Showing posts with label Jason Fritts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jason Fritts. Show all posts

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Doug Winnail on the dangers of rebellion and not following wise decisions of LCG ministers


Below is the letter Doug Winnail sent to the ministry of LCG in the wake of Sheldon Monson and Jason Fritts's departure. It is pretty hypocritical of Doug Winnail to be condemning Monson and Fritts on their recent departure considering the fact that he and Rod Meredith did the exact same things when they left the mother church and started Global Church of God and then in a rebellious fit of rage started Living Church of God.

One thing for sure about the current state of affairs in the Church of God movement is that it is the best soap opera ever created.

Received from an LCG source this morning.

To: All Ministers
Greetings Fellow Elders,

The recent departure of two ministers here in the USA with several other elders and those who have followed them has generated numerous posts on social media that contain inaccurate assertions and some wildly distorted accounts of what led to this departure. Some posts claim that these two men were treated unfairly, and even harshly, that they were yelled at in an attempt to intimidate and humiliate them and then summarily fired after this rigorous ordeal by their unfeeling superiors. I want to provide you with some firsthand background information so that you can address any questions that you may encounter. While this departure may not be affecting your congregation (it is mainly affecting a few small pockets around the United States where these men have pastored or had friends or people they worked with at camp—including young people, there are important lessons for all of us to learn from this situation. 

LCG has never "learned" any important lessons over the last 25+ years. They keep repeating the same mistakes and claiming martyrdom when caught. 

The seeds of this departure are exactly like the seeds Meredith and others planted months before they apostatized from the Worldwide Church of God in a fit of self-righteous rage because they had a better way of doing things. 

The seeds of this departure go back some time, as many can attest, but began to emerge openly in comments made by these ministers in sermons, Bible Studies and personal comments at the Teen Camp in Texas this summer. Several ministers and other adults sensed these men were divisive and critical of the leadership of the Church. One of these ministers also mentioned in some of his congregations that he might be fired for his actions. 
After camp, we asked these two ministers to come to Charlotte to discuss their ideas (that we are dishonoring God by wearing a mask at services and that we are sinning if we don’t sing at services). Several of us here then spent about 4 ½ hours with these men, talking to them and listening to their ideas. At one point, one person here did raise his voice for 5-10 seconds and then apologized. He did not appreciate these men openly disagreeing with Church decisions and using the forum of a youth summer camp to do so where his children were in attendance. He was not the only incensed parent who felt this was totally inappropriate and did not appreciate it. He was also concerned about how these ideas were affecting some people in congregations that he has pastored. As we listened, we also let these men know that we did not agree with their ideas. They were informed that we would bring their ideas before the Council of Elders. It was not our intention to fire them when we invited them to Charlotte to talk. 

It is interesting to read how they were concerned about how members of congregations were affected by Monson and Fritts's stances. They were not concerned when they were actively seeking to steal members and money from the Worldwide Church of God as they plotted and schemed with Don Davis to set up the Global Church of God. They were not concerned when they stabbed Raymond McNair in the back and took all of Global's money and most of its members to start the Living Church of God. They left a trail of broken lives in the wake of each of these decisions and now they are concerned about how people have been affected? 

Later that week, one of the ministers joined a special online meeting of the Council of Elders that lasted for more than four hours. We also asked him to submit a paper providing the scriptural basis for his ideas. This was the first time the Council had seen this information. Our standard approach has been for new ideas to be submitted to and discussed by the Council before these ideas were preached to congregations. However, this had not occurred, even though these men had been promoting these ideas for some time. No one on the Council agreed with their ideas. There was no yelling or screaming. There was no intimidation. However, a number of men spoke frankly, yet respectfully, indicating they did not agree with what they were hearing from this minister. We later sent out papers countering these ideas.

When the Worldwide Church of God spoke with Meredith and many other ministers that were joining Meredith in his rebellion they were asked if they would support the decisions and teachings of the church, none of them agreed to and felt they should separate themselves and go their own way. They saw nothing wrong with this and yet they see Monson and Fritts as being in a state of rebellion. 

Meredith and the other ministers that followed him never grasped the fact that their decision and rebellion was going to have a negative impact upon the WCG. And if they did, they certainly did not care! 

