Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Morally Reprehensible Philadelphia Church of God Has The Cure For Post Feast Blues


When Church of God members head home after attending Feast sites, they are usually filled with joy after visiting with friends and family at Feast sites and also filled with dread at having to go back to the doldrums of life waiting for them at home.

Many experience a post Feast let down as they return to tiny little church areas where most members are 60plus years or older. Never fear though, one of the favorite tactics of ministers is to tell members to review their sermon notes from the Feast and make a commitment to put into practice what was heard, something most never do because most ministers in the Church of God do not preach inspiring sermons. For most people hearing sermons at the Feast it is the same canned, prepackaged sermon they have heard for years. Rarely is any minister ever inspired to do preach differently or add a new twist to the same sermon they have preached for decades.

Those wild and crazy folk over at the Philadelphia Church of God have a sure-fire method to combat that post Feast let your notes and read Mystery of the Ages! Woo Hoo! I get all tingly thinking about that!

From Exit and Support Network

October 8, 2021
Since members have returned from the Feast, the ministers are giving the same ol, same ol, sermons/sermonettes they give every year after the Feast; i.e., “review your notes”; “apply what you’ve learned”; “strengthen your resolve”; “hold fast to it”; “think like God”; “look forward to the Spring holy days”; ad nauseum. After reading the notes and comments which were only a taste of what they listened to for 20 hours at the Feast, it’s got to be exhausting to be told what else to do. I feel for the children who had to sit through all those “lectures”–opening night, offering appeals, and GF going on and on and on–unless they were in lockdown at home, and who knows, maybe even then these children were forced to sit and “pay attention.” Instead of members being able to make their own choice to read the Bible through, they must follow what Brad Macdonald has instructed, and that is to read Mystery of the Ages over and over. Since it is the Holy Spirit who opens our minds to understand the Bible, I do not believe for one minute that these so-called “ministers” even have the Holy Spirit, not only because of all the heresies they teach and the twisting of the Word, but because of their abuse and disdain for the members and their alienated families. I won’t even go into how they coerce members to not only give them “large offerings” but to also “leave their estates to them.” I can’t think of anything more morally reprehensible. –L. D.


Anonymous said...

If all that's waiting for you at home is doldrums, then you must not be living right! What happened to the abundant life that Jesus promised? I have to admit, most of the so-called leaders of Armstrongism bear more resemblance to Soren Kierkegard than they do to Jesus.

Sweetblood777 said...

What they failed to mention is that the abundant life is mainly for the ministry. The newbies have to hang in there and stiff it out. It wasn't all bad if one ended up with a good minister but if you were unfortunate to end up with a 'dave pack' then I feel sorry for your pitiful ass.

I don't see anywhere in the Bible where ministers lived much higher than the flock. That in itself is a huge red flag that this ship isn't sitting right. In addition where are all the miracles that ministers were supposed to be gifted with? I had one real healing during my stay with the WCG. I remember it as if it happened only yesterday.

Anonymous said...

I feel uncomfortable with his accusation of ministers not having the holy spirit. Ministers have often used this accusation as a club against those who question church teachings. With eternal life on the line, this or similar accusations should be unthinkable.

Those who have quenched the holy spirit through abuse of others, and those who were never baptised, are two very different categories. The former will end up in the lake of fire, the latter will not. Playing loose with this is dangerous, and courts God's vengeance.

Anonymous said...

"If all that's waiting for you at home is doldrums, then you must not be living right! What happened to the abundant life that Jesus promised? "

"Living right" has never guaranteed the "abundant life that Jesus promised". That ranks right up there with "....and the sick shall be made well".

Tonto said...

Read the " Mystery of the Ages" over and over again???

Sounds as much fun and is as working on an assembly line.

Either you understand what is written or you dont. To keep repeatedly going over it again and again is a form of brainwashing.

Anonymous said...

It's not surprising at all that the PCG's guidance to members to is read what they consider to be a seminal / inspired work by the 'founding father' of the church, HWA. What is surprising is how much of that work has been surreptitiously changed over the years as the PCG slyly changes doctrines, many of which no longer represent those held in the WCG.

Anonymous said...

646 Maybe not an objective abundance of riches. But, He will make our lives more abundant as He gives peace and assurance. Those things add abundantly to our lives.

Phinnpoy said...

