Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Church of God International Capitulates


Bill Watson Has Won the War Over CGI’s Messaging

Lonnie Hendrix

The Church of God International’s long internal struggle over control of that organization’s messaging has resulted in a triumph for Bill Watson and his allies. For the last decade, Bill has been advocating a “conservative” political message for the church. Indeed, during that period, he has embraced Trumpism, QAnon conspiracy theories, authoritarianism, and anti-immigrant, anti-vaccination, anti-globalist, and America-First policy stances.

Why this fascination with extreme right-wing political beliefs? I believe that Bill’s views were forged in the fires of Herbert Armstrong’s teachings. In short, Bill believes that the English-speaking nations of the earth are the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh, capitalism is God’s system (and socialism is the Devil’s system), the church should be preaching a warning message which focuses on interpreting today’s headlines using biblical prophecies, illegal aliens and immoral people are destroying America’s Christian values and society, and most of the evils in the world are the consequence of elaborate and satanically inspired conspiracies.

Of course, some of the folks in CGI saw Bill’s partisanship as a potential liability. They believed that it was unwise to take sides in the divisive political and cultural wars raging in the United States. In other words, immediately alienating half of their potential audience did not seem like a wise course of action to them. Some of the folks in CGI leadership (like Vance Stinson, Jeff Reed, and Wynn Skelton) believed that the church should be preaching Christ’s Gospel message and avoiding the bankrupt preoccupation with headline theology which had resulted in so many prophetic failures for Herbert and Garner Ted. Many of these folks recognized that Anglo-Israelism had been thoroughly discredited and made its advocates look like a bunch of racists. Moreover, many of these folks thought that the church shouldn’t be taking any position on things like vaccinations and other public health measures.

Unfortunately, the evidence suggests that Bill’s views have prevailed within CGI. Indeed, in his most recent sermon, Defining the End Game, Pastor Watson delivered a detailed justification of his views, and the church posted it on their website! In his message, Bill’s longing for the “good ole days” of his youth was on full display. In short, the fear and grievances which have been the hallmark of Trumpism were front and center in his sermon. He noted that things are changing in America and around the world. He said: “This isn’t the same United States of America that I grew up in.” Watson then went on to reiterate: “We are living in a different country.” For Watson and his followers, America is morphing into something foreign and frightening.

The problem with this longing for the America of the past will be readily apparent to some of us. The truth is that America has always had its moral failings. While the 1950’s and early 1960’s may have been a golden age for folks like Mr. Watson, they weren’t so nice for people of color, women, and homosexuals. Those were the days when it was still acceptable to discriminate against, control, beat, jail, and lynch folks that weren’t white heterosexual males. Those were the days when it was OK to dump just about anything you wanted to onto the land and into the oceans, lakes, and rivers and into the air that we all have to breathe. Those were the days when the United States and Soviet Union were building great stockpiles of nuclear weapons capable of erasing all life from this planet and were engaging in proxy wars against each other around the globe.

According to Bill, too many folks simply cannot discern what is currently happening and are basically in denial about just how bad things really are for America. For Mr. Watson, it is incomprehensible that so many people cannot see this. In his view, they are like the frog in the pot of tepid water that is gradually brought to a boil. He declared: “I’m watching the United States slip away right before my very eyes!” According to Mr. Watson, bad people are changing our culture and the very nature of our social structure. For Bill, the culprits are homosexuals, transgender folks, abortion advocates, euthanasia advocates, and those nasty socialists and globalists.

What does all of that have to do with religion and things spiritual? Bill then proceeded to quote extensively from the seventh and eighth chapters of the book of Daniel and chapters 13, 17, and 18 of the book of Revelation. For Pastor Watson, these prophecies point to “Agenda 2030” and “The Great Reset.” Bill believes that corporations, governments, and the media are gaslighting all of us and are actively working to establish a socialistic system which controls everyone. He suggests that most folks will concede and conform to these controls, and that those who resist this governmental structure will suffer. Indeed, in this part of his sermon, his message sounded an awful lot like the Seventh Day Adventist’s predictions about laws enforcing Sunday observance.

