Showing posts with label PCG SEP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PCG SEP. Show all posts

Monday, July 19, 2021

Gerald Flurry: “The Law is essential for this church to survive.” In other words, We Do Not Need Jesus

Exit and Support Network has a letter up about some of the idiotic things Gerald Flurry said recently to the youth at Philadelphia Church of God's Summer Educational Program camp in Edmond, OK.

July 17, 2021 
Gerald Flurry’s recent sermon entitled, “The God Family” was given to the youth at SEP. In it he made some wild over-the-top, even crazy, statements. Those who understand the false doctrines he is teaching, and the deceitful path he is on, will be able to spot this. Some of my comments are in brackets and in purple. 
He started and ended with loud music. Beforehand, it was the Celtic Throne music, which began with drums. 
At the beginning he did nothing but boast about the Celtic Throne performance, including the important people they had brought in. The CT performances are very important to GF and especially to his ego. He said the CT was “choreographed by God”; “inspired by God,” that this is one way the youth are “serving in the Work,” and it inspires them to “work even harder.” Astonishingly, he said the dancers “begin at age 4.” 

In the mother church, under the auspices of the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation, the celebrities and important people they came into contact with were vitally important to them. It was proof that God was on their side. No one knew of any of these important, rich, celebrities that ever joined the church. Other than dishing out money for tickets and maybe sponsoring a concert series, these people never gave money to the church. That did not matter to them. Like Gerald Flurry, their egos were stroked by these celebrities while it was the membership that dished out millions of dollars in tithe money to fund the concert series.

According to GF, this CT performance is a “God family” message “showing the world how God’s family serves” and how God “brings them nothing but blessings in their lives.” 
“We show them God’s way of life when they look behind the scenes.” [OK, let’s look at that scene. On the front we hear stirring, powerful music, spectacular lighting, dazzling costumes, young people Irish step-dancing across the stage, as they celebrate the “New Throne of David.” Then we pull the curtain back and what do we see? Destroyed families due to the no contact ruling, abuse, suffering, fear, control, exploitation, lies, unhappy children and young people. We see misery, sorrow, even death. Isn’t something very wrong with this picture?] [Note by ESN: To read more about all this see: Testimonies by Those Impacted by Philadelphia Church of God and letters.] 

This is the same crap stance that the WCG took when they promoted the concerts as the best in human ability and artistry. This was supposed to be the way the so-called kingdom of God was going to be like.

In this sermon GF emphasized Malachi’s Message, the Laodiceans, and how “God’s Law is taught at the SEP” and “we have to get out a God family message.” 

As usual, no message about Jesus, grace, justification, and mercy, just more law, and god/goddess crap.  

“The Law is essential for this church to survive.” [Without the Law the members would find they are under grace and would leave. See: The Law of Moses and the Grace of God.] 

As usual, Jesus is shoved to the back burner and only trotted out when necessary, usually around the so-called Passover time and even then, after they kill him again on the stage they leave them there for another year as they live miserable lives as sinners for another year. 

“God is going to forget the Laodiceans’ children if they forget God’s Law.” [Won’t this crazy statement make the PCG youth, especially the children of top ministers, feel special and glad that they are part of an elite, favored group?] 

This is such crap, but what should we expect from a cult that worships at the altar of Moses and blasphemes the Christ they claim to follow. 

Over the top statement—> “We have to be God to be married to God. That’s an amazing truth.” [It’s also an amazing lie.] 
[Note: For those who want to look into this “God family” doctrine, it is covered in our two Mystery of the Ages critiques.] 
After quoting from Malachi where it says Elijah would turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, etc., GF says the reason they have SEP is because God says (primarily says to the ministers but also to those who follow them), “If you refuse to teach that, you are going to lose your eternal life.” … “That’s very serious for you young people, and you have to understand this.” [Do the Scriptures anywhere say we can lose our eternal life? If we could, it wouldn’t be eternal.] 

Only in Armstrongism can one lose one's eternal life for the silliest of things. It is an impossibility for anyone who follows Jesus. Christianity has understood this for centuries, but not Armstrongite COG's though.

Also, when has the Philadelphia Church of God EVER turned the hearts of the fathers to their children? What they've done is break up families and marriages due to the asinine and perverted teaching that PCG members are to cut off all contact with family, spouses, and children who have left the church. Who can forget them telling the mother of a handicapped child to leave it at the mall so the state could take care of it which would then allow the mother to give more money to the church! Disgusting people!

There was talk about how the hearts are being turned to the fathers, etc. [When have the children’s hearts been turned to the fathers or vice versa? See: Testimonies From Child Survivors.] GF has blinders on, just as HWA did, in thinking everything is so wonderful and marvelous with the young people in PCG. Isn’t it the children of the top ministers that claim all is wonderful? 

Exactly! Its Flurry's grandkids and the elite children of elite PCG higher-ups that benefit from all kinds of privilege in the church, they are the only ones who benefit. 

He says Satan has turned 95% of God’s people [now Laodiceans] away and “Satan can seduce you right away.” [Wouldn’t this make Satan more powerful than God? He read several scriptures in I John yet didn’t understand what he was reading. 

