Showing posts with label quest for questions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quest for questions. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Van Robison: The Quest for Answers that Never Ends

The Quest for Answers that Never Ends

I think for those of us who seek answers, the journey is life long.  It will not cease even in death, because others will still be seeking when we are laid to rest.  In this life we will never come to some final conclusion about life and its many complexities.  We may think that we have "arrived", but that is self-deception.  We are not God and our limited human thinking will never stand against the timelessness of eternity.  No matter what we think, it is most likely a very narrow view when seen against the knowledge of the vastness of eternity.

In life there are those who "think" much more than many others.  It therefore becomes a responsibility for the "thinkers" to influence others to also "think" and not to assume that human personalities that are more dominate have the answers or "truth" to the issues of human life.  There is no doubt that strong personalities will dominate over the more docile among human beings.  I suppose that is why the many who think they are "pastors" are in that situation.    It seems to be very human to just roll over and allow the dominate to control and this is what dogs do.    "Pastors" assume the role of the alpha male or alpha female, as in the animal world and control those whom come under their false and fake authority.

The weak in mind submit to those who assume position and power over the weak.  Unless the weak in mind somehow come to their senses, they will be controlled for life.  This is a very common reality among humans in life on earth.  This is the reason why some church groups have hundreds, thousands or millions of weak minded followers.    The weak in mind are not thinkers, they are followers and clones of their leaders.  There is a difference in following Jesus Christ however, because Jesus Christ was NOT a religious cult.    Herbert W. Armstrong was a religious cult, as are many other church groups in the world.    It is next to impossible to convince a religious clone that he or she has been religiously cloned.    From their perspective, anyone who challenges their belief system is "persecuting" them or at the least is off the deep end of "truth."

The sad situation about all "Bible" colleges or religious schools is that the young people, who are the most vulnerable, are the victims of religious programming and are caught in the web of deception that impacts their lives dramatically.  In reality it is religious or spiritual abuse.  Bible schools are NOT really about Jesus Christ, they are about indoctrination and religious programming to etch in the minds of young gullible and naive students the religious propaganda of the particular school they are associated with.    Ambassador College was no exception.    The "Bible" correspondence course of the Worldwide Church of God/Ambassador College was the means of mass religious indoctrination into the particular cult beliefs of Herbert W. Armstrong.

Many of us seek answers and even when we may think we have arrived at some final conclusion, it is just a mirage.  We are all just one speck of sand upon the seashore of human life and we will end life having so much to learn, that we will enter into our grave as kindergarten students, never having "arrived" at the answers to the mysteries of human life.  All we have are personal opinions.

Van Robiosn