Of course, the pastor completely dismisses any notion that folks like Soros and Gates are actually trying to help folks and prevent us from destroying ourselves. Once again, Mr. Watson believes that the objective of these folks is socialism and control. They are the servants of the Devil, and Bill and his allies are warning everyone about their nefarious activities. He quotes the very conservative Imprimis in the same breath that he quotes Scripture and doesn’t see any irony in employing the two together.

Finally, Bill ended his hour and fourteen minute long message by quoting from the twenty-fourth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew (an old Armstrongism favorite). For the pastor, Jesus was talking to the members of CGI in this passage – telling them to be alert to what’s going on in the world. Mr. Watson doesn’t want any of his followers to be caught off guard when Christ returns to this earth. Of course, Christ’s real message that his disciples should be prepared at all times – busily doing the things which he had commanded them to do – is completely lost on Bill. For Bill, this passage is an endorsement of his messaging – it validates his preoccupations with headline theology and right-wing politics.

Now, while it has been sad to see Bill and his allies go down this rabbit hole, it is even more disheartening to see people who know better providing a church platform for his messaging. Moreover, their website disclaimer seems weak, ineffectual, and pathetic when it is compared to the determined convictions of Bill and his allies. Yes, the website notes that the “information and opinions expressed on this website do not necessarily reflect the collective beliefs and doctrines of the Church of God International, its members, ministry, or leadership,” but that sure sounds like someone trying to justify something they know is wrong to me. For me, images of Pontius Pilate washing his hands and declaring his innocence come to mind. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

America was much better before it went for the mental illness of wokism.

Anonymous said...


It's easy to tell Liberal-Lonnie is from the Sanctuary-state of Illinois.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

1:31 and 1:49 completely miss the point that this stuff is INAPPROPRIATE coming from the pulpit. WTF is "wokism"? Can you define it? Are you suggesting that America was better when it was OK to use the N word to designate African Americans? Also, I am fiscally conservative, and I believe that BOTH of our political parties have FAILED on immigration. I believe that we should have a comprehensive immigration policy, and that illegal immigration should NOT be tolerated! I also believe that Bill and you are entitled to every political opinion you hold. I just don't believe that it is appropriate to be expressing them from Church platforms!

Anonymous said...

"America was much better before it went for the mental illness of wokism!"

Well, hey! Now you know one church you can go to! Apparently CGI loves to create strawmen and to practice binary thinking. None of the other ministers even raised a finger to combat all this Watsplainin' and now it's part of their internal gnosticism!

Anonymous said...

The author of this article is trying to create a false dichotomy. All politics is an expression of a certain underlying moral code. If the moral code is unchristian, the resulting politics is open to criticism.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Anonymous 7:06,

Christ's disciples are supposed to be as strangers and pilgrims on the earth, NOT a part of this world's political system. We are expected to be subject to that system, NOT a part of it.

BP8 said...

Good point 706.

We, like Jesus Christ, can be critical of this world system without being a part of it (see John 7:7).

How many on this site criticize Armstrongism but are not a part of it??

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Why do the heathen rage?

Bill is right. America is going down the sewer, but that was prophesied long ago.
Man wants things his way, and God's way gets in the way of man's desires. Politics reflects that.

That being said, CGI has long had difficulty not crossing the line between criticizing the political morality of the world and getting into politics.

Bill is basically correct, and he has a duty to warn the flock of the evils of today.

Anonymous said...

Right-wing politics is a renunciation of HWA’s teaching. HWA regarded politics in general to be nothing more than another worldly system created by men. That is why he taught that voting was wrong. His view as that men should not choose their political direction but should rely on God’s leadership. But there is a more profound principle that he espoused, beyond being against voting, that must be considered a part of his teaching for present-day COGs.

HWA stood firmly against competition. Competition is the engine not only behind voting but also behind conservative, capitalist economics. Competition drives Adam Smith’s “invisible hand”. But this is what HWA said about competition on page 91 of the 1985 edition of the Mystery of the Ages:

“He (Satan) reasoned that competition would be better than cooperation.”