Post Feast Blues. Sounds like a title for a song like Summertime Blues. And there's no cure for either of them! (That is, unless you leave your ACOG.)

Anonymous said...

Mystery of the Ages is one of if not THE most boring and discombobulated books I have ever tried to read. Almost as boring one of Gerald Flurry's sermons. I remember my butt going numb during one of Flurry's sermons as he was droning on and on. I remember a couple of elderly men in the back of the congregation snoring. He could sell his sermon tapes as insomnia remedies.

Anonymous said...

PCG could be destroyed in a short time if not for all the self-censorship of its members. Censorship of any kind is the key to deception.

Anonymous said...

The apostles worked, late in to the night so they wouldn’t be a burden on the people. Never asked for tithes. But armstongites don’t know this. Read the New Testament. They are VERY well versed in the OT but most barely know the new and what they do know is so twisted and perverted BecUse of hwa and Gerald flurry. Read it you don’t need a man to persuade you of his interpretation.

Anonymous said...

Gerald Flurry is the worst false prophet that Satan ever sent against former Worldwide Church of God people.

Imagine being bullied and treated like a mushroom (kept in the dark and fed manure) by such a perverted little runt.

Anonymous said...

"Mystery of the Ages" over and over again...

Read the original MOA, once. It's errors are more obvious.
If necessary, you may be able to find the annotated version Exit & Support once published.

Ex670 said...

Can you share more about that healing? I am interested.

Anonymous said...

The ones who came home from Edmonton spread and spread and spread COVID in their denial they even had it…hypnotized/zombified by GF’s gripping words!!

Anonymous said...

Flurry and his FALSE MINISTERS/PAID LIARS are apostates who idolize HWA and De-emphasize Christ and his sacrifice to promote a false gospel of church government. They really do this because of their lust for power and their seeking to be like the political leaders of this world such as Maduro or Stalin. They preach lies and destroy families and when they convert members to their belief, then the new members and their families suffer. How many prophecies has Gerald "that prophet" ever gotten correct? ZERO!!! CALL HIM OUT FOR THE COUNTERFEIT HE IS!!! QUIT SENDING HIM TITHES AND DONATIONS!!! Take care of your families and seek out ministries that are take care of widows and orphans and also look after animals.

Anonymous said...

Flurry in the lead with Pack in the back

Satan's #1 False Prophet: Gerald R. Flurry

The “new commission for a new church era” gospel suppressor/pervertor, “That (False) Prophet” identity thief, and “No Contact” policy family wrecker.

Satan's #2 False Prophet: David C. Pack

The Bait & Switch scammer, covetous “common” thief, and always wrong prophetic date guesser (in spite of his endless so-called “proofs”).

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:26 am

Those who have quenched the holy spirit through abuse of others, and those who were never baptised, are two very different categories. The former will end up in the lake of fire, the latter will not. Playing loose with this is dangerous, and courts God's vengeance.

I was baptized many years ago as a young adult in the PCG. I often still wonder if that was a legitimate baptism or not. If I was baptized believing doctrines that I no longer believe today, was it an illegitimate baptism?

Anonymous said...

Edmondton? Canada? Or do you mean Edmond, OK?

Anonymous said...

8.22 AM
Glad you asked. Since a Christian is one who follows Christ rather than some corporate church, one will inevitably have to reject some church teachings with the passage of time. For instance, the church teaching that God heals in every case, or that God's way is that of tyranny, plainly condemned by Christs instruction to not be like the gentiles in this regard.
A simple prayer request will resolve doubts about your baptism being legitimate or not.
Historically it's been common for members who questioned or disagreed with the church to be labeled as not having the holy spirit. I think it's more than just a control ploy. Darker motives are at work.

Anonymous said...

I would say no because Armstrongism is complete BS. I hope you aren’t holding guilt about leaving the PCG. It’s so important for people who get out of the cult to disprove it. Chop down the trunk, go back to hwa.

Anonymous said...

From the PCG Deaconess who just wants to get her old hands all over other people's young boys, to the PCG elder who wants to pair up other people's children (but not his own) with much older predators, to the PCG minister who kicks people out for shunning sexual immorality, to that false prophet at the top of the PCG dung heap, the entire ministry in the PCG is a satanic fraud.

Anonymous said...

Which is exactly why a baptism in the PCG means nothing!