Saturday, December 8, 2012

James Malm: HWA Was An Apostate and NOT An Apostle

Apostle Malm is sure to tick off many of his rabid HWA followers with the following statement.  Malm claims HWA was an apostate and false teacher.  Yet, everything Malm teaches is the stuff he learned from HWA and his ministry.  Malm though, has taken all of HWA's teachings to a depth of depravity that HWA never even imagined!

In the 70s HWA watered down Sabbath, Holy Days and many other doctrines, most importantly he exalted himself above God by saying that he was the later day Peter [the Catholic Primacy of Peter heresy] and could bind and loose God’s word as he chose. He then said that he could do anything HE wanted and God had to back him up; making himself sovereign and God subject to HWA’s will.

HWA was an apostle only in the fact that all elders of the COG7 were ordained as elders and apostles. Later when he returned his credentials to them he gave up those titles and then he claimed that he was a prophet [he had very close to a 100% failure rate in his prophetic proclaimations] and the ONLY apostle since the first century; not a humble bone in that man’s body.

This man was an apostate and NOT an apostle of Jesus Christ. It is my sincere hope and prayer that he found a place of repentance before he died.

EW King: Put All Americans On Dope!

The worlds most accurate end time prophet (sorry Dave Pack!), E. W. King, says that ALL Americans should be on dope because everyone is too stupid, too lazy and are dependent on government assistance.

EW brags:

In a November 7th 2012 article I stated regarding the ‘sluggards’:
“They smoke dope, put children on dope and could really care less. They want government aid because they are too lazy to work. If your state takes a strong position in controlling food stamps that state gets less federal help.”

Next he boasts:

I yet another March 2012 article I stated:
“Here is a generation who watches a so called “science network TV program” and is taught that all humans were actually created by little gray bugs called “extraterrestrials”. Here is a generation on crack, energy drinks, heroine, crank, LSD, ecstasy, PCP, and the list goes on. The pharmaceutical industry now has a pill you can swallow for just about any problem you might have. Meanwhile the Boogie Woogie Beatnik Parents are right alongside their fornicating children smoking a joint with them and listening to Pink telling their children things like: “Boy, I wished my dad would have smoked pot with me and let me fornicate. They were just so old fashion.” Again, you must understand, the mentality of the parents from the 80’s and 90’s is this idea of a “new enlightenment”.”

I have to really wonder here WHO is actually smoking the dope!  Does EW have a problem he is trying to deal with? No one I know does this.  The kids  I know don't do this.  In fact, the young people I know give hope that this country still has potential.  Only in the negative mind of an Armstrongite, who is wrapped up in the stupidity of prediction addiction is one too blind to see this. They cannot find good anywhere because all they want to see is the bad. Bad and evil legitimizes their religious rantings. Good does not exist because this is Satan's world and they (Armstrongites) are being held captive.

King is ticked at Seattle for its recent voter approval of marijuana for recreational use.

“A Seattle resident takes marijuana from a plastic bag shortly after a law legalizing the recreational use of marijuana took effect on December 6, 2012 in Seattle, Washington. Voters approved an initiative to decriminalize the recreational use of marijuana making it one of the first states to do so.”
So here we go. Now the United States government authorities whish to keep every one stoned so that they ignore the reality of what is really going on. As government continues to grow and grow and grow…..and even grow pot, the rest of us are left dealing with the consequences of a satanic system.
While I am not a marijuana advocate and never will be, King jumps to far too many conclusions.  Besides, if King believes in the God who created all things, then God created the marijuana plant.  How does he reconcile that?

Friday, December 7, 2012

Pulpit Pimping For Dummies

Now you too can have a large home, luxury cars, gold, diamonds, travel to Europe and many other perks.  Let the rules that many mega-pastors use to help you gain money and a following.

You will learn to:

Take your ministry to the next level. Walk in divine prosperity. Get the break through you keep promising the sheeple. Drive the best cars, live in the biggest house, fly the best planes and patronize the best restaurants.

The Dummies guide tells you how to convince people to give you more money than they can afford to give you. But not only that, it teaches you how to make those people to think you are doing them a favor by taking the money. We give you the secrets for convincing people to pay you their tithes BEFORE they pay their rent or electric bill. Do you want to make people financially dependent on you? We’ll tell you how.

You want to be worshiped as if you are the Christ? The Dummies guide teaches you how to walk, talk, and threaten so that even the most stubborn (though stupid) sheeple will be willing to quote you rather than the Bible.
Are there people in your congregation who regularly disagree with you and base that disagreement on an accurate understanding of Scripture? The Dummies guide gives you foolproof instructions on how get them out of your congregation and how to make the sheeple believe they are being obedient to God when they turn their backs on the rebel.

There is even a section on how the Church of God operates:

There’s even a special Scumbag section that has tons of information on how the best of the scumbags get away with sexual harassment and abuse, spanking, raping, incest and just plain fooling around with some of the Gospel groupies. We tell you how to intimidate folks to keep silent, what Scriptures to use to keep the sheeple thinking they should feel bad about doubting whatever you tell them, and how to make sure you are repeating “touch not God’s anointed” often enough to be effective but not often enough to lessen the impact.

Pretty soon you too will be able to build a college, build the world's largest and best web site, and own a large home on a lake in a private gated compound. Know the perks that your COG leader used to get where he is today!