Friday, November 26, 2021

LCG: Another Outstanding Gospel Outreach In Tampa/St Pete FL Area

One thing is for sure when the Living Church of God does something, they do it big! They hit up the Tampa FL area for one of their latest World Tomorrow presentations. Tampa is part of the three-city metropolitan area of Florida that encompasses, Tampa, St Petersburg, and Clearwater with a population of 2.8 million people. Clearwater is the home base to the Scientology cult, fertile ground to get that gospel message to.

In the latest member update for November 24, 2021, Gerald Weston is proud of the fact that out of 2.8 million people he was able to gather 55 attendees (many of who were LCG members), and then after two follow up appearances, they were able to end up attracting 6 returnees to their lectures. 

6 out of 2.8 million people. 

Truly astounding! 

The gospel goes forth with POWER!!!

Tomorrow’s World Presentation Series in Tampa, Florida

In the last several weeks, our ministers have conducted Tomorrow’s World Presentations in Tampa, Florida. After Mr. Weston’s main presentation (55 guests), two follow-up presentations have been given: one by Mr. James Sweat on November 13 with ten returning guests and the second by Dr. Wilner Pierre on November 20 with 6 returning guests. While follow-up presentations do not produce as high attendance as the initial presentation, they do indicate those who may have a deeper interest in pursuing the Truth and getting more involved in the Work

Nice spin job there Gerald!  

Mr. Sweat reported: “This week’s presentation from Dr. Pierre, ‘Man’s Holidays or God’s Holy Days—Does it Matter?’ was attended by six repeat guests. At least three of them have requested o attend Sabbath services next week. We take a break for the Thanksgiving weekend and resume this series of follow-up TWPs with Mr. Richard Thomas on December 4 with ‘The Commandments Before Sinai,’ and I will finish out the series on December 11 with ‘What Is the Kingdom of God?’ We are very encouraged by the response. As one individual noted, ‘I don’t know of another COG doing the Work in this way!’”

This one individual is obviously a disenchanted COG member from another group. Nice spin job there too! 

I wonder if they ever do a presentation solely on Jesus? Do they even mention his name? The Jesus of scripture and not the one that the COG's have dreamed up.


Anonymous said...

The Armstrong Doomsday Cult has been a colossal failure since day one

Despite it being nothing more than a rejiggered version of Seventh-day Adventism,
we see today there are 22 million SDAs and only ~5k members in HWA's mother cult (not counting its loser splinter cults.)

And this despite High-School-Dropout HWA's Massive Media/Advertising spending!

In the early 1970s, a Seventh-day Adventist friend told me:
"We have picked up SO many members from [$100m+] 'World Tomorrow' [media blitz]"
Yup, Armstrong's battered titheslaves helped expand the almost equally awful SDAs!

Anonymous said...

The way to determine whether this event is blessed, or cursed is to compare the results to those of one of the old "America Listen!" campaigns.

Remember, there were at one time 200+ splinter groups. Here we are, nearly 27 years after the big bang of 1995, and we are still waiting for the super blessed "correct" splinter to emerge and run away from the others as they get the Armstrong half a gospel out, warning the world with great power, making myriad disciples, and preparing for the return of Jesus Christ!

No time like the present, folks! We've got a horrible disease epidemic now launching yet another more insidious variant from Africa, climate change ruining the planet, inflation fixing to destroy the value of our savings, supply chain disruptions about to take their toll in unexpected ways, and a mad man just waiting in the wings to take back power and finish off our democracy in ways he was severely restrained from doing during his first term.

So, come on LCG! Do your frickin' job (or at least the one HWA laid on the church he started). Time to put up, or shut up!

Anonymous said...

I think the dementia ridden, incompetent liar we have as a president is much worse than the "mad man" you refer to. Biden is nothing but a pawn for the billionaire oligarchy that is seeking the real power in our country.

Anonymous said...

The prophets of old were ignored and murdered for imploring Israel to repent. Christ rebuked cities that failed to repent after miracles were performed in them. That is, the number of people who respond to God's warning is not the measure of success. Rather the measure of success is that a warning, and opportunity to repent was offered.

Anonymous said...

