When I came to Pasadena in the mid-1970's it was still the era ministers were saying a lot of weird stuff (not that has ever stopped since then). 1975 in prophecy was sitting on their doorstep and nothing was happening. The church was still reeling from major defections of ministers when Walter Sharp left and new splinter groups were starting. Then the receivership hit and the craziness amplified. One of the things I heard over and over was that the State of California, the Governor and the Attorney Geranl had better be really careful because the Almighty God was standing behind the "work" and terrible things would soon be happening to those who persecuted the church.
That mythology still exists in the extreme COG splinter cults like the Philadelphia Church of God and that brings us to our buddy Wayne Turgeon. If there has ever been a better example of a self-righteous jackass in the church, it is Wayne. From his days as a puffed-up student and Auditorium usher to his marrying into the Flurry clan, Wayne is a walking textbook case latest DSM-5.
Before Turgeon was sent to PCG's Edstone, England cult college campus he left he made these comments:
PCG Members Told to Take a Stand and Die If Necessary:
February 19, 2021
Before Wayne Turgeon moved to Edstone, England, he gave a Bible study where he kept quoting HWA and told how HWA in a 1984 sermon said (and I quote): “We are becoming God teachers.”
He cited Romans 8:31and then said, “How dare anyone come against a true Christian? They don’t know what they’re dealing with and what they’re messing with.” He went on to say, “But do we always realize who’s behind us, and who’s backing us when the times get tough? Or are we going to run like the flip-flopping politicians? Or are we willing to take a stand and die if necessary?” He added, “If we are loyal to God (translation: loyal to PCG govt.), He always watches over us.”
He also said, “We pray we will all be together soon in that place of safety wherever that might be. Things are going to get worse before they get better.” –PCG source Exit &Support Network
How will Pack and Flurry transport their members to the Place of Safety?
I fear that some of them are brainwashed enough that they might be convinced that a fire or a gulp of poisoned Passover wine would transport them there.
LOL! I just love it when these little soy-boys try and get all masculine and use their weak god to threaten people. The god these guys use as their weapon of choice hasn't done any of them any good over the years. They are still here perpetually whipped into a state of frenzy while their god is still angry and pissed off ready to strike at any minute.
Flurry will transport them on his private jet. Lots of trips and lots of fuel, but he will eventually get them there.
If Wayne hadn't married the boss's daughter, he would have been disfellowshipped YEARS ago. Fat, drunk with power, and stupid is no way to go through life, Wayne!
Wayne always wanted to be seen as important when he was in Pasadena. The prestige from big ordained was constantly on his mind. When Flurry apostatized, Wayne saw an inside track into a leadership position. Then, he married into the family and his place in the stratosphere of the highly ordained men of power was sealed.
They are running out of membership.....it will take fewer and fewer trips lol
It's always the same story. The incestuous social and moral church environment limits the worldview of its leaders. Scratch the surface of the ministers bible quoting, and one finds a teenage like understanding of the way the world works. And many naive members believe that the 'counseling' they get from these ministers, which often doesn't seem to make sense, must be some profound wisdom that only the AC educated ministers possess. It's a con game.
So how many Flurryites are there? maybe 1500--2000? (talk about a "Little Flock"!)
The HWA/Hoeh "Little-Flock"-theory has never looked more shaky (even if you count all the splinters!)
This represents a failure of Acog evangelism!
"True-Christianity-Armstrongism" is shrinking while greater world Christianity is holding steady at 31% of world population!
Anon 5:55 This is a very profound comment.
I find a portion of the "middle management" ministry to be exceptionally small minded.
The ones further up the chain of command not so much, as they live a more luxurious broader life travelling to visit brethren all around the world.
But the "middle management" ones are full of anxiety, worry, jealousy, pompous lies about themselves, small minded snobbery, jump to conclusions over nothing about the members. Walking nightmares if truth be told.
You don't know who you are messing with if you mess with PCG - we are a MESS!
It's been over 22 years ago, but I actually had a decent relationship with Wayne. He was approachable and had more "real world" experience than most WCG or PCG ministers.
Sure he was young and goofy, but I wasn't any better. It's a shame that he didn't wake-up and leave PCG. If he ever does it would really shake things up in the PCG hierarchy.
I'm not sure how well he is going to like it over in the UK? Wasn't he sent there in the beginning and not happy? Time will tell....
If I was a member of PCG I would be slightly nervous that only a few people can be loaded into Flurry's little plane. Now if he had purchased a Galaxy 5 or an Antonio 224, I would be much less concerned as these two aircraft can be loaded with many people.
Back to reality - Almighty Yahweh states that He would send His angels to gather His people from the earth. No mention of the angels using/needing aircraft, to carry out Yahshua's command.
After so many years the COGs still do not know the names of God that they 'follow.' They have not been lead to see and understand anything new that actually makes sense, proving that they have the very spirit of Elohim, the spirit of truth and righteousness.
Worldwide Mafia thinking still going strong.
Sturgeon Turgeon is VERY FISHY INDEED! ;-)
How do you pronounce his name? I'm having trouble, it ain't workin out well.
Perhaps they can purchase the plane that Rev. Ernest Angley has. Angley is close to 100 years old and his plan has been sitting for some time. What? You don't know who Ernest Angley is? He sounds like Gomer Pyle, wears a poorly fitted suit and a cheap toupee.
One of the false prophets that former Worldwide Church of God members need to beware of:
Gerald R. Flurry: Satan's plagiarist, gospel suppressor, gospel perverter, identity thief, false prophet, family wrecker, and changer of Herbert W. Armstrong's writings.
Do not help him to edit, change, warp, mangle, and totally pervert everything that Herbert W. Armstrong had taught. Do not help him to do evil to other people. Do not go along with the old sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators in the PCG cult.
"After so many years the COGs still do not know the names of God that they 'follow.'"
I wonder why a "God" would need so many aliases? What is it trying to hide? A person with multiple aliases is always looked at with suspicion, and considered shifty and untrustworthy.
"After so many years the COGs still do not know the names of God that they 'follow.'"
Scripture confirms (Mark 14) that Jesus called God "Abba" (Aramaic for "Father"). Paul continued this usage (Romans 8; Galatians 4). That's good enough for me. If people want to try to feel special by parsing ancient Hebrew, that's fine for them, but when they tell me that their preferred name is something I need to use instead of "Abba"/Father, they've crossed a line and become legalist cultists.
I was at the Feast in 2004 and a man walked up to me and said that a minister wanted to meet me. It was Wayne Turgeon. He was a cool guy and the only minister I ever liked and we were friends until I left the church in 2014.
When I left the PCG I'll never forget what a minister told me. He said, if you leave this church you can no longer obey God. I said, now that's the craziest thing I've ever heard and you are a lier.
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