Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bob Thiel: Shocking News! One Youtube Viewer Liked My Video

The non-ordained and self appointed false prophet Thiel is having fits of ecstasy today that ONE viewer liked a video he put up in 2009 referring the present Pope resigning. That was such an earth shattering event that prophet Bob dedicated a post to it today.

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“Near or after 2012 the last pope will arise”, and Benedict resigns Feb. 28 2013…Wow! he hit the nail right on the head three years before it happened! Popes don’t retire, they die in office!
What I stated in the YouTube video back then was:
…the Malachy list…
If that list is intended to be complete, and that is to be fulfilled, the next pope will be the last pope and he is likely to arise sometime near or after 2012.
Wow!  Spooky!

Prophet Thiel wants you to know that because he is soooooooooooo accurate in his prophecies that you had better be concerned when the new Pope is elected.  The new Pope will quickly morph into the anti-christ. He will then rally the Germans into invading the U.S. where they will be allowed to make slaves of the young nubile women and strong young men.  The rest will be relegated to concentration camps where meat hooks will abound. 

Soon after this happens the non-ordained and self appointed Second Witness will be killed in the streets of Jerusalem where he will be resurrected 3 ½ days later at which time he will rise to meet his Jesus christ in the air so he can come back and kick some  so-called Christian ass.

Anyway, the YouTube I did in 2009 was related to the promotion of my book 2012 and the Rise of the Secret Sect.  Since it was released in September 2009, world events have aligned with over 30 predictions in it (a list of which is at the beginning of the article End of Mayan Calendar 2012–Might 2012 Mean Something?).

We are close to the end of the 6,000 years that God gave humanity to rule itself on its own.  This means that the next pope, who will apparently rise up shortly as I somewhat speculated years ago, certainly may be the final Antichrist of biblical prophecy.  If he is the last one, he will be.

You need not live in fear though. If you join his little cult you will be given a place in Petra where you can gather at his non-ordained feet and be taught.  You will then be given a world to rule over with a rod of iron as you are now a glorious God all because you joined up with the most perfect Christians ever to grace the planet. Woo Hoo!

Continuing Church of God The group striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God.

Apostle Malm: Intensely Watching Barley in Israel and for A New Moon

Apostle Malm, God's greatest living theologian (after non-ordained false prophet Thiel) is back blowing hot air again on how intensely important the requirement that TRUE Christians will be seeking to find the first ripe grain of barley in a field in Israel and for the first sign of the new moon.

Brian and certain friends in Israel are keeping a sharp eye on the growth of the wild barley, and the crop is now where it should be, to be ready for the Wave Offering and a March Passover.  The chances for a March Passover are now very good.

The next new moon is another difficult one.  In March the new moon is probably [about 85%] visible after sunset the 12th making the 13 the nm day, However  there is a slight chance that it will not be seen at Jerusalem until the following evening of the 13th making the 14th the new moon day.

We are being very careful because this New Moon is expected to set Passover.

Malm is like the Colossian heretics that came in spitting and snarling at the Christian converts because they were not sticking to the many rules and regulations that they deemed important. The Christians were eating and drinking and doing things the diehard law keepers were not happy about.

Apostle Malm is more interested in carefully spending hours and hours sitting there looking for a new moon because he thinks it is a requirement for modern day Christians.  The barley and new moon rank higher than the Jesus Christ he knows not.  Old Testament festivals patterned after neighboring pagan rites are far more important than following the example Jesus set.