United Church of God
From Fred Kellers, elder, Murfreesboro, Tennessee congregation:
Gary Petty reports: “I was finally sent home from the hospital today. A number of the nurses and doctors told me that I was a ‘blessed man’ because my COVID could have been much worse than it was. It has been a difficult illness and I am still very weak.” Gary’s wife, Kim, also had COVID-19 but was not as seriously ill. She is also doing better.
Regarding the other members of the Murfreesboro congregation, the status changes daily but most are at varying degrees of recovery from ages 22–84. We have 25 affected that we know of. It’s been difficult to find out exactly who is sick. Those who were hit harder are farther behind in recovery. One member in her early 50s was hit hard; her mother also had a tough time. Leo and Barb Sancho are in their 80s and having a tough time. One member, Don Smith, did not survive; he was about 83 – but a pretty robust 83. Another member age 83 recovered well and was canning tomatoes a week later; he was vaccinated, but whether that helped or not, time will tell. We think that in total about 55% of the members in the congregation have been affected.
Thank you for your prayers for the Pettys and our precious little congregation.
This is because the UCG is not being protected by God, they have 25 affected people they know and probably many more in other congregations as well. God is not protecting the UCG and He is not healing them either, as they have to constantly run to doctors and hospitals and just give God credit for the work their imaginary God had no part in doing. In addition, other splinter groups were also affected by Covid 19 and it appears that the so-called all-loving God failed to keep his people safe from Covid 19.
I hope they all get well and see the truth about how there is no supernatural protection just think 55% of the members in the congregation have been affected God did not spare any of them.
Covid is not real and these people are falling for a fake disease. They probably wear asks too.
Anon 12:36 AM yes Covid 19 is real that is why people are dying from it.
It is not stated how many of the congregation with COVID have been vaccinated. Is it because most have not had the jabs?
This blog gets more and more weird. Down the rabbit hole went Alice.
The derangement and probable mental illness displayed in comments on this site and exemplified by anonymous 12:36 is troubling.
Remember last year when a petition was being circulated through UCG by individuals who didn’t want to wear masks at the feast?
This is their home congregation.
While not completely avoidable, masks and being vaccinated would have gone a long way in protecting theses individuals from a largely avoidable virus.
Oh I'm sorry, did you just recently speak to God? He informed you that United was not protected? Now you see how ridiculous you sound I hope.
If a merry heart (Proverbs 17:22
) produces good results, what does fear and crisis psychology produce? If there are beliefs that can make us well (Luke 8:45-48
), are there beliefs that can make us sick?
Since Covid 19 mimics other things, I have no doubt people are sick of SOMETHING (flu, pneumonia, allergies, vax side effects,) etc. How do they even know it's covid? A proven faulty test? A biased physician? I know people who feel great, are healthy and have no symptoms whatsoever but are told they are SICK!!! Can you imagine a virus so dangerous one has to be tested to see if you have it?
This is really very simple. It need not be surcharged with politics. Those who politicize it must to some degree engage in fantasy.
Here is the deal. Covid is a micro-organism called a virus. It can be seen through a scanning electron microscope. It does exist and it does have certain characteristics. It can infect you. For some people it is quite brutal for others they are virtually asymptomatic. Some people will die and others will not. It is worse than the annual flu and kills people at a high rate.
A mask is physical barrier. It is not political. A vaccine avails itself of human immunology. It is not political. Monoclonal antibodies are a physical remedy. They are not political. Because of a certain political mindset, you cannot make Covid be or not be. Reality does not work in that way.
Man, I feel like I am writing to first graders. But I know that this deficient viewpoint on Covid involves about an incredible third of the adult population in the USA - most of whom have been to some kind of high school.
The problem isn't all about you. It involves "neighborhood effects" - something that true conservatives believe in. You can create a trash dump in your own yard but you cannot throw trash in the river because it impacts people down stream. You behavior exists in a social milieu. By not getting vaccinated, you help to create a reservoir of people where the virus can thrive and mutate, hence, killing many more people as a result of your action. By not wearing a mask, you may have the virus asymptomatically and spread it to other people some of whom will contract if from you and die. And, finally, you can't possibly deny "love they neighbor" and yet be a Christian.
I also know that no matter how clearly you explain this to the One Third they will respond with nonsense like "Covid does not exist" or "the Democrats invented it to keep Dumpty from being re-elected." There is a Republican down the street who ran for office last year that doesn't believe that vaccination works. He is not vaccinated. He does not wear a mask. These people insist on becoming a Darwinian experiment and forcing others to participate with them.
The expected Darwinian outcome is that the future gene pool will contain fewer Trumpites, fewer White evangelicals and fewer Armstrongists.
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4.58 AM
Yeah, shoot the messengers. It's the ACOGs that have gone down the Alice rabbit hole.
Scott, no, if they were protected from Covid 19, they wouldn't have contracted the virus.
I'm not 12:36 but this entire blog being in existence is a reflection of troubled souls. Troubled souls doing odd online existence.
UCG policy is freedom of choice mikeyoung09.
Strawman argument BP8. Patients have to be tested for all kinds of disease. From serious illness such as Cancer to milder illness such as asthma. Even women have pregnancy tests.
So it reads like you're saying that testing for everything else under the sun can determine if you have covid? Or are you saying that people getting tested for other things are automatically getting the faulty covid test? And who is administering many of these test? It's Dr. Neatherm's first graders down at the local drug stores. Thanks Doc for your input. Dr. Fauci would be proud!