The next day, Mr. Weston and I spoke with each of these men on the telephone. When they were asked if they could support the decisions and teaching of the Church, they both indicated they could not. In fact, one of the ministers commented that since we appeared to be on separate pages, we should just go our separate ways. As a result, they were relieved from their roles as ministers in the LCG. That decision was made when they each stated that they could not support the decisions and teachings of the Church. The decision was also based on the verified fact that for some time these men were making numerous negative and divisive comments about leaders of the Church, and they had been in open disagreement with decisions made by church leaders. One man was offered time to think it over, but he said his mind was made up and would not be changed by postponing a decision. Neither man appeared to grasp the seriousness of the negative comments they had been making or the impact of those comments on others and how their ideas were dividing the Church. Since these conversations, they have departed and started their own organization. One minister has been marked for causing division (Romans 16:17-18) since he has been the leader, the other minister has been made a former member. Both men and their followers should be avoided. In our view, this has been a very sad situation. 

Church government has always been used as a weapon to keep members and ministers under control. Of course, that government goes out the window when men set themselves up as saviors of the truth once delivered and do what they want to do. Once they set up their fiefdoms, woe be to anyone who dares to cross their self-righteous paths and question them!  Those rebellious people are in direct rebellion against the very government of God! They are Korah's! They were just like Ananias and Sapphira!

There are a number of lessons that we can learn from all of this. The Scriptures reveal that God has placed authority in His Church. Moses was instructed to appoint leaders in Israel to judge the people (Exodus 18:24-26). Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:18 that God places us in the body as it pleases Him and that Jesus Christ established different roles and offices in the Church for doing His work (Ephesians 4:11-12). The Bible also records that there are serious consequences if those offices and that authority are not respected (see the example of Korah and his rebellion along with 250 leaders in Numbers 16 and Aaron’s and Miriam’s mistake in speaking against Moses in Numbers 12). While Moses was not perfect, the consequences of speaking against the authority of his office were serious and dramatic—as a lesson to others. We see a similar situation in the actions of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11). The men leading this current departure (and now some of their followers ) have been making negative comments about church decisions and leaders for some time—in spite of these biblical examples. 

Winnail admits that people who are in rebellion against the government of God (i.s church leadership) are not pleasing God when they do so. Yet, it was pleasing to their god when they rebelled against the mother church and formed TWO separate COG splinter groups. No rebellion there! No sirree!  

While these departing ministers are emphasizing the importance of having faith and trust in God’s promises for protection from disease (Exodus 15:25) and healing from sickness (James 5:14-16), we also need to put our faith and trust in other very clear instructions we find in the Scriptures. The biblical instructions for resolving controversies in the Church are found in Deuteronomy 17:8-11. When controversies arise, the issue is to be taken to the priests and Levites to be judged, and when a decision is made, it is to be followed. However, if a person acts presumptuously and ignores the decision made by the elders, there were serious consequences that were witnessed by the entire nation—as a lesson that this was not pleasing to God. 

Rod Meredith and the men who followed him into two different groups caused confusion when they rejected counsel.  

We see this biblical process for resolving controversies in action in Acts 15 when the question of circumcision of Gentiles was addressed. The issue was brought to the elders in Jerusalem, and a decision was made and promulgated to other congregations so there would be a unified policy. However, it appears that not everyone agreed with this decision as other individuals continued to create dissension by pointing back to the OT command for circumcision (Genesis 17:9-14; Galatians 1:6-7; 5:1-6). Yet, we read in Matthew 16:18-19 that God has given His Church and its leaders the authority to make decisions about the application of scriptures for the unity and benefit of the body (2 Chronicles 30:22-23; Ephesians 4:12-13). The Bible also warns that when everyone does their own thing, the result is chaos and confusion (Judges 21:25) and that also leads to serious consequences (Proverbs 14:12).

The Bible also provides numerous guidelines to help us avoid making serious mistakes. Proverbs 11:14 tells us “where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in a multitude of counselors there is safety.” These ministers felt they had to follow their conscience in these matters. However, our conscience is guided by our beliefs, which are based on our understanding of the Scriptures. If our understanding of the Scriptures is not correct, our conscience will be misinformed. These men chose to promote and follow their own ideas and ignore the advice of the Council of Elders regarding their understanding of the Scriptures. Proverbs 14:12 warns there is a way that seems right to a person, but that way leads to death. The Apostle Peter admonishes younger elders to be humble, respectful, and submissive to their elders (1 Peter 5:1-6), however, these ministers chose to reject the counsel they were given by senior ministers who were old enough to be their fathers. We need to remember these instructions. 

