There is one trait that Church of God groups have and that is their self-righteous indignation about everything they work overtime to find wrong with the world around them while their own houses are cesspools of spiritual wickedness and moral depravity.
The all-knowing purveyors of righteousness in the Philadelphia Church of God are ragging about "Universities" and how evil they are and how holy and righteous Herbert W Armstrong College is.
Rufaro Manyepa has an article up in The Trumpet about the evils of universities.
Going to university used to be considered the natural course of life for a young person. Acquiring a degree was the crowning achievement setting them up for a life of success. After all, having a degree meant making more money. But the data shows decreasing graduate salaries and rising non-graduate salaries.
In fact, having a degree is no longer even a guarantee of finding work. According to the Telegraph, graduates no longer stand out in a difficult jobs market in which degree certificates are commonplace. These grim circumstances, coupled with enormous student debt, are leading many graduates to be disillusioned with their lot.
Why are universities failing? Because the educational system as a whole is built upon the wrong foundation.
Granted there is a lot wrong with universities and colleges today, but those I know that have been to university and graduated are upstanding people who contribute to their communities. They work to better their communities and the lives of those around them. None of them ever went to a Church of God "college".Late educator and namesake of Herbert W. Armstrong College wrote in his autobiography: “[T]he Bible is the very foundation of all knowledge—the basic concept as an approachto the acquisition of all knowledge—whether academic, scientific, historic, philosophical or otherwise. The Bible provides the missing dimension in education. Therefore, it must be the basis for all academic courses.”
Herbert W. Armstrong College is built on the very same policy. A house built on a faulty foundation is bound to fall (Matthew 7:24-27
). That is the problem facing the educational system of today. That is the reason why this world’s universities are churning out unhappy, dissatisfied graduates.
God’s college stands in stark contrast. It is built on the foundation of all knowledge, God’s Word, to teach students not just how to make a living, but how to live. The graduates from God’s college receive an academic, social, physical and spiritual education that trains not only intellect but also character.
A "house built on a faulty foundation is bound to fall". Let's look at that statement. The entire "house" that was Ambassador College/University failed. Three campuses were sold for pennies on the dollar. The very church behind them all imploded in the most ghastly manner imaginable and now we are confronted with hundreds and hundreds of bastard children of the mother church, all claiming they are the one true successor. So much for being inculcated with that true knowledge and living lives of integrity and good moral character! Does the church even have a leader today that has good moral character?
Facebook is filled with numerous COG related groups that are filled with thousands of ex-members who have shared their horror stories of what it was like being treated like dirt by COG ministers and leaders. They share their stories about how they were mistreated as children growing in the church and the spiritual damage it has wreaked in their lives.
On those Facebook pages, this blog, The Painful Truth, Exit and Support Network, As Bereans Did, and other worthwhile sites, there are hundreds and hundreds of horror stories from Philadelphia Church of God members and ex-members. The vile PCG doctrines and teachings that have wrecked people's lives, marriages, and families are shocking and continue to this day with students from their so-called college. Even PCG admits they have had a few "disgruntled" past students.
In its nearly two decades, only a tiny portion of Armstrong College graduates would claim to be unhappy. Unhappy students are certainly the exception rather than the rule. That would be a lofty achievement for this world’s universities. But even more ideal prospects loom for the entire world.
I find it hilarious that COG groups just cannot stand people who rebel against their abusive teachings and hold them accountable.
The bleak circumstances surrounding today’s graduates will not last. Very soon, the world’s system of education will be abolished. There will be no more unhappy students, no dissatisfied graduates, no anxiety or worry among college students or the general population itself. God’s system of education, founded on right knowledge, will proliferate around this entire world. Never again will there be an unhappy graduate as all come into the knowledge of God and His way of life.
The bleak circumstances surrounding the PCG and many of the other COG's will certainly not last. Very soon, many, if not all to them, are bound for the dunghill where they belong upon. There will be no more unhappy members, no dissatisfied students, and no anxiety over whether or not they are pleasing the angry god of their leaders. The perverse personality cults that masquerade as God's very elect will be no more. None of the current leaders of ANY of the COG groups will ever again be able to destroy members' lives.
What a glorious day that will be!