Neo, I wish it was just about politics. I know it has portions that certainly are: Don’t forget all the dem senators and reps and prez candidates that would not take the Trump vaccine. It was rushed through they said.
Anyway, I’m healthy but am concerned about some of the side effects of the vaccine and had the symptoms of covid months ago- taste, etc but self quarantined and it never got bad so I wasn’t tested (i wish i had). If not for delta I’d not consider the vaccine, but I do now somewhat, however the lambda variant may completely bypass the current vaccine. A dr friend of mine has reached the threshold of advising shots for those over 50 regardless of health due to delta. He did not recommend except for those 65 and older before delta.
But, there is nothing political about him, he had concerns about the risk tradeoffs (particularly for younger) and has adjusted his recommendation in light of delta.
The statistics still show that those under 50 will have mild symptoms generally. And most will do fine with it. There is no doubt in my mind that natural immunity is better than the vax particularly with variants. Statistics show this. Perhaps a booster can help some, but it does have side effects…sometimes just mild, sometimes fatal.
If other variants are more concerning, which is generally not supposed to be the case, I will accept the vaccine risks.
I’m glad for the vax for those that chose to use it due to age, health conditions, etc. However the vaccinated do have a heavy virus load in their nose and we had more people walking around with that heavy viral load in their noses in April/May/june/july than at any time during the pandemic. In half a year half the nation was vaccinated…of course this accounts for much of the spike. I’m glad for the vax, but, honesty and transparency would go a long way in getting over this pandemic.
Btw, Where does someone become foolish, only vax for those over 70? 60? 50? 40? 30? 20? 10? 3?
Risk assessment isn’t politicsl
"There has been a universal assumption among many that education level negatively correlated with vaccine hesitancy - more educated people are more likely to receive the vaccine...
"The report showed a surprising U-shaped correlation between willingness to get a Covid vaccine and education level - with the highest hesitancy among those least and most educated...
"Researchers concluded that the most educated people in our society - the people certified to become doctors and treat the virus - are not only the most hesitant about getting vaccinated but are also the least likely to change their minds about it.
"But researchers also found that within the first five months of 2021 the largest decrease in skepticism about getting the vaccine was among the least educated - those with a high school education or less..."
What has always plagued the UCG is an epidemic of godlessness.
UCG are just a bunch of idiots that do not want to wear a mask.
"One member, Don Smith, did not survive; he was about 83 – but a pretty robust 83. Another member age 83 recovered well and was canning tomatoes a week later; he was vaccinated, but whether that helped or not, time will tell."
It is possible that God hasn't done anything at all, one way or another. Look at the CGA / LCG situation. You may remember that last summer, all the COGs cancelled their summer camps except for LCG. Theirs was forced thru by the sheer will power of Sheldon Monson, and they had no covid cases. After camp, LCG HQ ordered strict covid protocols for all the LCG congregations, and an incredulous Monson disagreed, contending that with prayer and faith and trust in God, they should be able to hold services without being afraid of covid. The LCG leadership disagreed, and when Monson refused to cooperate, they fired him (along with Jason Fritz). They had no choice but to start their own group, Church of God Assembly (CGA). CGA had their own camp this year, 2 weeks long with about 200 people -- no covid. Meanwhile, LCG went ahead with their youth camp shortly thereafter AT THE SAME LOCATION. After 3 days, several came down with COVID, LCG cancelled the rest of camp and sent everyone home. While it is certainly possible that God blessed CGA and didn't bless LCG, it is also possible that God did nothing. After all, CGA has been meeting for the last year, assembling together, inside, without masks, without social distancing, greeting each other with hugs, handshakes, and maybe even holy kisses. They had potlucks, campouts, 300 at the Feast, winter family weekend, in-home studies, the whole shebang, all without any covid protocols. Meanwhile, LCG was in their basements, "gathering" on zoom, and when they did come together, they did it with their strict covid protocols, including at one point, prohibiting singing --- they played the music and had to sing songs in their head... Anyway, by the time camp rolled around this year, CGA had people with a robust and well-conditioned immune system -- a result of carrying on with normal human interaction, which God created the immune system to handle. But when LCG camp met, and encountered possibly the SAME GERMS, they came down with covid, possibly due to a weakened, depressed immune system. It is entirely possible that God didn't have to lift a finger. CGA's own faith-based actions brought them protection and success. LCG's own fear cursed them.
Covid is just the flu, so its as real as the flu, no more no less. The idea of a new disease is a blatant lie.
Only an idiot would wear a face diaper, since they are proven to be useless, and actually unhealthy.
Anything in the mainstream media about covid is a lie.
Messengers ? What a odd description. If you're a messenger that raises the question who's sending you on the message? Because it's certainly not Jesus Christ. In Jesus no deceit can be found. On this blog deceit is the life blood.
Didn't Sheldon Monson have Covid over the winter or early spring?
10.32 PM
Based on church history, I'm inclined to believe that CGA is lying through their teeth about there being zero COVID cases in their youth camp. After all, it's their selling point, and the justification from breaking away from the mother church.
If you believe that CGA is COVID free, I have a cheap bridge for sale.
Some of you chucklefucks would have been happily drinking water with human shit in it during cholera epidemics.
Anon 2:10 yes, he did.
A runny nose and a false positive and you have "covid". The test is 100% meaningless.
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