According to Timothy Kitchen, our connection to Jesus Christ came to us through Herbert Armstrong. Much like Mary is used in the Catholic Church as a way to experience Christ, Herbert is our avenue to having a relationship with Jesus.
God sent Jesus to the church. God had Jesus send the church Herbert Armstrong. Through Jesus and Herbert, we got the ministry. Eliminating any of these steps will eliminate you from the Kingdom of God and will get your name stricken from the Book of Life. Wut?
Truly, Armstrongism gets dumber by the day!
The Body of Jesus Christ is connected to Jesus Christ. God the Father sent His Son. His son, Jesus Christ sent Herbert W Armstrong! Jesus Christ THROUGH Herbert W Armstrong sent the ministry! It was God the Father that sent them through Jesus Christ and Herbert W Armstrong! Eliminate any one of them, and you erase yourself from God's Church and Coming Kingdom, and from the book of Life! There is Government in His Body, and you break that chain in that Governmental line, whom God and Jesus Christ placed, you're not in it. Hirelings, and wolves look to draw away members of God's Church, unto themselves, unto their organization and corporate Church. If they cannot pull the Father of the family, they go after the wife. And if the wife cannot be pulled away, they will go After the Children. I have witnessed this very thing! I have lived through it, and God shows me instantly when it happens, by the power of His Holy Spirit. Because without it, I would be blind to it. I wouldn't see it. But I do. That's God through and through, and the Glory goes to God. I have come across many wolves, who seek to steal and destroy, JUST AS JESUS CHRIST SAYS! They, the hirelings and wolves, say the sheep have a path of destruction behind them, because many have clung to them with vain flatteries, or false pretenses! With ulterior motives! And their plans fell through and came to nothing! God's Word is true every time! Some were trying to take the children , literally. Some sought more members for their corporate Churches. All with lies and deception, false pretenses, of their father the Devil! Judge the fruits! What does God say He will do? The fire of God is coming up on the disobedient and rebellious! God come quickly and RIP your sheep from their claws and deliver what they have delivered to us!
"Chain in that government line?"
HWA ministers treat their members as rightless possessions, yet Timothy Kitchen, like the same ministers, only talks of church government. This is the fox talking to the chickens.
I sure liked the better Jesus that the Methodists taught me about before my parents were taken in by spiritual scam artist Herbert W. Armstrong. Life turned to shit quite rapidly after my parents got baptized!
Our connection to Jesus Christ had/has NOTHING to do with Herbert W Armstrong - NOTHING!!!!!! Jesus ALONE is the mediator of the New Covenant (Hebrews 8:6
, 9:15
, 12:24
). In the first epistle to Timothy, we read: "For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." (I Timothy 2:5, ESV
) Herbert Armstrong was not qualified to even be an elder (1 Timothy 3:1–7
and Titus 1:6–9
) - let alone an apostle!
Why give Timothy Kitchen repeated publicity ? You elevate his status for free. He will be loving the hatred as you dedicate posts to him alongside Flurry and others.
Agree. But many are qualified. All pastors preach but not all pastors pastor.
Well, now we definitely know that there are still some die-hard Herbert Armstrongists out there in the sea of "Herbert Armstrong is nothing to my faith" types I usually hear about. Can't have it both ways, though!
Sounds to me like Kitchen is putting Armstrong above or at least on par with doctrine. "Eliminate any one of them, and you erase yourself from God's Church and Coming Kingdom" - doesn't mention faith, Gospel, Sabbath, law, etc. Pretty important stuff. What happened to the people who would say, "I only believe what's in my Bible"? I don't read what Kitchen said in my Bible.
This is a textbook example of how Armstrongists reason things out to get what they want. They don't prove it, they just claim it and throw in a bucket of fear for those who disagree.
No doubt HWA was called, just as we all were. We could not know and understand the things we do otherwise. Satan's minions are also hanging around the Church, thinking that they are part of it. The problems in the Church are largely caused by them, and by the membership not standing strong against their heresies. HWA worship is a big one.
sorry you were dragged into the cult and all that went with it.
This statement from Kitchen is quite frankly blasphemy.
I give the Church of God credit for introducing me to Jesus Christ, but HWA was just an instrument, not the objective.
). I can live with this!
Scripture states,
Neither is he that plants or waters anything, but God who gives the increase (1 Cor.3:7
Let no one glory in men (1 Cor.3:21
For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants (2 Cor.4:5
Mental illness
Sam Kitchen's fear religion says: "...Eliminate any one of them, and you erase yourself from God's Church and Coming Kingdom, and from the book of Life!..."
; Ezekiel 28:19
; Matthew 25:41
, 46
, etc.). Thank God, that God of Abraham Laughter and Israel, for that!
"No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day."
"And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all [men] unto me."
) draw/drag all humanity to be a part of God's Kingdom (e.g. Matthew 25:32
), then who will save them/us? Again, not our choice, but God's will (not Sam Kitchen's will or that of any hireling of the former WCG) be done.
We may all thank God He isn't adhering to that form of fear religion, like so many of the hirelings of the former WCG still preach.
To draw/drag or not to draw/drag is a question.
God will not draw/drag Satan and his angels (2 Peter 2:12
Who will God draw/drag currently over the past approximately 2,000 years? We've all been told this before.
John 6:44
We've been taught via the Bible that that verse applies to those who God had planned to make as His sealed Firstfruits, part of His Church: God's Church. Not our choice: it is the Father's choice.
So, what's left? The rest of humanity
John 12:32
If God does not by the power of His Spirit through His Son (I Cor 8:6
But, time will tell...
I'm just thankful that Jesus was sent to us as a human, to save people. Be a hell of a thing if we missed out because he was sent as an elephant to save all the animals. The way most humans are, though, I wouldn't have blamed God it he'd done that!
This is why my WCG splinter Church of one person (me) is "Lake of Fire Church of God". I am condemned to the Lake of Fire according to WCG theology for rejecting Herbert Armstrong and following Jesus Christ, our lord and savior.
Kitchen comes across as being so "holy" and "righteous" with the repeated use of "unto" and all those exclamation marks!!!!!
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