failure to acknowledge a "prophet." Ignorance is costly and sad!

Anonymous said...

The Petition Project

Hell no, let's believe a 16 year old!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

I'm hoping that Trumpism is a mental disorder - that would mean that healing and recovery is possible!

Anonymous said...

So much for those who claim to be "balanced"!

Anonymous said...

Ret. Prof.

You should know the difference between a solar minimum and a grand solar minimum, but I guess you don't if you think you've lived through seven of them. lol

Opinionated said...

Anon 5:57 let us not forget this lawsuit....

Anonymous said...

"As these weather related disasters become more catastrophic and frequent, it is discouraging to see them blamed on God,"

Don't you mean as this weather, which has always occurred, gets more and more hype from the media, to the extent that 16 year olds are looked upon as experts, that more and more fools will believe?

Like the exodus from the Florida Keys is being blamed on "Global Warming" (forget the politically correct "climate change") but if you research past hurricanes hitting the keys, they are not "more catastrophic"!

Again, maybe you and Prof. need to research "grand" solar minimums because the roughly eleven year solar minimum was not the point that I had made.

But I know you guys are "balanced". lol

Anonymous said...

You might want to learn the difference between a solar minimum and a grand solar minimum!

Anonymous said...

If anything is balanced it's this interview with Guus Berkhout...

...but of course those of you with an agenda, though claiming to be balanced, will automatically poo poo it, while singing the praises of Greta Thunberg the poor 16 year old who's being used by the Global Warming left. If anything is sad, that is!

jim said...

There have been so many things real or pseudo scientists/doctors have been wrong about that they were so sure about. For instance the Lancet and New England Journal of medicine have admitted that over half the findings they have made since 1990 were not correct. 40 years ago they did warn of global cooling. The Global warming advocates have been as accurate as HWA when it comes to predictions and prophecies. It just gets old.

And, most of this nonsense seems to be delivered by progressives who are anti-meat, anti-capitalism, anti-manufacturing, anti-Western, anti-Christian, etc. And pro-globalization, pro-abortion, pro-etc. Of course there are exceptions, but generally this is true. So, it is not unwise to question why these people are sure that humans are causing global warming. There is evidence against it, and further as I posted a couple of weeks ago, for a billion or so dollars a year we can counteract the degree temperature rise we may have seen in the last 120 years by releasing a harmless reflective dust into the stratosphere that will allow for us to continue using carbon energy sources until we reduce them or learn that in fact they have a negligible effect on the global temperature. Instead, most of the measures seem aimed at damaging the economy of the US and removing some portion of our sovereignty. Private industry is the better choice in finding solutions than governments.

I really don't mean to be insulting to anyone, and I recognize my thoughts may not be fully accurate, but I hate to see people buy fully into the global warming claptrap. In 20 years I fully expect to be pointing out to global warmingists and the Armstongists how they were both wrong with their dire predictions.

Byker Bob said...

Lonnie, I don’t know whether some of the anonymi are serious, or just messin’ with us on this topic. Did you catch the comedy last week? Some fool cut and pasted a reference to a site which he obviously intended would rebut my views on climate change. I was anticipating perhaps a university-quality white paper, but when I opened the site up the first words that confronted me referred to alleged facts that would confound the Democrats. It was a hella-biased partisan website, and I suspect that the poster most likely gets all of his information on climate change not from peer-reviewed white papers, but from his preferred political party and their hacks.



Hoss said...

500 Scientists say...

Although the state where I live has been traditionally Blue, sometimes it's not easy being Green. The local newspaper could find 500 naysayers to anthropogenic climate change as easily as Bob Thiel could quote mine as many proof texts to prove he is a prophet.
For COGs, climate change is a, ahem, godsend. As I mentioned before, some years ago I saw a diagram at PennState that showed a number of overlapping natural disasters and their causal links from climate change. And we know how COGs love to use natural disasters...

Byker Bob said...

16? So what? Tommy James was 16 when he recorded “Hanky Panky”. And wasn’t David only 16 when he slew Goliath?

Some people are just precocious, and capable of thinking and acting far beyond their ages.


Byker Bob said...

It occurs to me that people who left Armstrongism got burned out on apocalypses, and the associated manipulation. So they’re damned sure not going to accept or dwell upon existential threats exposed by any other source. And, since there was nothing you could do about what was supposed to happen in 1975, they apparently think there is nothing you can do about climate change either.

Just read a news item the other day about how our vaunted coal is being rejected by those who were once primary consumers. Major power companies did not buy into the idea of coal as a clean, sustainable fuel, and are closing their coal burning generators in favor of natural gas. Also, household consumers are turning to solar power bigtime, and massive landowners are setting up wind farms. Science and industry are slowly but surely removing the power over these things from the politicians. Our manufactured products simply will not fare well in the global arena unless the technology is green in line with Europe, and other advanced nations such as Japan.


Anonymous said...

Jim at 10:02, great post.


Anonymous said...

Bob Thiel, self-exalted prophet high above the likes of Meredith, Weston, Winnail et al, and professing head of the Mickey Mouse Continuing Counterfeit "church of god" stated:

"...Storms like Hurricane Dorian should motivate us to think about and pray for those who are suffering. These disasters can also provide us a glimpse into far more widespread devastation that is prophesied to impact the world in the years just before Christ’s second coming—a time when “disaster will come upon disaster” (Ezekiel 7:26)..."

Christ's Second coming?????????? What second coming? What Christ? Another Christ?