So in the 60s & 70s Armstrong spent boatloads of money to Find & Prime prospective members, and then leave them hanging because his congregations were inaccessible, secretive, hidden.. So these prospects were easily picked off by more visible & welcoming local fundamentalist churches, like how that Seventh-day Adventist was bragging.

Anonymous said...

November 26, 2021 at 10:46 PM has a skewed version of the world like most brain dead Xarmstrongist.

Anonymous said...

This is the economic model that Splinterdom should be using and probably is using to justify public campaigns:

1. Using historical data, they should develop a predictive model that permits them to anticipate the number of people on average who will be persuaded to join their denomination.

2. Using this same historical data, they should then identify the probable income they would receive in the form of future tithes and offerings from these people.

3. They should then discount these future cash flows using their reasonable cost of capital (stated as a percentage). This resultant present value should be netted against the cost of putting on a campaign to arrive at a net present value.

If the net present value is positive and sufficiently large the campaign will be worth pursuing. There are other details but business school grads will know the deal from this simple traditional financial model I have described.

Because of the powerful effect of compound interest over the long term, six people might actually be a largesse. Six people with good incomes would represent a net present value of millions of dollars for a denomination. My guess is that if a Splinter group captures one person with a decent income, their campaign cost will be a better investment than what they could find on the securities market. We deride them and they laugh all the way to the bank.

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Tonto said...


Your logic is impeccable. However, the demographics for respondents of virtually all COG campaigns is skewed to 80% above the age of 55, and 65% women.

Additionally, the demographic skews poorer towards low net worth, and low employment achievement. The net present future value is thus not that good.

Extremely rare is the day that a wealthy person, or professional person, like a CPA, Lawyer, Dentist, Doctor etc. has come into the COGs since 1995.

Anonymous said...

At that rate the Gospel should only take a few more thousand years to go it therefore, ala LCG, into all the world.

Anonymous said...

The owners of this blog must be with aji in the butt when they see the success of LCG.
Even if he is a person who returns or converts to this path, he is already a success.
Remember that preaching is only as a testimony, the bible does not say that everyone will be converted, the church is still a small flock.
Keep writing stupid, envious blog and full of grudge

Anonymous said...

"ala LCG"

That takes me back. In the mid-Seventies, many on the AC/BS campus seemed to be using the term "ala." I recall Don Ward using it a lot. Sort of like Ron Dart's "raison d'être."

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Anonymous said...

I had no idea that Ala had anything to do with LCG. Seems like we usually only hear his name associated with the Moslems.

NO2HWA said...

8:43 said....The owners of this blog must be with aji in the butt

Well, 8:43, aji are great to cook with, but obviously, you use them another way. Rockstar!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here in Peru we use aji sauce with our chicken and yuca. Try it sometime, it is way better than your use for it 8:43, but if it gets you off...

Anonymous said...

Can we get to the nitty gritty for a minute. Skill level is what draws crowds. Howard Stern could put on a flatulence contest on the beach at St. Pete, and hundreds of people would show up, many of whom would become members of his fan club. Why? Because Howard has honed his skills over his career, and has high name recognition. I've seen budding teenage rockstars attract a larger crowd to a loft or parking lot than LCG could possibly gather. Bigger crowds attending Slim-Gym or Mary Kaye recruitment meetings. Or a couple guys starting a car show in some parking lot, word getting around and hundreds of custom vehicles showing up. Look at the motorcycle rallies! More people go to Sturgis every year than ever attended a Feast of Tabernacles.

You can't tell me that with a little skill from somebody who really knew their craft, LCG's gatherings could not be much larger in scope. HWA always had a hook. The ACOGS have seemingly lost that skill and finesse. Or HWA's application of skills has become dated. These guys should hire some outside talent. It may involve paying someone with proven name recognition to conduct the meeting from a script. LCG and the others are in no way wise as serpents!

Anonymous said...

You can't tell me that with a little skill from somebody who really knew their craft, LCG's gatherings could not be much larger in scope.

The Tampa/St. Petersburg area is one of Florida's gay hotspots. All LCG needs to do is match the right minister to the right location, and they could do a lot better!

Anonymous said...

"The Tampa/St. Petersburg area is one of Florida's gay hotspots. All LCG needs to do is match the right minister to the right location, and they could do a lot better!"