The track record of rebellion in the COG movement is a sure indication that the senior ministers of the church have been the most rebellious over the decades and are the ones who have caused the most damage to members' lives. Is it any better reason that people do NOT follow their advice?

Winnail goes on to write that the fruits of these departures have not been good (Global members can testify to that!) and admits that their own history proves this fact.

Another important lesson is from our own history as an organization. During the last 25 years, we have seen more than a dozen ministers and self-appointed leaders depart from the Global/Living Church of God. In nearly every case, these individuals found some point of doctrine they disagreed with or encountered situations they did not like or people they could not get along with or who did not accept their ideas. Yet, in nearly every case, the organizations they started either jumped the tracks doctrinally (with leaders claiming to be apostles or prophets) or their organization dwindled away to little or nothing. The fruits of these departures have not been good—and the evidence is there for anyone with eyes to see. This is why Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:1-11 that the historical examples in the Old Testament were recorded for our admonition today! Our own history as an organization should also be instructive. 

Winnail goes on to blame the internet for causing confusion in the church in spite of the fact LCG has caused so much confusion over the last 25+ years that no one knows exactly what they stand for anymore.  

But never fear though, it is NOT his role or LCG's role to pass judgment upon these rebellious men. the only role that LCG leadership has is to lovingly help you see the bigger picture than what you see on the internet and God forbid allow any ones personal feelings enter into the play.

In dealing with the fallout of this current departure, you will encounter people who are genuinely confused by what they see on the internet or because they have a personal relationship with some who are leaving. It is not our role as ministers (or as members) to pass judgment on the fate of people who are confused or have left. It is not our role, or the role of our members to determine who will be in the Place of Safety or in the Kingdom. That is God’s decision. However, you can encourage those who are confused to watch what happens as this situation plays out—and make their own decision based on the fruits they see. In Acts 5:33-39, Gamaliel advised those who were upset by the ministry of the apostles, “if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it.” Every person must make their own decisions about who they are going to follow. Our role is to try to help them see a bigger picture than what they see on the internet or what their personal feelings might tell them 

Rough times are ahead for the LCG organization as more men will split off and go their own ways and take members (money machines) with them. Income will drop and Satan will be the cause. 

Rebellious ministers and members will take to the internet and share their concerns and hurts and will be labeled as instruments of Satan that Paul warned about. Satan is like a roaring lion running around the world seeking to devour the LCG church and lead all of its members astray. LCG does not need to worry about big bad meanie Satan destroying the LCG, its very own leadership is doing a great job of that already.

Just remember boys and girls, if you see something on the internet that seems way out in left field, don't' worry, because it probably is! COG history proves this to be true! In the COG where there is smoke there is ALWAYS a fire burning and it is not always Satan who is behind it.

Fellow ministers, this departure will probably not be the last, because the times ahead will be challenging. We should not be surprised by this because Paul warned us this type of thing would happen (Acts 20:29-31). We all have to be alert because Satan is like a roaring lion seeking who he can deceive and devour (1 Peter 5:8). Satan knows our individual vulnerabilities, and he will try to exploit those weak points. Don’t let that happen to you. If you see or hear something on the internet that sounds way out, it probably is! However, if it sounds reasonable and you have questions, please call us to get our input. We need to work together because we have a work yet to do, that Satan will try to disrupt in any way that he can. Let’s pray for each other and for our members and for those who are caught up in this current departure. God does not want any of His sheep to be lost, and that is part of our job as shepherds 
Warm Regards,
Douglas S. Winnail

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

UPDATED: LCG Breaking News: LCG Members Outraged After Weston Fires Sheldon Monson and Jason Fritts Over Masks

From an LCG source:

LCG fired 2 ministers today. One was a long-standing COE member. The members are outraged. These 2 were extremely loved and in charge of the youth ministry. Sheldon was in charge of their camps (which just wrapped up). Weston is citing masks as the reason (comical and lame) but we all know that’s just the pathetic excuse they’ve come up with.

