In this photo provided by the Owen family, Rob Owen holds his stillborn daughter Clare Elizabeth Owen, March 7, 2008, at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring, Md. This photo was taken by the mother, Erin Fogarty Owen, from her hospital bed.
One man wrote in and said this:
I know this for sure from personal experience. Our baby was stillborn in 1982. The WCG minister declined to take any sort of funeral, as he was adamant that our child would never be resurrected. This is no doubt why this is a subject very close to my heart.
Was this a WCG policy? I have never heard of this happening before. It would not surprise me if it did though. I also could almost guarantee you that that minister is now part of LCG or PCG!
We did have one minister in Pasadena (Imperial Gym) who told a young woman who had gotten pregnant that her "bastard child would never make it into the Kingdom of God." The young girl was devastated. He did not care and laughed about it with others. He also was the same guy who told his congregation that they were to turn in fellow church members if you knew they were reading "dissident" literature.
When I hear stories such as this it makes my blood boil! What kind of deviate men are these guys? They have no right being ministers. How many more lives will be destroyed by these degenerates before the membership says "enough is enough!"