Showing posts with label In Vetro Fertilization is an abomination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label In Vetro Fertilization is an abomination. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

In Vetro Fertilization is an ABOMINATION! - It is illicit sex without face to face intercourse!!!!!!!

At least according to Apostle Malm. 

He is none too happy with Merritt's book called  "When Does Human Life Begin?"

The main issue being promoted by the Merritt book is that life does not begin until implantation and that if there is no implantation of a fertilized egg there is no life.  This is the premise that all the fancy Latin and involved explanations are designed to support.

The point of this position [no life before implantation] is to justify certain birth control devices; and to justify in vitro fertilization and the destruction of  “extra” fertilized eggs.  This argument is used to justify the abomination of harvesting eggs and fertilizing them, then choosing one or two and destroying the rest.

To begin with and completely outside the issue of the beginning of life, is the simple fact that this is adultery and illicit sex; without the natural act of intercourse, but illicit sex just the same!

For a woman to allow the removal of some of her eggs and then to have an anonymous “donor” contribute his sperm is a shocking abomination!  It is illicit sex without face to face intercourse between the two.

Then, The Apostle get's into some more rules and regulations for unclean women:

The argument is made in the book that many fertilized cells are simply not implanted and are flushed out of the body.  This is seen to bolster the argument that life does not begin until implantation.  First, this issue is greatly exaggerated by the medical community because it is self serving to do so.  Second, this argument actually ignores a specific command of God which completely reverses this argument.

God commands in Lev 15 that sexual activity must be avoided from the first onset of menstruation for a full seven days.  This command is given because of the obvious issue of cleanliness and uncleanness, but it also prevents the fertilizing of the egg as it passes through the uterus! 

Only TRUE CONVERTED MEN who will avoid menstruating women will be made RIGHTEOUS before God!

Avoiding a menstrual woman is one of the commands that makes a man righteous before God; and will bring the gift of life to him!  Please study this list, as it reveals very much about true conversion and the way to life eternal

The next thing you know The Apostle will be requiring the women in his cult to wear red bracelets to let everyone know they are having their period !  

How long will it take before The Apostle starts advocating menstruation huts? 

You can read the rest of The Apostle's screed here: When Does Human Life Begin? by J L. Merritt, M.D. & J. Lawrence Merritt, M.D