Sheldon Monson Jason Fritts

August 7, 2020 Dear Brethren, It is with a sad heart that I must announce that Sheldon Monson and Jason Fritts are no longer in the ministry of the Living Church of God. We spent four and a half hours on Monday of this week with both of them discussing differences over masks, singing, how faith is exercised, and a few other issues. Then we held a Council of Elders meeting yesterday with Mr. Monson and 16 other members and advisors of the Council for another four and a half hours. Today Dr. Douglas Winnail and I talked with Mr. Monson on the phone and he agreed that we have come to a parting of ways. We also spent more than two hours with Mr. Fritts and could not reach an agreement on these subjects. We do not have personal animosity toward either of these men. Mr. Monson has been a faithful minister for many years and Mr. Fritts, though younger, has also served faithfully for a number of years. We want to make this breach between us as painless and amicable as possible, but it is impossible as an ordained minister to hold different views of how to conduct services during this temporary time of stress and not cause division, no matter how sincerely held those views may be. Even without intending to do so, this causes confusion and fragmentation among members of the Church. It is important to understand the reasons for some of the decisions the Church has made and that were confirmed by 16 longtime ministers yesterday in the Council. And let me assure you that these are not all “yes men,” as those of you who know them can attest. We truly wanted to find a way to work through our differences so that we all speak the same thing, as Paul admonished in 1 Corinthians 1:10. We will explain the doctrinal issues and biblical principles in the services livestreamed from Charlotte this Sabbath to North America and believe that the overwhelming majority of you will understand. The Bible is replete with admonitions concerning how God views division and those who cause division, and is just as clear about the wisdom of avoiding such individuals. This does not mean that we see each other as enemies. If anything, we should pray for one another with a sincere heart, that they may be able to walk with us in unity in the near future. But for now, we are left with no other choice but to agree to disagree. Brethren, we must be unified as one body doing the Work God has given us to do. Christ warns us that a “house divided against itself will not stand” (Matthew 12:25). Our world is falling apart around us. Satan is very active in dividing the world right now, and he would love to do the same in the Church. God has blessed us greatly during this time, and we are doing our best to walk through the many open doors He has thrust on us in the last several months, so it is no surprise that Satan is attacking us now through sincere, well-meaning, but confused individuals. Brethren, please do not get caught up in the politics of this world and issues such as whether to wear a mask or not. Here is a letter from one of our members and what she sees: Thank you for the work you are doing. Life today in this world is so different than I ever thought it would be, although I knew that these things would happen. I am praying for you, please continue to pray for all of us in the work. This is truly a difficult time, and it may be a time when God is sifting the wheat from the tares again. I am beginning to see division in the Church because of the dumbest thing ever, “masks.” I pray that we all see the one behind all of this and realize that nothing, absolutely nothing happens without God’s permission. It is so sad. This is a trying time for all of us. Pray that we don’t allow ourselves to fall into Satan’s trap. I see how Satan is trying to separate us (me) from the love of God. He is astute and we (I) must keep crawling to God for deliverance from Satan, the world, and ourselves. My biggest problem is me! Life today seems bleak, please pray fervently that we are able to celebrate the Feast together this year and focus on God’s Kingdom, coming to replace this world’s kingdom. May God bless you, your wife, and all my beautiful family in Christ out at headquarters and around the world. Thank you all for giving all you have to do God’s work. The magazines, letters, sermons, programs, Viewpoints, Whiteboards, Living Education, and so much more freely offered to us all are incredibly helpful. God gives us many passages of scripture on how to handle matters of controversy in the Church. To say that you believe Jesus is the Head of the Church and then reject all the scriptures proving how He guides His Church when there are matters of controversy is showing a lack of faith in His leadership. Why is it, my friends, that we believe Jesus is active as the Head of the Church and guides the servants He has appointed to lead His Church only so long as they agree with us? Walking by faith is essential, but, brethren, we need to ask ourselves: Is it up to each person individually to define “faith” in terms of wearing or not wearing a mask and singing or not singing during this “present distress” (1 Corinthians 7:26)? Is it truly biblical? One not-so-peripheral issue in the first-century Church of God was circumcision. It was a big deal, where people had plenty of scriptural “evidence” on both sides. God provided that account in Acts as just one of many examples that teach us how Christ settles matters of controversy within His Body. Paul instructed the divided Corinthian congregation, “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become as sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:1-2). Some may wonder whether we will still have summer camps and the answer is an emphatic YES. We will have them as long as God permits us to do so! We have every intention to continue with our youth camps. I have spent 28 years working with our young people at our camps, and we have no intention of abandoning them. Please be assured that, overwhelmingly, the membership is loyal and has faith in Christ to lead His Church. As all of us understand, it is our responsibility not to get caught up in disputes over masks and other matters, but to preach the Kingdom of God. Let us not walk in fear but in faith, boldly doing the Work set before us while there is still time. Sincerely, in Christ’s service, Gerald E. Weston