For HWA the principle of competition was at the root of the Satanic system that directs human civilization. And this principle shows up dramatically in conservative economics. But it also shows up in another evil system – evolution. Competition is the engine that drives evolution. Flora and fauna compete for survival. The success of one life form may be the death of others. Herman Hoeh offered the following view but I cannot recall where I got this information – probably somewhere in my past association with Ambassador College. Sorry, it has been too long ago. He believed that the fallen angels were supposed to manage the flora and fauna of the earth but neglected to do this. What they did was develop a system of competition among species in the form of natural selection to manage the flora and fauna of the earth. In this manner, they could be absentee managers. Instead, they relied on the impersonal principle of competition to do the management. I do not believe this view of natural history is true but it indicates how competition was regarded within the WCG.

When I came into the WCG back in in the last century, the stock market, that conservative monument to economic competition (The Wall Street Journal has always been an iconic conservative newspaper), was regarded with suspicion. Here is a quote concerning this:

“Selfish taking, in any way, shape or form, is the direct antithesis of the character of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Any fiddling with such dubious ventures as gambling, any incessant fixation with the vagaries of the stock market, cuts across the spirit and thrust of the Eighth Commandment. (Earle, K. Neil, “A Sure Test of Integrity. You shall not Steal”, Good News Magazine, March 1983, p. 11)”

I mentioned this stance, in my naïve days, to an AC graduate who had been a ministerial assistant and he told me, to my surprise, that as soon as the Holy Day offerings were accumulated, they were immediately invested. I had gotten the impression that stock market activities were forbidden. I remember a guy who was disfellowshipped and marked from the pulpit and the fact that he had he played the stock market was prominently featured.

I searched an archive of WCG publications and tried to find a positive statement about capitalism. It was often cited as a counterpoint to communism but was never endorsed. If you are a right-winger and you remove economic competition from your agenda, you don’t have a lot left. Go to a conservative political conference and declare before the audience that you do not believe in competitive capitalism but in a cooperative, managed economy and see where that takes you. Though he had mixed views, I think HWA had a decided affinity for liberalism. It is odd that modern COGs would neglect his beliefs yet vaunt his person. Apparently, they don’t believe “in” HWA but “on” HWA.


Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Some of these comments are SOOOOO hypocritical (but I guess that's to be expected from the legalistic Pharisees of the ACOGs). I wonder how these folks would respond to a minister endorsing Democratic policies and Joe Biden? We all know that they'd be pulling their hair out and gnashing their teeth!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...


You are correct that Herbie forbade participation in the American political system by his membership. However, most of the political positions and warnings which Bill and his allies have adopted are clearly based on Herbert's teachings as noted in this post. Not voting never stopped Herbie from offering his perspective/opinions on a host of issues facing the United States. And, of course, most of his warning message was directed to the English-speaking peoples of the earth - especially citizens of the U.S.

Moreover, just as Herbie taught for many years that interracial marriages were undesirable, it's not hard to imagine how he would have reacted to the illegal influx of people of color from the South. Nevertheless, in terms of economics, you are also correct to note that HWA often pointed out the flaws of Capitalism in his messaging. He clearly saw that system as just another flawed manmade system which rejected God's way. Herbie's followers have obviously forgotten that part of his teachings (and I think he was right about that one). Even so, one can discern Herbie's fingerprints in Bill's full-throated embrace of Capitalism (and rejection of Socialism) - the whole imminent downfall of America thing!

Anonymous said...

Why do people leave a toxic ACOG cult only to return to toxic orthodoxy? It seems to me that the toxic need to abuse and be abused has become rooted in their soul.

Anonymous said...

The hippies did a better job of identifying the correct political, economic, humanitarian, and environmental positions than HWA ever did. Stoned, you say? What was Herbie on his Harvey's or Dom?

Anonymous said...

" I wonder how these folks would respond to a minister endorsing Democratic policies and Joe Biden? "

Well, the pope in Rome has been doing that for some time now, and that reveals his morality. We all know what the COG thinks of the pope, don't we.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can hear it all right now! "When in Sodom, do as the Sodomites do."

Anonymous said...

One false teaching of Armstrongism is that Christians are prohibited from voting. This is just one reason why evil has multiplied in the governments of various nations as Christians gave up positions of authority and the vacuum was filled by antichristians. Hence, the mess we’re all in now.