Once again the all-powerful god of the PCG and the COG is able to turn people away from Flurry's so-called truth. When people are not at rest in the one they claim to follow and understand their security in HIm then of course they can be swayed by stupid ministers and church leaders. 

Crazy statement—–> “Christ must be with your Spirit. … If Christ isn’t with that Spirit the Spirit won’t help you.” GF could not even understand Galatians 5:18 (which he read): “But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.” He quickly went right on to say, “If you don’t keep the Law the Law will break you.” [Where does it say that in the Bible?] 

More law nonsense. Law is used only as a matter of control in the Church of God but what more should we expect when they deny the one who made a new covenant with the people. A covenant that does not include any of Flurry's law he claims is necessary.

He talked a lot about the movie Star Wars at the end and said if they (the youth) have the work ethic like George Lucas did, God is going to “bless their lives in ways like they could probably never imagine.” “If you really want to make it with God, you’re going to have to be a great servant. … an outstanding servant to God–to His Work, to His message, getting this message out.” [This would include giving their money to PCG.] 

More legalistic bullshit. The new covenant does not demand endless works in order to impress God to save you by the skin of your teeth.  

GF said he loved the music in Star Wars, but said it’s all fantasy. [Seems that what GF is preaching is fantasy] And we have to “proclaim this God family message.” After stating, “Let the real force be with you,” he played the theme of Star Wars loudly at the end. 
Does Gerald Flurry speak the truth? Does he have the Holy Spirit within him? Or is he unregenerate, hardened to the suffering and evil he has caused and even allows? Has he given himself over to a reprobate mind? Has he been taken over by a lying spirit? Isn’t this what happens to those who claim they “speak for God,” have received “new revelation,” appropriate biblical titles for themselves that belong to Christ, and then go on to leave Christ Jesus out as Lord and Savior and the center of their message, and of the entire Bible, failing to focus on Him, but instead focus on fables and lies? 

Does Flurry speak the truth? No!

Does Flurry have the Holy Spirit? No!

Is Flurry unregenerate? Yes!

Is Flurry a liar? Yes! 

Does Flurry follow Jesus? No! 

This warning has been given before. Get out before it is too late! –sermon critiqued by L. S.

Amen to that! Get out of the PCG ASAP! Your very life depends upon it! 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

As PCG Gears Up For Its Summer Reeducation Camp Parents Expected to Sign A Waiver That States: "the risk of injury to your child from the activities is significant including permanent disability and death"


The Philadelphia Church of God is getting ready to hold their yearly Summer "Educational" Program ( original) on their cult compound in Edmond Oklahoma. Horror stories circulate widely on Facebook from former attendees who were forced to participate in outdoor activities in high heat and extreme humidity and were ridiculed when they fell ill and many times were denied much-needed medical assistance. 

As you will see below, parents are expected to sign away their children's lives because PCG admits that the "risk of injury is significant including permanent disability and death"! So much for outgoing godly love towards its potential future tithe payers!

PCG is also forcing parents to waive all rights to sue the church if their child is injured to dies AND they will keep that notarized statement on file for 7 years or longer.

Jason Cocomise mailed a letter with 4 PDF documents for those who will be attending Philadelphia Church of God Summer Educational Program aka SEP (formerly called Philadelphia Youth Camp or PYC) to sign. To attend camp it will cost $350 per camper. The documents contain many questions parents must answer and a multitude of rules they agree to follow. Here is some of it:

They must fill in their travel plans to camp and from camp with the airline, flight number, arrival or departure date (to and from Oklahoma City). If they aren’t traveling by airplane to camp, or are coming in early, they must explain their travel arrangements (i.e., who they will be traveling with, who is driving, estimated time of departure, etc.). They must explain the same thing for departure from camp.

There also is a Medical Consent for Rendering of Medical Services that must be signed and notarized.

Then there is a Minor Waiver/Release which says that the risk of injury to your child from the activities is significant including permanent disability and death. When you sign you are saying that you will freely assume all such risks. Signing this paper is to “release and hold harmless the Philadelphia Church of God Summer Educational Program, (goes on to include directors, employees, volunteers, etc.) with respect to any and all injury, disability, death,” etc.

The signed waiver/release “will be kept on file by the SEP for at least 7 years or possibly longer if the participant has been involved in a serious injury.”

The participant and the parent/guardian must also sign the S.E.P. Release and Acknowledgment of S.E.P. Standards which is a covenant not to sue and to release and hold harmless PCG from and against claims or suits, resulting from personal injuries and bodily injuries, etc. The “S.E.P. Standards” at end of this document covers the “high standards of personal conduct. These standards include rules against intoxication or possession of intoxicants, sexual misconduct, use or possession of illegal drugs, stealing, smoking, disorderly conduct, intentional destruction of property, refusal to cooperate with Church or S.E.P. counselors, chaperons or helpers or any conduct or attitudes not in keeping with God’s law and beliefs of the Church. Applicants and chaperons will also be expected to maintain high standards of dress and grooming.”

The rules are endless and much of it is in all caps to make sure you understand. –Oklahoma [name withheld] Exit and Support Network