Here is some advice for Bob Thiel provided by a partial transcript of a sermon titled "Christ's 2nd Coming Part 1" given 15 Feb 1997:
"...Do you realize that this phrase “second coming” is nowhere in the Bible? It doesn’t say that anywhere in the Bible. It does say that He’ll come a second time. That’s over in Hebrews 9:28 if you want a reference.
Hebrews 9:28 “So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.”
So we have this definition of the words “second coming” in our minds in what we’ve always heard within the Church and any other organizations, Christian type organizations, that we may have come out of, but it’s a definition that’s wrong and we’re going to see that. Now, there is going to be that “second coming,” and there is going to be that second time when Jesus Christ does come, but it’s going to be a little different. It’s going to work out a different time sequence than everyone in the world believes that it is; even the very Church of God. We can say: “Don’t we know when this is going to happen? When Christ’s feet come down on the Mount of Olives: isn’t that His “second coming?” He will set up His Kingdom for a thousand years and we will rule with Him. Isn’t that His coming? Isn’t that His second coming?”
Well all of us coming from the Worldwide Church of God, that’s what we have all believed for all of these years, but I have to tell you: “No! That is NOT His “second coming.” The world doesn’t know when His coming really is going to be and they don’t know anything about it.”
The Jews don’t know. They don’t even believe He came the first time. They’re not looking for any “second coming,” but I see a lot of people out there that want to throw the Jews up in my face, and the Jewish religion as: “Oh! That’s got to be some type of God’s perfect religion,” and it isn’t. It is a religion totally based on satanic tradition. That’s what their religion is today and that’s really what it was way back too, because they never did follow God.
God’s Church doesn’t know when this “second coming” is going to happen. We always thought we did, but it doesn’t. All of the little splinter groups, all of these splinter groups that have gone off from the Worldwide Church of God and on their own, without God, have set themselves up to have these little organizations and they’re trying the best they can with what they have. Unfortunately, they just don’t have very much! Not in money, not in members, but in spiritual understanding! They don’t have very much..."
And for Bob Thiel prophesying false thoughts about Christ's 2nd coming associated with a Mickey Mouse Millennium of Christ reigning on earth for 1,000 years, why not consider the advice...........and change? Will Bobby, Bobby Thiel repent of his false thoughts and speak truth? Repent means change!

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Some more "second thoughts" regarding Christ's second coming and a second time using the same transcript cited just above? Why? Just some more advice for Bob Thiel if he really reads this blogsite, and it appears he does.
"...He came down from Heaven and was made flesh. So, He came from Heaven. He came down to this earth. That was His first coming. We know that.
So, now we want to ask ourselves: “Well, did He come down from Heaven again?” And the answer is, “Yes!”
Now, I wouldn’t certainly call this His “second coming,” but this is the second time that he came.
Let’s look over in John 20. You know; we forget this! But if we really want to have this right in our minds so people can’t confuse us, I throw this in.
Coming from that old theory of the plan of salvation that we had in the Church of God, it’s very confusing once you know the truth. People keep throwing up this old one all of the time at you.
Let’s get it straight. Now, we know this fact! We’re just having a little fun here, but it is a fact, that His “second coming,” or the second time that He came back was right here in John 20, starting in verse 17.
John 20:17 “Jesus saith unto her…”
He’s talking about Mary, Mary Magdalene. She went to the tomb after Christ died, and now was resurrected and she came there that first day. She came in here, and we know this story. So she came to the tomb, and without having to read all of that: she came in. He wasn’t there. She saw the guards and all of this: where is He? “Where is He?” All of a sudden, in verse 16, this voice comes.
John 20:16 “Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.”
She knew from the voice that it was Jesus Christ!
17 “Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not…”
“Ooh, do not touch me!” Oh boy! She wanted to hug Him:
“…for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.”
18 “Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her.”
So, Mary Magdalene came to the disciples and she spoke all of these words that Christ told her to say.
Then, in verse 19!
John 20:19 “Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.”
So during this time, we’ll see, on the same day Christ went ALL the way up to Heaven, was accepted by the Father, and then He came ALL the way back down here to earth! So, He comes back to earth now.
Hey, you know; you might be mad at me, but this is the second time He came; isn’t it?...
But for Bob Thiel, who believes he "chose" to make himself a continuing counterfeit prophet, still preaching a “soon-coming” Mickey Mouse Millennium of Christ ruling on earth for 1,000 years, it is so difficult to change. Will Bobby have a change in thoughts? In mind? In heart? In what he preaches?

Well, time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Actually, Bob, God told me that disasters are happening because people keep crapping up the clean air and water our children and families need to live their best healthy lives, and scoffing at the thousands scientists he has already sent to warn us to knock it off. And by the way, he never mentioned you.

Byker Bob said...

Back in the late ‘70s, when I was experimenting with Catholicism (mostly for my second wife and her family), one of my favorite parts of mass was when we were instructed to turn to our neighbors and repeat Jesus’ words “Peace be unto you!”.

There were many very sincere people in the Catholic church, who had great faith and really did their best to walk the talk. My mind, however, had been totally prepoisoned against them not only verbally by the WCG, and also by the similarities which the RCC bears to WCG.


TLA said...

John - the person you quoted sounds like a biased nut case.
I hope you have nothing to do with him. and that you are not really actually him.

Anonymous said...

John September 26, 2019 at 4:25 AM

Just be patient. As Bobby fails he will proclaim in some years from now he is the big cheese JC himself. They all do at one time or another. Its what cult leaders do....