Anonymous said...

Yep and we’re seeing the consequences of this abdication all around us with Christian views being increasingly excluded and canceled. We’ve sown the wind…

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about??? They've taken over the Supreme Court!

Anonymous said...

But the reality is fake name person that christianity is suffering an dangerous epidemic of strong political leaning, gross lack of faith and godliness in ministry and leadership and a COG that reflects that.
And this blog is a connect symbol of all that. You can hide but you cannot fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.

Anonymous said...

Hardly any of them on here, ruling the roost, have ever left.

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Jesus Christ and his apostles and disciples preached to people. The focus was on saving the world by redeeming one person at a time. Jesus said HIS Kingdom was NOT of this world. In other words, he was NOT interested in rebelling against or resisting Rome or its representatives. Christ's mission was NOT to improve or save the nations of THIS world. Scripture states that God's Kingdom will destroy and replace the governments and economic systems of this world. Christ focused on the spiritual, and the condemnations which he offered were reserved for the RELIGIOUS leaders of his day.

The way for the Christian to make the world a better place now is to be an example of Godly behavior to the world around us. Just as Jesus was a light to the world, we also should serve as lights in the darkness. The Christian message should be focused on Jesus Christ, and what HE has done for each one of us - the saving of our souls. Yes, an important part of that message is the preaching of repentance, but there is NO mandate to impose our morality on others. Individual people can be Christians - nations and businesses CANNOT!

The United States is one of the nations of THIS world, and just like the other nations of this world - it is destined to be overthrown and replaced someday. Like those other nations, the U.S. is part of the Babylonian system of this world. Yes, some of us are citizens of the United States, but ALL Christians are citizens of the Kingdom first and foremost - that is where our primary allegiance and responsibility is to be found. Capitalism, communism, and socialism are manmade systems influenced by Satan. NONE of them are God's system!

For the children of Israel, God's commandments were to be fastened to their hands and foreheads as a reminder of their obligation to obey God and put him first. Under the New Covenant, Christians are warned NOT to receive the Beast's mark on their hands or foreheads - the symbol of allegiance to that system! In other words, the MARK of the beast isn't a tattoo, microchip, or Sunday observance - it is becoming a part of this world's system! Indeed, the book of Revelation informs us that anyone who is NOT a part of that system (i.e. Christians) will not be able to "buy or sell" (participate in the economy of that system - see Revelation 13).

Hence, as Christians, it is incumbent on us NOT to become too entangled in civilian affairs. Just as Paul was a Roman citizen, we can be citizens of the nations where we live, but we must always remember that we must never allow that citizenship to interfere with or supersede our citizenship in God's Kingdom. Moreover, each of us is obligated to our own personal conscience in this regard - you have to decide for yourself where the lines are - how much involvement in this world's systems is too much!

Anonymous said...

Yes and that's despite those like HWA teaching for decades false Masonic Secularist doctrines like the government must be seperate and uninfluenced by the Christian religion.

BP8 said...

Lonnie at 556 makes some valid points concerning this world system although I think a couple are misleading.

"Christ was not interested in rebellion against Rome".

Christ's condemnations which He offered "were reserved for the RELIGIOUS leaders of His day".

Both statements are meant to imply that "politics" have no place in the Christian message. Actually, I believe that scriptures such as Matthew 23 and John 7:7 prove the opposite!

Consider this: The powers of the Jewish leadership "were not limited to merely religious affairs while the Romans controlled civil matters. On the contrary, the Romans allowed them the same large control of internal affairs that they granted other subject peoples. They not only administered civil matters according to Jewish law but also dealt with criminal justice, keeping its own police force and making arrests" "They had both religious and political powers". (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 1988 edition, volume 4, pages 331, 333).

This shows that the the Jews of Christ's day were both the religious leaders and the government, and his condemnations was as much against the political system as the religious system, the common factor being the "system" (John 7:7)!

What does this have to do with religion and things spiritual you ask?


Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

BP8 took issue with some of my comments: "he was NOT interested in rebelling against or resisting Rome or its representatives." In the Gospel of Matthew, we are told that Christ's attitude was "render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's." Likewise, the apostle Paul wrote to the saints at Rome: "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves."

Also: "Christ focused on the spiritual, and the condemnations which he offered were reserved for the RELIGIOUS leaders of his day." I challenge anyone to find even ONE instance in the Gospels where Jesus criticized Rome, the emperor, or his representatives in Palestine. We should also note that EVERY charge of hypocrisy which Jesus uttered was directed at Jewish religious leaders, and they ALL related to religious/spiritual matters! Again, using the four gospels, I challenge anyone to contradict me.

As for the assertion that Jewish religious leaders had control of some civil matters, that is misleading. Yes, the Romans allowed the Jewish religious leaders to play a limited role in civil matters, but they had the final word. Moreover, most of the civil authority was exercised by the Roman governor of the province and the Herodian kings which served at Rome's pleasure. While government policies can obviously have moral or spiritual implications, the New Testament does not allude to or even imply ANY role for Christians in formulating governmental policy. Indeed, if that policy interferes with Divine expectations, the Christian must submit to whatever punishment the civil authority chooses to administer for failing to conform.

Anonymous said...

MJ/LCH said: "I challenge anyone to find even ONE instance in the Gospels where Jesus criticized Rome, the emperor, or his representatives in Palestine. We should also note that EVERY charge of hypocrisy which Jesus uttered was directed at Jewish religious leaders, and they ALL related to religious/spiritual matters! Again, using the four gospels, I challenge anyone to contradict me...While government policies can obviously have moral or spiritual implications, the New Testament does not allude to or even imply ANY role for Christians in formulating governmental policy. Indeed, if that policy interferes with Divine expectations, the Christian must submit to whatever punishment the civil authority chooses to administer for failing to conform."

Your words got me thinking about John the Baptist criticizing Antipas for, among other evils, marrying his half-brother Philip's wife, Herodias, (who was also both Antipas and Philip's niece). According to Biblical law this "marriage" was both unlawful and immoral. For this John was imprisoned and later beheaded. It makes me think of a discussion I had with my brother-in-law soon after the Covid pandemic when I came to the realization that those in positions of power can and will do whatever they want to me if I express my Christian views and act accordingly. They can (using an extreme example) imprison me or execute me. But, I will not compromise my conscience and principles. Besides, ultimately God will judge them, their government and their unjust actions metered against me and my brothers and sisters who think and act likewise.

BP8 said...

Lonnie at 516
I listened to Bill's sermon and NOTHING was said or implied concerning REBELLION against the government or formulating governmental policy. These are smoke screens!

Also, hypocrisy is hypocrisy! Whatever can be said of one movement of this world system applies to all, whether it be the government, the church, science, the media, big Pharma, etc. What part of Matthew 23 or John 7:7 does not apply to all these entities?

Like HWA and other theologians, I also believe God has given this world system a space, whether 6000 or 600,000 years to prove itself, and it would be against His will to try to thwart that process. Yes, we are to be law abiding citizens (Romans 13). It would be counter productive to God's plan if we weren't. But we still have the God given charge to pursue and prove the truth on any matter and reject any doctrine or idea that is detrimental to our health and well being.

You have pointed out that we are warned to NOT take the Beast's mark and become a part of this system, even if we suffer certain consequences. To do that we need to know what's going on in this system so we can take heed that no man deceives us, Matthew 24:4. To that I say,

Thanks Bill. Good sermon!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...


I'm not as worried about folks like you endorsing Bill's message, because you have demonstrated evidence of independent thinking skills and arriving at your own conclusions. Nevertheless, there are a lot of people in Bill's audience who are so steeped in Armstrongist theology that their ability to formulate and reach independent conclusions has been seriously compromised. Your comment also ignores the fact that Bill has openly supported Republican policies and candidates from the pulpit in past sermons. And, he well knows that the people who respect his theological chops are susceptible to his suggestions within the political realm. You and he are certainly entitled to the conclusions you've reached - you are also entitled to evangelize those views to others. However, I say again - you and Bill are NOT entitled to express those views from Church platforms as representatives of our Savior!