LCG has quite a few men who would fit well in this situation.

Anonymous said...

Aji peppers are versatile and delicious; but I would not recommend them in the butt.
That would likely cause more burning than the typical Armstrongist would enjoy.
However, like their master HWA, Armstrongist are known to be into some weird shit.

Anonymous said...

LCG has nothing to offer, since they refuse to preach Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
LCG's warning message does not lead people to life because it is not the message Jesus preached.
LCG's message had no impact on the population of the Tampa Bay area because it lacks Jesus, and therefore, is not of God.

Anonymous said...

LCG claims to be original Christianity - yet their weak, ineffectual preaching proves the contrary.
Acts 4:33
With GREAT POWER, the Apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the LORD JESUS. And God's GRACE was so POWERFULLY at work in them all.
There's no Jesus in LCG's preaching, so there is no power in their work.

Hoss said...

they refuse to preach Jesus

I can't account for LCG, but when I was in (pre-1986) WCG, they did preach Jesus, but that was mostly inwardly.
By that, I mean preaching Jesus "to the choir" but not to the public. To the public, fringe doctrines and doctrinal wedgies (teachings intended to "wedge" people from their existing churches' teachings) were meant as the "draw". From HWA's marketing background, he knew he must make his product unique. Preaching Jesus would not achieve this, because that was what all the other denominations did. So, he had to select from eclectic collection of unorthodox teachings what he could "get people's attention" to make them interested enough to ask for more information.
Once inside the WCG, things did change - one may say for both good and bad - but "preaching Jesus" was more extant than in his approach to the public.

Anonymous said...

Cronyism is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

6:47 said, "so he had to select from eclectic collection of unorthodox teachings what he could "get people's attention" to make them interested enough to ask for more information."

HWA had to present a different product, but why would he include shuch draconian doctrines as healing, D & R, and all of the Holy Days? Why not just Sabbath keeping, tithing, Passover and Pentecost? Perhaps he wanted to be sure that those who came were really committed.

Hoss said...

Anon 439 - Not sure about the rationale for topic selection, but the progression seemed to be try to hook with the broadcast, get people to write for literature and the PT, get on the Correspondence Course, ask for a visit from a minister, go to a service...

The Correspondence Course progressively got into the doctrinal details that wouldn't be on the broadcast and possibly not in the PT (depending on which decade we're in). I remember notes in the CC that when someone asked for a visit that they should include what lesson they were in.

Anonymous said...

My experience when attending services in the 1980s was that when ministers mentioned the name Jesus, it had a foreign rather than natural tone to it. And was used in the manipulative sense rather than the authoritarian 'this is our moral reference.' The authoritarian tone was used exclusively for Herbs teachings.

Anonymous said...

So far, none of the above comments are even close to reality.
How sad.
Did anybody even listen in the 60’s to the 90’s?
It appears not.

Anonymous said...

We listened, found what we were taught to be wanting, and moved on, 8:28. We were taught HWAcaca.

Anonymous said...


That’s it, caca?

No, you didn’t listen or your language would be on a much higher mental level and maturity.

As would the language of all other critics without culture here.

Anonymous said...

I conceal my intelligence and culture when answering a fool according to his folly!

Anonymous said...

ROTFLMAO 5:25! You must be smoking some good stuff today! Mother Mary of God!

If you think we see you as intelligent then you are truly the fool!

Anonymous said...

Language offense! Worldly culture infection! You are rolling on the floor laughing your what off? I think you just upped the ante from caca with that one, 5:55!

Anonymous said...

8.28 AM
I assume you are attach guy Kevin. Yes, how sad that you refuse to repent.

Anonymous said...

Kevin is filled with so much anger that he can't think rationally. It's amazing that he can fly a plane like he claims. I would hate to be on one of his flights! Such a sad little man.

Earl said...

Sink me! I do believe 11:50 pines for that Armstrongist culture that excommunicated critics and beckoned their own to delicacies presented on golden serving ware and in Steuben crystal while listening to the Steinway Grand with a heavy buzz.

Anonymous said...

Who the heck is Kevin, and what did he do to you people?

Anonymous said...

Just a rude guy that used to post here. I think some are confusing the pilot (you?) with Kevin, but the pilot was not as caustic as Kevin.